Knapp Family
The house at 208 Chemung street was “rebuilt” as a wedding gift for Mary Gertrude’s parents, Samuel W. Slaughter and Charlotte Wells Slaughter in 1873, from Samuel Slaughter’s father, Dewitt Slaughter. The house was designed and rebuilt by Azariah J. VanAtta.
Mrs. F. A. Sawyer entertained at an elaborate four course luncheon at 1 o'clock Wednesday at her home on (416) Chemung street. The function was given to announce the engagement of Miss Gertrude Slaughter to George Knapp and was one of the prettiest ever given in town. The color scheme was in pink, the centre piece being of lilies of the valley and pink honeysuckle, while bouquets of pink carnations at each end of the table added to the beauty of the decorations. The place cards were pink butterflies, which had the appearance of flying as they, rested on the glasses at each plate. On one side of the cards were the guests' names while on the other were the names of the guest of honor and her fiance. The ice cream, cakes and bonbons carried out the pink scheme of decoration. As soon as the announcement was made the guest of honor was heartily congratulated for both she and Mr. Knapp are among the most popular of Waverly's young people.
Following the luncheon bridge was played: The guests were Miss Dorothy Atwater (112 Park place), Miss Elizabeth Moore (431 Park ave.), Miss Agnes Moore (431 Park ave.), Miss Margaret Tew (313 Chemung st.), Miss Barbara Lawrence (25 Ithaca st.), Miss Maria Case (162 Providence st.), Miss Flora Milne, Miss Eleanor Crum, Mrs. E. D. Sebring (300 Chemung st.), Mrs. F. H. Spencer (423 Park ave.), Mrs. W. S. Hall (8 Orchard st.), Mrs. Robert Fish (10 Lincoln ave.), Mrs.Franklin Pierce (424 Pennsylvania ave.), and Miss Clara Bolich of Sayre.
October 2, 1919 Elmira Star Gazette: Country Club Women Name New Officers. Waverly, Oct. 2. - The ladies department of the Valley View Country Club has elected officers as follows for the coming year: Chairman, Mrs. Louis W. Dorsett of Sayre; vice-chairman, Miss Anna Keefe of Athens; secretary, Mrs. Harry Knapp of Waverly; treasurer, Mrs. Charles Wellar of Waverly. Executive board, Mrs. Walter Page, Mrs. F. H. Albee, Mrs. F. K. Harris of Athens. Mrs. I. A. Samuels, Mrs. Donald Guthrie, Mrs. Heister Piolett, Mrs. Albert Murray, Mrs. Charles Woodburn of Sayre. Mrs. W. C. Farley, Mrs. J. J. Wellar, Mrs. Charles Berndick, Mrs. Seward Baldwin, Mrs. F. A. Sawyer, Mrs. George Knapp, Mrs. F. H. Spencer of Waverly. Mrs. George Davion, Mrs. H. Turner of Towanda.
December 26, 1919 Elmira Star-Gazette: Control of Waverly Bank Passes to New Interests. Fred A. Sawyer, Arthur C. Palmer, Geo. B. Knapp, W. T. Goodnow and Robert Page Buy Majority of the Stock of Citizens Bank - Will Elect Officers Jan. 13. Waverly, Dec. 26. - Fred A. Sawyer and four men associated with him on Wednesday purchased a controlling interest in the stock of the Citizens' Bank, when they became owners of the stock of Mrs. J. F. Sawyer and Ellen Sawyer Hallstead. The new stock holders are: Arthur C. Palmer and George B. Knapp of (208 Chemung st.) Waverly, W. T. Goodnew of Sayre, and Robert Page of Athens. The annual meeting of stockholders of the Citizens' Bank will be held January 13. Fred A. Sawyer is president of the bank and has been its guiding manager for several years and the bank is just completing the most successful year in its history. Mr. Sawyer has been spending some time with his son, Harold, but came home last week and was active in the stock transfer. He returned to Wheeling Saturday but will come to Waverly for the annual meeting. Robert Page is cashier of the First National Bank of Sayre, director of the Farmers' National Bank of Athens, and president of the Waverly Gas Light Company; W. T. Goodnow is vice-president of the First National Bank of Sayre, general manager of the Sayre Land Company; general manager of the Sayre Water Company, and president of the Cayuta Manufacturing Company and the Sayre Stamping Company. Arthur C. Palmer is president and general manager of the Tioga Mill and Elevator Company, and a director of the Spencer Glove Company. George B. Knapp is one of Waverly's most progressive young business men. The capital stock of the bank is $50,000; surplus $75,000.December 27, 1919 The Evening Leader, Corning N. Y. : Waverly Dec. 27 - Fred A. Sawyer and four men associated with him on Wednesday purchased a controlling interest in the stock of the Citizens' Bank, when they became owners of the stock of Mrs. J. F. Sawyer and Ellen Sawyer Hallstead. The new stock-holders are: Arthur C. Palmer and George B. Knapp of Waverly, W. T. Goodnew of Sayre, and Robert Page of Athens.
Living at 208 Chemung St. in 1920 were; George B. Knapp (Head of household, 34 yo.) with wife, Gertrude Knapp (29 yo.), daughter, Charlotte (3 yo.), and servant Margret Kane (60 yo.), the same servant from 1910 census. George and Gertrude have none listed for occupation.
February 13, 1920 Elmira Star Gazette: Many Attend Party For Hospital Fund. Waverly, Feb. 13. - The benefit card party for the People's Hospital at the home of Mrs. George Knapp (208 Chemung st. Waverly, NY) yesterday was a successful affair and cards were played at 25 tables. A substantial sum was netted for the hospital funds.
May 17, 1923 Elmira Star-Gazette: Hundred Acre Farm - On Ellis Creek near Waverly; state road _? farm; finest barn in section on the place; can be bought for $3,000 if taken at once. Act quick. Easy terms. Geo. B. Knapp, Waverly, N. Y. Phone 413.
May 17, 1923 Elmira Star-Gazette: Marmon - For sale; late model, seven passenger touring; newly painted and overhauled. Our guarantee same as new. See this car before buying; no dealers, no trades. George B. Knapp, Waverly, N. Y. Phone 413.
July 30, 1923 The Auburn Citizen: ... Coincident with the winning of the title by Jones comes the announcement that the 1924 tourney will be held over the links of the Shepards Hills Country Club at Waverly, and that A. S. Maurice of Athens, Pa., and George B. Knapp of Waverly, both members of that club, have been elected president and secretary-treasurer of the Finger Lakes Golf Association for the coming year. ... M. L. Nichols of Ithaca defeated Edwin Knapp of Waverly 2 and 1 in the beaten eight of the championship flight, while Rollin Polk of Ithaca defeated S. J. Murphy of Auburn, 2 and 1 in the second 16, the beaten eight competition of which was won by G. G. Bogert, 7 and 6 from J. Truslow of Geneva. George Knapp of Waverly won the third 16 2 and 1 over Huston of Owego, while E. E. Truslow, Geneva, beat Romeyn Berry of Ithaca 3 and 2 in the beaten eight of that flight.
September 29, 1923 Elmira Star-Gazette: Chemung Chapter, D. A. R. - Chemung Chapter, D. A. R., celebrated Chapter Day with a luncheon this afternoon at 1:30 o'clock in the Rose Room of the Hotel Langwell. The delightful affair was largely attended by members and guests and following the luncheon an interesting program was enjoyed. ... Between courses those present sang a song, "If a Daughter Meet a Daughter," which was composed by Mrs. Frank W. Merriam, regent of Carantouan Chapter of Waverly and sung to the tune of "Comin' Thru the Rye." ... Among those who attended were the following members of other chapters: ... Mrs. Frank A. Bell, Mrs. Frederick A. Sawyer, Mrs. George B. Knapp of Carantouan Chapter, Waverly; ...
October 9, 1923 Elmira Star-Gazette: Name Officers Mother's Club. Waverly Oct. 11. - The Mother's club of the Lincoln street school met Wednesday afternoon at the school building to elect officers. A musical program was enjoyed. The following officers were elected: President Mrs. L. J. Simons; vice president, Mrs. George Knapp (208 Chemung st. Waverly, NY); secretary, Mrs. Floyd Parks; treasurer, Mrs. Leon MacDonald. (Charlotte Knapp about 7 years old at this time.)
October 25, 1923 Elmira Star-Gazette: Hold October Meeting. Waverly, Oct. 25 - The October meeting of Carantouan Chapter, N. S. D. A. R. will be held Wednesday afternoon, October 31 at the home of Mrs. F. C. Simmons beginning at 3 o'clock. The assisting hostesses are Mrs. F. A. Sawyer, Mrs. A. W. Bouton, Mrs. F. A. Bell and Mrs. George B. Knapp. Reports of the delegates to the State Conference being held this week in Albany will be given.
December 19, 1923 Elmira Star-Gazette: Guild Names New Officers. Home Mission Guild Enjoys Annual Banquet at Waverly Presbyterian Church. Hold Business Session. Waverly, Dec. 19 - Fifty members of the Home Mission Guild attended the annual banquet at the Presbyterian Church Wednesday evening. Tables seating four persons were arranged in the banquet hall lighted with red shaded candles and prettily decorated with greenery in keeping with the Christmas season. The retiring president, Mrs. Luther Hardy was presented a willow basket filled with beautiful ferns. At the business meeting it was reported that $400 had been raised during the past year. Of this $150 was appropriated to the General Missionary fund; $100 was reserved for the benevolent fund and a liberal donation was made towards the church building fund. Officers were elected as follows: President, Mrs. Frank Carey; vice president, Mrs. George Knapp; secretary, Mrs. Thomas Clements; treasurer, Mrs. C. S. Scott; chairman of the benevolent committee, Mrs. William Clements.
January 2, 1924 The Evening Leader, Corning, N. Y.: CORNING CLUB DANCE A MOST ENJOYABLE PARTY - About 50 couples were in attendance at the New Year's dance given Monday evening at the Corning Club.... The out of town guests were: ... Mr. and Mrs. Percy L. Lang, Mr. and Mrs. George Knapp and Robert Knapp of Waverly and ...
March 31, 1924 Elmira Star Gazette: Waverly, March 31. - ... Mr. and Mrs. George Knapp and daughter, Charlotte, returned home Saturday after spending the winter in Orlando, Fla. - ...
July 31, 1924 Elmira Star-Gazette: Waverly, Aug. 1. - ... Mr. and Mrs. George B. Knapp (of 208 Chemung st. Waverly, NY) and Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Drisko (of 493 Waverly st.) motored to Cortland Thursday, where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Wickwire. ...
August 8, 1924 Elmira Star Gazette: Are Guests At Waverly. Waverly, Aug. 8 - Romeyn Berry and L. C. Urquhart of Ithaca were guests at the home of George Knapp in (208) Chemung street Thursday afternoon and evening. - Serve Tea at Tourney. Waverly, Aug. 8 Afternoon tea will be served during the Finger Lakes tournament at Shepard Hills Country Club at the club house. Mrs. David Keefe of Athens, is in charge today and Mrs. F. A. Bell of Waverly will be in charge Saturday. Mrs. George Knapp and Mrs. E. Clair Van Atta were in charge Thursday.
August 23, 1924 Elmira Star-Gazette: Waverly ... Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Knapp and Mrs. A. W. Bouton were in Elmira Friday.
September 4, 1924 Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Sebring visited with Mr. and Mrs. George B. Knapp, of Chemung street.
September 10, 1924 The Scranton Republican: Waverly, N. Y. , Sept. 9 - Mr. and Mrs. George B. Knapp and daughter, Charlotte, have returned from an outing at Eaglesmere.
September 10, 1924 Elmira Star-Gazette: Wanted. Good cook, small family, washing out. 208 Chemung St., Waverly, N. Y.
September 26, 1924 Elmira Star-Gazette: Wanted: Girl for general housework; washing out. Mrs. Geo. B. Knapp, 208 Chemung St., Waverly, N. Y.
December 24, 1924 Elmira Star-Gazette: Give Christmas Program Tonight. Waverly, Dec. 24 - At the social hall in the Presbyterian Church Christmas exercises will be held this evening in which the children of the church will take part in the program as follows: ... Shepherds, junior boys; angel, Charlotte Knapp (8 years old), cherubs, primary children; Mary, Marjorie Grant; Joseph, Walter Peck, jr.; Wise Men, junior boys. ...December 30, 1924 Elmira Star Gazette: Former Athlete Visits Waverly. Waverly, Dec.30 - Ralph Knapp, who is engaged in engineering in Pittsburgh, is visiting his mother, Mrs. J. W. Knapp, sr., and his brothers in Waverly. Mr. Knapp was one of the star forwards on the basketball team which held Yale to a tie at the old Waverly opera house court and later was rated as one of the best ends who ever played on a Colgate University football team. (Ralph is George Knapp's brother. Mrs. J. W. Knapp, sr. was living with George and Gertrude Knapp at 208 Chemung st. Waverly, NY at this time.)
