Zehr Estate

News Clips 1900 thru 1909

January 20, 1900 The Waverly Free Press: Board of Trustees. ... F. A. Sawyer appeared on behalf of the Slaughter estate and asked permission to erect a projecting window on the Slaughter building on the corner of Waverly and Broad streets, the width of the window not to exceed thirty inches. On motion ordered that the above matter be and the same hereby is referred to the committee on public buildings, with power to act and determine the matter. On motion adjourned. F. L. Howard, Clerk.

Paul Berghaus, an Athens attorney, will open an office in the Slaughter block as soon as the room is completed. He and his parents, Rev. and Mrs. V. H. Berghaus, will move to this place soon.

February 21, 1900 Elmira Daily Gazette And Free Press: Ex-Village President Andrew Slawson against Senator William E. Johnson for the alleged larceny of a fine Shanghai rooster, the most sensational case in the legal annals of Tioga county, will occupy the attention of the local court tomorrow evening. So prominent are the principals to the case and so wide-spread is the interest in the possible fate of our worthy senator that no court-room could be found to accommodate the people who desire to witness the great trial and the affair will, therefore, be held in the opera house. All of which means that at the time and place mentioned a mock trial is to be held under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. The case will be under the direction of Colonel A. V. Newton of Worcester, Mass., and is expected to be one of exceeding interest and great hilarity. Besides the principals before mentioned a great array of prominent men will participate. Hon. J. B. Floyd will officiate as judge and Village Clerk. F. L. Howard will act as court clerk. Lawyer F. E. Hawkes will be prosecuting attorney and Colonel Newton will represent the defense. Harvey C. Bruster is named as court crier, while Chief-of-Police Brooks has been engaged as sheriff. The other parties to the famous suit will be as follows: Jurymen, A. M. Bouton, E. E. Walker, E. F. Perkins, W. C. Farley, Clayton A. Smith of the Free Press, Fred A. Sawyer of the Citizen's bank, John Shackleton, Judge C. A. Hoagland, Charles E. Scott, M. MeGuffie, Dr. F. M. Snook and W. H. Ferguson; witnesses, Justice of the Peace, Watrous, County Commissioner E. S. Hanford, Percy L. Lang of the First National bank, T. J. Phillips and W. T. Harris. Of course our people are very anxious not to be deprived of the valuable services of our senator by a sentence of "Guilty," neither would the community like to see so prominent a Democrat as ex-Postmaster Slawson held up as a person engaged in a malicious prosecution, so the outcome is awaited with baited breath.

March 26, 1900, VanAtta's drug store reopened after renovation from fire on December 8, 1899. A bay window on the second floor was put in (from Don Merrill's private collection in 2010).

March 31, 1900 The Waverly Free Press: A Beautiful Place. The drug store of John C. VanAtta in the Slaughter block, was opened again to the public Monday of this week and it is one of the finest places in this section of the country. Since the disastrous fire which visited the place last December, carpenters and others have been busy in the front of the store while Mr. VanAtta has been doing business on a small scale in the rear part. It was a very pretty sight which greeted the eyes of visitors to the store Monday. The general arrangement is about as before. The woodwork is of solid cherry, finished in the natural. On the east side is a row of French plate mirrors, in front of which are the shelves for bottles, supported by handsome columns. The bottles have cut glass stoppers and the effect of it all is very pretty. Opposite are the shelves for wrapped goods, protected by plate glass doors. In the rear centre is the prescription desk, the front of which is one of the most beautiful pieces of work ever brought to this place. It is of cherry and is decorated with beautiful carved work, which was done in Boston. There is a profusion of carved work about the store which is very handsome. The solid plate glass show cases are trimmed with solid rosewood and set on marble bases, which correspond very nicely with the tile floor. The steel ceiling, which escaped damages by the fire, has been beautifully decorated and the whole produces a most pleasing effect and is a tribute to the ability of the workmen who did the work. Pierce & Bickford, of Elmira, were the architects in charge of the remodeling of the block. Sherman A. Genung had the contract for the carpenter work and Thomas Keeler did the decorating. S. J. Bostwick finished the woodwork. The offices upstairs are as pretty as one could wish. The front room has been made more pleasant by the addition of a fine bay window on the Broad street side. This and the next room are occupied by Dr. C. F. Hart as a dental parlor, and they are very conveniently arranged. The third room is the law office of Attorney Paul Berghaus and is admirably suited for the purpose. All three rooms are handsomely painted and papered and when the outside of the block has been newly painted, as is intended, the Slaughter block will be one of the handsomest in Waverly. (At this time, owned by Charlotte Slaughter, widow of Samuel Slaughter, residence at 208 Chemung Street, Waverly NY.)

1900, at 337 Broad Street, Paul Berghaus, counselor at law and 1900 - 1921, Dr. Charles F. Hart, dentist on second floor. (from Don Merrill's private collection in 2010)

April 28, 1900The Waverly Free Press: G. A. R. Column. At the exercises held in G. A. R. Hall Monday evening, April 9, in commemoration of Lee's surrender, Judge F. Shoemaker gave the following very interesting address on Walter C. Hull, after whom the local post was named. We are permitted to print it in full. It was as follows: "Grand army posts are named after dead heroes. Our post bears the name of a soldier who distinguished himself on many a battlefield. We do ourselves great honor when we recall his heroic services and relate the prominent incidents of the life of the youngest and one of the bravest colonels who supported the "stars and stripe" as if was carried against the foes of the republic. ... Walter C. Hull was born in the little village of Angelica, Alleghany county, New York. ... In 1859, at the age of fifteen, he came to Waverly to reside with his uncle, D. L. F. Clarke, Esq., and attended school at the Waverly Academy which was then under the direction of Prof. Andrew J. Lang, whose reputation as a successful educator was well known in all this section of this state and the northern counties of Pennsylvania. Young Hull's schoolmates during the next two years were S. W. Slaughter, Fred Emerson Brooks, Hugh J. Baldwin, Howard and Allison Elmer and many others who then resided here. One of those just named while speaking of him remarked: "He was a very bright student, a ready debater, a natural orator and a willing fighter whenever his services were needed by a friend." In the spring of 1861 young Hull was among the ten or a dozen who graduated from the academy, prepared to enter college. College life, however, was not to be his lot. The slaveholders' rebellion had already commenced its bloody work. Fort Sumter had been attacked, and its brave defenders, headed by Maj. Anderson, had been compelled to retire. The president had called for an army of 75,000 men to defend the Union. A large portion of the graduation class enlisted and went to the front. Young Hull found a place in the 87th Reg't. N. Y. Inf., and was mustered into the United States service some time in June. ... Thus died the gallant young patriot soldier whom we delight to honor and whose portrait we hang above the chair of the Post Commander of Walter C. Hull Post, No. 461 Dept. of N. Y., Grand Army of the Republic. ...

A party composed of Mr. and Mrs. George Grafft, Mrs. J. B. Floyd and Mrs. S. W. Slaughter and daughter, Gertrude, are making a tour of points on the great lakes.

Druggist John C. Van Atta and family are spending a vacation at Ocean Grove, N.J.

Mrs. Fred A. Sawyer and son, Mrs. Charles Sawyer and Mrs. W. E. Moore left on Thursday for a visit to Atlantic City. (Mrs. Fred A. Sawyer gave Gertrude Slaughter her engagement party in 1915.)

August 6, 1900 The Evening Gazette Port Jervis: Returned From Camp Lee. A very congenial party has been enjoying Camp Lee for the past three weeks and would have remained longer but business called and they broke camp Saturday. They had a delightful time and highly recommend Camp Lee for comfort and coolness. The members of the party were: Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Haggerty, Mrs. Edson Coleman and granddaughter, Miss Charlotte Glover, Goshen; Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Coleman and three children, Jersey City; Charles Coleman, New York city; Miss Miller, Brooklyn; Mr. Rensallaer Ayers, wife and son, Middletown; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Raymond, Miss Fannie Penney and Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Harding, Port Jervis.{Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Haggerty were Charlotte Slaughter's niece and Charlotte's niece's husband. Mrs. Edson Coleman was probably Charlotte's nephew's wife. Charlotte had nephews, Alfred Wells Coleman and Charles Leslie Coleman. So many of these guests were relatives of Charlotte Wells Slaughter. A camp that Charlotte and Gertrude Slaughter also vacationed at. E. O. Harding was an Erie Conductor.}

September 1, 1900 The Waverly Free Press: Miss Frances Perley returns to Waverly on Sept. 10 and will reopen her studio in the residence of H. W. Weeks, No. 111 Park Place.

Sept. or Oct. 1900 The Waverly Free Press: Primary Union Organized. A primary union, or a union of primary and junior teachers of the several village Sunday schools, was organized in the Baptist church Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. R. A. Vose, of Owego, district superintendent, and Mrs. H. Austin Clark, also of Owego, county superintendent, were present and explained the object and work of the union, and taught the lesson for next Sunday - a very interesting exercise. The primary songs were given by Mrs. W. J. Simmers, who was highly complimented by the Owego ladies for her fine singing. The officers elected were as follows; President, Mrs. J. E. Angell; vice-president, Mrs. M. J. Lawrence; secretary, Mrs. W. J. Simmers; treasurer, Mrs. S. W. Slaughter; librarian Miss Anna Tozer. The first meeting for lesson study will be held at the Y. M. C. A. building next Tuesday afternoon at four o'clock.

October 6, 1900 Waverly Free Press: Mrs. Peter Kinney is building an addition to her residence at Johnson and Chemung streets. 132 Chemung st.

1901 or 1902 The Waverly Free Press: Places of Entertainment. Some Are Possibly Entertaining "Angels Unawares" A Complete List. The following is a list of the ministers in attendance at the conference, with the places where they are stopping. Several changes have been made since the directory was gotten out in pamphlet form. ...Blair William T. & Williams, Hugh H. - W. E. Seacord, 314 Fulton St., S. W. ... Berry, J. F. & Mills, E. M. - Mrs. S. W. Slaughter, 208 Chemung St. ... David, Arthur D. & MacKeller, Donald S. - F. E. Munn, 207 Chemung St. ... Decker, Alexander D. & Kilpatrick, Egbert - J. W. Knapp Reed St. ... Floyd, Lyman C. - J. B. Floyd, 456 Waverly St. ... Hall, Truman F. & Sweet, John B. - P. L. Lang, 202 Chemung St. ...

Mrs. William McEwen, who has been seriously ill is convalescing. (1903 directory lists McEwen as renting half of the octagon home at 7 Athens st.)

Henry E. Amrhein is sick with quinsy at his home on Athens street. 8 Athens st.

1901 or 1902 Waverly Free Press: H. E. Amrhein and his little daughter are both ill at their home on Athens street. (8 Athens st.)

1901 or 1902 The Waverly Free Press: Mrs. Case Peppard and daughter of Colorado, who have been visiting the former's uncle, A. J. VanAtta, and other relatives several weeks, left Friday morning for Olean where they will spend a few days with her sister, Mrs. Ed. Lathrop, from there they will return to their homes. Her sister, Mrs. Sarah Harlow, accompanied her as far as Olean. (441 Pennsyvania ave, Azariah J. VanAtta)

1901 or 1902 The Waverly Free Press: Mrs. F. E. Munn and Miss Gertrude Slaughter went to Binghamton Wednesday to meet Miss Ethel Kinsman, of Owego, who returned to Waverly with them for a visit.

1901 or 1902 The Waverly Free Press: Mrs. S. W. Slaughter and daughter, Gertrude, were at the exposition this week. (May have been in Buffalo.)

Mr. and Mrs. George Wright, of Laceyville, Pa., have been visiting this week at the home of their son, Harry Wright, Chemung street. (In 1899, Harry Wright was living on Athens St.) 117 Chemung st.

In 1901 Gertrude Slaughter attended Lincoln street school.

January 19, 1901 The Waverly Free Press: Dr. Henry Foster, aged eighty years, founder of the Clifton Springs sanitarium, died in that place Tuesday from heart failure.

January 23, 1901 Corning Journal: Dr. Henry Foster, founder of the Sanitarium at Clifton Springs, N. Y., and for nearly fifty years at the head of that famous health resort, died on Jan. 15, aged nearly eighty years.

February 2, 1901 The Waverly Free Press: G. A. R. Column. Posts of the Grand Army of the Republic are named ... Walter C. Hull was born in the village of Angelica ... In 1859, at the age of fifteen years young Walter ... entered the Waverly academy, then under the supervision of the late Prof. Andrew J. Lang, whose reputation as a successful educator was widely known. His schoolmates for the next two years, some of the brightest that our village has ever sent out into the world of kept at home to make the town what she is: S. W. Slaughter, Fred Emerson Brooks, Hugh J. Baldwin, Howard and Richard Allison Elmer, and Herman D. Jenkins. ... J. F. Shoemaker.

February 20, 1901 The Waverly Free Press: Caleb B. Olney. The death of Caleb B. Olney occurred at his home on West Broad street Tuesday morning, January 29, 1901, after an illness of about five months with rheumatism and the ills incident to old age. He was born in the town of Berkshire, this county, in 1812, and passed the most of his life in the county. He had lived for about thirty years in Waverly. He learned the carpenter's trade and then studied architecture and made a specialty of church construction. He was very successful and several churches in this vicinity were built by him. During the civil war he served in the construction corps of his regiment. He is survived by one son, the Rev. Alfonso Olney, D. D., of Troy, N. Y., and one daughter, Minnie, wife of Rev. F. J. Shackleton, of New York. The funeral services were held from the home Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, Rev. P. R. Ross, D. D., officiating. The interment was in Forest Home cemetery. The deceased was a member of the Masonic and Odd Fellow fraternities, but never belonged to either of the local lodges.

May 4, 1901 The Waverly Free Press: Arbor Day. Arbor Day was celebrated in all the local schools, this Friday, afternoon with interesting and appropriate exercises. The complete program at each school is appended. ... Lincoln Street. The pupils of Miss A? and Miss Maloy gathered in the room of the latter and gave the following program ... Song - Plant the Trees, - School, Reading of Superintendent's Letter, Mildred Roseman ... Recitations ... Song ... Recitations ... Pussy Willow, Gertrude Slaughter ... At the conclusion of the program two trees were planted in the yard. The pupils of the whole school then marched around the trees while singing America.

June 1901 or 1902 Waverly Free Press: H. E. Amrhein and his little daughter are both ill at their home on Athens street. (8 Athens st.)

June 6, 1901: A Revolutionary Hero. Decoration Day Past Commander W. F. Wakefield and wife who, is the President of Charles Lawrence Woman's Relief Corps, Adjutant R. H. George and wife who is, the Chaplain of said Corps, proceeded to the burial plot of Maj. General Thomas Thomas, out on Lincoln avenue and decorated the grounds with flags and flowers. General Thomas was in command of all the Westchester County troops during the Revolutionary War, and was a hero whose burial place deserves the greatest recognition. For over twenty years Charles Lawrence Post of the G. A. R. has had details made to look after the spot where this great man's remains lie. Last Thursday Past Commanders Wakefield and George found the grounds over run with weeds and the solid granite shaft that marks the spot, moss grown and sadly lacking care. The Post can afford to decorate the grave and are pleased to do it, but are not able to liquidate the expense of improving the grounds. The Sons of the Revolution should see that the grave is restored and kept in good order.

June 20, 1901 The Owego Record: Municipal Ownership. The municipal ownership of water works systems, electric lighting systems, etc., appeals to almost every village in which there are reasonable indications that such should be installed. Waverly is engaged in such movement and she is a near enough neighbor to make arguments and conclusions in the matter of interest to Owego people, who are contemplating a similar move. President Hugh J. Baldwin of Waverly, in an open letter published in The Advocate of that place, quotes as follows from a Handbook of Water Works Statistics published, in 1897, by F. W. Sheperd of 93-97 William street, New York: "From Waverly company will be found the following: Water supply - source, spring, one mile from business center; system, gravity; reservoirs, capacity, 130,000,000 gallons; 43 hydrants, Mathews; pipe 12 miles, 12 inch to 4 inch in diameter, cast iron, R. D. Wood; 50 meters, Crown and Thompson; 47 valves; 660 taps; service pipe galv. iron; quality of water good; pressure, 88 to 90 pounds; water works owned by company; cost to construct, $60,000; annual expenses, $1,890; superintendent, A. J. VanAtta. "From Owego company's statement we find: Cost to construct, $140,000, and a pumping station, and President Colby of Owego gives the price of a single faucet $5 and adds, notwithstanding these expenses, 133 1/2 per cent greater than the expenses of the Waverly Water Works company, that Owego is losing $5,000 per year by not owning her water works, which would seem to confirm my statement that Waverly is losing $12,000 per year by now owning her water works."

September 1901 Waverly Free Press: H. M. Bogart is building a second story to the L portion of his residence on Tioga street. (14 Tioga St.)

September 10, 1901 From the "Waverly Free Press": A part of Pennsylvania avenue is being improved by being rounded up and covered with a wearing service of crushed stone. Last year this work was done on the avenue from Chemung street to the Presbyterian church and it will now be completed, at least as far as Howard street.

October 12, 1901 The Waverly Free Press: A Veteran Mason. Philetus Lowry, of Pine City, N. Y., is the oldest member of Waverly Lodge, No. 407, F & A. M. A Free Press representative had the pleasure of a visit with Mr. Lowry at his home last Tuesday. He is in his ninetieth year, and quite feeble in body, although his mind is clear and active. His has been a well-spent life and in his quiet home, with his aged wife he is patiently awaiting its close. Mr. Lowry was made a Mason at Nichols. He was a charter member of Waverly lodge, which was organized in 1856, and was the second Worshipful Master of the lodge, serving from 1859 to 1864, with the exception of the year 1862 when Squire H. C. Hubbert filled the office. Mr. Lowry when a resident of Waverly occupied the Gardner house, opposite the home of Hon. J. T. Sawyer. He left Waverly about the close of the war of the rebellion, and soon after located at Pine City. He was closely identified with the early history of Waverly. He was a carpenter and builder, and many of the old landmarks of the valley are of his handiwork. The Nathaniel Bristol house, on Chemung street, now the home of Mrs. Lowman, was built by him as was the Cuyler homestead at Spring's Corners. Mr. Lowry hewed all the main timbers by hand for the Bristol house, and worked on the building until it was completed. It was a very large and handsome building for those days. While they resided in Waverly, Mrs. Lowry taught a private school at her home in the Gardner house - a school that is still a pleasant memory for some of our citizens. Mr. Lowry has not visited Waverly since the close of the war, but hopes to this fall, and to again occupy a seat in the lodge room of the lodge which he helped to organize.

Jan. 4, 1902 Waverly Free Press - Mr. Joseph Warren Knapp, Jr., and Miss Ella Grace Mixer of this place, were united in marriage New Year's night by the Rev. Dr. P. R. Ross at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Edwin Mixer, on (11) Lincoln avenue. The house was decorated in a most artistic manner, southern wild smilax, holly, palms and cut flowers being used in great profusion. The ceremony took place at 7:30 o'clock in the music room. The mandolin club of Athens played the wedding march and dispersed sweet music during the entire evening. The bride was attired in a beautiful gown of white silk mull and carried a large bouquet of white bride's roses. Miss Edna Mixer, sister of the bride was maid of honor, and Miss Lena Bouton acted as bridesmaid. They were both prettily gowned in white and carried bouquets of pink bridesmaid's roses. Mr. Robert Knapp, brother of the groom, was best man and Messrs. Edwin R. Mixer, Ralph Knapp, of Waverly and William Bouton of New York city, were ushers. After the ceremony a bountiful repast was served. About seventy-five guests were present. A large number of costly and handsome gifts were received showing the love and esteem in which the young people are held. Among those present from out of town were Mrs. R. E. Sessions, Mrs. Jeannie Spaulding, of Fredonia, N.Y.; Miss Elizabeth Mixer, Passaic, N. J.; Mrs. Lewis Stillwell, Franklinville, N. Y.; Miss Anna Merriam, Schenectady, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Chaffee, Wilkes-Barre; Mr. William Bouton, Mr. Bert Atwood, New York city; Mr. Lewis Dorsett, Addison; Misses Linona and Theodora Corry, Painted Post; Miss Winona Fessenden, Ithaca; Mr. and Mrs. Marshall, Elmira, and Miss Miriam Ott, of Sayre. Mr. and Mrs. Knapp are spending their honeymoon in New York city, and soon after their return will be at home to their many friends at 465 Fulton street. Enroute to the metropolis they stopped over night in Owego,whither they had shipped their trunk the night before to keep the groom's young men friends from decorating it. These same young men were too sharp, however, located the trunk at the county seat, went there on the same train with the couple - though the couple knew it not - and on arrival proceeded to embellish the trunk in the most approved and picturesque style. After the work was completed several flash light photos of the trunk were taken. (Joseph and Ella Knapp were Gertrude Slaughter Knapp's brother-in-law and sister-in-law. Joseph and Ella Knapp also lived in parts of our Zehr Estate around 1963 -1967 when Robert and Vera Callison owned the property.)

January 6, 1902 The Auburn Bulletin: Fire In Waverly. Elmira. Jan. 6 - The Slawson block, one of the most pretentious business buildings in Waverly, was destroyed by fire of unknown origin yesterday morning. H. J. Levy's clothing stock insured for $12,500 was a total loss. The total damage on building and contents was $25,000.

1902 or 1903 Waverly Free Press: Mrs. Grace Campbell and children, of Athens street, left Wednesday for an extended visit with relatives in Susquehanna.

1902 Waverly Free Press: R. E. Brown moved this week from Athens street (8 Athens st.) into the Beach house on Waverly street.