Jan. 20, 1925 The Evening Times - Mrs. George B. Knapp entertained the Monday Afternoon Card Club at her home on Chemung street yesterday afternoon.
1925 New York state census: 208 Chemung street Waverly, NY: Gertrude 35 yrs. old, with husband, George B. Knapp 39 yrs., no occupation for George, Gertrude listed as housework, daughter, Charlotte S. Knapp 9 yrs., mother-in-law Frances E. Knapp 79 yrs.;
at 7 Athens street (octagon home);
Henry G. Evans 29 yrs., wife Alice 24 yrs., sons Henry jr. 6 yrs. and
Richard M. Evans. On other side of octagon home was; Gabriel W. Evans 72
yrs., a millwright and wife Mabel Evans 64 yrs. along with lodgers to
them Joel M. Chase 53 yrs. and Elizabeth Chase 55 yrs. (All rented from
Mrs. Gertrude Slaughter Knapp of 208 Chemung street, owner of the octagon home.)
Feb. 20, 1925 The Evening Times - Mr. and Mrs. George B. Knapp returned Thursday from a trip to Jacksonville, Fla.
April 15, 1925 Elmira Star Gazette: Miss Altha Hodges Becomes Bride Of Thomas Knapp at Bath Today. Bath, April 15 - A pretty wedding was solemnized at 9:30 o'clock this morning at St. Thomas Episcopal Church, when Miss Altha Rua, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Erford B. Hodges of this village, became the bride of Thomas Phillips Knapp of Waverly. ...Mr. and Mrs. Knapp left at noon via the D. L. & W. Railroad for a brief wedding trip. After May 1, they will be "at home" at their newly furnished apartment at 311 Chemung street, Waverly. ... The bride is among the attractive and popular young ladies of Bath. A graduate of the Bath High School, and of Elmira College and its school of Music, she is at present a member of the faculty of the Waverly High School. Mr. Knapp is junior member of the firm of H. W. Knapp and Son and is well known in business circles of Waverly and vicinity. Among the guests present were: Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Knapp, Mrs. Joseph Knapp, sr., Mr. and Mrs. George Knapp, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Knapp, jr., Mr. and Mrs. John H. Murray, jr., of Waverly; ...
May 14, 1925 Elmira Star-Gazette: Club Enjoys Fine Program. Grade Pupils Present Scene From "Peter Pan" in Connection With Musical Numbers - Plan Last Meeting. Waverly, May 14 - At the meeting of the Mother's Club of the Lincoln street school Wednesday afternoon the pupils of the fourth and fifth grades gave a scene from Barrle's play "Peter Pan." Those who took part were: Phillip Carlyle, Kenneth Robinson, Ralph Smith, Fred Harshbarger, Jeannie Girow, William Corbin, Gerald Gibbs, Virginia Fenderson, James Emerson, Ruth Miller, Geraldine Casterline. A musical program was given consisting of a piano duet by Mrs. William Hall and Mrs. Arthur Abell: vocal solo, Mrs. Clifford Parshall; piano duet, Dorothy Barker and Katherine Frost; piano duet, Margaret Hale and Charlotte Knapp. Refreshments were served by the following committee: Mrs. John Huston, Mrs. J. W. Knapp, jr., Mrs. George Knapp, Mrs. Lloyd Rockwell, Mrs. Ernest Rockwell, Mrs. Wallace Kinney. At the business meeting it was decided to hold the last meeting of the year at Glen Park the second Wednesday in June.
July 25, 1925 Elmira Star-Gazette: Gotham Fresh Air Kiddies Will be Guests at Waverly. Waverly, July 25. - A group of New York Tribune fresh air children will be brought to Waverly August 11 to 25. The local committee has secured several homes that will receive the youngsters and it is hoped that others will respond to the appeal. Those who cannot accommodate the children in their homes are asked to furnish money for their board and several nearby farmers have offered to care for them. The children will be brought to Waverly by a representative of the Tribune and will be received at the train by members of the local committee and taken to the home assigned to them. The following is the committee in charge: Superintendent of Schools Percy C. Meserve, Mrs. George B. Knapp, Mrs. H. C. Watrous, Mrs. Theodore P. Snook, Mrs. Harold Van Nest, Mrs. L. S. Betowski, Mrs. John Riley, Miss Alice Devlin, Mrs. E. C. French, Mrs. Charles Tracy, Mrs. H. B. Myhan, Mrs. Frank Hogan, Mrs. Lew Simonds, Mrs. F. C. Simmons.
August 25, 1927 Elmira Star-Gazette: Ithacans Defeat Waverly Golfers. Waverly, Aug. 25 - Ithaca golfers defeated the Shepard Hills Country Club team here Wednesday afternoon 23 to 22. Luncheon at the clubhouse, under the direction of Mrs. George Knapp, chairman of the club auxiliary, and dinner at the Iron Kettle after the match, were enjoyed.
On October 8, 1927, George Brinker Knapp died. George's parents: Joseph Warren Knapp and Frances Durkee Knapp. George had an Uncle, Arthur Brinker, husband of his Aunt Josephine Knapp Brinker. This must be where George's middle name came from after his Uncle. George's paternal grandparents were Mary Ann Shackleton Knapp and William Knapp. A cousin to George was Frank L. Howard who married Josephine Frisbee Howard.
October 10, 1927 Waverly paper: George B. Knapp Killed By Charge from Shotgun. Prominent Waverly Man Dies Instantly When Gun Is Accidentally Discharged At Home Here. George Brinker Knapp, accidentally shot himself at 5:30 Saturday afternoon in his bedroom at his home, 208 Chemung street.
Mr. Knapp has been ill for several weeks and had only recently returned
from Glen Springs Sanitarium, Watkins Glen where he had been receiving
treatments. He was much improved in health, however, and was making
plans to start on a brief squirrel hunting trip with friends this week.
Mr. Knapp had just taken a bath and returned to his room to dress. Mrs.
Knapp, his wife, was on the first floor of the home and was making
preparations to take Mr. Knapp for a short automobile ride before
dinner. Hearing a noise as if someone had fallen, Mrs. Knapp hastened to
her husband's room and found him lying upon his back on the floor with a
large wardrobe trunk, which stood in the room, over turned and lying
partially on Mr. Knapp. A shotgun, which had been lying across the top
of the trunk and which Mr. Knapp had been cleaning in readiness for the
hunting trip, had been fired, probably as the trunk had fallen and the
charge had entered the body of her husband, passing through his chest.
Dr. F. H. Spencer, the family physician, was summoned and found that
life was extinct. He called Coroner J. T. Tucker who made an examination
and decided that death was accidental. The decedent was born in Waverly
in November, 1885, and had resided in this village all his life. He was
engaged for a short time in the dry goods business with his father but
had retired from active business life some years ago. Mr. Knapp, while
not taking an active part in the civic life of the village on account of
ill-health, was one of the best known citizens of this community. He
was a member of the First Presbyterian church of Waverly; a member of
Tioga Hose company and a charter member of the Shepard Hills Country
club. In the latter organization, Mr. Knapp always had taken a very
active part. Being an ardent golf enthusiast, he had played in most of
the tournaments of the past few years and for a time was chairman of the
tournament committee and also of the greens committee. He was a
director of the Citizen's National Bank. He is survived by his widow,
Mrs. Gertrude Slaughter Knapp; one daughter, Charlotte at home; his
mother, Mrs. Joseph W. Knapp Sr., who resided with her son, and three
brothers, Harry and Joseph of Waverly and Ralph, at present in Warsaw,
Poland. Funeral services will be held at the late home Tuesday at 2:30
and will be private. Rev. Albert O. Caldwell, pastor of the Presbyterian
church, will officiate and interment will be in Glenwood cemetery.
October 10, 1927 Elmira Star-Gazette: GEORGE B. KNAPP FUNERAL TUESDAY; Shock to Valley. Waverly, Oct. 10. - The funeral of George Brinker Knapp, whose tragic death occurred Saturday afternoon at his home, 208 Chemung Street, will be held at the home Tuesday at 2:30 p. m. The Rev. Albert O. Caldwell, minister of the Waverly Presbyterian Church, will officiate. Burial will be in Glenwood Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Knapp were preparing to go for an automobile ride, and Mr. Knapp had gone upstairs to prepare for it. Mr. Knapp had been preparing to go hunting and had his shot gun out getting it ready. In some manner it exploded. Mrs. Knapp, hearing a noise as if something had fallen, rushed upstairs to find her husband's body lifeless. Dr. F. Hallett Spencer was called but life was extinct and he immediately notified Coroner John T. Tucker who pronounced death due to accidental shooting. Mr. Knapp was 41 years of age and is survived by his widow; one daughter, Charlotte; his mother, Mrs. Joseph W. Knapp, sr., and three brothers, Harry W. and Joseph W., of Waverly, and Ralph W. Knapp, who is in Poland. Mr. Knapp took an active part in the Shepard Hills Country Club, holding several offices in that club, at the time of his death being vice president. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church, Tioga Hose Company and Loyal Order of Moose. He was not in active business, but was a director of the Citizens' National Bank. Mr. Knapp had a pleasing personality and had a host of friends.
October 13, 1927 Elmira Star-Gazette: George B. Knapp. Waverly, Oct. 12. - Funeral of the late George B. Knapp was held from the home on Chemung Street, Tuesday afternoon. The Rev. Albert O. Caldwell officiated. The bearers were Philip Finch, Robert Fish and Edgar Sebring, of Elmira, Cecil Berry, Wilton Hall and Harold Watrous, of Waverly. Burial was in Glenwood cemetery.
October 14, 1927 Elmira Star-Gazette: Directors Take Action On Death Of Geo. B. Knapp. Waverly, Oct. 14. - The board of directors of the Citizens' National Bank Thursday adopted resolutions on the death of the late George Brinker Knapp, a member of the board up to the time of his death. The resolutions: "Whereas, God, in his wise providence has seen fit to remove from our midst our associate and fellow director, George B. Knapp, therefore, be it. "Resolved, that we, the Directors of the Citizens' National Bank of Waverly, New York, express our profound and sincere appreciation that in the death of Mr. Knapp this Bank and the Community have lost one who was true in the fulfillment of all his obligations, earnest in every duty, valued for his ready co-operation, admired for his sterling qualities, and beloved as a genial and loyal friend and associate, leaving a void difficult to fill, and be it further "Resolved, that this resolution be spread upon the minutes of the Citizen's National Bank of Waverly, New York, and copies thereof be sent to the widow and mother of the late Mr. Knapp expressing our great sympathy for them in their bereavement.
From 1928 Directory of Athens, Sayre, & Waverly: at 7 Athens Street - Henry G. Evans trucking and Gabriel W. Evans; at 208 Chemung Street - Mrs. Gertrude S. Knapp, Frances E. Knapp widow of Joseph W. b, and Ronald C. Van Atta, grandson of the 1873 designer and re-builder of 208 Chemung street, Azariah J. VanAtta
From the U.S. 1930 census: At 208 Chemung St.- Gertrude Knapp
(Head, no occupation, 39 yrs.), her daughter, Charlotte Knapp (14 yrs.),
mother-in-law, Frances Knapp (84 yrs.), Ronald VanAtta (33 yrs.,
salesman) and his wife, Ethel (26 yrs., no occupation). Ethel Avice
Justice (b.1903-d.1989).
From 1931 Directory of Athens, Sayre, & Waverly: no 7 or 9 Athens Street address listed; at 208 Chemung Street - Mrs. Gertrude S. Knapp and vacant, Frances E. wid Joseph W. Knapp r 208 Chemung
June 9, 1931 Elmira Star Gazette: Valley Rotarians Will Sail Tonight For French Port.
Waverly - June 9 - Leaving Waverly on the Lackawanna this morning the
delegation of Waverly, Sayre, and Athens Rotarians and their wives will
sail tonight on the S. S. Carmania as part of a group of 350 Rotarians
who have booked passage on the same boat for Vienna to attend the annual
convention of Rotary International, June 21 to 26. Hart I. Seely of
Waverly has been appointed by Rotary International as captain of Rotary
activities on this ship during the ocean voyage.
The Carmania is one of six ships sailing
from New York City and Montreal during the week between June 9 to 28
with Rotarians from this continent, bound for the Vienna convention. The
valley party is a part of the group of 147 delegates and their wives
from the 27th and 28th Rotary districts who will enjoy pre-convention
and post-convention tours of Europe and Africa. Those who are going from
this valley are: Mr. and Mrs. Harl I. Seely, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Palmer,
Mrs. G. B. Knapp, Miss Frances Howard and Slade Palmer
of Waverly; Miss Marion Hamilton of Hammondsport; Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Page of Athens; Mr. and Mrs. C. C. West, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bolich of
Sayre. The Carmania will land its party at Havre, France, where Mr. and
Mrs. P. P. Sturdevant of Towanda, who sailed a week ago, will join the
valley group for the European tour. From Havre, they will to to
Brussels, the battlefield at Waterloo and Cologne. They will go by boat
from Cologne up the Rhine to Mayence, and Frankfort-on-Main. They will
then visit Munich, with side trips to Omerammergau, castles on the
Rhine, the Hofbrau-Haus and the Austrian Tyrol.
July 14, 1931 Elmira: Waverly, July 14 - Frisbie Howard of the Tioga-Empire Feed Mills, Inc., of Waverly, has received a radiogram from A. C. Palmer, president of the company, now touring Europe with a party of valley Rotarians, that all members of the party are well and were now "homeward bound." Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. Hart I. Seely, Mrs. George B. Knapp, Miss Frances Howard, Slade Palmer of Waverly; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Page of Athens and Mr. and Mrs. Payne Sturdevant of Towanda, who have been enjoying a post-convention tour of Europe since attending the convention of Rotary International in Vienna, are expected to arrive in New York City on the S. S. Roma, July 21. They sailed from Genoa Saturday for a trip on the Mediterranean and were to have passed through the Strait of Gibraltar Monday to the Atlantic Ocean en route to America.
July 25, 1931 Elmira: Waverly, July 25 - To Hart I. Seely of Waverly was given the distinction of being chosen spokesman for the party of 149 Rotarians from the 27th and 28th districts, during their audience with Mussolini at his official residence in Rome, Italy, and replying to the address of welcome by the famous dictator. At the conclusions of Mr. Seely's brief speech he was patted on the shoulder by Mussolini, who complimented him on his address and told him to give a good report of his reception. The party from these two districts, situated in the United States and Canada, was the only one attending the Rotary convention from this side of the Atlantic which was granted an audience by Mussolini and arrangements for this were started six months before the party sailed from this country. Included in this group of 149 Rotarians were Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. Hart I. Seely, Mrs. George B. Knapp, Slade Palmer and Miss Frances Howard of Waverly, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. West and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bolich of Sayre; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Page of Athens, and Mr. and Mrs. P. Payne Sturdevant of Towanda. The party spent six weeks on their European pilgrimage, five days of which were spent in attendance upon the sessions of Rotary International at Vienna. One of the high lights of the convention was the reception, given by the Austrian government at the imperial palace where there was more than 6,000 guests from 65 countries represented at the convention. The handsome dress uniforms of the men of the various European countries, the kilts of Scotland, turbans of India and colorful dress of the ladies made a brilliant scene amid the splendors of the great palace which will never be forgotten by those in attendance. Thirty ballrooms were opened for the great occasion. Many orchestras furnishing music and the bountiful display of foods and wines, together with handsome favors for every guest, men and women alike, created a lavishness of entertainment seldom heard of in this country. In their post-convention tour of Europe the party visited 11 different countries. In each city visited the Rotary Club was the guest of the touring party at a regular Rotary meeting. These occasions provided and opportunity for the members of the touring party to become acquainted with outstanding business men in the various countries. At each meeting three flags were presented by the American and Canadian party, the American, Canadian and flag of Rotary International.
August 3, 1931 Elmira Star Gazette: Waverly. The August meeting of the Waverly Cosmopolitan Club will be held this evening in the Albertson building, at 8 o'clock. The program will include the singing of the club song, book reviews by Mrs. Emma Hoyt; a talk by Mrs. George B. Knapp on her "Impressions of a European Trip"; a talk on Girl Scouts by Miss Mary Falsey; current events, a vocal and a piano solo, and the usual book and magazine exchange.
Oct. 21, 1931 The Evening Times - The first meeting of the Elmira College Club of the valley will be held at the home of Mrs. Edwin Knapp, 208 Chemung street, Waverly, Thursday afternoon at 4 p.m. instead of Friday as was previously announce. (Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Knapp were renting part of Mrs. Gertrude Slaughter Knapp's home. Edwin Knapp was Mrs. Gertrude S. Knapp's nephew and Charlotte Knapp's cousin.)
August 29, 1932 The Evening Times: Miss Nellieanna Best of Rochester is spending a few days as the guest of Miss Charlotte Knapp of Chemung street.
September 2, 1932 The Evening Times:The Women's Missionary Society of the Waverly Presbyterian church will resume the fall and winter program with a meeting to be held at the home of Mrs. A. C. Palmer on (329) Chemung street on Sept. 9th at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. George B. Knapp will give a talk on the Sheldon - Jackson mission school which she visited on her recent trip to Alaska. The program will be followed by a social hour.
September 26, 1932 The Evening Times: Mrs. Marion Hampton of Hammondsport, N. Y., is the guest of Mrs. George B. Knapp at her Chemung street home.
October 8, 1932 Cortland Standard: Mrs. Glyndon Crocker entertained at luncheon at the Country club yesterday in honor of Mrs. Gertrude Knapp and Mrs. Hart Seely of Waverly. The other guests were Mrs. Raymond Wiltsie, Mrs. John Sarvay and Miss Lois Osborn. Mrs. Knapp gave a talk on Alaska at the meeting of the Missionary society at the Presbyterian church yesterday afternoon.
April 15, 1933 Elmira Star Gazette: Waverly - Mrs. Gertrude Knapp and daughter, Charlotte, of (208) Chemung Street, are spending the Easter season with Mrs. Knapp's cousin in Washington, D.C. - Miss Helen Knapp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Knapp of (97) Center Street and a teacher in the schools of Rye, N.Y., and Miss Kathleen Bell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bell of (305) Chemung Street and a manager in Lord and Taylor's, New York City, are spending the Easter season in Bermuda.
April 20, 1933 The Waverly Sun and Nichols Recorder: Mrs. George Knapp and daughter have returned from Washington D. C., where they visited relatives and the former attended the Continental Congress of the Daughters of the American Revolution.
April 26, 1933 Elmira Star-Gazette: Valley Woman Named Scout Council Head. Mrs. George Knapp Succeeds Mrs. F. R. Ahbe, Staff and District Chiefs Chosen - Plans of Work Told by Miss Werner. Athens - Mrs. George Knapp, Waverly, was elected commissioner of the Susquehanna Valley Council, Girl Scouts, Tuesday at the home of Mrs. F. R. Ahbe of (615) South Main Street, Athens. Other officers are: ... Mrs. Knapp, the newly elected commissioner, is expected to appoint her standing committees in the near future.
April 29, 1933 The Evening Times - Success marked the benefit card party sponsored by the University Women of Waverly to aid the Waverly Free Library. Fifteen tables were at play at the home of Mrs. Edwin Knapp of 208 Chemung street, while those who could not be accommodated at the home of Mrs. Knapp played at the home (304 Chemung street, Waverly, NY) of Miss Jean Merriam. Individual house card parties during the afternoon also helped the fund. Arrangements were made by a committee of which Miss Merriam was chairman. Others on the committee were Mrs. Evan Johnson, Mrs. Wallace Young, Miss Jane Pratt and Miss Marion Hurphy. (Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Knapp were renting part of Mrs. Gertrude Slaughter Knapp's home.)
June 16, 1933 Elmira Star-Gazette: Waverly - The Rev. Thomas Tighe, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, will preach at the 10:30 a. m. service on "The World's Greatest Need." The Church School will meet at 11:40. The young people's service in the evening and the regular evening service have been discontinued for the summer. The Home Mission Guild will meet Monday evening at the home of Mrs. George Knapp, Chemung Street. A picnic supper will be served, and each member is asked to bring dishes and silver. The mid-week service will be held in the church Thursday at 7:30 p. m. The Rev. Mr. Tighe will deliver the baccalaureate to the Senior Class of Waverly High School in the Presbyterian Church Sunday evening. June 25.
June 17, 1933 Elmira Star-Gazette: Four Waverly Girl Scouts Win Award for Five Years Service. Waverly - Four members of Troops 1 and 2 of Waverly Girl Scouts were awarded the silver badge for five years of service in the organization, at a court of awards meeting Friday afternoon, in the Presbyterian social hall. The girls who qualified for the silver award by re-registration six consecutive years were Jane Adams, Dorothy Deyo, Ellen Kellogg, and Charlotte Knapp. The awards made by Mrs. Edwin Knapp, member of the Court of Awards Committee of District 1, included: Jeanne Weller, dressmaker; Mary Jane Cady, laundress; Dorothy McCray, scholarship and housekeeping; Virginia Bruffy, housekeeping and needle work; Dora Wickwire, scholarship. Mrs. George B. Knapp, commissioner of the Susquehanna Valley Council, gave a short talk on camp registration, urging all the girls to register early. A first aid demonstration was staged by Margaret Gilbride, Helen Dimmick and Betty Brill, under the supervision of Miss Helen Case.
June 22, 1933 The Waverly Sun and Nichols Recorder: Girl Scouts Have District Awards And Skit. Jane Adams, Dorothy Deyo, Ellen Kellogg and Charlotte Knapp were awarded the silver badge for five years of service in the Girl Scout organization, at a court of awards held Friday afternoon in the Presbyterian church hall. Other awards made by Mrs. Edwin Knapp, District No. 1, included: Jeanne Weller, dressmaker; Mary Jane Cady, laundress; Dorothy McCray, scholarship and housekeeping; Virginia Bruffy, housekeeping and needle work; Dora Wickwire, scholarship. Mrs. George B. Knapp, commisioner of the Susquehanna Valley Council, gave a short talk on camp registration. A first aid demonstration was staged under the supervision of Miss Helen Case. "Midnight in a Vegetable Garden," a short health play showing the benefits of vegetables in the diet, was presented under the direction of Mrs. Philip Sturge.
July 3, 1933 The Evening Times: Honor roll ... Class of 1934, ... Charlotte Knapp...
July 6, 1933 The Waverly Sun and Nichols Recorder: Frank Boyle, Leslie Tighe, Thomas Williams, Marion Bailey, Dorothy Deyo, Charlotte Knapp,
Elnora Knapp and Ruth Shoemaker will leave today to attend the
Presbyterian Young People's Conference at Wells College, Aurora.
July 17, 1933 Elmira Star-Gazette: Waverly - Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Knapp and son, Teddy, left Friday for Maine where they will spend about two weeks. - Mrs. Gertrude Knapp and daughter, Charlotte, left today for a week's trip to Atlantic City
July 20, 1933 The Waverly Sun and Nichols Recorder: Mrs. Gertrude Knapp and daughter will return the first of the week from a vacation spent at Atlantic City.
August 1933 Elmira Star-Gazette: Waverly - Mrs. F. H. Spencer, Mrs. George Knapp and Mrs. A. B. Cady will spend Sunday at Camp Brule with their daughters. - Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Sebring, of Elmira will entertain 16 friends from Groton Sunday at their summer home, the Spanish Hill Farm, South Waverly. Mr. and Mrs. Sebring are formerly of Waverly. - Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knapp and John Murray Jr., left today for Ocean City where they will visit Mrs. Murray and Mrs. Nell Lockerby, Mrs. Knapp's sister. Herbert Muir of Waverly will accompany them, visiting Dick Young who is in Ocean City. - Mrs. F. H. Spencer of Park Avenue entertained Friday evening at her home in honor of Mrs. William Schofield of Winter Haven, Fla. Mrs. Schofield is visiting Mrs. Joseph Knapp of Center Street. - Miss Helen Knapp of Center Street is spending the weekend at Camp Corlear, Lake Champlain. - Miss Jean Merriam of Chemung Street has returned to her home after a business trip to Boston, Providence and New York. - Mrs. Jospeh Knapp, Mrs. Edwin Knapp, Mrs. George Knapp and Miss Elnora Knapp, all of Waverly and Mrs. Edan Schofield of Winter Haven, Fla., were entertained at lunch at the home of Mrs. Edwin Knapp's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Crowell at Elmira, recently.
August 14, 1933 Elmira Star Gazette: Waverly - Mrs. F. H. Spencer, Mrs. George Knapp and Mrs. A. B. Cady spent Sunday at Camp Brule visiting their daughters. ... A number of Waverly residents spent Sunday at Camp Brule visiting their daughters and friends. Among them were: Dr. and Mrs. F. H. Spencer, Frederick Spencer, Mrs. A. B. Cady, Mrs. George Knapp, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hanford, Attorney and Mrs. Frank A. Bell, and Charles F. Kellogg.
September 7, 1933 The Waverly Sun and Nichols Recorder: Mrs. Gertrude Knapp and daughter, Charlotte, have returned from Rochester, where they visited Mrs. Anna Best. Mrs. Best's daughter, Nellie Anna returned with Mrs. Knapp and is visiting here.
Septemeber 14, 1933 The Waverly Sun and Nichols Recorder: Miss Nellie Anna Best of Rochester has been the guest of Miss Charlotte Knapp.