February 1, 1902 The Waverly Free Press: Polyhymnia Club Entertained. The Polyhymnia club was delightfully entertained at the home of Mrs. S. W. Slaughter on (208) Chemung street Monday evening. An interesting program was carried out by members of the club assisted by Miss Anna L. Johnson and Percy L. Lang. The numbers were as follows: "Fruhlingraucheon," Sinding - Miss Kenrick. Papers - Berlioz, 1803-1869. Thomas, 1811- Mrs. Taylor. "Valse de Concert," Wteniawski. - Mr. Lang. "Dance of the Dragon Flies," Guy d' Hardelot - Miss Snook. "Shepherd's Dance," German. "La Papilion," Calixa Lavalee - Mr. Lang, "When I'm Big I'll Be a Soldier," Molloy - Miss Wellar, "Moonlight Sonata-Adagio, Allegro," Beethoven - Mr. Lang. Vocal Trio- "O'er Blooming Meadows," Wakerlin - Miss Snook, Mrs. Ott, Mrs. Wilking. "Maseppa-Galop de Concert," Wollenhaupt - Mr. Lang. Vocal Solo - Selected - Miss Johnson. "Rondo Capricciosco," Kendelssohn - Mr. Lang. Elegant refreshments were served during the evening. Following the program Mr. Lang gave several additional selections on the Apollo which were very much enjoyed.

February 1, 1902 Waverly Free Press: Mr. Julius Sayles of Waverly and Miss Sophia Leipsinger were married Monday afternoon at five o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Leipsinger, corner of Fifty-ninth street and Madison avenue, New York City. Following the ceremony a grand reception was given to a large company of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Sayles left immediately for a month's tour through the south. They will return to Waverly and take up their residence at 205 Chemung street in the house which Mr. Sayles recently purchased of Hugh Harding. Mrs. Sayles is a popular Waverly business man and with his bride will receive the well wishes of a host of friends.

March 7, 1902 Waverly Free Press:Tremendous Floods. Susquehanna and Chemung Valleys Inundated - - Highest Water Since 1865 - - Great Damage Done. Augmented by the waters of four days of thaw and the rain of Friday and Saturday the streams in this vicinity went on a tearing rampage Saturday and Sunday, flooded the lowlands around the village, caused a money loss of thousands of dollars and untold trouble and inconvenience. The rising waters broke up the ice in Shepard's creek and the floating cakes formed a jam at the Lehigh bridge near North Waverly, turning most of the stream out of its channel onto the Lehigh tracks. Thus the mad waters came down in a raging torrent, filling all the lowlands in East Waverly from Cayuta avenue to beyond the granite works. The houses just east of the Chemung street bridge were surrounded to the depth of several feet. The opening in the roadway on Ithaca street east of the creek made by the December flood, and which had not yet been repaired, was widened and the foot bridge carried away again. The houses here were also completely surrounded. Further down the creek the waters flooded the Decker tannery and the plant of the American Basket & Manufacturing Co. At the last mentioned place the water was twenty-two inches deep on the lower floors, necessitating the closing down of the greater part of the works. Great cakes of ice were left along the pathway of the flood, barns and other outbuildings were undermined or carried away and widespread ruin was everywhere. Dry Brook formed a Niagara at the Erie crossing and the tracks were soon flooded. At the Erie station the water covered the platform and was several inches deep in the baggage and waiting room. From above Loder street to Pennsylvania avenue the roadbed had the appearance of a river. The company kept a force of laborers at work at the crossing over the brook, in an endeavor to enlarge the channel, but the rush of waters was irresistible and to control it was impossible. The Chemung river rose rapidly and on Saturday afternoon reached a height unequalled since the great flood of 1865. The water was within four feet, six inches of the bottom of the highway bridge just west of the village. Through the narrows the highway was flooded in several places and the road was impassable until Monday morning. At the O'Day farm the water was up around the house and boats had to be used. West of the highway bridge the road was flooded almost to the farmhouse of H. B. Rogers. The swift current tore out the roadway and the receding waters left it impassible. A. B. Cook's farm was several feet under water which reached a height of thirteen inches in his dining room. All through the narrows outbuildings were washed away, chickens were drowned and hundreds of dollars damage was done. Here in the village considerable damage was done also. Cellars were flooded and streets and gutters were washed out. Lincoln street north of Clinton avenue was a miniature river and on Friday afternoon the smaller children had to be carried away from the Lincoln street school. Hopkins' oyster bay was drowned out and the Y.M.C.A. basement was partially inundated. All day Saturday and Sunday the raging flood was the cynosure of hundreds of interested beholders. A chief feature of the storm was the complete tie-up of the telephone, telegraph and railroad service. Traffic on the Lehigh was badly handicapped and by Saturday night all through trains had to be annulled. Washouts were numerous along the line and Vosburg tunnel was filled to the depth of eighteen inches. The Erie tracks were submerged first at Wellsburg and the last train west was No. 11 Friday night. Later the road was tied up also at Tioga Center. Several westbound trains were held fast here and thirteen carloads of passengers were taken care of at the local hotels. On Saturday, three Erie trains were switched to the tracks of the Lehigh here and were sent to Buffalo, via Sayre, over that road. Later this arrangement was blocked by the tie-up of the Lehigh. Monday Erie trains 10 and 12 were combined and sent east from Buffalo to Sayre over the Lehigh, taking their own road at this place. Eastbound traffic was resumed on the Erie on Monday at 1:18 p.m. and the road got a through train west at 4:25 p.m. the same day. The Lackawanna was flooded at Lowmanville and later at Apalachin and Nichols. Train service was interrupted from Friday night until Monday night. By Tuesday morning the road had trains running on schedule time. At Sayre many houses on the east side were flooded, a number of them to the second story, and considerable damage was done. Athens escaped complete inundation by the narrowest margin. The Chemung river invaded the west side of the town on Saturday afternoon and by night reached Main street through Center street, flooding the depression between Chestnut and Paine streets. Many lawns on the east side of Main street were completely under water. The Susquehanna rose steadily all day Saturday and at 4 p.m. was fourteen inches higher than the record of last December. The water continued to rise all day Sunday and at 11 o'clock reached the highest point, twenty-nine inches above the December level. The flooding of the whole business portion of the town was only averted by the energetic work of Street Commissioner Mulligan and a large force of men in building a temporary addition to the dike along the stream. At 11 o'clock Sunday night the situation was so grave that the borough council held a consultation and decided to sound the fire alarm to call out all the citizens to work on the dike if the water rose two more inches. Fortunately this was not necessary. Hundreds of Waverly people went to Athens on the trolley Sunday to view the high water.
Local Flood Notes. The Tioga Point club house below Athens was carried away. - The house at Nettlewood camp was partially carried away. - The Erie has a large steam shovel at work in the Barton gravel pit getting out a hurry order of 5,000 car loads of gravel to repair the numerous washouts along the road. - Seven car loads of emigrants were stalled here and Saturday afternoon they bought all the bread in town. Foreigners with loaves under their arms were to be seen all over the streets. - The receding waters of Dry Brook left a deposit of four to six feet of gravel across the Erie tracks. A force of more than 100 men were at work Saturday and Sunday clearing away the obstruction. - At Athens the cottage of a gang of Italians was flooded and the water carried off two kegs of beer. The Dagos immediately stopped all efforts to save their other property and dashed into the water after the beer. - Ex-fire Chief B. D. Barnes, who has helped to conquer many a fire was conquered by the water Saturday morning. His home on East Chemung street was completely surrounded by the flood and he was unable to get to his store. - "San Souci" cottage, the summer resort down the Susquehanna of a number of prominent Waverly people, was flooded nearly to the ceiling of the first story. It is built high up on the river bank, and was thought to be out of the reach of any flood. - A. Boardman Smith, tenant on the Welles farm on the Towanda flats, lost six head of fine cattle by drowning on Saturday night. It is stated that despite the experience of last December and the warnings of his neighbors Mr. Smith made no effort to rescue the animals until too late, and they were drowned in their stalls. - Out of every three persons who saw the river on an average, one was from Athens, one from Sayre and one was from Waverly. The Athens man was wearing an anxious look on his face and saying, "Is it raising?" The Sayre man also wore an anxious look but was saying, "This will wash the line out in bad shape and I won't get in full time this month." The Waverly man was not saying a word, he just stood with his hands in his pockets and smiled a broad grin of satisfaction. -Athens News. Of course, The broad grin of satisfaction was caused by the knowledge that his home was on high ground where floods wouldn't bother him. It is a wise man that buildeth his house upon a rock. - "Sime" Carmody, the genial Erie night yardmaster, was clothed in rubber during the flood at the depot and was kept busy carrying lady passengers on his back from the train to dry land. He also carried the pretty South Waverly girls across the tracks in the same manner - even one weighing 210 pounds - and never even grunted, but when little Charlie Coffey, the popular engineer of Wellsburg - weight about 100 pounds - wanted to be carried from the telegraph office to the street, so he could purchase a pair of rubber boots to fit his little feet, "Sime" tackled the job but nearly fainted before he reached the Snyder house platform. It makes all the difference in the world what kind of a load a man carries on his back whether he weakens or not.

April 25, 1902 The Waverly Free Press: Mrs. J. L. Taylor of New York city is spending a few weeks with Mrs. Slaughter of Chemung street.

For Sale - A choice breeding pen of S. C. Buff Leghorn fowls. Thos. Keeler, 29 Lyman avenue, Waverly, N. Y.

June 6, 1902 Waverly Free Press: At a meeting of the executive board of the Packer hospital Monday a donation of $100 in gold was received from four Waverly ladies, Mrs. Adeline T. Kenyon, Mrs. Howard Elmer, Mrs. S. W. Slaughter and Mrs. Theodore Sawyer. A communication which accompanied the gift said it was in grateful recognition of the many benefits of the hospital to the community. (inflation 2014 calculator- $2693.36)

1902 Waverly Free Press: The front of the building recently vacated by the Citizens bank is being repainted this week. The interior has been remodeled for the occupancy of C. H. McArdle and the Tew & Tilton insurance agency. Mr. McArdle is moving into his new quarters, which have been fitted up in an attractive style and which contain an elegant line of men's furnishings. He will open for business to-morrow. His undertaking rooms are in the rear. The Tew & Tilton offices are not yet completed but when finally arranged will be among the finest in town. The Water Company's office will also be in the building. Charles Murray has been doing some attractive gold lettering on both the Tew & Tilton and McArdle windows this week.

September 12, 1902 Waverly Free Press: The Citizens Bank. Moved into New Quarters - - A Handsomely Equipped Institution. The Citizens Bank this week has been moved into the new quarters corner of Broad and Waverly streets and is now one of the finest banking establishments in this section of the country. Some months ago the directors purchased the entire corner block with the intention of utilizing the ground floor then occupied by Farley's grocery, for the bank. The process of remodeling has been in process since that time and when the doors were thrown open Wednesday the place presented a beautiful appearance. The handsome tiled floor of the lobby, highly polished quartered oak partitions in elegant design, wainscoting of same material, marble cash counters, steel netting, plain side walls setting off a handsome steel ceiling is pleasing to the eye and gives the place a general effect of richness. In the front on the left of the lobby is the president's private office. This enters into the general banking room which is large, conveniently arranged and well equipped. In this room is the new vault containing the latest design safe from the works of the National Safe & Lock Co., of Cleveland, O. In the vault also is a steel cabinet of safety deposit boxes, a new departure for the bank. The massive doors of the vault were also built by the National Co. and are fitted with time locks. In the rear of the large room is a coat room and lavatory and further on the directors' room. The furniture, desks, tables, chairs, etc. throughout the building are of quartered oak. It is a thoroughly modern establishment, a credit to the institution and to the town. The Citizens bank was organized in July 1874, the first directors being DeWitt Slaughter (Home of DeWitt Slaughter - 208 Chemung street Waverly NY), Daniel Bensley, H. W. Owens, Henry C. Spalding, J. T. Sawyer. All these have died except Mr. Sawyer who is still at the head of the bank having been its president since its organization. During the twenty-four years of its existence the bank has occupied the location on Broad street just vacated. It has a capital of $50,000 and a surplus of $20,000, and is a safe, reliable institution worthy of its continued prosperity.

September 19, 1902 Waverly Free Press: Mrs. S. W. Slaughter, of (208) Chemung street, is suffering a severe attack of typhoid fever.

December 19, 1902 The Waverly Free Press: Early Settlers In This Town. ... Another settler of the early twenties was John VanAtta. Mr. VanAtta was a native of New Jersey, born In 1782. He came to this town In 1824 or '25 and settled on a farm near Straw Hill, now owned by his son, A. J. VanAtta, and from that time until his death in 1861 was engaged in farming. His wife was Elizabeth Albright, and in their family were ten children : Peter, Margaret, Adam, William, Caroline, Benjamin, Sarah, Isaac, Azariah, and Rebecca; of these there are still resident in Waverly Rebecca, and Azariah father of Clair, John and Edward.

1903, at 337 Broad Street, John N. Hayes, insurance (from Don Merrill's private collection in 2010). 

1903 directory: 5 Athens st; Mrs. Ann A. Bowman, Mrs. Emma Hubbard, Mrs. Minnie Quick (large home covering both 3 and 5 Athens st). 7 Athens st. two-family octagon home owned by Slaughter's; William W. Emmons and William W. McEwen. 9 Athens st. carriage house. 4 Athens st. Samuel S. Myer. 6 Athens st. Joseph S. Morgan. 8 Athens st. Hubert J. Brown.

1903 Minnie Flynn was boarding at 7 Athens street, octagon home.

1903 at 7 Athens street: Arthur L. McEwen a Railroad mail clerk, Fred E. McEwen a clerk, Raymond W. McEwen a city editor for the Free Press, Willliam W. McEwen a janitor at the high school. William W. Emmons a plumber and Richard J. Emmons a plumber.

Gabriel Evans, a miller, lived at 323 Chemung Street in 1903.

1903 Advertisements referred to: hall, dining room, parlor, library, sitting room, den, bed room, mission furniture, writing desks, oak rockers, reed rockers, mahogany rockers, leather chairs, brass beds, library tables, side boards, china closets, buffets, divans, parlor suits, hall mirrors, and hall seats.

February 17, 1903 "Waverly Free Press": Waverly. Charles E. Scott, a well known business man of Waverly, died at 3:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon at his home on (440) Pennsylvania avenue at the age of fifty-six years, of heart trouble. Mr. Scott had been ill for some time and his death had been expected for the past week. He moved to Waverly eighteen years ago from Towanda. He was engaged extensively in the coal business and had offices in Waverly and in Sayre. He was an honorary member of Tioga Hose Company and for several years past has sung in the Presbyterian Church choir. He is survived by his wife, two daughters, Misses Ellie and Fannie, and one son, Clarence, all of whom reside at home; also his father, Charles W. Scott: of Masonville, N. Y., and two sisters, Mrs. James H. Hoadley and Miss Ella Scott of New York city. (Charles E. Scott lived in the two story octagon home at 7 Athens St. in 1887 and not sure how long before that.) 

March 1903 Ithaca NY Daily News: VILLAGE SADDENED. Elmira Advertiser Correspondent Pays High Tribute to the Late Robert Knapp, Cornell '05. The Elmira Advertiser says: All Waverly was saddened as the news spread that Robert Knapp had succumbed to typhoid fever. He died at the home of his parents on Walker's Hill after a three weeks' illness. He would have been 20 years of age this month. He contracted the disease at Ithaca, where he was a sophomore in Cornell university. He was a pledged member of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity and was popular among his associates both at home and at college. Robert Knapp was a brilliant young man. He received an honorary scholarship to Cornell from Tioga county at the age of 18 for his high standing in the competitive examination, in which there were eight contestants. His many friends are heartbroken over his untimely death. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Knapp, and four brothers, one of whom is Ralph, a freshman at Cornell. (Robert is George Knapp's brother. Gertrude Slaughter married George Knapp in 1915 and lived at 208 Chemung Street, Waverly, NY, Gertrude's home.)

March 13, 1903 Elmira Daily Gazette And Free Press: ROBERT KNAPP OF WAVERLY, IS DEAD. Another Victim of Ithaca's Typhoid Fever Epidemic. Particularly sad is the death of Robert Knapp, one of Waverly's best known young men, who passed away in that village yesterday after an illness with typhoid fever. He was a sophomore at Cornell University and contracted the disease while attending college. He was taken home and it was thought that he would recover. But he gradually grew worse and failed until his death resulted. He would have been twenty years of age this month. Knapp was a pledged member of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity and was very popular among his class mates and associates at college and at home. This year he was a member of the Cornell Varsity basketball team, and had taken part in all the contests up to the time of his illness. Two years ago he was a member of the Waverly Y. M. C. A. Robert Knapp was a talented and brilliant young man. He won an honorary scholarship to Cornell from Tioga county when only eighteen years of age. The young man was well known in Elmira, especially in athletic and Y. M. C. A. circles. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Knapp, who is connected with his father in the large department store of J. W. Knapp & Son: Joseph W. Knapp, jr., who is employed in the same store. Ralph, a freshman at Cornell, and George, a student in the Waverly High School. The funeral will be private and will be held at the family home Saturday morning at 11 o'clock. Rev. Peter R. Ross, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, will officiate. The interment will be at Glenwood cemetery.

May 1, 1903 The Waverly Free Press: Beginnings of Waverly - Early Business Houses On Broad Street. The first effect of the location of the Erie station was to shift the business center of the village from the vicinity of the present site of the Methodist church to the neighborhood of the station. Broad street was already laid out, and cross streets connecting it with Chemung street closely followed. Houses and business places sprung up as if by magic, and there was a lively strife on Broad street to see who should be the first to complete a building and engage in business. As before noted, the Erie station was the first building in that part of the village. The old building stood a little west of the present passenger station, and was destroyed by fire in July 1878. Within two days the railroad company had completed a temporary structure for the use of passengers, and within a week the debris had been cleared away and the burned district was ready for rebuilding. The contract for the new station was let to Howell & Libot of Elmira for $6,900, and by August the present brick structure was well under way. It was opened for use early in the fall, the company's offices in the meantime being situated in the Tioga House. While the original station was in process of erection William Peck put up a little wooden structure on the bank a little to the west of the present site of the Snyder House, and opened a saloon and eating house. Mr. Peck soon found it necessary to increase the size of his building, which was enlarged, a basement added into which the saloon was moved, and a general store opened on the ground floor. Four or five years later the building was again enlarged, and reopened as a hotel under the same name of Waverly House, later Courtney House. During 1849, but a few months later than the completion of the Peck building, Captain Davis erected another wooden structure and opened a saloon and boarding house between the Courtney House and the present Snyder House site. Within a year the size of this building was doubled and it was likewise converted into a good hotel. Stephen Bennett, who has been noted as previously conducting a blacksmithing business on West Chemung street near the Shephard's, was the next proprietor, and in the fall of 1856 he sold the business to Cyrus Warford. The building was burned Feb. 19, 1857, being a total loss to Mr. Warford who carried no insurance. This was the second serious fire handled by Waverly's pioneer fire company, old Neptune No. 1, and it was only by the most strenuous exertions that the firemen prevented the destruction of the Courtney House also, as nothing but an alley three feet wide separated the two structures. The old Clarmont House, corner of Waverly and Chemung streets was burned in March of the previous year. The Courtney House stood until July 19, 1878, when it was burned in the fire which also consumed the original Erie station building, and Bentley's livery. While these hotels were being built the merchants were not idle, and several stores went up on Broad street. Owen Spalding offered a deed for the lot on which the building should be situated to the person who should first complete a building and engage in business. This prize was won by William Gibbons who opened a store in November 1849, where the Gibbons grocery stands now. When the first store was opened there were but three buildings on the street, not one of them completed. Mr. Spalding at the same time was engaged in erecting a large wooden block on the site of the present brick block, but his own building was not allowed to enter the competition. Here during November, Hiram Moore began a retail business, and about Christmas time T. J. Brooks, who had previously been engaged in business at Factoryville, opened another store in the same block, while John A. Corbin followed with a drug store, also in Spalding's block. The rent of these stores was then $100 per year. This Spalding block was destroyed in the "big fire" of 1855. Isaac Shepard was meantime erecting a double store at the corner of Clark and Broad streets. In one half he opened a dry goods store, while in the other half Messrs. Chas. Shepard and J. L. Reeves conducted a hardware store and tinshop. This building still stands, being one of the few original structures remaining on Broad street, and is now occupied by the Tioga Steam Laundry. In 1850 Hiram Moore built a foundry on Broad and Waverly streets a little above the present location of the Citizens bank, and at about the same time. About the same time John Hard opened a jewelry store, the first in town. It was located where Fred F. Smith has his plumbing shop. The Moore foundry was afterward converted into a saloon, and later into a hotel known as the Central House. With some adjoining properties it was burned December 21, 1861. The Stewart House, formerly the American House was built in 1851 for a grist mill, afterward changed to a furniture factory, and in 1865 Frank Sutton converted it into a hotel. The first brick buildings on the street were put up in 1852, the brick used in their construction being burned in the yard on North Waverly street. In that year Captain Davis, who was the first postmaster, built the Davis (now the Exchange) block at the corner of Broad and Fulton streets. Waverly had been made a postoffice two years before, Captain Davis receiving his appointment from President Fillmore, March 15, 1850. He at first kept the office in Cyrus Warford's store on Chemung street and later in a little wooden building just west of the Jarvis store. This building was afterward moved down to near the present site of the Langford House. Upon completion of the new block the office was installed in the store now occupied by H. M. Ferguson & Co., but in the same year the democrats succeeded in electing their presidential candidate, and Alva Jarvis superseded Captain Davis June 18, 1853. Captain Davis was a very earnest whig and a curious relic of his early political enthusiasm was unearthed in the spring of 1873 by workmen engaged in repairing the former's home. It was a campaign banner of 1844, made of faded satin and inscribed "Clay" - The Man for the Times," which had lain undisturbed in a disused attic for nearly thirty years. Robert Crans placed it upon exhibition in his store for several days. The second brick building on Broad street was the hotel built by B. P. Snyder and now known as the Snyder House. In 1855 the hotel was sold to Cyrus Warford, and though he retired from active management in 1873 the house until recently bore his name. The following paragraph relative to the Knapp family was handed us by a friend who vouches for its authenticity: "Emily Knapp's great-grandfather, William Knapp, was a Boston merchant at the time the tea was thrown overboard in the harbor and he was one of the parties disguised in an Indian's dress that did it. (To Be Continued)

May 8, 1903 The Waverly Free Press: Stone Quarry For Rent - On easy terms. 400 Chestnut and oak posts for sale. A. G. Dubois, 438 Waverly Street.