September 25, 1933 Elmira Star Gazette: Founders' Day Celebrated by Waverly DAR. Waverly - Founders' Day and the 12th anniversary of the Carantouan Chapter of the DAR, was celebrated by the chapter at a luncheon meeting Saturday at the Iron Kettle Inn. The meeting was addressed by Mrs. William Harvey Hoag of Prattsburg, former state recording secretary. More than 50 were present on the birthday of the chapter. Mrs. Cass Williams was elected chapter delegate, and Miss Jean Merriam, regent delegate to the state convention at Rye, N. Y., on Oct. 4-6. Alternates elected included Mrs. George Knapp, Mrs. George Moore, Mrs. Fred Sawyer, Mrs. A. C. Palmer, Mrs. George Vastbinder, Mrs. Leigh Huff, Mrs. Fred Slawson, Mrs. Edward Eaton and Miss Ruth Fish. In addition to Mrs. Hoag's talk on "John Marshall, Expounder of the Constitution," several musical numbers were given on the program. ... The next meeting of the chapter will be held Oct. 25 at the home of Mrs. Ernest Walker (17 Orchard st.), and will be addressed by Elsworth Cowles, archeologist of Corning.
October 5, 1933 The Waverly Sun and Nichols Recorder: Mrs. S. E. Ellis and Mrs. George Knapp entertained the executive board of the Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian church at Luncheon on Tuesday of this week.
October 26, 1933 The Waverly Sun and Nichols Recorder: Mrs. Knapp Addresses Girl Scout Meeting. Mrs. George Knapp, of Waverly, addressed the meeting of the Susquehanna Valley Council of the Girl Scouts at Ulster, Pa., Tuesday evening, on the history and policies of Girl Scouting. Mrs. G. Mason Owlett of Wellsboro discussed the training program for the year. Local girl scouts are preparing to celebrate National Girl Scout week from October 29 to November 4.
October 26, 1933 Elmira: Strong Is Again Made R. C. Head. Waverly - The importance of Red Cross relief was stressed by Charles C. Strong, chairman of the Waverly Chapter as he assumed the office for the 11th time Wednesday evening. The 16th annual meeting was held at the high school. The entire state of officers was re-elected, with the exception of Frisbie Howard who was replaced by P. C. Meserve as second vicechairman. Miss Louise Quigley was re-named first vicechairman; Miss Marriet Lewis, secretary; Harold C. Watrous, treasurer. Three vacancies were filled on the executive committee, Mrs. Vernon Lovejoy, Miss Ethel Slater and Mrs. Harriet Dickerson, replaced the vacancies left by Mrs. Harvey Bruster. Mrs. Everett Moses and Mrs. Albert R. Tozer. The others re-elected to the executive committee include Mrs. Harvey Ingham, Mrs. Thomas Wheeler, Miss Ruth Fish, Mrs. Harold Watrous, Mrs. Albert P. Knight, Mrs. Thomas Feeney, Mrs. Elizabeth Baker, Mrs. Gertrude Knapp, Miss Mary Kinney and John F. Harper.
December 1, 1933 The Evening Leader, Corning, N. Y.: Girl Scout Reports Given in Wellsboro. Wellsboro, Pa., Dec. 1 - Mrs. George Knapp of Waverly, president at the Girl Scout committee meeting Tuesday. Talks were given by Mrs. Cass Williams, Mrs. W. R. Straughn and by Miss Betts, first commissioner of the Susquehanna Valley Council, who in an entertaining manner told of the experiences of the early camping expeditions. A new troop is being formed in Gaines and two new troops in Blossbury. Mrs. Emily Daley was elected to the board to fill the ...
December 5, 1933 Elmira Star-Gazette: Have Dance Thursday. Waverly - Gus Kellogg and his Cornflakes, and orchestra of Waverly High School students, will play for a dancing party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Knapp on Chemung Street, Thursday evening. The guests include members of the dancing classes directed by Mr. and Mrs. Knapp. Dancing will be held from 7 until 10 o'clock. (Susie Alamo O'Hara remembered taking dancing lessons from an Ed and Lucy Knapp up on our 3rd floor at 208 Chemung street sometime in the 1940's. The third floor was an open ballroom before it was changed into 2 apartments around 1945-50. Edwin M. Knapp and his wife, Lucia "Lucy" lived in part of our home with Mrs. Gertrude Knapp at 208 Chemung street according to phone directories and newspapers from 1931 to 1939. Edwin was Mrs. Gertrude S. Knapp's nephew and Charlotte Knapp's cousin.)
January 3, 1934 Elmira Star Gazette: Waverly Social, Personals; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Knapp, 208 Chemung Street, entertained friends at a tea dance at their home Monday afternoon.
January 4, 1934 The Waverly Sun And Nichols Recorder: Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Knapp of Chemung street held a Tea Dance at their home Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Gus Kellog's Rythm Gangsters furnished the music, and tea and cakes were served. (renting from Gertrude Knapp at 208 Chemung st.)
February 16, 1934 Elmira Star Gazette: Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Knapp held a Valentine's dance at their home on Chemung Street Thursday evening for members of their dancing classes. (Were living in part of the home at 208 Chemung street with Gertrude Slaughter Knapp and Charlotte Slaughter Knapp.)
April 5, 1934 Waverly Sun And Nichols Recorder: Miss Elnora Knapp entertained at her home (97 Center st.) Tuesday evening. Those present were: Miss Charlotte Knapp, Miss Dorothy Deyo, Misses Ruth and Janet Shoemaker, Miss Ellen Kellogg, Frank Boyle, Dennis Weaver, Robert Williams, Thomas Williams, Leslie Tighe and Howard Sickler. Dancing and a social evening was enjoyed. - Mrs. George Knapp and daughter Charlotte, were in Elmira on Sunday. (Joseph W. Knapp II married Ella Mixer and they had their children; Helen, Edwin M., Joseph W. III, and Elnora Knapp. Elnora Knapp and Charlotte Knapp were first cousins.)
April 25, 1934 The Evening Times - Two students of Elmira college will present a one act play as the entertainment feature of the meeting of the Valley Elmira College club to be held at the home of Mrs. Edwin Knapp of 208 Chemung street, Waverly, next Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock. (Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Knapp were renting part of Mrs. Gertrude Slaughter Knapp's home.)
May 31, 1934 The Waverly Sun and Nichols Recorder: Mrs. Knapp Dies At Son's Home. Mrs. Frances E. Knapp, 89, beloved wife of the late Joseph W. Knapp (first) and devoted mother of Harry, Joseph, Robert, Ralph and the late George Knapp, died at the home of her eldest son, Harry W. Knapp, on May 29th at 2:45 p.m., death being due to old age. Mrs. Knapp was born in Waverly, November 2, 1844, Miss Frances Durkee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Durkee, a pioneer family of the town. She married when young and lived her entire life here. She was an active member of the First Presbyterian Church being a president of its Missionary Society and a teacher in its Sunday School for many years. She was one of the oldest members of the W. C. T. U. and was active in all things for the improvement of the morals and welfare of Waverly. She was a scholarly woman with a thoughtful mind and loveable character, a leader of her generation. Besides the sons who survive her, she leaves nine grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at the home of her son, Harry W. Knapp (455 Waverly St.), today at 2:30 p.m. (Also, Gertrude Slaughter Knapp, daughter-in-law, survived her.)
May 31, 1934 Elmira Star-Gazette: Rites for Waverly Woman Held Today. Waverly, May 31 - Mrs.
Frances E. Knapp, widow of Joseph W. Knapp and devoted mother of Harry,
Joseph, Robert, Ralph and the late George Knapp, died at the home of
her eldest son, Harry W. Knapp, May 29. Mrs. Knapp was born in
Waverly Nov. 2, 1844. She married when young and lived her entire life
here. She was an active member of the First Presbyterian Church,
president of its missionary society and a teacher in its Sunday school
for many years. She was one of the oldest members of the WCTU and was
active in all things that would improve the welfare of Waverly. She was a
scholarly woman with a thoughtful mind and lovable character, a leader
of her generation. Besides her sons who survive her she leaves nine
grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held
at the home of Harry W. Knapp today at 2:30 p. m. The Rev. Thomas Tighe
of the Waverly Presbyterian Church officiating. Burial was in the
Glenwood Cemetery. (Mrs. Gertrude Slaughter Knapp's mother-in-law and
Charlotte Knapp's paternal grandmother.)
June 8, 1934 Elmira Star Gazette: Plan Church Work. Waverly - The executive board of the Presbyterian Benevolence Society met Thursday afternoon with Mrs. John Harper, with Mrs. E. A. Tilton as assisting hostess. Plans were made for the coming church year. Chairmen of the various church circles were announced as follows: summer circle, Mrs. Gertrude Knapp; fall circle, Mrs. Robert Frazier; winter circle, Mrs. Wallace Young and Mrs. Charles Tobey.
June 10, 1934 Elmira Star Gazette: Picnic Is Tonight. Waverly, June 10 - The annual picnic of the Home Mission Guild of the First Presbyterian Church will be held at the home of Mrs. Gertrude Knapp, Chemung Street, this evening at 6:30. Members have been asked to bring table service, sandwiches and one other article of food. Dessert and coffee will be served by the committee.
On June 25, 1934, Miss Charlotte Knapp, of 208 Chemung street, graduated from Waverly High School.
June 29, 1934 The Evening Times: Mrs. George Knapp and daughter Charlotte of Chemung street are spending several days with Mrs. Knapp's cousin at Lake Ontario.
July 3, 1934 Elmira Star Gazette: Fresh Air Aides Are Selected at Waverly. Waverly - Representatives from various local religious, fraternal and social organizations have been selected to serve on the local Fresh Air Committee headed by Dr. Martin Tinker Jr. Those who will be asked to serve are William O'Brien Jr., John Murphy, Thomas Feeney, Sanford Boice, Mrs. E. W. Eaton, Mrs. W. S. Morley, the Rev. Edward J. Dwyer, L. H. Cohen, Hiram Cronk and Mrs. Foster Vannoy. Members of the original committee are Mrs. Carl Coots, Mrs. Francis Gibbs, Mrs. Fred Driscoll, Mrs. Frank Hogan, Mrs. Gertrude Knapp, Mrs. F. E. Lyford Jr., Mrs. Evan Johnson, Mrs. C. B. Tobey, the Rev. Raymond P. Wilson and L. Robert Oakes.
July 12, 1934 The Waverly Sun And Nichols Recorder: Mrs. George Knapp, Mrs. Cass Williams, and Mrs. Charles Tobey attended a Girl Scout County meeting at Lake Wesauking (Towanda, PA) Tuesday. - Mrs. George Knapp, daughter, Charlotte, and Miss Ellen Kellogg left Wednesday for two weeks at the World's Fair. Mrs. Anna Best and daughter, Nelliana, will join the party at Rochester. - Mrs. George Knapp, Mrs. Cass Williams, and Mrs. Charles Tobey attended a Girl Scout County meeting at Lake Wesauking Tuesday. - Mrs. George Knapp and daughter, Charlotte, returned Friday from a ten-day visit at Chaumont, N.Y.
December 27, 1934 Elmira Star Gazette: Among local college students who are spending their vacations in Waverly are: Leslie Tighe, MacMaster's University; Howard Merrill and Ferrell VanHousen, Alfred University; Natalie Senall, Seton Hall College; Robert Lambert, Notre Dame; Kate Buckpitt and Beatrice Bush, Buffalo State Teacher's College; Norman Dounce, Cifford Dounce and William Wilson, Cornell; Hart Seely Jr., Bucknell; Charlotte Knapp, Wellesley; Robert Williams and Myron Flynn, Syracuse University; Mary Ruth Sutherland, Gertrude DeWald and Sally Pickley, Elmira College; Catherine Emerson, Oneonta State Normal School; Paul Betowski, Georgetown; Joseph Jordan, Catholic University; Frederick Kellogg and Walter Peck Jr., Brown University; Dorothy and Edmund Burke, Cornell.
Jan. 12, 1935 The Evening Times - The Home Mission guild of the Waverly First Presbyterian church will meet at the home of Mrs. George Knapp, 208 Chemung street at 7:30 o'clock Monday evening.
Jan. 30, 1935 The Evening Times - Waverly - The annual card party for the benefit of the scholarship fund will be held by the Valley Elmira College club at the home of Mrs. Edwin Knapp, 208 Chemung street on Feb. 7. (Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Knapp rented part of Mrs. Gertrude Slaughter Knapp's home.)
February 7, 1935 The Waverly Sun And Nichols Recorder: Mrs. George Knapp and Mrs. F. H. Spencer were in Towanda, Saturday, on Scout business.
February 14, 1935 The Waverly Sun And Nichols Recorder: Mrs. George Knapp left Tuesday to visit Dr. and Mrs. J. Sizoo at Washington, D. C.
March 21, 1935 The Waverly Sun And Nichols Recorder: Mrs. H. W. Knapp of 455 Waverly street is now at the Columbus Hotel in Miami, Fla. - Mrs. George Knapp left for New York City today, where she will join her daughter, Charlotte, of Wellesley.
August 15, 1935 The Waverly Sun And Nichols Recorder:
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Knapp and daughters Helen and Elnora and Frank Boyle
spent Sunday with Rev. and Mrs. Thomas Tighe at Sodus Point. - Mrs. George Knapp,
commissioner on the Susquehanna Valley Girl Scout Council, accompanied
by Mrs. F. H. Spencer and Mrs. John Slater, attended the opening of Camp
Brule, Sunday.
September 5, 1935 The Waverly Sun And Nichols Recorder: Miss Nelliana Best came Saturday to spend several weeks with Miss Charlotte Knapp, prior to her return to Wellesley College. - Mrs. W. N. Best and daughter Nelliana, who have been visiting Mrs. George Knapp on Chemung street, left today for Rochester. Miss Charlotte Knapp accompanied them. - Miss Charlotte Knapp and Miss Ellen Kellogg returned from Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Wednesday.
September 5, 1935 The Waverly Sun And Nichols Recorder: Mrs. Knapp To Speak At Missionary Meeting. Mrs. George Knapp will relate some of the outstanding events of her recent trip to Mexico at the meeting of the Presbyterian Women's Missionary Society at the home of Mrs. Arthur Palmer (329 Chemung st.), tomorrow afternoon at 2:30. Mrs. Walter Peck will be in charge of. Mrs. W. W. Breck, president, has announced the following committees: social, Mrs. A. C. Palmer, Mrs. G. F. Coward; hospital, sewing and overseas work: Miss McKee, Mrs. Clarence Scott; missionary box; Mrs. W. J. Carey, Mrs. L. D. Atwater, Mrs. George McLean; membership, Mrs. Harry Knapp, Mrs. Edgar Sebring; missionary current events, Mrs. Thomas Tighe; spiritual life groups, Mrs. Luther Hardy; program, Mrs. John Suffern, Miss Alice Fish, Miss Mary Finch, Mrs. Walter Peck, Mrs. Luther Hardy, Mrs. Elizabeth Breck, Mrs. Louis Atwater; collectors, Mrs. J. Clark, Mrs. J. C. Van Atta, Mrs. L. C. Hardy, Mrs. C. Roberts, Mrs. F. M. Drisko, Mrs. W. Peck.
September 11, 1935 The Binghamton Press: Waverly Man Honored. Waverly, Sept. 11 - Edwin M. Knapp, a past president of the Waverly Lions Club, has been named deputy district governor of zone three, Lions International, succeeding Dr. T. J. Littleton of Corning. During his one-year term of office, Mr. Knapp will visit various clubs in his territory. (Edwin Knapp lived in part of the house at 208 Chemung st. Waverly, NY at this time.)
September 19, 1935 The Waverly Sun And Nichols Recorder: Mrs. Gertrude Knapp and Mrs. N. W. Best motored to New York for two days and to Wellesley College to enter their daughters, Miss Charlotte Knapp and Miss Nelliana Best for the coming year. They will return the latter part of the week. - Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Knapp and Mrs. Charles Kellogg left Monday to take their daughters, Miss Elnora Knapp and Miss Ellen Kellogg to Wilson College at Chambersburg, Pa. - Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Knapp will attend the meeting of the directors and deputy district governors of the sixth district, Lions International, at the Hotel Astor, New York city, on Sept. 28.
December 19, 1935 The Waverly Sun And Nichols Recorder: Miss Charlotte Knapp, a student at Wellesley College, will spend the holidays with her mother, Mrs. Gertrude Knapp, of Chemung street.
From 1936 Directory of Athens, Sayre, & Waverly: no 7 or 9 Athens Street address listed; at 208 Chemung Street - Mrs. Gertrude S. Knapp, Edgar D. Sebring, Charlotte S Knapp student
March 6, 1936 The Evening Times - Waverly - Two meetings of workers in district one of the Susquehanna Valley Girl Scout council today are being attended by Miss Adelaide Werner, director of Girl Scouting in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware and Virginia. At 4 o'clock in the afternoon all district council members were scheduled to meet with Mrs. George Knapp, 208 Chemung street, and at 6:30 o'clock in the evening a supper meeting of council members and leaders of the district will be held at the Ulster library. Miss Werner's headquarters are in Washington, D. C. Before assuming her present duties she was in the Girl Scout work at Miwaukee, Wis. She is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin and Columbia university.
April 28, 1936 The Evening Times: Mrs. Charles Annerman of Elmira will be the principal speaker at a meeting of Carantouan chapter, Daughters' of the American Revolution, at the home of Mrs. George Knapp, 208 Chemung street, at 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Annerman, a world traveler, will speak on the subject, "Sketches of the Orient." A report by Miss Grace Hicks of Washington, D. C., delegate to the 45th D. A. R. continental congress in Washington last week will read at the session. Miss Jean Merriam, first vice-regent, will preside. Assisting hostessess will be: Miss Ruth Fish, Miss Alice Fish, Miss Mame Finch, Mrs. Ralph Reazor and Mrs. Sally Sell.
April 30, 1936 Elmira Star-Gazette: DAR Hears Talk On Trip to Orient. Waverly - Mrs. Charles Annerman of Elmira spoke on "Sketches of the Orient," at a meeting of Carantouan Chapter, DAR, Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. George B. Knapp, (208) Chemung Street. Experiences in the Philippine Islands, China, India and Egypt were related by Mrs. Annerman. She exhibited pieces of silk, lace and linen and several shawls collected in her visits to the Far-East. Miss Ruth Fish read a written report submitted by Miss Grace Hicks of Washington, D. C., who was Carantouan Chapter's delegate to the 45th Continental Congress in Washington last week. Miss Jean Merriam, first viceregent, presided. Assisting hostesses; Miss Ruth Fish, Miss Alice Fish, Miss Mame Finch, Mrs. Ralph Reazor and Mrs. Sally Sell.
May 28, 1936 The Evening Times: Waverly DAR Elects Officers. ... Miss Jean W. Merriam was elevated from the first vice-regency to the regency to succeed Mrs. Wellington S. Morley at a biennial election held by Carontouan chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution at the home of Mrs. John A. Johnson (502 Waverly st.) Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Morley has served three terms of two years each, as regent of the chapter. Other officers elected are: past regent, Mrs. Morley; first vice-regent, Mrs. George B. Knapp; second vice-regent, Mrs. Manley Brink to succeed Miss Alice P. Fish; recording secretary, Mrs. Harvey B. Ingham, re-elected; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Carl A. Coots to succeed Mrs. Charles F. Kellogg; treasurer, Mrs. Kellogg to succeed Mrs. Knapp; historian, Mrs. George Vastbinder, re-elected; and registrar, Mrs. Herman Olney, re-elected. ...
Sept. 29, 1936 The Evening Times - The 69th academic year of Cornell University began Monday. Judging by the large number of applications, enrollment will be increased this year. A freshman class of over 1,500 is indicated. Among students entering Cornell this fall are: ... Charlotte Slaughter Knapp, 208 Chemung Street, Waverly: Elnora Mixer, 97 Center Street, Waverly; ...
Oct. 10, 1936 The Evening Times - Waverly - Meetings of the Susquehanna Valley Girl Scout council in Waverly and Athens are scheduled for Monday. At 2:30 o'clock in the afternoon, the council will hold its regular October meeting at the home of Mrs. George B. Knapp, 208 Chemung street, Waverly. Miss Marguerite Twohy, a representative of the national Girl Scout council, will speak. The Leaders association of the council will hold a supper meeting at 6:30 o'clock in the evening at the Girl Scout Little House at Athens. Miss Twohy will speak.
October 13, 1936 Cornell Daily Sun, Volume 57, Issue 14: 11 Sororities List Pledges. ... Delta Gamma - the Misses Virginia Harring and Elizabeth Stocking, both of the Class of '37, Miss Rhea Casterline '38, and the Misses Belle Ayers, Nedra Blake, Clarice Blake, Clara Herrick, Roberta Houghton, Charlotte Knapp, Myrta Munn, Carol Reardon, M. A. Smith, Elizabeth Townsend, and Mildred Wells, all of the Class of '40.
December 3, 1936 Elmira Star-Gazette: DAR Hears Waverly Street History. Waverly - The histories of Waverly streets were summarized by Miss Mary E. Finch at a meeting of the Carantouan Chapter, DAR, at the home of Mrs. George Knapp of Chemung Street, Wednesday afternoon. Her talk was illustrated by a map 83 years old. When the map was drawn in 1853, only Waverly and Fulton Streets extended north beyond Chemung Street. Most of the Village of Waverly was located between Broad and Chemung Streets. Cayuta Avenue and Chemung Streets, extending through Factoryville (now East Waverly) were the first laid out here. Miss Jean Merriam, regent, Miss Lila Shoemaker and Mrs. Knapp gave reports on a recent regional convention at Corning. John Koop accompanied by his mother at the piano, played a violin solo. Miss Alice Fish read a poem, "Waverly," written by Mrs. F. W. Merriam. The assisting hostesses were Mrs. Herman Olney, Miss Finch, Mrs. Emma Hoyt, Mrs. F. W. Merriam, and Mrs. Caid Peck.
January 28, 1937 The Waverly Sun and Nichols Recorder: Mrs. Gertrude Knapp came home the latter part of last week from a visit with Mrs. Chester Brinkerhoff at Williamsport, Pa.
February 25, 1937 Elmira Star Gazette: DAR Members 'Dress Up' for Colonial Party. A Group Of Members of Carantouan DAR Chapter of Waverly, attired for the Colonial tea at the home of Mrs. E. A. Tilton Wednesday. In the picture from the left: Miss Jane Love, Mrs. Herman Olney, Mrs. Walter Peck, Mrs. Tilton, Mrs. George Knapp, Mrs. Harvey Ingham, Miss Jean Merriam, regent and Mrs. George Vastbinder. (111 Howard st.)
April 8, 1937 The Waverly Sun And Nichols Recorder: Miss Charlotte and Elnora Knapp are home from Cornell for the spring vacation. (cousins)
April 15, 1937 The Waverly Sund And Nichols Recorder: Misses Charlotte and Elnora Knapp have resumed their studies at Cornell University.
May 20, 1937 The Waverly Sun And Nichols Recorder: Mrs. Gertrude Knapp expects to leave Saturday for New York City and will sail Tuesday, the 25th, on the M. S. "Layfayette" with the Rotarians on a trip abroad. - One of the loveliest rock gardens of Waverly is located in the rear of the Wheeler home, at 53 Orange street. Not only are the plants, flowers and shrubs a beautiful sight, but the rocks themselves are of novel shapes and sizes, and it would be well worth while for any interested in rock gardens to visit.
May 21, 1937 Elmira Star Gazette: Rotary Delegates To Sail Tuesday. Waverly - Mr. and Mrs. Hart I. Seely and Mrs. Gertrude Knapp of Waverly will represent the valley at the annual convention of Rotary International at Nice, France. The trio will leave for New York City Sunday and sail for France on ...(paper cut off)
July 23, 1937 The Evening Times: Women's Names On Town Jury Lists Filed This Week.Waverly, July 23 Town of Barton and Waverly jury lists have been filed at the court house in Owego, and for the first time in New York state history, women have been included. Under a law passed by the last legislature, women will be able to serve on juries after Sept.1. The law provides, however, that any woman drawn for jury duty may decline to serve without excuse. The complete list of women eligible for jury duty folllows. Unless specified, they reside in the Village of Waverly. This list has been furnished by Town Clerk Frank B. Lounsberry. Catherine Allbee, Elsie Andrews, Anna Arnold, Margaret Arnold, Mary Boice, Leona Clune, Bessie Decatur, Edna DeWitt, Lucy C. Dodge of Waverly R. D. 2, Lulu Eaton, Delia Eichenberg, Charlotte Eichenberg, Catherine Feeney, Luella Fisher, Ellen Falsey, Alice Fish, Mabel King Fields, Anna Ferguson, Fanny Flynn, Catherine Gibbons, Mabel Giltner,Barton, Anna Harding, Louise Harding, Gladys Harper, Ethel Hall, Anna Hogan, Mary Hyer of Lockwood, Triiba Jenkins, Florence Kellogg, Gertrude S. Knapp, Millie Gay Lewis, Maude LaFleur, Mary Muldoon, Harriett Morgan, Lillian Masterson of Barton, Grace Munn of Barton, Mary Norton, Mary P. Reazor, Mildred C. Rhodes, Jennie F. Robinson, Mrs. Anna Sheahan, Florence B. Slater, Lila Shoemaker, Helen M. Schwartz, Ella R. Saphar ....