The Free Press has frequently during the past few months, called attention to the demand for houses to rent or sell, and urged that our moneyed men at once erect a number of moderate priced houses or flats. This demand is constantly increasing. Today there is not a vacant house, or vacant suite of rooms in the valley. The different real estate agents in town say that from fifty to one hundred houses could be rented within a week. There is scarcely a day but what each of them has half a dozen or more calls for houses or rooms. This has been the condition for several months, and since the recent order of the Lehigh company directing all tenants of the forty or more houses in the "brick row" and vicinity, east of their tracks at Sayre, to vacate them within ten days, to make room for the extensive shops to be erected there, the call for houses in the three towns has been unprecedented. It is simply impossible for them to find houses, and they will be obliged to occupy a part of houses with other families, temporarily, or move out of town. Nor is this all. The extensive shops that the Lehigh is but commencing to erect at Sayre, together with the large force employed or soon to be employed, in enlarging their yards, will give employment to several hundred additional men there - the number is estimated at 1,500 men - but they can not locate in the valley until houses are built for them. This large increase in population is assured, and there are rumors of other large industrial developments, as will be seen by an article in another column of this paper. In view of these facts, in view of the urgent needs of the town, it is urged that men with money to invest commence at once the erection of a large number of houses in Waverly. All have been wishing for years to see the town develop - now there is a chance to see the wishes realized if the capitalists improve their opportunity. Look the matter up, gentlemen, you will find that this statement is not exaggerated, that houses can be rented or sold faster than you can build them, and to men who work in the shops at good salaries, and who can pay sufficient rents to make the investment profitable. Sayre and Athens are erecting houses by the score and have been for months. Waverly should do the same. A number of small dwellings are already in course of construction in this village and several others are to be commenced at once, but a hundred are needed now, and the men who build them, to rent or sell, will find it a good investment.

May 15, 1903 The Waverly Free Press: Looking Backward Over The Years. A History Of Waverly And Vicinity - Early Settlers - Initial Events - Interesting Incidents With Reminiscences Of The Days Of The Long Ago. No. 24 - Early Days Of Waverly Village. "The Luminary." With new stores being opened weekly on Broad street the merchants who had previously opened business places on Chemung street discovered that they were decidedly "out of it." Accordingly they began to move down town, taking not their stock in trade alone, but their buildings also. The old Chambers cabinet shop which stood on the present site of the Lang residence was moved down to the corner of Broad and Clark streets, where for many years it did duty as a grocery, being occupied by J. J. Hern, W. H. Boda and others. It was torn down a couple of years ago to make room for McCarthy's brick block. George Hanna purchased Gilbert Hallet's building and moved it to near the present site of Lee's clothing store, where Hiram Payne occupied it as a furniture store. Cyrus Warford moved his Chemung street grocery down town, and the Moore foundry, mentioned last week, was also a building taken down from Villemont and rebuilt on Broad street. Soon after the coming of the railroad Waverly began to put on the airs of a little city, and within two years the town boasted its own weekly journal. The subsequent history of its growth is best told by extracts from this paper and its successors.
The first newspaper was the "Waverly Luminary," but unfortunately it was that variety of luminary known to the astronomer as a variable star, and after shining a brief ten months it suffered a total eclipse. It was issued every Friday from an office upstairs in the Spalding block, south side of Broad street, by Thomas Messenger, editor and proprietor. Mr. Messenger came to Waverly from Corning where he had established a paper in 1847. The initial number of the Luminary bore the date October 3, 1851, Mr. Messenger having disposed of his Corning sheet during the July previous. He died in Canada in the early seventies. The Luminary announced under its title that it was devoted to literature, news, etc., and that it was independent in everything, but neutral in nothing. In short, Mr. Messenger aimed to live up to the motto published at the head of his first page, "We shine for all," but from some of his later articles it is evident that his sentiments were strongly pro slavery. As first issued the Luminary was a four page, five column sheet, a little larger than the Youth's Companion, but after a few months, to accommodate the increased amount of advertising, the size of the page was enlarged to about the present size of a Free Press page. Probably the only complete volume in existence is in the possession of Mrs. C. F. Spencer.
The following is an extract from his first issue: Our Location. Waverly is situated in the southwest corner of Tioga County, N. Y., on the line of the New York and Erie Railroad; at which place all passenger trains (the Night Express excepted) stop. It is located midway between the thriving villages of Owego and Elmira, on a beautiful elevated plain about four miles from the village of Athens, where the North Branch and Chemung rivers unite to form the Susquehanna. There is no place along the line of the Railroad whose growth has been so rapid as Waverly. One year since it was simply a station; now it is a neat village containing over 1,000 inhabitants, with hotels, well stocked stores, churches, and last but not least its Newspaper - and is destined to be from its location quite a large village, if not a city. It is now pretty well understood that the Williamsport Railroad will terminate at this place; which when finished will have the effect of doubling our present population in a few months. A glance at our business cards and advertising columns will show the amount of business in the village better than we can do it in an article like this; although not one-half our business men have as yet got their names in the paper, but will probably do so in the next few weeks. Six miles east of us and in the same town is the enterprising little village of Barton; and four miles west is situated the village of Chemung - both of which have their hotels, stores, & c. The ancient village of Factoryville is right by our side - is in fact part and parcel of this village and will undoubtedly be incorporated as such ere long. It, also, has a splendid lot of stores, shops, mills, factories & c. As a whole we know of no better location for a village in the state than Waverly has - surrounded as it is, by neat and thriving villages, beautiful scenery, splendid farms, and all the conveniences of Railroads & c. A view from the top of the far named "Spanish Hill," a few rods in front of the village would amply repay a person for a trip from New York City. As a desirable place of residence it is not surpassed by any other: for the doctors can scarcely exist here it is so "miserably healthy" that they are seriously thinking of turning their attention to the raising of grain - as they have no patients to raise. (To Be Continued.)

May 22, 1903 The Waverly Free Press: Walter VanAtta of Toledo, Ohio, is visiting his brother, A. J. VanAtta.

Mrs. Julia VanAtta, who has been visiting her brother-in-law, A. J. VanAtta and other Waverly friends, returned to her home in Pine City yesterday. - E. C. VanAtta was in Owego yesterday.

July 1903 Elmira Telegram: Waverly. Theodore Weeks, Ralph Knapp, George Knapp, and Fred Waldo are camping at Cannon Hole.

The Waverly post-office took up their new quarters in the handsome National Protective Legion building on Wednesday, July 1. A new clerk and carrier and two rural carriers have been added to the force.

August 1903 The Waverly Free Press: The Slaughter block corner of Broad and Waverly streets is being repainted.

September 20, 1903 Elmira Telegram: Waverly. Mrs. Dianthe Newkirk, better known as "Auntie" Newkirk, died at her home in Waverly street, at 8 o'clock Wednesday evening, of old age. She was eighty-eight years of age, and came to Waverly seventy-four years ago. She was a member of the Methodist church, from which the funeral was held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. (At 486 Waverly st. Warren M. Clarke and Mrs. Diantha B. Newkirk)

September 1903 or 1904 Waverly Free Press: The wedding of Miss Isabelle L. Welch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Welch of Danby, N. Y., to Mr. Richard James Emmons of Waverly was solemnized at the home of the groom's mother, 16 Tioga street, Ithaca, N. Y., at 7:30 o'clock Wednesday evening. The beautiful Episcopal service was performed by Rev. McKnight of Ithaca in the presence of a large number of friends of the contracting parties. The couple was attended by Miss Nellie Sparling of Ithaca and Mr. Lew Frederick of Cortland. Following the ceremony a sumptuous wedding supper was served. Mr. and Mrs. Emmons came to Waverly last night and will be at home to their friends at No. 7 Athens street (octagon home owned by Mrs. Charlotte Slaughter of 208 Chemung street Waverly, NY) after Sept. 16. Among those who attended the wedding from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. William Emmons and A. L. McEwen of Waverly.

September 27, 1903 Elmira Telegram: Mrs. E. Miner Payne and Mrs. S. W. Slaughter of Waverly, were in the city shopping on Wednesday.

October 23, 1903 The Waverly Free Press: Further growth of Sayre. ... The railroad company's purchase contained the Southern Central Junction and at that point, the erection of a sixteen stall round house was begun during 1872. ... In 1875 Robert A. Packer purchased a site for a residence, and in November of that year he began erecting the magnificent home which after his death was converted into the Packer Hospital. Neither effort nor expense were spared in its construction and beautifying and it is estimated that the total cost including the grounds and dining hall was not far from two hundred thousand dollars. The dining hall was added to the original structure only a short time before Col. Packer's death and was designed and finished by Herts Brothers of New York at a cost of forty thousand dollars. It was said to be the finest in the state. ... The first telephone ever put up in this section connected Col. Packer's office with his residence, and the Advocate concluded its lengthy description of the new improvement by assuring its readers that even at such a distance every word could be distinctly heard. (talking about railroad offices at Sayre) ... Work on the foundations of the long expected repair shops was begun in August 1878 so that they might be ready for the brick work the following spring. ... The foundation for the present Sayre depot, a brick structure 36 by 136 feet, was laid in August 1881. It was formally opened to the public Monday evening, June 5, 1882, Col. Packer making quite an event of the occasion, giving a reception to the citizens of Sayre and the employees of the road. The Sayre band gave a concert, refreshments were served to the company, speeches were made by W. C. Douglas and Mr. Elmer, and Col. Packer publicly presented the keys to the agent, H. C. Spaulding. (To Be Continued)

December 4, 1903 Waverly Free Press: Musical Club Organized. The pupils of Miss Edna Mixer have formed a musical organization know as the Saint Ceclia Club with Josephine Hall president, Pauline Angell vice-president and Maude Ellis secretary. The second meeting was held with Miss Mixer Saturday afternoon and was devoted to the study of Beethoven. The proram was as follows: Columbine - d'Aceres Fanny Harden. Bonatina - Beethoven Gertrude Slaughter. Serenade - Amy VanAtta. Fur Elsie - Beethoven Pauline Angell. Turkish March from "Ruins of Athens" - Beethoven Maud Ellis, Pauline Angell. Overture to Poet and Peasant - Tina Engleman. Polanaise - Beethoven Josephine Hall. Sonato, Op.26 - Beethoven Maud Ellis. Minuet - Beethoven Josephine Hall, Tina Engleman.

1904-1907 Taken from "Binghamton Republican": Owego Well Represented. At the regular monthly meeting of the board of assistant managers of the Susquehanna Valley Home yesterday the following new members were appointed to the board: City - Mrs. C. J. Knapp, Mrs. E.E. Powell and Mrs. C.A. Ward. Owego - Mrs. James A. Bassett, Mrs. Gurden Pumpelly, Mrs. George I. Hansell, Mrs. Warren L. Ayer, Mrs. H. Austin Clark and Mrs. Louis D. Hyde. Waverly - Miss Mary Elmer, Miss Adelaide Kenyon and Mrs. Charlotte Slaughter (208 Chemung st. Waverly, NY). (Susquehanna Valley Home- a state orphanage)

January 31, 1904 Elmira Telegram: WAVERLY. The appointment of W. C. Buck, of Elmira, as Erie station agent at this place, meets with the approbation of every one. Waverly people are proud to welcome him. He assumed his new duties on Thursday and received the congratulations of many of his old friends.

May 8, 1904 The Elmira Telegram: Waverly. Clarence Scott is in Harrisburg, Pa., this week.

Mrs. C. M. Crandall, of Waverly street, is at R. A. Packer hospital at Sayre, receiving treatment for inflammatory rheumatism. (434 Waverly st.)

The five-months-old baby boy of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brown died last Monday morning and the funeral was held Wednesday. The bereaved parents wish to thank their friends for the many acts of kindness. Mr. Brown is very ill of pneumonia. (Thomas Brown and family lived in the octagon house at 7 Athens street from the 1910 census.)

June 3, 1904 Waverly Free Press: House For Rent - On West Chemung street. Inquire of A. K. Gore. - For Rent - One or two large rooms, private bath. 429 Pennsylvania avenue. - For Rent - Four rooms for light housekeeping. Parties with children need not apply. F. A. Thayer, 501 Waverly street. - For Rent - New house with modern improvements near trolley line. Inquire C. L. Mills, 131 West Chemung street, Waverly. - For Rent - Flat with all modern improvements, at 442 Fulton street. - Desirable Houses And Lots For Sale. Inquire of A. G. Dubois, 438 Waverly St. - For Sale - House and lot No. 4 Athens street. Hot water connection. Bath room. S. S. Myers. - For Sale - On account of removal A. A. Slawson will sell his elegant residence, No. 325 Chemung St., on easy terms. For particulars inquire of Tew & Tilton.

October 16, 1904 Waverly Free Press: Improvements About Town. The Slaughter tenant house on Athens street is being repainted. (octagon house at 7 Athens Street)

October 30, 1904 Elmira Telegram: Percy L. Lang, with his big Sterns automobile, decorated with Cornell colors, started for Ithaca this morning to witness the Cornell-Princeton foot ball game. He was accompanied by his two daughters, F. E. Lyford, and two children and H. Clay Clapp.

December 12, 1904 The Morning Star, Glens Falls, NY: Miss Jennie Brown and Edwin D. Mixer, of Waverly, were united in marriage Saturday afternoon at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Eliza J. Brown, at 16 Elm street. Rev. Charles O. Judkins performed the ceremony.

1905 - 1908, at 337 Broad Street, Dr. F. Hallet Spencer, grandson of Joseph Hallet, then later at 423 Park Avenue for many years (from Don Merrill's private collection in 2010.)

New York State Banker's Association Banker's magazine vol. 71 1905: List of Delegates and Guests Attending the Convention. Under guests p. 275 Waverly - Mrs. F. E. Lyford, Mrs. S. W. Slaughter and Miss Gertrude Slaughter (208 Chemung st. Waverly, NY).

W. C. Buck 415 Chemung Street in 1905

1905 census for NY: at 7 Athens (octagon home owned by Mrs. Charlotte Wells Slaughter of 208 Chemung st. Waverly, NY), William W. McEwen 58 yrs old. a stone mason, his wife Luella, sons; Ray W. a reporter 24 yrs. old and Fred E. a Sayre printer 20 yrs. old, and daughter Hazel 4 yrs old. 

1905 The Emmons had moved to 465 Fulton street Waverly, NY: William W. Emmons 28 yrs old, wife Nellie B. 30 yrs. old, and father-in-law Charles D. Preston 56 yrs. old

1905 Advertisements referred to: parlor, hall, library, den, dining room, sitting room, bedrooms, iron beds for $2.89, oak dressers for $10.00 -$14.00, buffets for $10.00 to $17.50, side boards for $18.00 to $25.00, fancy chairs in oak for $2.98, wicker rockers for $1.98, and parlor stoves.

1905 Elmira Telegram: Mrs. Charles Crandall and Mrs. S. W. Slaughter, of Waverly, spent Tuesday in the city.

March 2, 1905 The Binghamton Press: NEW ASSISTANT HOME MANAGERS. Members to Serve on Susquehanna Valley Board - Superintendent Makes Report. At a meeting of the Board of Assistant Managers of the Susquehanna Valley Home yesterday the following new members were elected to serve on the board: City - Mrs. C. J. Knapp, Mrs. E. E. Powell and Mrs. C. A. Ward. Owego - Mrs. James A. Bassett, Mrs. Gurdon Pumpelly, Mrs. George A. Hansell, Mrs. Warren L. Ayre, Mrs. H. Austin Clark and Mrs. Louis D. Hyde. Waverly - Miss Mary Elmer, Miss Adelaide Kenyon, and Mrs. Charlotte Slaughter (208 Chemung st. Waverly, NY). Superintendent Conklin presented the following report for February; "To the Board of Assistant Managers, The number of children in the Home Feb. 1 was 115. We have received ? and discharged five during the month. We desire to express our obligations to the following friends of the Home for contributions received, ..."I. H. Conklin."

March 31, 1905 The Waverly Free Press: Eggs Hatched for five cents a piece. Geo. B. Knapp.

April 16, 1905 Elmira Telegram: This week there will be meetings of a number of the Sunshine circles: Monday afternoon, Suburban at the home of Mrs. Rosamond B. Tubbs, No. 605 West Clinton Street; Tuesday afternoon the members of Opportunity circle will celebrate their first birthday at the home of their president, Mrs. Robert N. Parmenter, No. 458 West First street, having arranged for an entertainment in the afternoon to be followed by a banquet; Merry Workers will meet with Misses Jennie B. and Hattie R. Brook, No. 518 West Gray street; Outlook with Mrs. John L. Elliott, No. 507 West Clinton street; Tuesday evening, Alden circle with Miss Brooks, No. 681 West Clinton street: Thursday afternoon, Beecher circle with Rev. Annis Ford Eastman, No. 118 East Chemung place; Good Cheer circle with Mrs. Charles Warner, West Water street; Friday afternoon, Lend - a - hand circle with Mrs. Thomas J. Routledge, No. 509 Walnut street; Samaritan circle with Mrs. Frederic S. Knickerbocker, No. 511 William street; Saturday afternoon, Social circle with Miss Frances Brooks Tubbs, No. 605 West Clinton street; and Eastern Star circle will meet on the second floor of the Masonic temple, first door to the left of the stairs. (Rosamond or Rose is the daughter of T. J. and Cynthia Brooks, while Frances is their granddaughter. T. J. Brooks owned the lot and built the first house, rectangular in shape at 208 Chemung st. Waverly, NY) (1849-1857 where our main house stands today. Brooks' original home is most likely incorporated into our home for when Dewitt Slaughter purchased Brook's home, Dewitt had the home enlarged and by 1869 the home had its current foundation lay out and then in 1873, the home was "rebuilt" to have its Eastlake and Gothic appearance.)

June 1905 Montrose, PA newspaper: The remains of Charles M. Crandall, of Waverly, N.Y., were brought here for burial on Tuesday. Mr. Crandall was at one time one of the most prominent and influential men of this place and was the proprietor of the large Crandall toy factory, which was burned. [August of 1886] The funeral services were conducted by Rev. John. M. MacInnis, pastor of the Presbyterian church. In 1886 Mr. Crandall moved to Waverly, where three years later he made his greatest success. This was with the Pigs In Clover puzzle, which he invented. This puzzle became popular all over the country. It was taken on by everybody, even invading the Senate chamber at Washington. One Senator became so fascinated with it that he took the elusive "pigs" and "pen" to the session one morning and soon had half a dozen trying their skill in a committee-room. It was probably the greatest selling puzzle ever produced. (Friends with the Slaughter's)

Summer 1905 Waverly Free Press: Miss Ada Simons is building a house on Chemung street near the Y.M.C.A. tennis court. The first story will be of concrete, the second story shingled. - The "Hepzibah" people are building a house on East Broad street for their new "Hepzibain Home." - If you want a good wearing paint on your building put a pure linseed oil paint. We make it. A. H. Thomas Paint Co.

June 23, 1905 The Waverly Free Press: Waverly Fifty Years Ago. {Extracts from the Advocate June 22, 1855} ... The Erie as running eight trains a day each way. This included all freight trains. The "night express" trains ran daily, while the mail trains remained over night at Owego. D. C. McCallum was superintendent and T. J. Brooks station agent. Stage coaches left Waverly for Athens, Towanda, Tunkhannock, and intermediate points after arrival of the trains.

July 2, 1905 Elmira Telegram : Mrs. Rose B. Tubbs and Miss Frances Brooks Tubbs (granddaughter of T. J. and Cythnia Lowman Brooks), of West Clinton street, are going to Lowman, N. Y., to spend the Fourth with relatives. 

- The ladies and gentlemen who subscribe to the Women's Federation by July 1 are enrolled as charter members and on the list are the following names: ... Frances B. Tubbs, ...

Bankers Magazine Vol. 71: July to December 1905. New York State Bankers' Association. List Of Delegates And Guests Attending The Convention. Under Delegates page 274; Waverly - F. E. Lyford, First National Bank. Under Guests page 275; Waverly - Mrs. F. E. Lyford, Mrs .S. W. Slaughter and Miss Gertrude Slaughter(Mrs. Charlotte Wells Slaughter and daughter Gertrude of 208 Chemung st. Waverly, NY) {The Banquet. July 13.}

July 8, 1905 The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, NY - Julia Wells Ford. Julia Wells, the widow of John Milton Ford, and a lineal descendant of Jonathan Dickinson, the first president of Princeton College, died at her home, 242 President street, Thursday, of diseases incident to old age. She had been confined to her bed for eight months, but was intellectually bright to the last. She was born in Orange County, N. Y., on January 29, 1815, and had been a widow for nearly fifty years. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church, and her uncle and cousin were foreign and home missionaries of the early church. A sister survives her, Miss Elizabeth Wells, aged 88 years, of Goshen, N. Y. She also leaves a daughter, Mrs. Catherine Powell; a son John E; a granddaughter, Mrs. A. Kipp; a grandson, W. E. Ford, and a great grandson, William E. Shepard. Her ancestors, who came to America from Oxford, England, in the seventeenth century, were well known Presbyterians. The funeral services were held this afternoon. The burial will be in the Arlington Cemetery, New Jersey.

August 27, 1905 Elmira Telegram: Mrs. S. W. Slaughter, of Waverly, was in the city shopping last Wednesday.