October 27, 1937 Elmira Star Gazette: Mrs. Knapp Heads Scouts. Waverly - The Susquehanna Valley Girl Scouts Council has elected: Commissioner, Mrs. George Knapp; deputy commissioner, Mrs. Harry Crandall; secretary, Mrs. Eugene E. Crediford, and treasurer, Mrs. Daniel Taylor. Committee chairman: training personnel, Mrs. John Lynch; badges and awards, Mrs. John Higgins; camp, Mrs. LaRue W. Croll; public relations, Mrs. Robert Fraser.
November 24, 1937 The Evening Times - Waverly Personals - Miss Charlotte Knapp of Cornell University is spending Thanksgiving recess with her mother, Mrs. George B. Knapp of 208 Chemung street. - Miss Elnora Knapp of Cornell University is spending Thanksgiving vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Knapp of 97 Center street. - Edgar D. Sebring, Jr., and his classmate, Richard Rand of North Adams, Mass., both students at Ithaca college will spend Thanksgiving with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar D. Sebring, 208 Chemung street. During the fall term, Mr. Sebring played on the soccer team and Mr. Rand on the football team. Both are members of the basketball squad. (The Sebring's were renting part of Mrs. Gertrude Slaughter Knapp's home.)
From 1938 Directory of Athens, Sayre, & Waverly: no address for 7 or 9 Athens Street listed; at 208 Chemung Street - Knapp Charlotte S student r 208 Chemung, Knapp Gertrude S wid George B h 208 Chemung Edgar D. Sebring
January 10, 1938 Elmira Star Gazette: Waverly Churches. ... First Presbyterian Church, Monday, 3:30, Brownies; Monday, 7:30 Home Mission Guild will meet at the home of Mrs. George Knapp, Chemung St.; Tuesday, 4, Carantouan Troop committee and Waverly members of the Scout Council will be entertained at dinner at 5; Tuesday, 7:30 Bible school; Wednesday, 4, junior choir rehearsal; Thursday, 7:30, mid-week prayer service; Friday, 3, Women's Missionary Society meeting with Mrs. W. W. Breck speaking on Hawaii. ...
January 18, 1938 Elmira Star-Gazette: Scout Council Meets. Waverly - The Susquehanna Valley Girl Scout Council met at the home of the Commissioner, Mrs. George Knapp Monday afternoon. After a brief business meeting, tea was served.
1938 The Wellesley Legenda: lists Charlotte S Knapp under the Ex-1938 graduating class. (Wellesley College of Wellesley, Massachusetts)
June 16, 1938 The Evening Times, Sayre, PA: Waverly, June 16 Three Waverly young people and one boy from Lockwood will be graduated from Cornell University at commencement exercises Monday. Miss Charlotte S. Knapp, daughter of Mrs. George B. Knapp of 208 Chemung street will be graduated with a bachelor of arts degree. William L. Wilson, son of Mrs. Bernice Wilson of (19) Orchard street will also recieve a bachelor of arts degree in the pre-legal department. Charles F. Kellogg Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Kellogg of (468) Pennyslvania avenue will be graduated with a bachelor of science degree in hotel administration. Jerome K. Pasto, son of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Pasto of Lockwood, R. D. 2, will receive a Bachelor of science degree.
June 17, 1938 Cornell Daily Sun, Volume LVIII, Issue 181, 17 June 1938, Page 8 Charlotte Slaughter Knapp graduated
June 22, 1938 Elmira Star-Gazette: Hammondsport - Miss Marian Hamilton visited Mrs. Gertrude Knapp of Waverly Thursday and Friday.
July 2, 1938 Elmira Star-Gazette: Visit In Waverly. Waverly - Mrs. W. M. Best and daughter Nelliana of Brooklyn, former Waverly residents, are visiting Mrs. George Knapp, Chemung St.
September 20, 1938 Elmira Star-Gazette: Mrs. Knapp Re-Elected Council Head. Waverly - Mrs. George Knapp of Waverly was re-elected commissioner of the Susquehanna Valley Girl Scout Council Monday evening when the Council board met at her home. Mrs. Harry Crandall of Wilawana was named deputy commissioner, Mrs. Eugene Crediford of Athens, secretary, and Mrs. Daniel Taylor of Sayre was elected treasurer. It was announced that Mrs. Robert Sibley of national headquarters will conduct training courses in October throughout the Council area.
January 31, 1939 Elmira Star Gazette: Waverly Library Re-Elects Officers. Waverly - C. B. Tobey was re-elected president and all other officers and directors of the Waverly Library were re-elected at the annual meeting Monday evening at the Library. Other officers of the association are: vice-president, Mrs. F. W. Merriam; secretary, Mrs. George Knapp and treasurer, Harold C. Watrous. Directors renamed were: Mrs. Evan S. Johnson and Hart I. Seely.
March 9, 1939 The Waverly Sun And Nichols Recorder: Miss Charlotte Knapp of Washington, D. C., spent the weekend with her mother and at Ithaca. - An unusually interesting meeting of the Women's Missionary society of the Presbyterian church was held Friday afternoon. Mrs. Sarah Breack led the devotions, and Mrs. Frisbie Howard presented a program on "Budget in Action," in which information was given about the schools to which the society contributes. The following took part: Mrs. Gertrude Knapp, Mrs. Tighe, Mrs. Patterson, Miss McKee, Mrs. Breck, Mrs. Hoeffer, Mrs. Cranmer, Mrs. Payne, Mrs. Tilton, Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Hardy. Mrs. Clarence Scott read a letter from her sister, Miss Mary Johnson, a missionary in Iran. Mrs. Frisbie Howard was elected vice-president; Mrs. Gertrude Knapp, treasurer, and Miss Alice Fish, corrsponding secretary. The office of president, held by Miss Ruth Fish for three years, will be filled later. - Miss Charlotte Knapp, a student at Washington Secretarial school, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. George Knapp, on Chemung st.
April 6, 1939 The Waverly Sun And Nichols Recorder: Mrs. George B. Knapp and Miss Charlotte Knapp left Wednesday from New York City for the Easter vacation. - Mrs. J. W. Knapp has returned after spending two weeks with he daughter, Mrs. Henry Coward, in Chicago.
April 6, 1939 The Evening Times: Mrs. Gertrude Knapp of 208 Chemung street and her daughter, Charlotte, are visiting in New York City. Miss Knapp, who is a student of the Washington Secretarial School will return to Washington, D.C., Sunday.
April 13, 1939 The Waverly Sun And Nichols Recorder: Miss Charlotte Knapp has returned to Washington, D. C., after spending Easter week in Waverly and New York City. - Mrs. George B. Knapp is visiting Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Sizoo in New York City.
April 27, 1939 The Waverly Sun And Nichols Recorder: Mrs. George Knapp of Chemung street is spending a few days visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sawyer of Jackson Heights, New York.
May 4, 1939 The Waverly Sun And Nichols Recorder: Mrs. Gertrude Knapp came home last week from a several weeks' visit in New York City.
May 12, 1939 Elmira Star Gazette: Waverly Personals. ... Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Knapp and family have moved from 208 Chemung to 89 Spring St., Waverly.
May 18, 1939 The Waverly Sun And Nichols Recorder: Miss Charlotte Knapp of Washington, D. C., spent that weekend with her mother. She was accompained by Miss Catherine Abbot, a student at the University of Maryland.
June 15, 1939 Elmira Star-Gazette: DAR Presents Flag Day Program. Waverly - A Flag Day program was presented at a meeting of Carantouan Chapter, DAR, Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. A. C. Palmer of 329 Chemung St. Mrs. George Knapp, first vice-regent, presided in the absence of Miss Jean Merriam, who is attending DAR ceremonies at the World's Fair. An article on "The Stars and Stripes," prepared by Mrs. F. W. Merriam, was read and was illustrated with seven flags showing the changes that have been made since the first one in 1777. Miss Lila Shoemaker spoke on "Facts About the Flag," and conducted a quick quiz. A duet was sung by Mrs. E. A. Tilton and Mrs. L. S. Betowski, and a solo by Mrs. David Love, regent of Watkins Glen chapter, and mother of Miss Jane Love of Waverly. Assisting hostesses were Mrs. Frank L. Howard, Mrs. Carl A. Coots, Mrs. G. Edson Blizzard, Miss Fanchon Shear, Mrs. Corbet Johnson and Mrs. Russell Coates.
June 15, 1939 The Waverly Sun And Nichols Recorder: Charlotte Knapp Will Graduate at Washington School.
Miss Charlotte Knapp, daughter of Mrs. George B. Knapp, 208 Chemung
street, is a member of this year's graduating class of the Washington
School for Secretaries in Washington, D. C. Miss Knapp graduated from
Cornell University in 1938. She is at present taking a teacher-training
course in preparation for teaching secretarial subjects.
October 12, 1939 The Waverly Sun And Nichols Recorder: Mrs. Gertrude Knapp has returned from a visit with friends in New York. She also visited the World's Fair.
December 21, 1939 The Waverly Sun And Nichols Recorder: Miss Charlotte Knapp of Washington, came home Monday for a week's visit with her mother, Mrs. Gertrude Knapp.
From the 1940 census: 208 Chemung Street, Gertrude Knapp, widow, 49 years old, owns home, worth $12,000, completed high school 4 years. Renting from Gertrude were Edgar Sebring (59 y.o.) and his wife, Carolyn (57 y.o.), and their son, Edgar Sebring, Jr. (25 y.o.). Also renting from Gertrude were, Edward Renton and his wife, Alberta Renton, both 64 years of age. (At this point in time, the home had two separate apartments besides Mrs. Gertrude Knapp's living area/space in the home.)
Mrs. Gertrude Knapp's brother-in-law died March 3, 1941 - Harry W. Knapp:
March 4, 1941 The Evening Times - Harry W. Knapp, Waverly Store Owner Is Dead. Seventy-Year-Old Prominent Business Man Was Village Native, Headed Department Store Firm For Many Years. Harry W. Knapp, 70, prominent Waverly citizen and business man died at his home, 455 Waverly street, last night about 8 o'clock after an extended illness. Mr. Knapp was a native Waverlyite, the son of Joseph and Frances Durkee Knapp. He attended the old Waverly academy and Wyoming Seminary. He returned from the latter school to become a partner of his father who had established a "dry goods store" in 1881 at the site of what is now Knapp's department store. After his father retired, Mr. Knapp became head of the firm and his son, T. Phillips Knapp, became a partner when he returned to Waverly from service overseas in the World War. The firm of H. W. Knapp & Son conducted the business since that time. Mr. Knapp was honored last September at a testimonial dinner given by the Board of Trade for six Waverly men with 50-year business records in the community. Mr. Knapp had wide interests in the community outside of his business. He was a director of the Citizens National bank and a director and vice-president of the former First National bank of Waverly. He was president of the Waverly Cooperative Savings and Loan Association. He was a member of the Waverly board of education for nearly 20 years and president of that body for several terms. He was a member of the Waverly First Presbyterian church, had served as a trustee of the church for 25 years and was a former president of the board of trustees of the church. He was a charter member of the Waverly Rotary club, a charter member and director of the Shepard Hills Country club, president of the former Waverly Chamber of Commerce, a member of the Tioga Hose company and a member of the Waverly Lodge of Masons. During the World War, he served as a member of the Victory loan committee in Waverly and was prominently connected with the committee which staged a very successful Old Home Week in Waverly 30 years ago. Surviving are his wife; two sons, T. Phillips of Waverly and Romaine C. of Steubenville, Ohio; one daughter, Mrs. John Murray, Jr., of South Waverly; two brothers, Joseph of Waverly and Ralph of Chicago; eight grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. The body is in the family home, 455 Waverly street, where funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Rev. Thomas Tighe, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, will officiate. Burial will be in Glenwood cemetery. Philip Sturge, Waverly Board of Trade president, today requested Waverly merchants to close their business places during the hour of the funeral.
Maria P. Knapp, widow of Harry W. Knapp, died May 10, 1941. Her parents were the late Thomas J. Phillips and Augusta M. Phillips.
From 1942 Directory of Athens, Sayre, & Waverly: no address for 7 or 9 Athens Street listed; at 208 Chemung Street - Mrs. Gertrude S. Knapp and Edgar D. Sebring, also, Knapp Charlotte S. emp N Y City r 208 Chemung
January 7, 1943 The Evening Times: Engagements. Knapp Flynn. Mrs. George B. Knapp of 208 Chemung street, Waverly announces the engagement of her daughter, Miss Charlotte Knapp, to D. Harold Flynn, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Flynn of (426) Pennsylvania avenue, Waverly. No date for the wedding has been set. (Charlotte had said at one of her last high school reunions that she never married. See July 9, 1945 where Harold Flynn married Janet Ellsworth.)
June 18, 1943 Elmira Star Gazette: 29 Qualified For Defense Aid Diplomas. Waverly - Twenty-nine residents of this village have qualified for certificates for completing the course in aircraft recognition conducted by Mrs. Ellen Brown, it was announced last evening by Chief Observer Percy Cannoll at a meeting of all observers in the Waverly Junior High School auditorium. Although the certificates did not arrive from Scranton in time to be presented at the meeting as planned they will be awarded in the near future. The list of those qualifying read by Miss Jean Merriam, assistant chief observer, follows: Rita Barry, Betty Bouton, Elnora Boyle, Marcella Coleman, Phyllis Coleman, Elsie Dean, Henrietta Daubman, Ethel Ferguson, Laura Field, Helen Hardy, Ella Frances Hoefer, Miller Johnson, Hazel Kelsey, Charlotte Knapp, Gertrude Knapp, Marion Kunkler, Winifred Latham, Inez Lenox, Alida Lyke, Marjorie Manning, Jean Merriam, Gladys Reinbold, Eva Rockwell, Harriet Thomas, Esther Wheat, Alice White, Ann Williams. Cpt. Edward Conologue, of the First Fighter Command, spoke briefly emphasizing the vital service they were giving to the war effort. He showed how the volunteer observers throughout the nation had replaced soldiers that would otherwise have to man the 7,500 posts in the United States today. He also said that 30 fighter planes would be required to patrol the district around each observation post area if the observers were not available. He stressed the service being given in this work by protecting our country from attack at all times. Clarence Morse, district director of Ithaca, and Harry Eiklor, subdistrict director of Owego, spoke briefly. Miss Merriam announced that June 24 Mrs. Brown would conduct a review class and give a written test for the convenience of those who may have missed lessons of the tests. Three sound films were shown.
September 20, 1943 Elmira Star Gazette: DAR Notes. Carantouan Chapter will hold its first fall meeting with Mrs. George B. Knapp, 208 Chemung St., Waverly, Saturday at 1 p. m. This will be the annual Founders Day Luncheon. Each member is asked to take a covered dish and own table service.
September 24, 1943 Elmira Star Gazette: DAR to Hear Elmira Man. Waverly - A discussion of post war problems will feature the address of Dr. Albert B. Helmkamp, principal of the Elmira Free Academy, at the annual Founders Day luncheon of Carantouan Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution. The meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. George B. Knapp, 208 Chemung St., Waverly, at 1 p. m. Saturday. Each member should bring a covered dish and table service. Dr. Helmkamp's address will be heard following the luncheon. Mrs. Helmkamp, president of the Elmira Thursday Morning Musicales, will present a reading. Chairman of the program committee for Founders Day is Mrs. Paul Curtis who announced Thursday that Waverly DAR members will have charge of the War Bond booth at the Woolworth store Tuesday.
June 14, 1944 The Knickerbocker News Albany, N. Y.: Albany Girl Feted At Tea in Waverly. Mrs. Joseph W. Knapp, Waverly, and her daughters, Mrs. Francis P. Boyle, Waverly, and Mrs. Henry Coward, Cleveland, entertained with a tea Saturday at the Knapp home for Miss Alice Kemp, who will be married next month to Joseph Warren Knapp 3rd. About 50 attended. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McDowell Kemp, Delmar, also entertained recently with a dinner party for Miss Kemp and Mr. Knapp. (Mrs. Gertrude Slaughter Knapp's sister-in-law, Mrs. Joseph W. Knapp, had the tea.) (Joseph Warren Knapp 3rd was Gertrude's nephew and ring bearer in her wedding to George Knapp in 1915.)
August 16, 1944 Elmira Star Gazette: 200 Entertained At Sawyer Home. Waverly - Mrs. Harold M. Sawyer of 416 Chemung St., Waverly, and of New York, entertained at her home Tuesday in honor of her daughter, Mrs. Harold M. Sawyer Jr. of Wilmington, Del. Nearly 200 guests attended the evening tea at the Sawyer summer home. Presiding at the tea table were Mrs. Gertrude Knapp (of 208 Chemung st.) and Mrs. Herbert H. Smith, both of Waverly.
October 20, 1944 Elmira Daily Gazette: County Health Group Elects. Waverly - Robert V. R. Bassett of Owego was reelected president of the Tioga County Tuberculosis and Public Health Association at a recent meeting at the Green Lantern Inn, Owego. Other officers named: Vicepresidents, Mrs. Mabel G. Baldwin of Waverly, H. M. Nickerson of Candor; secretary, the Rev. D. Glyn Lewis of Newark Valley; treasurer, Grant M. West of Owego; assistant treasurer, William G. Ellis of Owego. Directors for three years: Mrs. Lyster Hetherington, Mrs. Austin Clark, Mrs. Harry Truman and Thomas J. Cusick of Owego, Mrs. William Westfall of Barton, Mrs. Charles Potter of Apalachin, Mrs. James Miller of Campville, Dr. W. A. Moulton of Candor, Mrs. Alta Pope of Newark Valley, Leon Whitcomb of Nichols, Mrs. Corbett Johnson of Spencer, George Failey, Mrs. Harold Watrous, Mrs. Frederick K. Shaw of Waverly; for two years, the Rev. Louis Hover Spencer. Members of the executive committee; Mr. Bassett, Mr. Nickerson, B. J. Cutten of Nichols, M. Delos Goodrich of Tioga Center, Mrs. George B. Knapp of Waverly, the Rev. Mr. Lewis and Arthur B. Stiles of Owego.
March 29, 1945 The Waverly Sun-Recorder: Miss Charlotte Knapp was the guest of honor at a birthday party held for her on Saturday evening by Mrs. Edgar Sebring.
Photo courtesy of Joseph Knapp. Mrs. Elnora Knapp Boyle, Miss Charlotte Slaughter Knapp, Mrs. Mary Gertrude Slaughter Knapp, David Warren Boyle, Joseph Warren Knapp III - Easter Sunday dinner at "Gertie's" 208 Chemung street Waverly, NY - April 1, 1945:
April 2, 1945 The Evening Times: Mrs. Gertrude Knapp of 208 Chemung street, narrowly escaped injury when the car she was driving was grazed by a falling tree when she was traveling north on Keystone avenue in Sayre. A tree at the corner of Lincoln and Center street in Waverly, blown down, blocked traffic in that area.
April 12, 1945 The Waverly Sun Recorder: Residents were busy today clearing their property from fallen limbs and resetting rose arbora and trellises knocked down by the fury of the storm. A Waverly woman, Mrs. Gertrude Knapp of Chemung street, is spending the week end with Mrs. Harold Sawyer of Jackson Heights, L. I.
July 9, 1945 The Post-Star Glens Falls, NY - Local Girl Bride of Waverly Man. Janet Ellsworth Wed To Harold Flynn in St. Mary's Rectory. Miss Janet Anita Ellsworth, daughter of Mrs. Olive D. Ellsworth, of Smith Street, and Arthur V. Ellsworth, Syracuse, became the bride of Harold David Flynn, son of Mr. and Mrs. David J. Flynn of Waverly at 3 P.M. Saturday in the rectory of St. Mary's Church. ... Mr. and Mrs. Flynn will reside at 327 Chemung Street, Waverly. ... Mr. Flynn attended Waverly High School and Cornell University. ... (Harold had been engaged to Charlotte Knapp in Jan. of 1943. Charlotte never married. Harold Flynn was born April 7, 1904, he died Jan. 17, 1981 at 76 years of age, his spouse was Janet Ellsworth Flynn. He lived in Waverly at time of his death.)
July 12, 1945 Waverly Sun-Recorder: Miss Nellianna Best of New York City will arrive Friday night to spend a few days with Miss Charlotte Knapp of 208 Chemung street.
August 23, 1945 The Waverly Sun Recorder: Mrs. Nellie Best is visiting Mrs. George Knapp of 208 Chemung street.
September 13, 1945 The Waverly Sun-Recorder: Mrs. Ralph Fralick of the Ellistown road, owner of the Marilorn Cabins, has purchased the home of Mrs. Gertrude Knapp on Chemung Street. (The abstract date is Nov. 15, 1945.)
October 25, 1945 - Mrs. Gertrude Knapp who recently sold her Chemung Street home, is now living at 470 Pennsylvania avenue.
On November 15, 1945 (abstract date), Gertrude Slaughter Knapp (55 y.o.) sold the "Slaughter" residence (208 and 208 1/2 Chemung street and 9 and 7 Athens Street), to Mary I. Fralick.
November 27, 1945 The Binghamton Press: In the slowest week in several months only 17 pieces of Tioga County property changed hands in the week ended Nov. 24. Included in the deeds filed in the county clerk's office are:... Gertrude Slaughter Knapp of Waverly to Mary I. Fralick, property located in Waverly.
March 16, 1950, a piece of the original "Slaughter" property was sold by Mary Fralick to Mary Alamo- current 7 Athens St. Waverly, NY.
April 7, 1950 census - renting at 9 Athens street: family 1 - Gertrude S. Knapp 59 yo. widow; daughter Charlotte S. Knapp 24 yo. single never married, other listed for occupation; family 2 - Rodney T. Bidlack 22 yo., lab technician at hospital; wife Mildred F. 23 yo.; daughter Janet M., born in Wisconsin
December 1950 Phone Directory Athens - Sayre South Waverly And Nearby Communities: Knapp Geo. B. Mrs. 9 Athens street 270-J
- Edwin Knapp at 89 Spring st. - J. W. jr. Knapp hardware at 326 Broad
st. Residence at 97 Center st. - J. Warren Knapp 3rd at 94 Spring st. -
T. P. Knapp at 455 Waverly st. - Knapp's Department Store at 301 Broad
From 1951 Directory of Athens, Sayre, & Waverly: at 9 Athens Street - Mrs. George B. Knapp, Charlotte S. Knapp and Jules Helfner; at 208 Chemung Street - vacant, Ralph W. Fralick, John Foster, Parvin Mensch, Roland P. Holmes, Earl E. Armstrong; at 208 1/2 Chemung Street - Robert G. Eisenhart
March 29, 1951 Elmira Star Gazette: Waverly DAR Hears Talk On Red Cross. Waverly - Services of the Waverly Red Cross Chapter were described by Mrs. Carl Coots, home service secretary in a talk before members of the Carantouan Chapter, DAR, Wednesday afternoon. The afternoon session was at the home (9 Athens st. Waverly, NY) of Mrs. George Knapp. Mrs. George (Mina) Edsall (447 Fulton st. Waverly, NY), regent conducted the business meeting. She read a message from the DAR president general stressing the urgent need and opportunity for patriotic service on the part of groups and individuals. Mrs. (Mabel) Coots (of 327 Chemung st. Waverly, NY) in her talk, told of the training programs now under way for nurses aides and first aid trainees, both courses under the direction of the local Red Cross chapter. She traced the history of Red Cross and briefly described such activities as home nursing, nutrition, canteen, production, blood bank and other services. Refreshments were served by the following co-hostessess; Mrs. Lewis D. (Isabelle) Atwater (151 Chemung st. Waverly, NY), Mrs. Howard (Edna) DeWitt (44 Chemung st. Waverly, NY), Mrs. Manley (Ruth) Brink (511 Clark st. Waverly, NY) and Mrs. Frank (Florence) Merriam (304 Chemung st. Waverly, NY).
October 6, 1951 The Post-Standard Syracuse, NY: Among out-of-town guests who will attend the wedding today at Delta Gamma sorority house, 901 Walnut ave., of Miss Margaret Hunt Briggs to Joseph Robert Spraker are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Van Wie, John Van Wie, Barton Van Wie, Philip Schuyler, William L. Schultz, and John A. Lasher, Jr., all of Palatine Bridge; Mrs. Warren Diefendorf and Frederick Cuningham of Canajoharie, Mrs. Edward W. Spraker of Albany, Mr. and Mrs. Fay Boyd of Andover, Mrs. George Knapp and Miss Charlotte Knapp of (9 Athens st.) Waverly.
December 1951 Directory of Athens Sayre South Waverly And Nearby Communities: Mrs. Geo. B. Knapp at 436 Penna ave. 191-J
Mrs. Gertrude Slaughter Knapp's brother-in-law died - Ralph W. Knapp:
Feb. 11, 1952 The Evening Times - Ralph W. Knapp, Waverly Native, Dies at Age 68. Ralph W. Knapp, 68, brother of Joseph W. Knapp, Jr., of Waverly, and a native Waverlyite, died at Waukesha Memorial hosptial, Waukesha, Wis., last Friday. He was born here Sept. 23, 1883, and died at the age of 68. He was a member of the Waverly Presbyterian church and graduated from Waverly high school in 1902 and Colgate university in 1907. Besides his brother, he is survived by a son, Robert, and a daughter, Mrs. Norma Knapp Webb. The body will be brought to Waverly to the Russell funeral home, 462 Fulton street, where funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock.
December 10, 1952 The Evening Times: Donors to Waverly Community Chest in First Annual Campaign Listed. The list of those who contributed to the first Waverly Community Chest campaign, recently completed, was announced today. It is as follows: ...Altha H. Knapp, Phillips Knapp, Thomas Knapp, Edwin Knapp, Gertrude Knapp (436 Penns. Ave.), J. W. Knapp Jr., J. Warren Knapp, ...