Sept. 9, 1905 - Miss Elizabeth E. Wells died. (1900 census - Golden Hill Avenue, Goshen, NY - George Graham 67 yo., landlord; wife Hannah 66 yo.; friend Elizabeth Wells 83 yo., single) Mrs. Charlotte Slaughter's aunt Elizabeth.

Sept. 15, 1905 Independent Republican Goshen, NY - Goshen Doings. - Goshen Doings. Mrs. Charlotte Slaughter, of Waverly, a sister of Supervisor J. E. Wells, attended the funeral of her aunt, Miss Elizabeth Wells, in this village, Tuesday afternoon, and returned home Wednesday.

September 1905 Goshen NY Democrat - Miss Elizabeth E. Wells died Saturday at the home of George Graham, on Golden Hill avenue, this village, aged 88 years, 5 months and 9 days. She was born in the town of Goshen and was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Wells. The funeral was held at 2 p.m., Tuesday at the late home. Interment in Phillipsburg.

October 29, 1905 Elmira Telegram: Mrs. Charles H. Shipman entertained a large company of friends at her pleasant home in Waverly street (453 Waverly st.), Thursday afternoon. She was assisted by Mrs. A. I. Decker, Mrs. F. A. Sawyer, Mrs. S. L. Fish, Mrs. F. L. Howard, Mrs. W. E. Tew, Mrs. Helen Cole, Miss Bessie Perkins and Miss Gertrude Slaughter. 

December 1905 Elmira Telegram: Waverly, N. Y., Dec. 16.- Mrs. Esther Lewis, one of the oldest residents of this village, in point of years and of residence, died at her late home in Park place last Monday night. Her age was eighty-six years. She was a woman of rare piety and always took a deep interest in the things that make for purity. She was the widow of the late Walter H. Lewis. She is survived by one son, John H. Lewis, of the Lehigh's clerical force at Sayre, who resides at home, and Mrs. George Adams, of Geneseo, N. Y. Funeral services were held from the house on Wednesday afternoon, the Rev. P. R. Ross, pastor of the Presbyterian church, officiating. (Walter and Esther Lewis and family lived with Dewitt and Samuel Slaughter temporarily around 1870, at 208 Chemung Street. Mrs. Lewis' home was at 117 Park Place.)

December 22, 1905 The Waverly Free Press: A Fine Organization. Kramm's orchestra, Waverly's new musical organization, gave a dance in Stone's hall last night. It was the first of a series to be given through the winter which promises to become exceedingly popular. Certain it is that no better music for dancing can be secured anywhere in the Southern Tier. The new orchestra is probably the best musical organization of the kind produced in this town for years and its success seems assured. There are twelve well balanced pieces with F. J. Kramm, a musician of recognized ability and a master of the violin, as the leader. The personnel of the orchestra is as follows: F. J. Kramm, 1st violin; Archie Hess, Ernest Nichols, violin; Leon Sutton, bass viol; John Lennon, cello; E. Y. Tighe, piano; John Daly, clarinet; Louis Kinsman, flute; M. M. McGuffie, Will Taylor, cornet; Samuel Blair, trombone; A. L. Birch, drum. Harry Shipman has been chosen manager of the new organization, and he has a number of plans in view to promote the welfare of the orchestra and give the people of the valley an opportunity to enjoy first class music. Among other things it is planned to give a series of sacred concerts on Sunday afternoons in Stone's hall although no definite arrangements to that end have yet been made.

1906 Luman and Melissa Rice were living in Elmira, NY. They had owned the land of 3 and 5 Athens street for about 1 1/2 years, Dec. 11, 1856 to June 14, 1858.

February 14, 1906 Port Jervis New York Tri-States Union: A 37 -Mile Trolley. State Railroad Commission Grants an Important Franchise. For The Waverly - Corning Line. But Denies the Application of the Chemung Valley Traction Company for an 18 - mile Electric Line - The Granted Line Runs from Athens, Pa., to Corning. The State Board of Railroad Commissioners at Albany, Feb. 14, granted the application of the Elmira, Corning & Waverly Railway Company for an electric railway 37 miles long, from Waverly to Elmira and thence to Corning, and denying that of the Chemung Valley Traction Company for an electric line 18 1/2 miles long, from Elmira to Waverly. The commission denies the latter application because it has granted permission to the former company to construct a road which not only connects Elmira and Waverly but runs to Corning. The commission says to the interests owning the Elmira company now run a trolley system from Athens, Pa., to Waverly, and like-wise own a railway system to Corning, which is being extended to Painted Post. Its conclusion is that the construction of the proposed road of the Elmira Company will make continuous line of railway from Athens, Pa., to Painted Post, running through Waverly, Elmira and Corning. (See article from May 13, 1930 Elmira Star Gazette, for discontinued service of this line.)

March 1906 The Waverly Free Press: Miss R. M. VanAtta is very ill at the home of her brother, A. J. VanAtta, Pennsylvania avenue, having suffered a stroke of paralysis Wednesday.

March 9, 1906 The Binghamton Press: Mrs. Rebecca Van Atta Died Here Yesterday. Waverly, March 9. - The death of Mrs. Rebecca M. Van Atta occurred at her home, 441 Pennsylvania avenue yesterday. The deceased was 74 years old and paralysis was the cause of death. Born in Barton, Mrs. Van Atta had lived all her life in this part of the country. One brother A. J. Van Atta, survives. Rev. Dr. Godshall will conduct the funeral services, which will be held at the residence Sunday morning at 10 o'clock.

March 16, 1906 The Waverly Free Press: Henry M. Spear, formerly of this place but for several years foreman at the bridge works at Elmira Heights, has been promoted to superintendent of the American Bridge Co. plant at Elmira. (In the 1920's Henry Spear rented one side of the octagon home at 7 Athens Street, Waverly, NY)

Susan B. Anthony, the noted woman suffragist, died at her home in Rochester Monday night from pneumonia.

March 29, 1906 Elmira Gazette And Free Press: Among the out-of-town people from Waverly who will be in this city Saturday attending the matinee of Ben Hur will be Mrs. Charlotte Slaughter, Miss Gertrude Slaughter, Mrs. John Van Atta, Mrs. Farr, Miss Farr, Mrs. Munn, Miss Lumm, Mrs. Wellar, Miss Arnst.

Spring 1906 Waverly Free Press: Miss Gladys Crandall and Miss Emma Richardson, of Elmira, were guests Saturday and Sunday of Miss Gertrude Slaughter.

June 29, 1906 Elmira Gazette And Free Press: Waverly - Miss Carolyn Storms and Edgar Sebring of Waverly were united in marriage Wednesday night at the home of the bride's father, J. W. Storms by Rev. George A. Briggs. The bride is an estimable young woman and the groom a former member of the Cornell varsity crew. (Edgar Sebring was listed as living at 208 Chemung st. Waverly, NY in 1936 to 1942, renting part of Mrs. Gertrude Knapp's home.)

1907 LINEAGE BOOK National Society Of The Daughters of the American Revolution VOLUME LXIV 63001- 64000  
Miss Jenn Winslow Coltrane Historian General WASHINGTON, D. C. 1923 
Born in Goshen, N. Y. 
Wife of Samuel Wickham Slaughter.
Descendant of Joshua Wells and of Jonathan Sayre. 
Daughter of Alfred Wells and Lydia Westbrook Nyce, his wife. 
Granddaughter of Joshua Wells, Jr., and Jemima Sayre, his wife. 
Gr-granddaughter of Joshua Wells and Rhoda Boothe, his wife; Jonathan Sayre and Mary Monell, his wife. 
Joshua Wells (1747- 1820) was a private in the 3rd regiment, Orange County, N. Y., and served on the Committee of Safety. He was born and died in Goshen, Orange County, N. Y. 
Jonathan Sayre (1752-1829) served as a private in Captain Woodhull's company of "Light Horse Cavalry" of Orange County, N. Y., where he was born and died.

February 22, 1907 "Waverly Free Press": The most widely read paper in the county, Free Press-Record seventy-five cents a year if paid before March 1, 1907.

February 22, 1907 Waverly Free Press -  At the last meeting of the D. T. D. club the following officers were elected: President, Barbara Lawrence; vice-president, Margaret Tew; secretary, Jessie Smith; treasurer, Alice Westfall; musical committee, Jessie Smith and Barbara Lawrence. The next meeting of the club will be held at the home of Miss Gertrude Slaughter (208 Chemung st. Waverly, NY). (Delta Theta Delta - a club/society of the Waverly High School. There was also the Sigma Delta fraternity at Waverly High School.)

Two houses for rent - one on Cayuta avenue, eight rooms, $9.00; one on Barker Place, four rooms, $7.00. Mrs. I. G. Dodge

March 15, 1907 Waverly Free Press: Indications are that an unusually large number of houses will go up in Waverly the coming summer. Contractors say that never before have they had so many inquiries from persons interested in building, and a good number of contracts have been taken for early spring. While some of these houses will be built for investors, by far the greater number will be put up for thrifty residents who have determined to own their homes. But even with these gratifying signs of the town's prosperity, the approach of the moving season shows a lamentable scarcity of houses, present and prospective. Waverly is up against the same proposition every spring. Every year many people come over from Sayre looking for houses to rent, preferring this village as a residence to the smoke and dirt of the railroad town, and every year most of them go back to put up with what they have had. The houses are not here. A man of considerable property said this week, "If I had a hundred more houses I could rent them with no trouble whatever." That the demand is real is evident when leases are made for new houses, in some instances, before the cellar walls are laid. Houses that rent from $9 to $15, preferably the lower figure, are wanted and under present conditions they can be built to insure a good return on the investment. More houses are needed to continue the movement for a bigger, better and more prosperous Waverly. 

March 22, 1907 Elmira Gazette And Free Press: Mr. and Mrs. M. Moffet will entertain at their home on College Avenue Wednesday evening. (The daughter of Gabriel Evans of 7 Athens st. Waverly, NY.)

March 23, 1907 The Binghamton Press: Stories And Incidents Of The Old Frontier. No. 15 - An Olden Time Hunt In Waverly. By Jasper T. Jennings. In a former number of this series of papers we gave an account of Adin Stephens big hunt, which took place on Dec. 4, 1818, in the Wyalusing section of Bradford county, Pa. As the news of the organized preparations for this big hunt reached the settlers along the State line, they also proceeded to organize a similar hunt for the same day. They too, felt the need of earnest effort to destroy some of the more destructive wild animals that abounded in that vicinity. If the Wyalusing settlers had fixed upon Dec. 4 for their hunt, it was thought it would perhaps be more effectual to have theirs at the same time. And so the date and arrangements were made. The day came and 150 men responded to the call. The force was divided into two companies, the Pennsylvania men being led by Elias Matthewson, who had been the leading settler in organizing the hunt, and the New York men being led by a man by the name of Tuttle. The section to be raided was that lying between the Susquehanna and Chemung rivers, from what was then known as the Big Pine woods on the south, where Athens is now, at the junction of the two rivers, and the range of hills north of where Waverly is now. The force was too small to completely surround the territory from river to river, and the New York hunters advanced from the northern hills, when their line extended from the Chemung river to Shepard's creek. The plan was for the two companies to move slowly and cautiously forward, gradually drawing together, so as to form a complete circle, which was to close around a small abandoned clearing, where the city of Waverly has since been built. The center of this spot, as near as can be ascertained by those most competent to judge, was near where the foundry was built in after years. Who would have thought at that time that within 90 years such a busy and thriving town as Waverly is, with all its industrial institutions and busy hum of shop and forge, would mark the spot where the wild beasts of the forest were driven together to be slaughtered for the welfare and safety of the settlements of the border. If it had been uttered in prophecy, human imagination could hardly have comprehended its possibility. Early in the forenoon, everything being in readiness, the word was given to advance. The captains had given strict orders not to fire a gun until the appointed rendezvous was reached. Ere long it became apparent that many deer, as well as bears and wolves, were escaping through the long gaps between the men; and this soon led to a pretty general disobedience of the order not to fire. Soon the guns began to bang right and left. Several deer and other game were killed as they went dashing past, but this promiscuous firing was dangerous, and ere long three of the hunters had been hit; though, luckily, none of these shots were fatal. The firing was now discontinued, and the men marched rapidly forward, gradually drawing the lines closer and closer as they proceeded. Many of the men who did not possess guns carried axes, clubs, pitchforks and threshing flails, an implement nearly obsolete, but one of the most useful at that time, and to those who knew how to wield it quite a formidable weapon. These weapons could be safely used at any time, and they did good service in dispatching several animals that sought to escape before reaching the central rendevous. At one time a black bear made a rush to escape between the men in the advancing Pennsylvania line. Sylvant Decker leaped before him with his upraised flail and with a mighty blow laid the excited beast flat upon the ground. But the next moment it had regained its feet, and with quick, excited barks, more like an angry hog than anything else, reared upon its hind legs and roared defiance. Leaping nimbly to one side, Decker wielded the flail with all his might. Once or twice the bear came near knocking the flail from his grasp, and he was forced to take a few steps back, but he did not falter. After a lively struggle the bear was stretched lifeless at his feet, and he ran on to resume his place in the ranks. A little later in the day another bear sought to run past him, and this one he also killed, after a hard fight, in the same way. He was a strong man, with great power of endurance, and the story of his battles with these two bears was often told as neighbors sat by the chimney corner in the old log cabins for years afterward. At one time an immense buck, almost as large as an elk, sought to dash through the file, when Jacobus Van Sickle smashed its skull with one blow of his ponderous flail, as it bounded past him. Elias Matthewson's hired man, a mere boy in years, by the name of Mart Van Deven, marched in the company, armed with a pitchfork. A wolf leaped from behind and overturned root and attempted to leap past him. In an instant the young man had run the sharp lines of the pitchfork completely through the wolf's body. A moment he held the struggling, howling beast pinned to the ground while it snarled and bit at the pitchfork, and then, with the assistance of a companion, it was given its final quietus. Ere it was yet dead, the boy raised the pitchfork over his shoulder, with the gasping wolf sticking upon the tines, and went forward to be with the men at the final round up. But perhaps no man in that hunt more particularly distinguished himself than did Warren Tuttle, who marched with the company from the Pine woods that day. Hearing a rustling noise overhead and a little in advance of him, he looked up and beheld an enormous panther bounding toward him through the tons of the tops of the trees. It had been started from its lair by the advancing army of hunters and was now seeking to escape through the tree tops over the heads of the men. On it came, leaping from branch to branch, and tree to tree, with all the ease and agility of a squirrel. It was a formidable looking beast, and its eyes seemed to gleam like fire as it halted a moment to gaze upon the upturned face of the hunter, and then came on again as if with a fixed determination. Tuttle stepped carefully forward to where there was a clear space between the treetops and with his rifle half raised watched every movement as closely as a cat watches a mouse. A moment or two later the great tawney beast neared the desired spot. It glided out upon a far-reaching limb, and gathering its hind legs and lashing its long tail prepared to make the spring to the branches of another tree some 20 feet away. Tuttle's gun came to his face and his keen eye glanced along the barrel as the panther shot out in the clear space above. There was a sharp report and the panther fell dead almost at the feet of the hunter. The shot had been made while it was in the air, and though the impetus of the animal's leap had carried it to the branches of the next tree, it fell with a bullet directly through its heart. It was now getting quite late in the afternoon and the approaching lines were getting in hearing distance of each other. Drawing together in a circle around the clearing, the corral was completed and order given for the firing to commence. Although probably three-quarters of the animals they had started in the morning had escaped, there was still a goodly number, and as the deer bounded wildly this way and that in their frantic and unavailing efforts to escape, and as the wolves ran snapping and snarling, seeking in vain for some secure hiding place, while now and then a bear showed himself for a moment and then with a deep sullen growl crouched in a little clump of bushes or behind some stump, it produced an exciting scene for the hunters. The steady crack of the rifles, mingled with the heavier reports of the muskets, now filled the air. Deer dropped on the right hand and the left. Wolves were stretched on the ground in many places, bears had fallen, hares and foxes went scurrying over the field in all directions. Amid the excitement of such an occasion and the indiscriminate firing it is a wonder that several of the hunters had not been killed; but we have no account of such being the case. It came very near it, however. A man by the name of Frasier saw what he supposed was a deer behind a scrub oak. He fired and was surprised to see a man rise behind the bush. It was "Bill" Decker, and the deer skin cap which he wore had deceived Frasier and well nigh produced a tragedy. It was indeed lucky for both that the shot was a missing one, and although there was some feeling on the part of Decker, it finally ended in nothing absolutely serious. Some 10 or a dozen years ago and old man by the name of Orrin Decker, nearly 94 years of age, after an absence of 63 years in the West, revisited the place where he had passed his youthful days, 10 miles south of Waverly, in Bradford county, Pa. The friends and companions of his younger days were all gone, and the great woods that covered nearly the whole country, in which they had hunted deer,  bears and where the wolf had howled and the panther screamed, had all been swept away by the march of civilization. Children of the old pioneers had grown old and passed away, though a few yet linger, and the old man spent a week with friends in Bradford and Clinton counties. He will remember the two great hunts that took place in the Wyalusing neighborhood and at Waverly, and in the course of a conversation with friends at the latter place he said: "Waverly is a pretty big town now, but I remember when in one day 40 deer, eight bears, 13 wolves and I don't know how many foxes were killed in what is now the very heart of the city. With the exception of here and there a clearing and some isolated settlement, this part of the Chemung and Susquehanna valley was unbroken woods then, for it hadn't been so many years since the settlers had begun to come into the region. I remember well the hunt that turned in that big supply of game, and I ought to, for I had a hand in it." The subject for the next paper will be "The Indians at Castle Farm."

April 19, 1907 Elmira Star Gazette - Waverly - Nathaniel Ackerly, aged 68 years, died in the Hotel Snyder Wednesday night. He was a prominent Mason and a respected citizen. The funeral will be held in the Masonic Temple Sunday.

April 19, 1907 Waverly Free Press And Tioga County Record: Nathaniel Ackerly, for forty years a resident of Waverly, died in this village Wednesday, April 17, 1907, after a long illness from a complication of diseases. Mr. Ackerly was born in Montgomery, Orange county, N. Y., March 30, 1839. He came to Waverly in 1870 from Montana, where he had been for about seven years in the gold fields. He took a position with the Lehigh Valley railroad company, and had been continuously in the employ of that company until ill health forced him to give up all active work several months ago. He was at first given charge of the transfer of freight at this point and had since held many postions of responsibility and trust for the company at this place and in Sayre. Mr. Ackerly was a member of Waverly Lodge, No. 407, F. and A. M., having united with that order on May 29, 1873. He was master of the lodge in 1875 and 1876, and was also for two terms high priest of Cayuta Chapter, No. 245, R. A. M., of which he became a member December 8, 1873. He was in 1899 Puissant Sovereign of Palestine Conclave, No. 133, a Masonic society which went out of existence a few years ago. Mr. Ackerly was an esteemed citizen and during his long residence here made many friends who learn of his death with deep regret. He is survived by his wife and one brother, George W. Ackerly, of Montgomery, N. Y. Funeral services will be held in the Masonic Temple Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, the Rev. Dr. P. R. Ross, of the Presbyterian church officiating. Interment in Forest Home cemetery. The Masonic ritualistic service will be held. (In 1870, Nathaniel Ackerly was a farm laborer living with Dewitt and Samuel Slaughter, along with the Lewis family at 208 Chemung St. Waverly, N.Y. Ackerly was also a witness to the marriage of Samuel and Charlotte Wells Slaughter in 1873. In 1887, from a directory, Nathaniel Ackerly was living at 457 Waverly Street, Waverly, NY.) (1908 Mrs. Viola Ackerly at 457 Waverly st.)

May 1907 Warwick NY Dispatch: OBITUARY. James Edward Wells. Former Supervisor James Edward Wells died suddenly at 2:30 o'clock Monday morning at his home on Murray avenue, Goshen, from heart trouble. Sunday afternoon Mr. Wells was out driving with his family and retired that night feeling in the best of health. A few minutes before death occured he complained to his wife that he felt badly and she procured for him a drink of brandy. Shortly afterward he expired. Mr. Wells was born at Dingman's, Pike county, Pa., seventy-three years ago, during the short time that his father, the late Alfred Wells, was a resident of that place. The greater portion of his life had been spent in Goshen. A number of years ago he purchased the Conklin homestead farm in the Conklintown neighborhood, east of Goshen, and lived there with his family until six years ago when he removed to Goshen and has since occupied a house which he had purchased on Murray avenue, where his death occured. The Wells family came from England in 1727 and located in Connecticut. Five years later they removed to Goshen, and purchased a farm just north of Goshen, now owned by Jesse S. Mapes. Soon afterwards they purchased the farm in the western section of the town, which had been in the possession of some member of the family ever since. As a Republican Mr. Wells represented the town of Goshen in the Orange County Board of Supervisors from 1894 until Jan. 1, 1906, when he was succeeded by the present incumbent, George F. Gregg. He was an influential member of this body during his term of service and was accorded a place on the more important Goshen Presbyterian Church and of Goshen Grange. He was a progressive agriculturist, a thorough business man and took active interest in Goshen's village and town affairs and was universally respected as a man of integrity. Two years ago his left foot and ankle became diseased and it became necessary to amputate his leg above the knee. He had entirely recovered from the effects of the operation and with the assistance of crutches made daily trips from his home to the post office. He is survived by his wife, Frances Emily Conklin, one son, bookkeeper in the Goshen National Bank, and one daughter, Selena, wife of Cornelius Christie of Watertown, N.Y. Mr. Wells is also survived by three sisters, Mrs. Katherine Slaughter of Crystal Run; Mrs. Mary Coleman of Murray avenue, Goshen; and Mrs. Charlotte Slaughter of (208 Chemung st.) Waverly, N.Y. and two brothers, Moses A. Wells of Chicago; and Charles S. Wells, who lives on the homestead farm west of Goshen. The funeral will be held at 11 o'clock Thursday morning from the Presbyterian Church. The pall bearers will be selected from the members of Goshen Grange. Interment in the cemetery at Phillipsburgh.

May 24, 1907 Waverly Free Press And Tioga County Record: GRAND PARADA A SUCCESS. Charming Extravaganza Pleasing Large Audiences at Loomis Opera House. The Grand Parada, being given in Loomis Opera House this week, is a conspicuous success. The promise that it would be one of the most unique and one of the most pleasing entertainments ever given in Waverly has been fulfilled. It is doubly pleasing, from the fact that the two hundred and more persons taking part are all Waverly people. The Parada consists of a series of intricate drills and marches, sprightly dances, grand choruses and beautiful tableaux, enhanced by splendid special scenery, beautiful calcium and electric light effects and elegant costumes. Individual reference is hardly possible, or desirable, the whole production being so admirably done. The opening performance was given on Tuesday night and as the curtain rose the Flowers and Bees, a score of little tots, girls all in white and boys in yellow and black knickerbockers and blouses, came tripping on the stage ...On Wednesday night these children were replaced by another set, the Fairies, who gave an equally pleasing drill. The second night, too, there was a grand chorus of older girls, who sang most acceptably an operatic selection, with Miss Emma Eisenhart and Miss Mae Bruster as soloists. Next came the Gaiety Girls, ten young ladies, ...Another attractive drill, the Floral Arch, by twenty girls, followed, and won rounds of applause, as did the Cindy chorus,...Then the scene changed and the spectators were taken to far Japan, ....This little side trip wound up safely home, when a small army of typical newsboys came tramping on the stage, paper in hand, and singing a street song. (Continued on page 8.)

GRAND PARADA A SUCCESS (Continued from First Page). ...The first part closed with the Pageant of Nations, a striking representation of five nationalities, American, English, Irish, Scotch and Japanese. Each section, with its leader carrying the national colors, executed a drill or dance typical of its country, and the curtain went down with the several groups forming a pleasing tableaus. ...Part second was a military scene, members of the Sons of Veterans being grouped upon the stage as representing a camp of soldiers. ...The third part opened with a view of a Gypsy camp, one of the prettiest scenes of the production....The Parasol Girls, twelve young women, who came next, made a decided hit, dividing honors in song and drill with the Belles, and the Nationals, who followed them....The last drill was that of the Hussars, and it is hardly unfair to say that it was the most cleverly executed of any of the evening in military costume, the ladies in the company, went through the various movements and intricate formations in a manner that was truly remarkable. Then came the grand ensemble, with a solo by Mrs. Lindsley, and chorus by the entire company, with a grand closing tableau representing America. To put on such an entertainment means a vast amount of hard work and it is gratifying that the time given by the participants in drill and preparation resulted in so successful a performance. It was a splendid production and reflects the greatest credit not only upon the participants, but upon Captain Charles W. Eddy, the director, and his assistants, who have worked unceasingly in its behalf. The Parada is given under the auspices of the Twentieth Century Entertainment Committee of the First Baptist church, and the proceeds are to go into the new organ fund. Immense crowds have attended both performances and the financial success of the undertaking is assured. Two more performances are to be given, tonight and tomorrow afternoon, and indications are that there will be a large sale of seats for both....The following is a list of those who take part in the production: Grand Chorus ...Blanche Evans (7 Athens st. Waverly, NY) ... Fairies-Chaperon, Mrs. Edgar D. Sebring: Leona Wood, Jean Merriam,...Flowers and...Flowers-Frances Knapp, ...Gaiety Girls...The Hussars-Chaperon, Mrs. J.T. Sawyer...Miss Alice P. Fish, Miss Ellen L. Sawyer, Miss Effie Scott...Gypsy Dance-...Boys- Harold Sawyer, George Knapp, Lester Merrill,...Parasol Girls-Chaperone, Mrs. F. A. Sawyer...Newsboys...Phillips Knapp, ...Ronald Van Atta...The Belles-Chaperon, Mrs. Ellsworth Gamble: Miss Marguerite M. Kingsbury, Miss Jessie F. Smith, Miss Margaret E. Tew, Miss Dorothy D. Atwater, Miss Alice M. Lang, Miss Margaret Graft, Miss Clemma Hoyt, Miss Eva Terwilliger, Miss Dorothy Crandall, Miss Carrie Baker, Miss M. Gertrude Slaughter (208 Chemung st. Waverly, NY), Miss Lulu Crans....Imperials-Chaperon, Mrs. J. T. Sawyer...PATRONESSES.Waverly - Mrs. H. G. Merriam, Mrs. C. M. Crandall, Mrs. C. F. Chaffee, Mrs. W. M. Hilton, Mrs. John B. Bailey, Mrs. I. P. Shepard, Mrs. Edwin S. Hanford, Mrs. Harry Knapp, Mrs. Harry Thatcher, Mrs. John C. VanAtta, Mrs. Chas. M. Weller, Mrs. Frank Howard, Mrs. William C. Buck, Mrs. Charles Curtis Strong, Mrs. A. M. Bouton, Mrs. H. Clay Kinney, Mrs. E. J. Campbell, Mrs. Richard W. Whitaker, Mrs. U. E. Harding, Mrs. H. E. Stackhouse, Mrs. H. C. Bruster, Mrs. G. D. Genung, Mrs. John A. Johnson, Mrs. J. Addison Ellis, Mrs. G. E. Foote, Mrs. Frances A. Mullock, Mrs. Henry Gridley, Mrs. L. D. Myers, Mrs. O. F. Benson, Mrs. James B. Bray, Mrs. C. H. Turney, Mrs. Charles W. Sweet, Mrs. C. I. Roe, Mrs. Lewis B. Shriver, Mrs. S. W. Slaughter (208 Chemung st. Waverly, NY), Mrs. J. W. Knapp, Mrs. Francis A. Levis, Mrs. H. W. Weeks, Mrs. Alice M. Dodge, Mrs. G. S. Carpenter, Mrs. A. C. Young, Mrs. Fred F. Smith, Mrs. W. L. Watrons, Mrs. Tobias, Mrs. Henry Glazier, Mrs. W. E. Moore, Mrs. Mary E. Clapp, Mrs. W. S. Morley, Mrs. L. D. Hugg, Mrs. C. H. Shipman, Mrs. C. M. Young Mrs. A. C. Quick, Mrs. J. K. Murdoch, Mrs. C. E. Purdy, Mrs. Clarence B. McNitt, Mrs. George A. Scott, Mrs. Matthew MeGurtie, Mrs. J. W. Morgan, Mrs. Willliam Gillan, Mrs. E. P. Ellis, Mrs. M. Brown, Mrs. Fred Beekman, Mrs. F. E. Beekman, Mrs. Charles Edward Annabel, Mrs. Burt Horton, Mrs. J. E. Fuller, Mrs. Clark A. Tuthill, Mrs. Harry G. Morgan, Mrs. Frank Keeler, Miss Jessie L. Whitaker, Miss Bessie Perkiins, Miss Emily L. Stuart, Miss Anna Mott, Miss Florence N. Hildebrand, Mrs. John H. Murray, Mrs. Frederic E. Lyford, Mrs. Harry Shelley, Mrs. C. A. Neaves, Mrs. Belle Ham, Miss Lida Murray, Mrs. Julia E. Squires, Mrs. H. P. Lariew, Mrs. Louis J. Buley. Sayre-...Athens...Lockwood- Mrs. George W. Bingham.

May 31, 1907 "Waverly Free Press": Services Next Sunday. Presbyterian Church - Rev. P. R. Ross, D. D., pastor. Preaching services at 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Sunday school at 12 Y.P.S.C.E. at 6:30 p.m.; topic, "How to Realize the Presence of Christ;" leader, Miss Gertrude Slaughter (208 Chemung st. Waverly, NY).

June 14, 1907 Waverly Free Press And Tioga County Record.: The First Presbyterian church of Waverly was sixty years old last Saturday and the church membership took occasion to fittingly mark the event. The observance of the anniversary included special services on Sunday and a reception at the church on Monday evening. Sunday morning the church joined in a communion service at the hour of the regular morning worship. In the evening a service, largely musical in character, was held. Several pleasing numbers were given by the choir and Mrs. Blackmore, the choir director. An address appropriate to the occasion was delivered by the pastor, the Rev. P. R. Ross, D. D. His subject was "Lessons from Sixty Years of Church Life."

Dr. Ross spoke briefly of the early church in this vicinity and of the founding of the Waverly society. Then he followed its history down through the years and drew lessons of inspiration and help from the work of those who have gone before. He noted the many changes that have taken place during the past sixty years, among them that of the observance of the Sabbath. Sabbath observance, he said, was nearly a lost virtue and was becoming anything but a day of reverence. He bespoke a continuance in the faith, an acceptance of the inspiration of the bible and the infallibility of the scriptures, for only then, he said, would the church continue to grow and prosper.

But with faith there must also be works, and Dr. Ross pointed out that the growth and strength of the church depended on the activity of its members. Too many members, he said, went on the retired list as soon as they joined the church. He said he believed in pensioning the veterans, but not the recruits, and pointed out the duty of all members to participate actively in the work of the church in its various departments. The address was inspiring and helpful and was listened to with close attention by a large audience.

The Presbyterian church is one of the strongest and most influential in the village. Its history has been one of continuous advancement and the past year has been the most prosperous since its organization. The present pastor, Dr. Ross, has been at its head for the past seventeen years and no small part of its success has been due to his efforts. A capable leader and a strong preacher, he has kept the church united and aggressively active, and it is a power in the community.

The Reception. The anniversary reception was held Monday evening in the church parlors, which had been beautifully decorated with ferns and flowers. It was a home gathering of about 200 members of the church and congregation, and was under the direction of a large committee of ladies, headed by Mrs. F. W. Merriam and Mrs. F. E. Lyford. The guests were received by Dr. and Mrs. Ross, A. Hemstreet, W. K. Hart, S. C. Hall, Dr. W. M. Hilton, H. R. Talmage, members of the Session, together with Mrs. S. C. Hall and Mrs. W. M. Hilton. Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Holbert presided at the tables, at which ice cream, strawberries and cake were served by ladies of the church. Throughout the evening excellent music was provided by McGuffie's orchestra, assisted by Mrs. C. M. Weller and Miss Jessie Whitaker at the piano. It was a thoroughly enjoyable event, and a stranger present was heard to remark, "How sociable you Presbyterians are."

History of the Church. The Presbyterian church of Waverly was organized June 8, 1847. There had been a church of this denomination in Athens since 1812, and the Waverly church was an outgrowth of this society. On March 2, 1847, several members of the Athens church held a meeting in the school house at Milltown "to take into consideration the expediency of forming a church at Factoryville to be composed of members of this church residing in Factoryville and vicinity, and such other duly qualified persons as might wish to unite with them for such object." Here the matter was discussed and a second meeting was called to be held at the school house in Factoryville. As most residents of the village know, Factoryville was the beginning of Waverly, and included that territory now known as East Waverly. At the second meeting resolutions were adopted as follows: "Resolved, That we invite the Chemung Presbytery to come to Factoryville and organize us into a Presbyterian church and also that we ask the Presbytery to hold its meeting as soon as possible."

The request was granted and on the 8th of June,1847, eighteen persons previously associated with the Athens church and four others were organized into the Presbyterian church of (Continued on Last Page)

(continued from First Page.) Factoryville, by Rev. Curtis Thurston, of Athens; Rev. C. C. Carr, of Horseheads, and a Rev. Mr. Backus. The services were held in the Baptist church, and the original members were as follows: From Athens, Benjamin Davis, Eva Davis, Margaret Davis, Samuel Yeatman, Hetty Jane Yeatman, Cynthia Piper, Eliza Spalding, Rachel Tannery, Deborah Shepard, Job Shepard, W. H. Thomas, Edmund DeLaney, Jacob Fitzgerald, A. H. Woodworth, Miranda Larnard, Angelina Thomas, Ruth Woodworth, Jacob Clute. From the Congregational church at Halsey Valley: J. J. Brinkerhoff, Rachel Brinkerhoff, Mrs. Anna Ellston, Miss Martha Brinkerhoff. William H. Thomas, James H. Brinkerhoff, Arden H. Woodworth and Edmund Delaney were elected elders, and during the following October they were ordained and installed, Rev. Mr. Goldsmith, of Southport, preaching the ordination sermon, and Rev. P. H. Fowler, of Elmira, delivering the charge to the elders. August 23, 1847, at a regularly called meeting of the congregation the following trustees were elected: For three years, Benjamin Davis, Owen Spalding; for two years, John Barker and Job Shepard; for one year, Chas. H. Shepard, Jacob Fitzgerald and Arden H. Woodworth. The society at the start, had no house of worship and week day meetings were held from house to house. On Sundays the services were held for a time at the Factoryville school house, and later the Baptist society gave the use of their church on Sunday afternoons. The first pastor of the church was the Rev. Nathaniel Elmer, who came here in the summer of 1848. Previous to this the Rev. Mr. Thurston, of Athens, had supplied the charge, dividing his time between the two churches. Mr. Elmer remained at the head of the church for nine years and during that time the membership was increased from thirty-seven to 112. The first church was erected in 1849. The Erie railroad was then building and when the station site was selected at the western end of the settlement, the people of the church located their new building toward that end, forseeing the time when Waverly station would become more important than the old time village of Factoryville. Pennsylvania avenue was then merely a country lane, with only one house on it. Here in an open field the new church was built at a cost of about sixteen hundred dollars. Two additions were made to the original structure which was materially enlarged in 1860. The present brick structure was completed in 1886, the corner stone having been laid in the fall of 1885 by the pastor, the Rev. J. L. Taylor. The edifice with the furnishings, cost about $30,000, and is now one of the finest buildings in town. The auditorium set about five hundred persons, and back of it are commodius lecture and Sunday school rooms. The building was dedicated September 20, 1886. The Rev. Nathaniel Elmer, the first resident pastor was succeeded by Rev. Oliver Crane, D. D., who remained about three years. He was succeeded by Rev. D. S. Johnson who remained a little more than six years, being followed by Rev. J. B. Beaumont who remained four years. Rev. W. H. Bates was the next pastor, remaining eight years. His successor, Rev. Palmer S. Hulbert, after remaining three years was succeeded by Rev. J. L. Taylor. Dr. P. R. Ross, the present pastor, began his work in Waverly in November 1889.

Killed the Vines. A regrettable result of the severe winter and continued cold of the spring has been killing off foliage adorning public and private buildings. Particularly noticeable is the effect on a species of clinging ivy which grows on the walls of brick structures. Last summer this vine almost covered the Presbyterian church, giving it the appearance of a huge green arbor; a sight beautiful in the extreme. This spring the vines did not leaf out and an examination showed that most of them were dead. It will take years for new vines to attain the growth and beauty of the old ones. A similar condition exists at the N. P. L. building, although the vines here were only fairly started, and not all of them were killed.

June 21, 1907 "Waverly Free Press": A Growing Community, The Board of Trustees was asked some time ago to make an extension of Garfield street through to Spring street. Members of the board have been looking over the ground and it is probable that some action will soon be taken in the matter. This seems to be the growing section of the town. Within the past year a half dozen houses have gone up in this immediate neighborhood and another year will probably see as many more. And this recalls the fact that the whole section north of Chemung street and below Center street has been built up within a comparitively short period. Where now stand substantial residences, with green lawns, growing shade trees, fine walks and good streets, there was less than a dozen years ago, little but pasture land. And this is only one locality. Surely Waverly is growing.

D. A. R. OBSERVED FLAG DAY- Enjoyable Luncheon Held by Tioga Chapter Last Friday. Tioga Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, observed Flag Day with an informal reception and luncheon in Waverly last Friday. At 12:30 o'clock in the afternoon members of the Chapter, with a number of out of town guests and a few other friends gathered in the parlors of the First Presbyterian church, where a half hour was spent in conversation and exchange of greetings. Throughout the rooms were festooned the national emblem, the color scheme being continued to the tables, which were decorated with bouquets of red, white and blue flowers. A very elaborate luncheon was served in one of the Sunday school rooms. Five long tables were spread, a member of the Chapter acting as hostess at each. A score of young ladies dressed in white, served the tables and they performed the task most acceptably. After the feast the ladies were greeted by Mrs. C. S. Maurice, regent of the Chapter, who introduced Mrs. S. P. Elmer, the first vice regent, as toastmistress. In a particularly happy vein Mrs. Elmer named the several speakers. The first to respond was Mrs. Chas. Kellogg, of Athens, whose subject was "Our Flag." After a glowing tribute to the national emblem, Mrs. Kellogg referred to the lack of honor often shown the flag, and recited an incident which occurred in this village. A foreign band was giving a concert in the opera house, the final number being the "Star Spangled Banner." In deference to the patriotic selection the foreigners stood while playing, but the audience paid no such tribute to the flag, most of those present being engaged with hats and wraps preparatory to getting away as quickly as possible. By request, Mrs. Kellogg gave an interesting history of the Star Spangled Banner, and as she finished, the company, led by Mrs. George Hill, united in singing that beautiful song. Mrs. Piatt, regent of the Tunkhannock, Pa., Chapter, was the next speaker, and her subject was "Our Sister Chapters." Mrs. Piatt spoke interestingly of the organization and of its aims and purpose. Mrs. Ernest Wykoff, regent of Chemung Chapter, of Elmira, was then called upon to speak of Newtown, the village from which grew the city of Elmira. In introducing her, Mrs. Elmer said that before Mrs. Wykoff told of the fame of that historic town, she wished to remind the company that Waverly, too, had its points of interest, and cited our own Spanish Hill, where, she said, one could not dig a ditch or turn a furrow without uncovering fire stones, tomahawks and other Indian relics. Mrs. Wykoff's talk was largely of General Sullivan, and of the monument erected to him on the hill east of Elmira. This monument is now falling to decay and plans are being discussed by the Sons and Daughters of the Revolution in Elmira to either have it repaired or to build a new one in a place more accessible than the present site. The ladies present evinced much interest in the matter and a motion was carried to the effect that the Chemung Chapter be asked to bring their plan before the local society and assuring them hearty co-operation in the movement. The next speaker was Mrs. Hubbard, regent of Cortland Chapter. Her subject was "Woman." A brilliant speaker, she told her hearers some wholesome truths, and in a most entertaining way. The toast list was completed with the reading of an original poem by Mrs. Anna P. Ford, of Binghamton, a sister of Mrs. Elmer, and it was one of the best things in the afternoon. Mrs. Ford was for four years a nurse in the Civil war, and is the only woman who received an unsolicited pension. Her poem, "The Death of the Soldier Boy," is a fine composition and very touchingly she recited it, despite her advancing years. As a whole it was a very enjoyable occasion, and a fitting observance of the anniversary of the birth of our nation's flag.

MUST CUT WEEDS AND GRASS - President Lawrence Calls Attention to Village Ordinance. There is an ordinance which requires that grass and weeds shall be cut from in front of all premises in the village. It is said in many instances the ordinance is not being complied with, and President Lawrence has asked that attention be called to the fact. He says there will be a strict enforcement of the ordinance and that this work must be done before July 1. The ordinance in full is given below: "Section 28. It shall be the duty of the owners and occupants of premises in the village of Waverly to cause all grass and weeds growing in front of their said premises and between the street line and the gutter to be cut and removed once in each month from May to October inclusive. In the event of the failure of the owner or occupant to remove the grass and weeds as above provided, the same shall be removed by, and under the direction of the street commissioner of the village, who shall keep accurate account of all the time employed in such work, and any and all expense connected with the removal of such grass and weeds shall be returned to the board and levied and assessed upon the property as provided by Section 164 of the Village law."

July 12, 1907 "Waverly Free Press": School Board In Session....Building Committee Report. At the meeting Tuesday night the committee appointed to procure plans for a new building gave a partial report, and the matter was discussed in an informal way. Mr. Hall said that the committee had submitted a survey of the present site to the State authorities at Albany, and that it was approved, but it was advised that the district acquire the property in the rear of the present building, owned by A. J. VanAtta. The committee reported having inspected buildings in several towns in the western part of the State, and they approved a building recently erected in Canandaigua as very nearly meeting the requirements here. The building is considered a model for a town of that size. It's cost, complete was $77,000. ...

July 19, 1907 Waverly Free Press: New Black Diamonds. The appearance of the new Black Diamond Express on the Lehigh Valley Railroad in the near future need not surprise the patrons of that system. The train, which is intended to be the most modern, is being built in Springfield, Mass., and will, according to present calculations, be placed in service the latter part of August. A Springfield paper says: "A. W. Donop, of the U. S. Steam Heat & Electric Lighting Co., of New York, arrived to superintend the electrical work of the new Lehigh Valley electric trains in course of construction in this city. The new cars will be of massive iron and will constitute three trains that will be known as the "new Black Diamond Express." Mr. Donop has charge of the electrical work on these cars. When completed the new trains will be the most up-to-date in the world. Each car will carry its own dynamo to supply the power for light, heat and fans. The Lehigh Valley Co. expects to have the Black Diamond Express in operation the latter part of August."

July 19, 1907 The Waverly Free Press And Tioga County Record: MIRACULOUSE ESCAPE FROM DEATH. Lewis Westfall Fell from Roof to Stone Walk With Only Slight Injuries. A fall of thirty-five feet from a roof and landing on a stone sidewalk was the experience of Lewis Westfall, of Sayre, in this village Saturday, and he not only lives to tell of it, but except for a few bruises, is uninjured. Mr. Westfall was painting the Slaughter house in (208) Chemung street, and was on the extreme top of the roof painting the ridge. He maintained his position on the roof by clinging to an iron decoration fastened to the ridge. Suddenly this support gave way and he was precipitated down the steep roof. In his flight he struck a dormer the partially checked his fall and then bounded off onto a porch roof. Another bound and he landed prostrate on the stone sidewalk. Harold McGlenn, who lives across the street, had been a witness to the accident, and he hastened to the man's assistance. He found Westfall partially conscious, although he was badly dazed and short of breath. Dr. Johnson was summoned and on examination found no broken bones, although Westfall was suffering considerably from the concussion and had a number of bruises. He was taken to his home and so far has suffered no serious consequences from his experience. (George S. McGlenn was listed at 209 Chemung st. in 1908 directory).