January 20, 1954 The Evening Times: Waverly Library Elects Tonight. Election of two trustees will feature the annual meeting of the board of trustees of the Waverly Free Library to be held tonight at 7:15 o'clock at the Library. The terms of Mrs. Evan S. Johnson and H. Slade Palmer expire. Present officers of the Library are: Mr. Palmer, president; Mrs. F. W. Merriam, vice president; Mrs. Gertrude S. Knapp (436 Pennsylvania ave.), secretary; and Harold Watrous, treasurer.
September 9, 1954 Schenectady Gazette: Canajoharie - Mrs. George B. Knapp (436 Pennsylvania ave.), Waverly, and Miss Charlotte Knapp, Ithaca, were holiday guests of Mrs. Wilbur A. Spraker.
1955 Mrs. Gertrude S. Knapp (436 Pennsylvania ave.), secretary of Waverly Free Library
1955 Binghamton NY Press: Tioga TB Group to Honor 79 Famillies Who Gave Aid. Owego- Seventy families, who have contributed to the work of the Tioga County Tuberculosis and Public Health Association, will be honored at the annual dinner meeting of the association in the Deep Well restaurant, west of Owego, next Friday night. Families to be honored include:..Mrs. George B. Knapp (436 Penns. ave. Waverly, NY),...Mrs. F. W. Merriam, Percy Meserve,...Mr. and Mrs. George Palmer, ...Mrs. Clarence Scott, Mrs. Jesse Searles,...
September 5, 1955 from Schenectady NY Gazette: Mrs. George B. Knapp (436 Pennsylvania ave.), Waverly, and Miss Charlotte Knapp, Ithaca, were recent guests of Mrs. Wilbur A. Spraker.
June 23, 1956, Mrs. Mary Gertrude Slaughter Knapp died. Former owner of the 208 Chemung st. Waverly, NY estate, which she sold in 1945.
June 25, 1956 The Evening Times: Gertrude Knapp Dies, Lifelong Waverly Resident. Mrs. Gertrude S. Knapp, 66, of 436 Pennsylvania avenue, Waverly and a lifelong resident died Saturday night at 10 o'clock in the Robert Packer Hospital after an extended illness. She was the widow of George B. Knapp. Born in Waverly, she was the daughter of Samuel W. and Charlotte W. Slaughter. Mrs. Knapp was a member of the Waverly First Presbyterian Church and of Carantouan chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution. Surviving are one daughter, Miss Charlotte Knapp of Ithaca; and several nieces, nephews and cousins. The body is in the Russell funeral home, 462 Fulton street Waverly, where friends may call tonight from 7 to 9 o'clock. Funeral service will be held tomorrow afternoon at 1:30 o'clock with Rev. Frederick Homrighouse, pastor of the Waverly Presbyterian church officiating. Burial will be in Glenwood cemetery.
June 27, 1956 The Evening Times: Gertrude Knapp Funeral Is Held. Largely attended funeral services for Mrs. Gertrude S. Knapp of 436 Pennsylvania avenue, Waverly, were held Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 at Russell funeral home. Rev. Frederick Homrighouse, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Waverly, officiated. The Carantouan chapter of the Waverly DAR attended the services. Pallbearers were: Wilton S. Hall, Harold C. Watrous, H. Slade Palmer, Victor L. Buley, Francis L. R. Gibbs and Herbert H. Smith. Burial was in Glenwood cemetery.
June 28, 1956 Waverly Sun: Mrs. Gertrude S. Knapp Succumbs to Illness. Funeral services were Tuesday afternoon, June 26, at Russell Funeral home in Waverly for Mrs. Gertrude S. Knapp, 66, of 436 Pennsylvania avenue, Waverly, who died Saturday night in Robert Packer hospital after an extended illness. The Rev. Frederick M. Homrighouse, pastor of the Waverly Presbyterian church, officiated with burial in Glenwood cemetery. Mrs. Knapp was the widow of George B. Knapp. She was the daughter of Samuel W. and Charlotte W. Slaughter, a lifelong resident of Waverly, a member of Waverly First Presbyterian church and Carantouan chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution. Survivors include one daughter, Miss Charlotte Knapp of Ithaca, and several nieces, nephews, and cousins. (Russell Funeral Home, 462 Fulton St., Waverly, NY, then later McKee Memorial Chapel)
June 29, 1956 Schenectady Gazette: Mrs. Wilbur A. Spraker attended the funeral service in Waverly Tuesday afternoon of Mrs. George B. Knapp, Waverly, a former visitor at Mrs. Spraker's home.
July 10, 1956 Binghamton Press: Letters Filed In 3 Estates. ...Gertrude S. Knapp, late of Waverly, to Charlotte Knapp, daughter, of Waverly, Value not known.
January 30, 1957 The Evening Times: Slade Palmer of Waverly was reelected president of the Waverly Free Library at the annual meeting of the Board of Trustees. Also reelected for a three year term to serve with Mr. Palmer was Mrs. Evan S. Johnson, vice president. Mrs. Lawrence L. Peterson was elected to fill the unexpired term of the late Mrs. George B. Knapp, who was a trustee. The library now has a total of 13,496 volumes, it was noted in the report of the librarian, Mrs. L. W. Lunn. During the year she reported that 2,733 borrowed 44,137 books and magazines. It was reported that there was a noticeable increase in the number of people who used the reading room. The annual membership enrollment totaled $880 with other members still expected to join before the May 1 closing date. Thanks were expressed to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bell-Isle, who were responsible for a new typewriter being given to the library.
September 3, 1959 The Evening Times: Carantouan DAR Unit Receives Invitations. Mrs. Glen Fraley, regent of Carantouan Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution today announced that invitations have been received from other D. A. R. units to attend luncheon meetings. ... Mrs. Fraley also announced that members of Carantouan chapter presided at memorials at the Tioga Point, Forest Home, Glenwood and Hicks cemeteries during the past month for the following: Mrs. Sally Sell Druckemiller, Mrs. Josephine Christie Vastbinder Fisher, Miss Mary E. Finch, Mrs. Grace Fitch Tilton, Miss Esther Barnum, Miss Henrietta Morgan, Mrs. Gertrude Slaughter Knapp, Mrs. Isabelle Lyman Atwater, and Miss Grace W. Hicks. ...
March 15, 1961 Cornell Alumni News Vol. 63, No 12 March 15, 1961:
"˜38 Women - We have had several changes of address:... Charlotte S. Knapp, 431 Pennsylvania Ave., Waverly. (In 1958 phone directory, 431 Pennsylvania ave. was a two family home, one vacant and one with Mrs. Mable Hastings listed.)
January 2, 1962 The Evening Times: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Knapp, Jr. of 208 Chemung St. (2E), Waverly, were honored at a family tea Sunday. The occasion was the observance of their 60th wedding anniversary. Twelve members of the immediate family were in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Knapp, who have been residents of Waverly their entire married life, were married New Year's Day 1902, by Dr. Ross of the First Presbyterian Church in Waverly. Both are members of the First Presbyterian Church and are the parents of three living children, Edward Knapp of Daytona Beach, Fla., Warren Knapp, 3rd of Waverly and Mrs. Frank Boyle of Honolulu, Hawaii. An older daughter Helen is deceased.
June 12, 1962 The Evening Times: Waverly Library Donations Listed. Several books, in memory of Wilton S. Hall, have been added to the shelves of the Waverly Free Library. "America's Handyman Book" by Family Handyman; "Clocks" by Simon Fleet; "Practical Furniture and Wood Finishing" by L'atou; "Furniture Finishing, Decoration and Patching" by Pattou and Vaughn; "Furniture Doctor" by Grotz and "Furniture Refinishing at Home" by Joyner, all given by the Adult Education Woodworking Class. "Furniture Making and Cabinet Work" by Pelton, given by Mr. and Mrs. Don W. McClelland and Mr. and Mrs. Francis L. Gibbs. "Easy Ways to Expert Woodworking" by Robert Scharff, given by Charlotte S. Knapp. "Furniture Decoration Made Easy" by Charles Hallett, given by Charlotte S. Knapp. ...
From 1965 Directory of Athens, Sayre, & Waverly: at 9 Athens Street - Leon Horton and Jos. Daniels; at 208 Chemung Street - Robert G. Callison (owner), Clifford A. Johnson, Donald V. Johnson, Walter L. Kintz, Joseph W. Knapp Jr., Otto Allen; at 208 1/2 Chemung Street - Cora L. Bingham
May 1965 Cornell Alumni News Volume 67, Number 10: '38 Charlotte Knapp, 6439 Templeton, Huntington Park, Calif.
From 1967 Directory of Athens, Sayre, & Waverly: at 9 Athens Street - Kenneth Draper and Pine Paul; at 208 Chemung Street - Robert Callison (owner), Clifford Johnson, Donald Johnson, Walter Kintz, Jos. W. Jr. Knapp, Dale Wright; at 208 1/2 Chemung Street - Cora L. Bingham
The late Mrs. Gertrude Slaughter Knapp's brother-in-law and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Knapp Jr., and Miss Charlotte Knapp's paternal Uncle and Aunt:
July 8, 1969 The Evening Times - Joseph Knapp, Jr. Celebrates His 90th Birthday. Joseph W. Knapp, Jr., a resident of Sayre House, is celebrating his 90th birthday today. His wife, who will be 90 on Aug. 30, also a resident of Sayre House, will be helping him celebrate. Mr. Knapp was born in Waverly on July 8, 1879, the son of the late Joseph Warren Knapp and Frances Durkee Knapp. He attended Waverly High School where he played end on the football team and recalls traveling by train for games in Corning and Elmira. He worked with his father in Knapp's Department Store and ran a small dairy business on the family homestead in Lyman Ave. In 1915, he entered into partnership with his father-in-law, Edwin D. Mixer, who operated a hardware store on Broad St. He purchased the business in 1918 and operated it until his retirement in 1952. He joined the Waverly Rotary Club a few months after it was organized in 1919 and was an active member until 1924. He served on the Waverly School board of education from 1922 to 1925 with Harold Watrous, Hart I. Seely, Sr., Dr. Tucker and Percy Meserve. Mr. Knapp was a member of the Shepard Hills Country Club for many years and has been a member of the Waverly First Presbyterian Church for 75 years. He married the former Miss Ella Mixer on Jan. 1, 1902 and they will celebrate their 68th wedding anniversary next New Year's Day. Mrs. Knapp will celebrate her birthday on Aug. 30. Born in Machias, N. Y. on Aug. 30, 1879, she was the daughter of the late Edwin D. Mixer and Elnora Sweeten Mixer and resided in Fredonia, N. Y. until 1891 when the family moved to Waverly. She attended the Waverly schools and was a charter member of the Polyhymnia Club. Also a 75-year member of the Waverly First Presbyterian Church, she sang in a quartet at the church for several years. Their children are Edwin M. Knapp of Daytona Beach, Fla., J. Warren Knapp, III, of Waverly, Elnora Knapp Boyle of Lafayette, Cal. Another daughter, Helen Knapp Coward, died in 1950. They have nine grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Knapp have been residents of Sayre House since April.
Joseph W. Knapp Jr. died in 1972. He is buried in Glenwood cemetery.
Ella Grace Knapp, wife of Joseph Knapp Jr., died in June of 1972.
Edwin M. Knapp, born in 1906 to Joseph W. Knapp Jr. and Ella Grace Knapp, died March 5, 1980 in Florida, buried in Glenwood cemetery, Waverly, NY. Edwin's wife, Lucia C. Knapp born in 1906, died in 1983, buried in Glenwood cemetery.
1984 summer, 50th Class reunion for Waverly class of 1934: Miss Charlotte Knapp 5162 E. Florence No. 2 Bell , California 90201 Graduate of Cornell University in 1938. Worked for College of Engineering (CU) as secretary. Moved to California in late 1950's - did secretarial work. Retired - ("I am still single, and like the rest of us getting old.") Charlotte stopped by her former estate and saw Brad painting on the main house in that summer of 1984. It was her last visit. Brad and I were living on the third floor east apartment at that time, while I was attending RPH school of Nursing. Brad just happened to be doing odd jobs for my father who owned the apartment house. Brad often wishes he could go back in time and ask Charlotte questions and ask about the history of her family and former home. Back then, Brad didn't know who she was, that she was Samuel Slaughter's granddaughter, who was born and raised on the estate.On Feb. 7, 1985 Charlotte S. Knapp died in Bell, Los Angeles, CA, 69 years of age. Her ashes were sent back to Waverly for burial in Glenwood cemetery.
September 1985 Cornell alumni news: Alumni Deaths... '38 BA - Charlotte S. Knapp of Bell, Cal., Feb 7, 1985. Delta Gamma.