July 26, 1907 "Waverly Free Press": After a thorough investigation, the National Department of Agriculture has just made a report which reveals an alarming condition in farm values for the State of New York and one so serious as to affect not only its agricultural interests but the welfare of the commonwealth at large. The figures given are so stupendous as to be hardly believable. According to the report the value of farm lands of this state has decreased over $170,000,000 during the last quarter of a century, more than 12,000 farms have been abandoned and the population of towns and villages more remote from the large cities has decreased in many instances 40 to 50 per cent. These 12,000 abandoned farms represent an area of over 12,000,000 acres, most of which is arable land, and are capable of caring for a population of 250,000 people. The investigation has shown that this condition of affairs is not due to any lack of fertility of the soil or any inability to make farming pay, but to the fact that the cities have fascinated and attracted the younger people away from the homesteads and left them in the hands of men of advanced age. When these die, the farms become untenanted or are sold at a sacrifice. Tioga county is included in the counties in which the investigation has been made. Among others are Broome, Madison, Chemung, Cortland, Tompkins, Chenango, Schuyler, Yates, Allegany and Livingston.

August 9, 1907 Waverly Free Press And Tioga County Record: Trolley Attracted Crowds. The opening of the new trolley road was a big attraction Sunday. There was a steady stream of people on West Broad street all day and well into the evening. It looked a good deal like a circus crowd headed for the big show tent. Many went to look on while hundreds took the trip over the completed portion of the road to Chemung and return. And they were well repaid for the twenty cents expended. It's a fine ride through as fine a bit of country as there is in the state and from expressions heard on the cars, it was thoroughly appreciated. But those who rode the cars were not the only ones who enjoyed the experience of having the new road in operation, for the porch of every house along the line held its full quota of interested spectators and they seemed to take pleasure in the novelty of having a hundred or more people hashed by their doors every ten minutes. Everybody was happy and the new road is all right.

An Old Landmark. Probably few of the hundreds who went over the new trolley line Sunday noticed particularly a little weatherbeaten building which stands not far from the tracks on the Shepard farm. Some day, when Waverly has become a big, bustling city and few reminders of the old town are left, a local historical society will place that building, if it is still in existence, in a public park or other prominent place and point it out as a most interesting object to the visitor in town. It has been said that this building contained the first store in what is now the village of Waverly, and while the Rounder is unable to learn positvely the correctness of this assertion, it is true that it was closely associated with the early history of this town. It was built about the time the Erie railroad was being put through this section and originally stood in the neighborhood of what is now Loder street. There can still be faintly seen across the front of the building the words "Loder Summitt," and they recall an interesting bit of history. This place was first called Loder Summit - Loder in honor of the then president of the Erie and "summit," because this was the highest point between Chemung and Susquehanna rivers. A little later, when it became evident that the settlement then started was destined to be something of a town, and apart from Factoryville, there was much concern as to a suitable name. In this same store the matter was no doubt discussed long and earnestly and weighty arguments in favor of this or that name advanced. Finally Waverly was made the choice and Loder Summit was no more. The old building is about all that remains as a reminder of the beginning of our village. The building is now used for storage purposes on the Shepard farm and has not been altered in appearance from the time it stood as the central structure in the little settlement.

August 16, 1907 "Waverly Free Press": Ad - Citizens Bank, Waverly, CAPITAL $50,000. SURPLUS $25,000 Three Per Cent Interest Paid on Certificates of Deposit. Safe Deposit Boxes. J. T. Sawyer, President. W. E. Johnson, Vice President. F. A. Sawyer, Cashier. L. J. Buley, Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS. W. E. Johnson, J. B. Floyd, Levi Cuntis, F. A. Sawyer, E. E. Walker, J. C. VanAtta, J. T. Sawyer. (Samuel Slaughter of 208 Chemung st. Waverly, NY), when he was living, was the vice president of this bank with Sawyer as President.)

Ad- WINES For Medicinal and Table Use. Port, Catawba, Angelica, California - 25c bottle White Port, Red Tokay, Sherry, White Tokay - 40c bottle CHAFFEE & MERKLE.

September 27, 1907 "Waverly Free Press": Mrs. Estella Phillips Grafft. The funeral of Mrs. Estella Phillips Grafft was held at the family home on Cayuta avenue on Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock, the Rev. P. R. Ross, D. D., of the First Presbyterian church officiating. The body was buried in Forest Home cemetery. The death of Mrs. Grafft occured Thursday, Sept. 19, 1907, after a long illness. She was fifty years of age and had long been a resident of this village. She was a member of the First Presbyterian church and was active in Christian work until her health failed. A woman of many virtues she was held in highest esteem by all who knew her and her death is widely mourned. She is survived by her daughter, Margaret, and one son, Edward. She also leaves three step-daughters, Miss Anna Grafft, at home, Mrs. E. H. VanAtta, of Waverly, and Mrs. Jennie Hathaway, of Chicago. (Friend of the Slaughter's) 452 Cayuta ave was George H. Grafft.

October 19, 1907 The Binghamton Press: Waverly, Oct. 19 - Mr. and Mrs. Edwin D. Mixer have issued invitations for the marriage of their daughter, Miss Edna Mixer, and William H. Scofield, which will occur Monday evening, Nov. 4, at 8 o'clock. (Edwin D. Mixer lived at 303 Chemung st. on one side of home and Joseph W. Knapp jr, Edwin's son-in-law, lived on the other side of home.)

October 25, 1907 "Waverly Free Press": The D. T. D. (Delta Theta Delta, high school club) society was very pleasantly entertained last Friday evening at the home (208 Chemung st. Waverly, NY) of Miss Gertrude Slaughter. The following program was charmingly rendered, after which refreshments were served:

Piano solo- Le Sylphes..........Miss Jessie Smith.

Reading..........Miss Alice Westfall.

Vocal solo- A Dream...........Miss Gladys Wood.

Piano solo- By Moonlight..........Miss Gertrude Slaughter (208 Chemung street Waverly, NY).

Vocal solo- My Aln Sweet Mary..........Miss Jessie Smith

Piano duet- When the Lights are Low..........Miss Margaret Tew... Miss Barbara Lawrence

Trio.........Miss Dorothy Atwater, Julia Park, Blanche Robinson.

Piano solo- Shoulder Straps..........Miss Carrie Baker.

Vocal solo- There, Little Girl, Don't Cry..........Miss Dorothy Crandall.

Piano solo- Silver Stars..........Miss Barbara Lawrence.

(Delta Theta Delta - a club/society of the Waverly High School. There was also the Sigma Delta fraternity at Waverly High School)

November 8, 1907 "Waverly Free Press": Miss Edna Mixer and W. H. Scofield were Married at Bride's Home Monday. Miss Edna Caroline Mixer and Mr. William Hedges Scofield were united in marriage Monday evening, Nov. 4, at 8 o'clock, by the Rev. John Scofield, father of the groom, assisted by Dr. P. R. Ross, pastor of the First Presbyterian church. The wedding took place at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Mixer, Chemung street. The house was elaborately and artistically decorated with palms, ferns, yellow chrysanthemums and garlands of smilax. Bittersweet berries and evergreen made the enclosed porch more attractive. The ceremony was performed in front of a beautiful bank of palms, ferns and white chrysanthemums. The wedding march was played by Miss Louise Parks, harpist, with piano accompaniment, and the sweet strains of the music during the ceremony added much to its effectiveness. The bride wore a gown of white messaline silk, with princess lace and carried a bouquet of lillies of the valley. The matron of honor, Mrs. Joseph W. Knapp, Jr., sister of the bride, was dressed in white and carried a large bouquet of white roses. The bride's matron, Mrs. Jeannie Spaulding, of Fredonia, N. Y., and the bridesmaid, Miss Mary Scofield, sister of the groom, were becomingly attired in pink and white and carried pink roses. Mr. Alfred H. Scofield, of Windbur, Pa., brother of the groom, acted as best man. The ushers were Messrs. J. W. Knapp, Jr., and Edwin C. Tracy. Helen Knapp, the little niece of the bride was flower girl, Master Bradley Scofield the ring bearer, and Misses Gertrude Slaughter (208 Chemung st. Waverly, NY), Margaret Tew and Margaret Tighe were the ribbon bearers. After the ceremony refreshments were served and the newly married people left immediately for a two week's wedding trip, after which they will make their home at 317 Chemung street. Mr. and Mrs. Scofield are two of Waverly's most popular young people, and have the good wishes of a host of friends. Among the out of town friends were Dr. and Mrs. Wilder, of Brooklyn; Miss Ella Kingsbury, Elmira; Mrs. Bradley Phillips, Buffalo; Mr. and Mrs. Willis Utley, Lewistown, Pa., and Dr. Alfred H. Scofield, of Windbur, Pa.  (Edwin D. Mixer at 303 Chemung st. William H. Scofield at 317 Chemung st.)

November 15, 1907 Waverly Free Press: Notice to Theodore Mills' Debtors. Notice is hereby given to all persons owing Capt. T. Mills, that the bottling business recently owned by him has been sold to Capt. T. Mills Bottling Works, a corporation which began business November 11, 1907. All bills owing said business before that date remain the property of Theodore Mills and must be paid to him at once in order to wind up that business. Dated November 11, 1907. Theodore Mills..

November 22, 1907 "Waverly Free Press": Mrs. C. F. Spencer entertained twenty-four ladies Wednesday afternoon. After some time spent in playing flinch and five hundred, a bounteous supper was served. Among those present were: Mrs. C. C. Strong, Mrs. A. I. Decker, Mrs. George Fish and sister, Mrs. H. G. Merriam, Mrs. E. Barton Hall, Mrs. A. Kinney, Mrs. Hilton, Mrs. E. C. Brooks, Mrs. Topping, Mrs. Slaughter (208 Chemung street Waverly, NY), Mrs. Floyd, Mrs. Schofield, Mrs. J. T. Sawyer, Mrs. Angell, Mrs. W. C. Buck, Mrs. C. E. Lain, Mrs. Amasa Finch, Mrs. F. E. Lyford, Mrs. Lydia, Maxwell, Mrs. Charles, Chaffee, Mrs. L. D. Atwater, and Mrs. Dana Macafee and Mrs. Stuart Macafee, of Athens.(Flinch, was first introduced in 1905. A card game in which players attempt to discard from their stockpiles of 10 cards by playing them in numerical sequence. Five hundred is a card game for 2-6 players that was invented in 1904.) At 327 Chemung st. Charles F. Spencer and Dr. F. Hallett Spencer.

Nov. 22, 1907 The D. D. T.  (This may be a typo of newspaper, there was a D. T. D. ) club of the high school was entertained Friday evening by Miss Margaret Tew. The affair was in honor of the Misses Moore, who have recently moved here from Towanda, Pa., and was most enjoyable. Dainty refreshments were served.

November 29, 1907 Waverly Free Press: Miss Gertrude Slaughter (208 Chemung street Waverly, NY) entertains a company of young people tonight.

December 6, 1907 Waverly Free Press - Messrs, Best and Swinto, of Port Jervis, N.Y., and Miss Christina Stivers, of Middletown, students at Cornell, were week-end visitors at Mrs. Charlotte Slaughter's (208 Chemung st. Waverly, NY).

The largest and most enjoyable social event of the season was the Thanksgiving house party given by Miss Gertrude Slaughter (208 Chemung st. Waverly, NY). On last Friday evening a dancing party was given which was attended by about forty guests. The large rooms with their polished floors, together with the excellent music furnished by Mrs. Ellis, made it an ideal place for dancing. Dancing was indulged in until a late hour, after which refreshments were served by the hostess. The out of town guests were the Misses May Blood, of Englewood, N. J.; Agnes and Elizabeth Moore, of Towanda; Amy Arnold, of Waterloo, N. Y., and Christina Stevens from Cornell. Messrs. Walter Adams, of Genesee, N. Y.; D. Russell Swinton, Fred H. Best, Harold M. Sawyer and L. Harrison Grant from Cornell. Those present from in town were the Misses Dorothy Atwater, Glacy Wood, Blanche Robinson, Jessie Smith, Barbara Lawrence, Mary Lawrence, Julia Park, Dorothy Crandall, Laura Johnson, Margaret Tew, Marjorie Surdam and Fannie Nelson. Messrs. Robert Fish, Clay Thatcher, Robert McGuffie, Edwin Grafft, Earl Albertson, Bernard Nelson, Thomas Appleget, George Tilton, Malcom Raymond and Clarence Castimore.

December 13, 1907 Waverly Free Press: The Officials Of Waverly. Presidents and Trustees Who Have Served Waverly Since Its Inception in 1855. Among the men who play an important part in the development of a town, none are more prominent than those with whom the people intrust its public affairs. Waverly, since its incorporation, has been particularly fortunate in numbering among its officials many men of high character and large executive ability. The village was incorporated at a special election held in James Whitaker's hotel on Jan. 18, 1854, the vote being 114 for and 44 against the proposition to incorporate. The first election under the new charter was held on March 27th, 1854, and the following is a complete list of the presidents and trustees elected at that time and since.

1855 - February 10, Alva Jarvis, H. M. Moore, O. L. DeLano, B. H. Davis, Joseph E. Hallett. They organized March 26, by electing Mr. Jarvis president. 1856 - March 4, Owen Spalding, Daniel A. Blizard, Charles II Shepard, Henry S. Davis, William Manners. They organized March 20, by electing Mr. Manners, president. 1857 - March 4. James Aplin, Wm. Polleys, Charles Harsh, James Cassidy, Richard Whitaker. They organized March 20, by electing Mr. Alpin president. 1858 - March 2, Robert G. Crans, Wm. Millspaugh, P. Lowry, Francis H. Baldwin, Moses Sawyer. They organized March 17, by electing Mr. Sawyer president. 1859 - ... 1864 March 15, Lewis W. Mulock, president; DeWitt C. Slaughter (208 Chemung st. Waverly, NY), William A. Brooks, Cyrus W. Gray, Chas. C. Brooks, trustees. ...1876 - March 21, George W. Orange, president: Dewitt C. Atwater, James R. Stone, James N. Weaver, Frederick R. Warner, trustees. ...

Waverly's Fire Department. Brief History of Fire-Fighting Organizations Here. The history of the Waverly Fire Department dates from 1855. In that year a great fire swept the business district, destroying thousands of dollars of property, and it was felt that steps should be taken to prevent a repetition of the disaster. Joseph E. Hallett was the prime mover and he arranged a meeting, which was held in Davis hall. May 27, 1855, and which resulted in the organization of Neptune Engine Co., No. 1. Mr. Hallett was chosen foreman, and he served in that capacity for five years. "Uncle Joe," as he came later to be known, besides being an enthusiastic foreman, brought to the company some valuable practical experience. He had been for many years a member of "Old Twenty-three" in New York, first as torch boy, at the age of twelve, then as signal bearer and finally a full fledged member. He took a great interest in the Waverly Fire Department from the organization of Old Neptune until his death. An engine was purchased for the new company in New York and very soon it saw active service. On June 9, 1855, the Phillips & Murray tannery in Factoryville took fire, the new company was called out and its members did valiant service. During the next twenty years the Neptunes were called on to fight many fires, some of them the largest and most disastrous in the town's history, and it is recorded they always did their duty well.

Neptune's First Officers. The first officers of Neptune Engine Company were: Foreman , J. E. Hallet. First Assistant, O. L. Delano. Second Assistant, Tim Cassidy. Secretary. E. W. Atwater. Treasurer, William Peck. The following were the charter members: J. P. Dunning, M. D. Thayer, Chas. O. Graves, R. A. Elmer, R. D. VanDuzer, John DeLaney, Thos. J. Brooks, H. W. Langford, G. W. Gilbert, *James Partridge, A. S. Mott, Owen Spalding, H. T. Lain, *Delbert Smith, Wm. C. Moore, *Rich'd Whitaker, Charles Harsh, *Wm. E. Johnson, James Cassidy, Tim Cassidy, Wm. Peck, W. A. Brooks, D. B. Gilbert, Royal Thayer, Wm. Sharpe, Virgil Ellis, John Sliney, Geo. C. Walker, *Horace Whitaker, Isaac P. Simpson, Alonzo E. Miller, O. L. Delano, E. W. Atwater, A. T. Little, Rudolph Schutt, M. B. Royall, John Ellis, *Wm. E. Moore, L.M. Badger, M. H. Bailey, J. E. Doubleday, *A. R. Bunn, Willian Polleys, D. O. Hansuck, J. E. Hallett, *E. M. Payne, W. L. Galloway, James Whitaker, C. H. Elmer, A. Partridge, A. A. Manners. Those marked * are still residents of Waverly.

First Parade. Hope Hose Company, No. 2, was organized in 1871, and had an existence of three years, disbanding in 1874 because of financial troubles. An effort was made in 1871 to organize another company, to be known as Enterprise Hose Company, No. 3, but this did not materialize. The first annual parade of the Waverly Fire Department was held on October 7, 1873. The department at that time consisted of the Neptune and Hope companies, and on this occasion they had as guests several companies from nearby places.

Tioga Hose Company, No. 1. Except for the brief existence of Hope Company, Neptune was the whole fire department for twenty years. In 1875, the Water Works having been built, it was felt the town should have a hose company. Accordingly on April 8 of that year a meeting of citizens was called and Tioga Hose Company, No. 1, was organized. The services of Old Neptune were no longer needed and the faithful company was disbanded, to be replaced by the younger organization, with its newer methods of fire fighting. The first officers of Tioga Hose Company were: ... Tioga Hose Company had been in existence but a little more than a year when the department was enlarged by the formation of another company, and the two succeeding years each saw further additions. Waverly Hook and Ladder Company, No. 2, was organized on June 5, 1876, with the following officers: ... Spalding Hose Company, No. 3, was organized Sept. 4, 1878, with the following... The youngest member of the fire department is Cayuta Hose Company, No. 4, organized on May 1, 1896. ...

Protective Fire Police. Waverly Protective Fire Police were organized on May 20, 1877. The original members were: J. E. Doulbeday, Chas.. C. Brooks, John R. Raymond, A. B. Comstock, E. F. Coff, R. W. Whitaker, Chas. H. Turney, Chas. W. Miller, Hatfield Hallett, John Cramer. ...

All of the companies, excepting the Cayutas, are quartered in the Village Hall. The truck rooms are on the street floors, and on the second and third floors are the company parlors, billiard and social rooms, all nicely fitted up and providing the members with many advantages of a club. The Cayuta company has a building of its own, recently erected in East Waverly, with rooms furnished much like those of the other companies.

Waverly, The Gateway of Southern New York. A Bit Of History. If one will climb any of the hills above the village of Waverly and from the summit look about him, he will behold a scene of surpassing beauty. Here is a great natural amphitheatre, circled by fine, wooded hills that rise, on either side, straight up from the river's edge, the picturesque Chemung on the west, the Susquehanna to the east, and between them the village, teeming with life and activity. One will see, too, a valley imcomparable in commercial possibilities; will realize that the hardy pioneers of long ago did well when they laid here the foundation for the thriving village of today and the city of tomorrow. From the hill one versed in valley history may trace with the eye the successive stages of the town's development. To the south and east lies Milltown, now a part of the borough of Sayre, This, in 1800, was a hamlet of some pretensions. In that year a venturesome villager, one Walker, came two miles up Shepard's creek and built a grist mill. This was the first building within the present limits of the village of Waverly. After a time others followed the miller, cleared the land and built log houses. The settlement became known as Factoryville, and continued under that name up to 1889, when it was joined to the village of Waverly. In 1819 Deacon Ephraim Strong purchased a large tract of land west of Factoryville and built a home. His was the first house in Waverly proper, and was located on the site now owned and occupied by Dr. Snook, on Pennsylvania avenue. The story of those followed, already familiar to many readers, is too long to be told here. In 1835 a settlement had grown apart from Factoryville, boasting one or two stores, a blacksmith shop (site of 208 Chemung st. Waverly, NY) and perhaps twenty houses, with the corner of Waverly and Chemung streets as the "business district" and center of activity. In 1849 impetus was given the growing town by the building of the Erie Railroad; then stores were moved nearer the station, Broad street was laid out, other business places were started, more houses were built- and the process of expansion has been continuously ever since.

Choosing a Name. The town was first known as Shepardsville, after Issac Shepard, a large land owner and public spirited citizen, but was later changed to Villemont at Mr. Shepard's request. The choosing of a name satisfactory to all concerned seemed, however, to be a difficult proposition, and Villemont did not long survive. "Uncle Joe" Hallett, best known in Waverly history as the founder of the Waverly Fire Department, was an admirer of Sir Walter Scott, and wanted to call the town Waverley, after his favorite novel. Other names were suggested, but Waverley seemed to be the most popular, and finally was generally accepted. The name with the second "e" dropped, was made official when the town was incorporated in 1853 (1854), the villagers voting to that effect. Waverly has never been a boom town. Its advancement has been continuous, but along conservative lines, and permanent. Today it has in its own name a population of a little over 5,000, but with South Waverly, on the Pennsylvania side, the actual number is close to 7000.

Waverly Today. Waverly has been characterized as the gateway of Southern New York. A glance at the map printed in this issue shows that the title is most apt, that it is indeed the southern port of entry to the Empire State. Situated in the southeast corner of Tioga county on the line dividing New York and Pennsylvania, bordered by the high hills above the Susquehanna on the one hand, the Chemung and its watershed on the other, it holds most effectually the right of way through this splendid river valley. That Waverly is destined to become a great industrial center, every villager believes and there is good ground for the assumption. Nature has been lavish in bestowing on this valley the things that make for commercial success, and so effectively has man added to these, that conditions are ideal for the establishment and maintenance of manufacturing industries. Of first importance is considering the advantages of a town as a manufacturing point are its railroad facilities. In this particular Waverly offers advantages greater than can be found elsewhere througout the length of the State. Here are three great trunk (Continued on page 22.)

lines, the Lehigh, the Lackawanna and the Erie, which, combined, cover a distance of 5,000 miles. These roads give direct connections with the Pennsylvania Railroad, Central Railroad of New Jersey, Philadelphia & Reading, Delaware & Hudson, and make New England connections through the N. Y. H. & H. R. R. and the Boston & Maine. Freight can be shipped from Waverly, to New York in eighteen hours, to Philadelphia in twenty-four hours, Boston in forty-eight hours and to Chicago in fifty-four hours. A fourth railroad is soon to be added to those now in operation here. The line of the Pittsburg, Binghamton & Eastern, now building, lies directly through this valley, and will make accessible points in Pennsylvania not now reached. Many fine factory sites are located on the lines of the railroads. The Waverly Chamber of Commerce owns seventy-three acres of land admirably suited to this purpose and so situated that easy access is afforded to all of the three trunk lines. The Chamber of Commerce offers free sites to responsible concerns that will locate manufacturing industries here. A complete system of water works, with direct pressure, supplies public and private buildings and provides protection against fire. The Waverly Fire Department is composed of five companies, well drilled and officered and provided with the best apparatus obtainable. Banking facilities are offered in two national banks, the First National and Citizens. Waverly has many other advantages, natural and acquired, which the scope of this article forbids enumerating, but they are here and the prospective manufacturer would do well to consider them. The question of adequate power is efficiently met. One of the best equiped electric plants in the Southern Tier furnishes power sufficient for all needs at reasonable rates. To the user of steam power, the proximity of the coal fields is an important factor. Scranton, where the Lackawanna fields are located, is 101 miles distant. The Clearfield district, which supplies a great quantity of the coal used in this vicinity, is less than 200 miles away, and the great Lehigh fields, half that distance, are directly and easily accessible. It is a thrifty town and enterprising, and is yet a town of wealth and culture. It is an ideal home town. Broad, well shaded streets are lined with attractive residences, many of them pretentious in architecture and surroundings. Brick pavement is laid on the streets in the business section, while a number of those in the residence district are macadamized. The town is lighted by electricity and gas, and pure spring water is supplied from reservoirs above the village. Three belt lines give ready access by street car to all parts of the town, while an excellent service is maintained with the neighboring boroughs of Sayre and Athens.  A suburban line, now in operation through a fine farming district and touching the towns of Chemung and Wellsburg, will in the near future extend to the cities of Elmira and Corning. Waverly has a splendid system of schools and fully prepares its students here for college, or gives them a complete commercial education. Its spiritual affairs are vested in seven churches, the Baptist, Methodist Episcopal, Presbyterian, Episcopal, two Catholic, and one African M. E., each working in harmony and with good result. Its fire department is a model of effectiveness and discipline. Including five separate companies, and its police department has given the town a wide reputation for good order. The mercantile houses of the town meet all requirements. Evidence of the prosperity of the place is found in the fact that vacant stores in the business district are almost unknown, while the many handsome business blocks give a good return on the investment. Waverly merchants are enterprising, their stores, many of them, are fitted up as attractively as those in the cities, and they offer goods in variety and quality that obviate the necessity of going to the larger centers to trade. Rents in Waverly are reasonable, but an unusually large number of dwellings are owned by their occupants.

December 13, 1907 Anniversary Number. Waverly Free Press And Tioga County Record.: J. W. Knapp & Son. Department Store. There are no commercial enterprises that add so much to the importance of any town as do the department stores of the present day. Waverly is not behind the times in this respect, as may be seen by a visit to J. W. Knapp & Son's store, located at the corner Broad and Fulton street. It is one of the most thoroughly equipped and completely stocked stores in this section and is equally a credit to the firm and to the town. The premises occupied are very large and include an entire three-story and basement building, also part of the Loomis Opera House block on Fulton street, is well lighted and equipped with all conveniences and is divided into numerous departments for the orderly and systematic classification of the stock carried, which includes everything under the heading of staple and fancy dry goods, dress goods, ladies' suits and coats, furs, small wares, all kinds of household furniture, carpets, etc. Taken all in all, the stock cannot be excelled by any other house in the county, and as the firm are careful and discriminating buyers, and their output is large, they can buy and sell cheaper than most of their competitors. They employ a large force of experienced salespeople and this force has been greatly increased for the holiday season. The stock in all departments has also been largely added to, and J. W. Knapp & Sons' store will unquestionably be Santa Claus' Waverly headquarters for holiday goods. Mr. J. W. Knapp has been identified with commercial pursuits in Waverly about forty years. About twenty-five years ago he went into the dry goods business, commencing on a comparatively small scale. From the start the business steadily increased in volume, and floor space was added from time to time. In 1892 the firm name was changed to J. W. Knapp & Son. Both J. W. and H. W. Knapp give the business their personal attention. They are among our most progressive and public spirited citizens and their store enjoys that without which no large enterprise can be a success, namely, the confidence of the people.

December 20, 1907 The Waverly Free Press And Tioga County Record: Clayton H. Dunning of Nashville, an old Waverly printer, is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Minnie Quick, Athens street, and friends in town. At 5 Athens st. Mrs. Minnie Quick, in 1908 also; Mrs. Emma W. Hubbard and Florence M. Lowe.

December 27, 1907 The Waverly Free Press: Clayton H. Dunning, a postal clerk residing at Chattanooga, Tenn., who has been visiting in Waverly, returned to his home last Wednesday evening accompanied by his aunt, Mrs. Minnie Quick, who will in the future make her home with him. Mrs. Quick has been a lifelong resident of Waverly and will be missed by her many friends. Mr. Dunning was at one time a printer of this place.

1908 Directory: 5 Athens st. (large home covering current day 3 and 5 Athens st.) Mrs. Emma W. Hubbard, Florence M. Lowe. 7 Athens st. (0ctagon home owned by Mrs. S. W. Slaughter of 208 Chemung st.) Victor T. Emerson, Gabriel Evans. 9 Athens st. carriage house of Mrs. Samuel W. Slaughter of 208 Chemung st. At 4 Athens st. Arthur M. Swarthout. 6 Athens st. Charles C. Murray. 8 Athens st. William C. Nuss.

January 3, 1908 Waverly Free Press: D.D.T. (This may be a typo of newspaper, there was a D. T. D.) Masquerade. The masquerade party given by the D. D. T. club at Masonic hall, New Year's night, proved to be all that had been anticipated. The decorations were most effective, consisting of flags, Xmas greens, bells and holly and the chaperones were Mrs. S. W. Slaughter (208 Chemung st. Waverly, NY), Mrs. Charles Crandall, Mrs. Ellsworth Gamble and Mrs. F. A. Sawyer. As it was the club's first leap year party, after unmasking, the choice of partners was given to the ladies. Dancing was indulged in until a late hour, after which a delicious supper was served at Hopkins' Oyster bay.

January 10, 1908 Waverly Free Press And Tioga County Record: Henry M. Hayes, one of the best known men of Waverly, died at his home on (341) Broad street last Monday night at 11:30 o'clock after a brief illness of pneumonia following an attack of grip. Mr. Hayes suffered a slight stroke of paralysis last spring and about six weeks ago a second and more severe one. From this, however, he rallied, and it was thought that he would fully recover, he being able to take a trip to Athens over the new South Waverly line the day after Christmas, but his enfeebled condition made it impossible for him to withstand the attack of pneumonia. The deceased was born in Colesville Broome county, N. Y., in 1828. In 1851 he moved to Smithfield, where he resided until 1866, when he moved to Waverly, where he has since made his home. In 1857 he married to Miss Hester A. Wasson, of Broome county, and to them was born two sons and two daughters, Miss Lora Hayes who died about ten years ago, Miss Nettie E. Hayes, who is now living at home, Rutherford, of Ithaca, and Fred of this place. When Mr. Hayes first moved to Waverly he opened a blacksmith shop, which he ran for some time, later going in the drug business with the late S. Wickham Slaughter and later did business alone. This business was carried on in the stand now occupied by C. C. Strong. He possessed a cheerful disposition that won the friendship of all who knew him. His loss will not only be deeply mourned in the home where has been a constant companion and advisor to his wife and daughter, but to the community in general. The funeral was held at 2:30 yesterday afternoon from the house, the Rev. George A. Briggs officiating. Intermnet was made in the Glenwood cemetery.

February 5, 1908 The Binghamton Press: Mr. Winters' Purchase. Special to The Binghamton Press. Waverly, Feb. 5. - It was an error when it was said that Hon. B. L. Winters had purchased the store occupied by J. W. Knapp & Son at Broad and Fulton street. Mr. Winters purchased the annex on the rear of the block, which is occupied by Mr. Knapp.

February 7, 1908 "Waverly Free Press": The bear saw his shadow many times Sunday, so prepare for six more weeks of winter weather. (Interesting how it was the bear, not the groundhog.)

Mrs. S.W. Slaughter (208 Chemung st. Waverly, NY) is able to be out again after an attack of grip. (Grip was an old term used in place of influenza.)

February 21, 1908 "Waverly Free Press": Mrs. S. C. Hall, Mrs. J. B. Floyd, Mrs. Charles Kellogg, of Athens; Mrs. C. F. Spencer, Mrs. H. G. Merriam, Mrs. George Fish, Mrs. R. D. VanDuzer, Mrs. Benj. Bonnell, Mrs. A. Kimsey, Mrs. Charlotte Slaughter (208 Chemung st. Waverly, NY), Mrs. J. T. Sawyer, members of the two Monday afternoon reading circles, with Mrs. Kate Harnickle spent a social afternoon Thursday as the guests of Mrs. Alice Dodge, of Pennsylvania avenue. "500" was enjoyed for some time and later a delicious course supper was enjoyed.

Enjoyable in every way was the matinee leap year party given by the girls of the D. T. D's (Delta Theta Delta - a club/society of the Waverly High School) Saturday afternoon. There was dancing from 3 to 6 and as it was a valentine party, the programs were red hearts. Miss Peck, of the high school faculty, acted as chaperon. Those present were: Dorothy Crandall, Lulu Crans, Margaret Grafft, Margaret Tew, Julia Park, Gladys Wood, Gertrude Slaughter (208 Chemung st. Waverly, NY), Jessie Smith, Dorothy Atwater, Barbara Lawrence, Blanche Robinson, Marjorie Lowman, Will Adams, Earl Albertson, Dona Hopkins, Edwin Grafft, Seward Larnard, Lester Merrill, Bernard Nelson, Robert McGuffle, George Tilton, George Knapp, Fletcher Wynkoop, and from out of town, Mr. Kline, of Sayre, and Mr. de Shon, of Auborn, N. Y.

Twenty-Five Years Ago. The Board of Education appointed Mrs. Levi Curtis, Mrs. S. W. Slaughter (208 Chemung st. Waverly, NY) and Mrs. H. J. Baldwin a committee to conduct Regents examinations and Miss C. A. Barber, Miss Lucie P. Clark and Mrs. C. F. Spencer a committee to conduct the examination of the teacher's class. (1883)

March 6, 1908 "Waverly Free Press": The Gamble home on Fulton street was the scene of a pleasant party Monday evening when twenty-four were entertained at cards and dancing. At midnight a delicious supper was served. The guests present were: Mr. and Mrs. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Sawyer, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Thatcher, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Dodge, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Atwater, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knapp, Mr. and Mrs. Fearing, Mrs. Mildred Crandall, Mrs. C. Merrill, Miss Annie Van Duzer, Miss Lida Murray, Miss Ruthven of Buffalo, Mr. C. Merserve, Hon. B. L. Winters, Fred B. Appleget, George Knapp and Lester Merrill. (481 Fulton st. was the home of Dr. Ellsworth Gamble.)

March 13, 1908 Waverly Free Press: C. W. Bullard, formerly manager of the Utica Tailoring Company's store in Owego, has moved to Waverly in the house on the corner of Clinton avenue and Lincoln street. He will take charge of the tailoring branch of the Utica Clothing Company, which has just been opened at 315 Broad street. (1908 directory has Charles W. Bullard living at 34 Lincoln st. and working at clothing store at 345 Broad st.)

April 3, 1908 Elmira Star-Gazette: Will Build State Road During Coming Summer. Waverly, April 3. - An engineer from the State Engineering Department was in Waverly yesterday and had a conference with the town highway commissioners in regard to procuring stone and gravel for the building of the proposed new state road along the Barton highway. An application has been made to the state department under the old highway law for the construction of four miles of state road commencing at the east line of the corporation of Waverly and extending eastward. In case the new highway bill does not become a law, this application is second on the list at the office of the state department and the engineer informed the commissioners that the road would be constructed the coming summer.

Is Thrown From Wagon Injuries Are Severe. Waverly, April 3. - The little son (Henry) of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Evans of  (7) Athens street met with a painful accident yesterday afternoon. He climbed into the baggage wagon belonging to Earl Bailey and, as it swung around the corner of Elizabeth and Waverly streets, the boy, who was standing in the back of the wagon, was thrown to the brick pavement. His body was severely bruised and his face cut badly. He was taken to the office of Dr. J. T. Tucker and later to his home. Fortunately no bones were broken. (The octagon home at 7 Athens st. owned by Mrs. Charlotte Slaughter, widow of Samuel Slaughter.)

April 19, 1908 Waverly Free Press: ad. Ballantine's Newark, N. J. Bottled Beer Brewery Bottling. For Sale In Waverly, N. Y., By Chas. Dunn, 369 Broad Street. J. C. Van Atta, 337 Broad Street. {Slaughter's Corner Drug Store building at 337 Broad st. Waverly, NY}

April 24, 1908 Waverly Free Press - Saturday evening Gertrude Slaughter (208 Chemung st. Waverly, NY) gave an Easter party in honor of her guest, Florence Mapes, and several young people home for the Easter respite. An egg hunt formed a unique diversion. Each guest was given a small basket containing a chicken, and hunted candy eggs, which had been hidden in out of the way places. Afterwards there were cards and refreshments.Those present besides Miss Mapes were Dorothy Atwater, Mary Blood, Nancy Woodworth and Clay Thatcher, Mr. Hatch, Lester Merrill and Robert Fish.

Twenty-five years ago the Bell Telephone Company had been doing business in this place two weeks, and had twenty-eight subscribers in Waverly, Sayre and Athens. To-day there is 2122 telephones in the Valley outside of the rural telephones. (1883)

May 8, 1908 Waverly Free Press: Mrs. S. W. Slaughter and daughter Gertrude (208 Chemung st. Waverly, NY) saw Louis James in "The Merchant of Venice," at the Elmira Lyceum last Saturday afternoon.

May 8, 1908 Waverly Free Press: The Sigma Delta society may well feel proud of the dancing party given by them last Friday evening, for it was successful in every way. As the society is composed principally of high school young men, the high school teachers, Miss Pratt, Miss Whitaker, Miss Opp, Miss Peck, Miss Hilton and Miss Schilling were chaperones. Kramm & Tighe furnished the inspiration for dancing and those present were Nancy Woodworth, Gertrude Slaughter (208 Chemung st. Waverly, NY), Alice Westfall, Margaret Graft, Julia Park, Margaret Tew, Elizabeth Moore, Dorothy Atwater, Dorothy Crandall, Barbara Lawrence, ...George Knapp, ...

May 15, 1908 Waverly Free Press: D. T. D. Elects Officers. The D. T. D. Club held a business meeting at their rooms on Ithaca street, last Saturday afternoon, when Elizabeth Moore was elected to membership. On Monday evening she and Gertrude Slaughter were given the second degree of initiation and later they enjoyed a picnic spread. This was the last meeting to be held at the club rooms until fall, but Gladys Wood will entertain them at a social meeting tonight. The officers are: President, Blanche Robinson; vice president, Carrie Baker; secretary, Dorothy Crandall; treasurer, Barbara Lawrence.(Delta Theta Delta - a club/society of the Waverly High School. There was also the Sigma Delta fraternity at Waverly High School.)

May 22, 1908 Waverly Free Press: A BRIEF SKETCH OF ATHENS. One of the Oldest Towns in Bradford County. The Susquehanna river flows westward and the Chemung eastward through the Southern Tier of New York counties. About half way between the Hudson and Lake Erie they bend sharply toward the south and their waters unite at Tioga Point, five miles south of the Pennsylvania line. The chain of hills which have marked the river valleys here fall back a little, leaving a fertile triangular plain, with nearby equal sides of about eight miles each. The plain is seven hundred feet above the tidewater and the hills rise five hundred feet higher. The forests which once covered their sides only crown their tops at present. The valley and slopes are divided in rich fields of grain and corn, through which the rivers find their way in curves and links of silver, occasionally varied by sylvan islands. The landscape is one of unusual beauty, the receding hills fading into shades of blue, which have recalled the title of "the city of the violet crown" given by the ancients to the Grecian Athens. Tioga Point was the door by which the warlike Iroquois Indians of New York State formerly made their inroads upon their vassals, the Susquehannas of Pennsylvania. The earth is full of their relics-bones, pottery and flint weapons, preserved in rich variety by the local Historical Society. From this point the Iroquois started to the  massacre of Wyoming; back to it and beyond General Sullivan drove them with his victorious troops in 1779. Tioga Point received the name of Athens and became a center of the lumber trade in the rafting days, while wide wooden arks carried the grain down stream in the time of the freshets. Athens was a staging and postal center, and its trade was improved by a cannal. In 1848 (1849) the Erie railroad was built, four miles north of it, and the Waverly station grew into a large and beautiful town, which attracted the business and enterprise of the valley. In 1869 the prosperity of Athens was restored by the construction of the Lehigh Valley Railroad, connecting it on the south with Philadelphia and New York. The company established their car shops at Sayre, midway between Athens and Waverly, and the three towns, now connected by a trolley road, almost form a continuous city. The shaded trees and the prosperous houses with their well kept grounds testify to the intelligence and taste of the 4,500 citizens. The Spalding Museum Library is the chief center of the intellectual life of the borough, and is also expressed by societies and clubs for the study of history, music and the natural sciences. Athens has given distinguished members to the learned profession, and many of its sons have been successful in business at home and abroad. Stephen Foster, the author of the "Swanee River", and other popular songs, is an Athens boy by education. There are local orders of the chief fraternal and benevolent societies and beautiful, well appointed cemetery. Athens was strongly represented in the War of the Rebellion, and Perkins Post, G. A. R., maintains the patriotic spirit of the citizens. Encampments of the Grand Army of the Republic are usually held there during the summer. The influence of education upon business and society, and indeed the effect it has either immediately or remotely upon every branch of trade, gives it a peculiar significance. Liberal provision for the stern realities of life, are absolute necessities, in fact, requisite to success in every field of effort. The advantages and facilities of Athens in this department of economy are equal to those of any other place of its size in the state, and it is a happy commentary on the character of the people that all the schools are largely attended, and a degree of efficiency attained that tells better than words how faithful, consistent and able are the efforts of the principals and teachers. Athens has some of the best built church edifices to be found in this section. These are seven in number, namely; Presbyterian, First Baptist, St. Joseph's, (Catholic), Trinity Church (Episcopal), the Bethel Methodist Church, and the Universalist Church. Athens maintains an efficient police and fire department. There are also excellent telegraph and telephone accommodations, gas and electric lights. The town has sound financial institutions in the Farmers National Bank and the National Bank. The Farmers National Bank was organized and incorporated in 1893. The history of this bank serves to verify the fact that a great institution having able and conservative men at the helm, must surely become successful and prosperous. This is the oldest bank in Athens and one of the most representative and solidest in this section of Northern Pennsylvania and Southern New York, and is recognized as one of the safest in the whole state, and has proved to be the financial bulwark of this section, and one guided by the soundest and most conservative policy. The Athens National Bank was established in 1899 with a captial stock of $50,000, and has finely appointed quarters in their own one-story brick building, in the midst of the business district. The Athens National Bank does a general banking business, buys and sells foreign exchange, pays interest on time deposits, is a United States depository, and maintains and unexcelled correspondence throughout the country. Athens and its inhabitants are prepared to welcome any who propose to make their seat of operation and to lend them every assistance in their power. Much in the way of improvement has been accomplished and there are today in Athens many desirable sites available which will prove of advantage as the place continues to grow and expand, which are suitable for the erection of factories, business blocks or residences.

May 29, 1908 "Waverly Free Press": The Young Ladies Composing the St. Nicholas League Pleased a Large Audience Friday Evening. The Musicale given by the girls of the St. Nicholas League last Friday night at the residence of I. Grant Dodge, was an unqualified success, both from a financial and a musical standpoint. Spring flowers were used in abundance for decorating the large rooms, which made an ideal place for an event of this kind. Nearly 200 people were in attendance. The programme was splendidly rendered, each one doing her part in a manner worthy of much older musicians. Besides the programme given below there were several encores. The programme follows: Song - Club of Jolly Girls.....St. Nicholas League. Piano Solo - (a) Traumerel.....(b) Gluckesgenug..... ... Schumann, Virginia VanAtta. Violin Solo - 5th Air Varle.....Weigl , Esther Blizard. Piano Duet - Valse Uenitienne..... ... Leon Rionguet, Marjorie, Conner, Marie Kane. Vocal Solo - Absent..... Rosamond Dodge. Piano Solo - Polish Dance, Scharwenka, Marie Kane. Violin Solo - Blue Bells of Scotland..... Arthur Harris, Marjorie Farley. (Virginia VanAtta, grandaughter of A. J. VanAtta, builder and designer of 208 Chemung St.)

An Attractive Euchre Party. Daughters of the American Revolution Gather at the Home of Mrs. I. P. Shepard. Over One Hundred And Fifty Present. Military Euchre Occupied the Afternoon After Which Refreshments were Served. One of the largest social gatherings of Waverly, Sayre, and Athens ladies ever held in the valley was the reception and card party given by Tioga Chapter, D. A. R., Tuesday afternoon, at the beautiful home of Mrs. I. P. Shepard of Chemung street. The decorations consisted entirely of flags, which were used on the lawn, and almost completely covered the front of the residence. In the interior flags were also used in profusion and one could easily guess the affair was given by some patriotic organization. In the receiving line were Mrs. I. P. Shepard, Mrs. C. S. Maurice, Tioga's regent; Mrs. J. W. Bishop, the second vice regent, together with Mrs. H. C. Thatcher and Mrs. Bert Hayden, the two latter being the committee who had the entertainment in charge and whose efforts made it such a success. Twenty-eight tables of military euchre, were played and as it was the first time the game had been played here, many surprises greeted the players, making it most fascinating and novel. On each table was a flag bearing a pendant, which was decorated with the D. A. R. insignia, bearing the name of some Revolutionary fort. Individual scores were kept by small flags and at the conclusion of the game the players returned to their original forts, which were adorned with the trophies they had captured. Mrs. E. E. Walker won the first prize, a beautiful silver dish, and the second prize, a large beautiful bouquet of carnations, went to Mrs. A. E. Kitchen. George West, of Sayre, acted as drummer boy, giving the signal each time to progress. About 140 ladies were in attendance, among them being sixteen daughters from Chemung Chapter, of Elmira, who came down for the occasion. They were met at the station by Mrs. W. C. Buck, a member of the chapter, who escorted them to the Shepard home. During the afternoon Hon. J. T. Sawyer and W. C. Buck, members of Newtown Battle Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution, called to pay their respects to the daughters and bring greetings from their chapter. Many who did not care for cards passed a delightful afternoon in social intercourse and wandering about the beautiful rooms and grounds. The proceeds will be used for prizes for the historical essay contest in the three high schools of the valley. $48.00 will be given in this manner at the June commencement. Light refreshments were served at 5 o'clock by Marjorie Blood, Frances Stevenson, Rosamond Dodge, Virginia VanAtta, Esther Blizard, Ethel Swain, Nina Lawrence and Mildred Talmadge. From the Elmira Chapter there were present Mrs. Ernest Wycoff, Mrs. Emerson, H. Liscon, Mrs. W. H. Ralyea, Mrs. E. J. Steele, Mrs. Charles D. Metzger, Mrs. Richards, Mrs. Frank Allerton, Mrs. Eugene Stowell, Mrs. E. E. Stancliff, Mrs. Isaac Marshall, Mrs. H. H. Hallock, Mrs. Herbert Lovell, Mrs. Lewis Boals, Mrs. L. C. Gates, Mrs. E. F. Lucas, of East Corning, and Mrs. Vilas, of Athens. Other out of town guests were Miss Lemon, of Ithaca; Miss Brandon, of Washington, D. C.; Miss Pfister, of Mauch Chunk, Pa.; Mrs. Jones, of Spencer; Mrs. Percy Lang, of Owego; Mrs. Davis of Towanda, and Mrs. Wickham, of Tioga, Pa. (Virginia VanAtta is the granddaughter of A. J. VanAtta, the builder and designer of 208 Chemung St.) I.P Shepard home at 105 Chemung st., also at the rear of 105 Chemung st. was Austin B. Cook.

KNIGHTS OF KING ARTHUR ENTERTAIN. Delightful Social Function at the Home of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Lyford Wednesday Evening. The local castle, Knights of King Arthur, gave a reception to their parents and friends Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Lyford. This organization has an interesting history, which was told by Mrs. Lyford. Starting as a boys' small reading circle several years ago, they took the name of "The Knights of King Arthur" from the book they were reading. Later Lieutenant Levis, the father of one of the members, heard a lecture in Philadelphia regarding an organization by the same name, which has several hundred castles or societies. The local organization allied itself to the general society, which has for its object the improving and christianizing of its members. In closing her remarks the speaker made a strong plea for a play ground and gymnasium for the boys of our village. A program was given consisting of songs by Miss Lemon; readings, Miss Hilton; piano solos by Phillips Knapp, Frederick Lyford and Lorrain Tillman; song and club yell by the Knights. Light refreshments were served and about fifty guests were present. The castle membership consists of Mrs. F. E. Lyford, baroness; Earl Kelsey, king; Barrett Levis, Frederick Lyford, Ralph Whitaker, Phillips Knapp, Ronald VanAtta, esquires, and Donald Atwater, and Lorrain Tillman, pages. As yet there are no knights, advancement being made according to age, length of service, etc. (Ronald VanAtta is the grandson of A. J. VanAtta, the builder and designer of 208 Chemung St.)

June 19, 1908 The Waverly Free Press And Tioga County Record: Good Showing In High School. Pupils who Have Attained Favorable Averages During the Year are Announced. The following pupils of the Waverly high school attained an average of ninety per cent, or over for the school year ending June 19, 1908; Clarence Castimore, Marjorie Connor, Lucy Ellison, Laura Johnson, Mary Johnson, Barbara Lawrence, Raymond MeGlenn, Winnifred Muldoon, Josephine O'Brien, Nellie Regan, Blanche Robinson, Bernice Turney, Lizzie Tuthill, Elias Walch. The following attained an average between eighty and ninety per cent; William Adams, Mabel Annable, Elizabeth Angell, Thomas Appleget, Thos. Autsin, Carrie Baker, Bessie Bailey, Maude Barnes, Margaret Blood, Lucy Bright, Roy Bruster, George Byram, Margaret Conley, Arthur Cronk, Della Dailey, Mary Daly, Lillian Dodd, Rosamond Dodge, Brunetta Donlin, Margaret Falsey, Marjorie Falsey, Helene Flanigan, Veronica Flanigan, Euna Hess, Dorothy Holbert, Marie Kane, Hazel Johnson, James Johnson, Ora King, Francis Kingsbury, George Knapp, Leslle Lawrence, Everett Lowman, Margaret McCarthy, Lois McGuffie, Lillian Mckerrow, Mary Monneha, Fannie Nelson, Helen O'Neill, Julia Park, Mary Pendell, Rose Peppard, Mary Quinn, Ethel Shelford, Jessie Smith, Raymond Smith, Laura Stevens, Marjorie Surdam, Mildred Surdam, Helena Vail, Virginia VanAtta, Ruth Walden, Lena Walker, Mary Ward, Alice Westfall, Frank Woodruff, Fletcher Wynkoop, Mary Yarington, Rundio Zeigler. The following attained an average between seventy-five and eighty per cent; Dorothy Atwater, Raymond Beach, Pearl Bensley, Leo Belknap, Hazel Bell, Helen Bogaexynski, Mattie Campbell, Mina Campbell, Percy Canoll, Joseph Clohessy, Mary Clohessy, Marguerite Conroy, Mabel Decker, Mary Drobnyk, Jospehine Drobnyk, John Eddy, Ellen Falsey, Effie Foster, Arthur Foster, Clara Fraser, Fannie Freedman, Linn Georgia, Eva Griswold, Edwin Graftt, Frances Harden, John Haas, Dana Hopkins, Edward Higgins, Paul Jayne, Barbara Kane, Agnes Kline, Cora Lawlor, Allemay Leonard, Mary Lynch, Louise Maylon, Charles Masterson, Agnes Moore, Evelyn Muldoon, Bernard Nelson, Leo Nolan, Mary O'Farrell, Elnora Quick, Malcolm Raymond, Lucy Richards, Gertrude Slaughter (208 Chemung st. Waverly, NY), Nellie Spillane, Edward Sullivan, Margaret Tew, Clay Thatcher, Nellie Thomas, Frances Vanderkarr, Fordham Watkins, Louis Walker, Florence Westbrook, Kathryn Westfall, Gladys Wood, Mary Whitney, Ellen Wolf, Leslie Williams, Nellie Zimmer. The following have attained an average.... The list of scholars who have attained favorable averages throughout the graded schools will be published next week.

June 26, 1908 Waverly Free Press: Mrs. J. C. Van Atta entertained at a delightful reception at her home on (449) Park avenue, Tuesday afternoon. As it is the month of roses, quantities of these beautiful flowers were used throughout the house. In the dining room the color scheme was red and the table presented a pretty appearance with its decorations of red geraniums, red shaded candles and large red ribbon bows. The hostess was assisted in receiving by Mrs. E. H. Van Atta. Other ladies assisting in the different rooms were Mrs. Albert Baldwin, Mrs. F. A. Sawyer, Mrs. John Bailey, Mrs. E. H. Hanford, Mrs. J. C. Shear, Mrs. Emory Campbell, Mrs. W. H. W. Jones, Mrs. S. W. Slaughter (208 Chemung st. Waverly, NY), Mrs. F. A. Lyford and Miss Annie VanDuzer. About sixty ladies were received during the afternoon. Mrs. Van Atta is entertaining another large company of ladies this afternoon at a euchre party. 

Miss Mary Blood entertained the young people's dancing club Saturday evening at her home on Chemung street. The affair was in compliment to Miss Lucy Logan, of Scranton, Pa., and Stanley Ruthven and Oscar Lantz, of Buffalo, N. Y., who were her guests during the past week. Those present besides those already mentioned, were Marjorie Blood, Dorothy Atwater, Dorothy Crandall, Gertrude Slaughter (208 Chemung st. Waverly, NY), Blanche Robinson, Jessie Smith, Margaret Tew, Margaret Grafft, Florentine Knapp, Walter Thatcher, Harold Sawyer, George Knapp, Clay Thatcher, Bernard Nelson, Harry Carey, Thomas Appleget, and Earl Albertson.

On Monday evening Walter and Clay Thatcher invited ten friends to meet the same young people. The chief amusement of the evening was a literary contest, in which the answers of the questions were well known authors, and Mary Blood and Lucy Logan acted as leaders. Light refreshments were served and those invited were Mary Blood, Dorothy Atwater, Gertrude Slaughter 208 Chemung st. Waverly, NY), Alice Lang, Harold Sawyer. Bernard Nelson and Catherine Byram, of Brooklyn, Pa. (Clay Thatcher most likely lived at 511 Clark st. Waverly.)

On Tuesday evening Gertrude Slaughter (208 Chemung st. Waverly, NY) was hostess to the same young people who had been at the Thatcher party the night before. Each guest drew a number and was given a favor in the form of some toy musical instrument upon which they were to play. The result was most amusing and a jolly good time enjoyed.

July 2, 1908 The Binghamton Press: Waverly, July 2 - While working as a conductor for the Waverly, Sayre & Athens Traction Company last night Frank Swartout of (4) Athens street dislocated one of his shoulders while his car was in Athens. The fracture was reduced by Dr. Stevens and he was brought to his home in this place. Conductor Swartout dislocated the same shoulder a short time ago, when he fell from an open car.

July 3, 1908 Waverly Free Press And Tioga County Record: The D. T. D. Club will go in camp Monday for two weeks at "San Souci Cottage" on the Susquehanna. They will be chaperoned by Miss Lida Murray. The following young ladies compose the party: Misses Margaret Tew, Elizabeth Moore, Carrie Baker, Alice Westfall, Gertrude Slaughter (208 Chemung st. Waverly, NY), Jessie Smith, Barbara Lawrence, Blanche Robinson, Gladys Wood, Julia Park and Dorothy Crandall. (Delta Theta Delta - club/society of the Waverly High School)

One of the prettiest of the many card parties which has been given this season was that given by Mrs. J. C. VanAtta, of (449) Park avenue, Friday afternoon. The large porch, prettily decorated with flags, bunting and Japanese lanterns was utilized for cards and inside several rooms were rendered unusually attractive by the many beautiful flowers which were arranged most effectively. Fifteen tables of euchre were played, the guests finding their places by means of beautifully decorated place and score cards. During the afternoon fruited punch refreshed the players and at 6 o'clock a dainty three-course supper was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. E. Campbell, Mrs. E. H. VanAtta, Virginia VanAtta, Nina Lawrence, Esther Blizard, Elizabeth Angell and Helen Kittredge, of Tunkhannock, Pa. Among those present were: Mrs. E. H. VanAtta, Mrs. F. A. Sawyer, Mrs. W. C. Buck, Mrs. J. T. Sawyer, Miss Sawyer, Mrs. Spencer, Miss Grafft, Mrs. J. Ryon, Mrs. D. G. Stark, Mrs. W. E. Tew, Mrs. F. A. Bell, Mrs. F. W. Merriam, Miss Finch, Mrs. E. Sebring, Mrs. S. W. Slaughter (208 Chemung st. Waverly, NY), Mrs. Mildred Crandall, Mrs. DeForest, Mrs. A. B. Baldwin, Mrs. I. P. Shepard, Mrs. E. G. Blizard, Mrs. John Bailey, Miss Murray, Mrs. E. Gamble, Mrs. C. Merrill, Mrs. H. W. Knapp, Mrs. Helen Cole, Mrs. E. Campbell, Mrs. John Shear, Miss Shear, Miss Carrie Shear, Mrs. Neaves, Miss Mame Wilcox, Mrs. W. E. Johnson, Mrs. George Moore, Miss Appleget, Mrs. H. G. Merriam and Mrs. E. H. Hanford, Mrs. Tobias, Mrs. F. E. Lyford, Miss Lyford, Mrs. Ed Tilton, Mrs. W. M. Hilton, Mrs. C. F. Chaffee, Mrs. F. E. Hawkes, Mrs. W. H. W. Jones, Mrs. C. Fearing, Mrs. C. C. Strong, Mrs. W. E. Moore, Mrs. H. Glazier, Mrs. Gavin, Mrs. Harold Watrous, Mrs. J .B. Floyd, Mrs. Stuart Macafee, Mrs. E. Tozer, Mrs. Cowell, Athens; Mrs. Percy Lang, Owego; Mrs. Lewis Dorsett, Sayre; Miss Elizabeth Kittredge, Tunkhannock, Pa.; Mrs. Harry Winters, Smithboro; Mrs. H. N. Daniell, Scranton; Mrs. Alfred Mead, Castle Rock, Col.

Died In Jersey City. Sarah Isabell, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Buck died on Tuesday, June 30, at the home of her parents in Jersey City. Funeral services were held from the house, 94 Manhattan avenue, Jersey City, Thursday evening, July 2, and the remains were brought to Waverly on Erie train No. 1, Friday afternoon and conveyed to Chemung, where interment was made in the Buck plot in the historic (Buckville) cemetery at Chemung, where repose the remains of seven generations of the family, the first burial being that of Willliam Buck, in 1799, great-great-grandfather of W. C. Buck, of this village. Like a rosebud that blushes with the kiss of the morning sun and at night closes its petals and falls from the stem, so the little one came like a benediction into the lives of loving hearts and passed away, leaving a precious memory as pure as a ray of light. Mr. and Mrs. Buck have many friends in this community who sincerely sympathize with them in their bereavement.

July 3, 1908 Waverly Free Press:Commencement festivities were concluded Friday evening when the Senior class day exercises took place at Masonic Hall, followed by a dancing party at which the Juniors and a few invited friends were guests. The literary and musical program opened with a finely rendered piano solo by Barbara Lawrence followed by the class history by Brenetta Donlin. This told of the trials and triumphs of the seniors during their four years high school course. The class poem by Louis Maylon showed much wit and talent as did also the prophecy by Mary Johnson. If the crystal ball consulted by the latter lies before the class of 1908. The last will and testament by Josephine O'Brian provoked much mirth, for nothing which could be of use to the juniors or teachers was left unmentioned. Raymond McGlenn, 1908's president, presented the loving cup to the juniors, the gift being accepted on behalf of the class of 1909 by Charles Masterson. Two original songs by the class added much to the evening's pleasure, and as this is the only time the seniors have to even up old scores with the faculty, they did not let the opportunity pass. The juniors were seen and heard several times during the evening and although not on the program did not hesitate to take part whenever they could. The ushers were Dana Hopkins, Tom Appleget and Bernard Nelson. At the conclusion of this program the floor was cleared for dancing. Music was furnished by Kramm and Tighe and a long list of dances enjoyed. Those present were: Carrie Baker, Brenetta Donlin, Clara Fraser, Mary Johnson, Barbara Lawrence, Alice Westfall, Mary Lynch, Louise Maylon, Josephine O'Brian, Blanche Robinson, Lizzie Tuthill, Rundio Ziegler, Marjorie Lowman, Gertrude Slaughter (208 Chemung st. Waverly, NY), Elizabeth Moore, Gladys Wood, Dorothy Atwater, Alice Lang, Jessie Smith, Marjorie Kingsbury, Florentine Knapp, Margaret Tew, Mame O'Brian, Helen O'Neil, Dorothy Crandall, Franklin Pierce, Edwin Grafft, Asa Dyer, Ed Conley, Joe Robinson, George Knapp (future husband, in 1915, of Gertrude Slaughter), Bernard Nelson, Harold Sawyer, Earl Albertson, Clarence Castimore, Harry Carey, Dana Hopkins, George Tilton, Lawrence Curry, Thos. Appleget, Seward Larnard, Fletcher Wynkoop, Raymond McGlenn. From out of town: Claude Rockwell, Mr. McCarthy, Sayre: Miss Reeser, Wilkes-Barre.

July 10, 1908 Waverly Free Press And Tioga County Record: FRANK A. ROBBINS COMING - One of the Greatest Shows in the World will be in Waverly, Saturday, July 18. Things have been very quiet around Waverly this summer in the amusement line and one could hear occasional remarks on the street to the effect that the circus day in Waverly was a thing of the past. This was a mistake, however, and Waverly people will have the opportunity this season of seeing Frank A. Robbins' new and greatest of all feature shows, which is to exhibit in this place on Saturday, July 18. A circus without horses would be like an opera without fine singers, and Frank A. Robbins has just added a whole troupe of the most superb performing stallions, saddle and trick horses ever seen under a circus tent. Ten truly magnificent specimens of equine perfection, all ridden, driven and performed by that master of equestrianism, Herr Hugo Herzog, who brought to this country the greatest stud of high school trick horses ever on exhibition. These marvelous animals do almost everything but talk, while their drill, quick steps, cake walks and general divertisement, under saddle and at liberty in the arena never fail to excite rounds of applause. The flying Ellett family is another great feature of this show. Other aerialists may have been seen and admired, but it is freely acknowledged fact that these shows have a veritable monopoly of the real artist gymnast of the entire American show world. First in any list would have to be mentioned the Elletts, the incarnation of grace and daring, whose flights through the lofty dome of the canvas pavilion covering the arena are done with the ease and abandon of birds. Kosters are known as the "Human Swallows," and are close seconds to the Potters, even surpassing them in strength and daring if not so graceful, but then it must be remembered that two of the Ellett are of the gentler sex. The Lukens do a most dangerous act on aerial horizontal bars, fixed in the dome of the canvas, feats that but few men can do upon bars that may be reached from the ground. Only the features of this division of daring diversions are mentioned - and the cause is apparent to all who continue to read this all too brief tale of this towering giant of circuses.

KEYSTONE PARK OPENED - Fully 5,000 People are on the Grounds When the Formal Opening Takes Place. Last evening marked the formal opening of Keystone Park, and it is estimated that fully 5,000 people were present. The crowd, although large for a park of that size, was orderly and congenial, and the evening was not marked by rowdyism. Excellent music was rendered by the Waverly band and a large number present enjoyed dancing in the new large pavilion. the balloon ascension, which was to take place at 6 o'clock, was again a failure, this time the bag catching fire. During the evening there was a magnificent display of fireworks and at about 11 o'clock the crowd began leaving the park.

July 17, 1908 Waverly Free Press -  Mrs. Charlotte Slaughter and daughter Gertrude (208 Chemung st. Waverly, NY) left last Saturday for a several weeks' visit at Goshen, N. Y.

Mrs. S. W. Slaughter and daughter Gertrude, Ronald VanAtta, Dorothy and Donald Atwater are spending two weeks in the mountains near Port Jervis, at Camp Lee.

The D.T.D. girls who were at Sans Souci Cottage for a week, returned home Monday. They were chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. E. Sebring, and the merry company was composed of Barbara Lawrence, Alice Westfall, Margaret Tew, Gertrude Slaughter (208 Chemung st. Waverly, NY), Dorothy Crandall, Julia Park, Elizabeth Moore, Blanche Robinson, Jessie Smith and Gladys Wood. Each day they greeted many visitors and two evenings entertained at an informal dancing party. The outing proved so pleasant that they are planning to go again before fall. (Delta Theta Delta)

Many Barton Passengers. Never in the history of the Erie railroad has there been the passenger traffic between this village and Barton that there is this summer. Within the past few weeks a Waverly colony has grown up on the banks of the Susquehanna near Barton and every day cottagers of parties of visitors are seen going or coming between these two towns. Waverly has waked up in earnest to the possibilities afforded on the Susquehanna for summer outing and the stream is lined with attractive and comfortable cottages. The person who hasn't yet decided where to spend his vacation might well consider a week or two along the river.

July 17, 1908 Waverly Free Press: Board Of Trustees. Waverly, N. Y., July 13, 1908. The Board of Trustees of the Village of Waverly convened pursuant to adjournment in the Trustee's room at 7:30 P.M., and was called to order by Mr. Bennett, President pro tem. ... on motion it was Resolved That the property owners hereinafter named be required to build new walks in front of their respective premises within thirty days after sevice of notice upon them so to do, and that in the event of their failure to construct such walks within said thirty days then and in that event the Street Commissioner be and he hereby is authorized and directed to construct such walks, and the expense therof be charged against the said properties and property owners as by law provided, and that the clerk prepare and the street commissioner serve notices in accordance herewith as follows: ... J. L. Pendleton, 17 Tioga street, corner of Athens street, build new on Athens street. On motion meeting adjourned. Frank A. Bell, Clerk.

July 24, 1908 "Waverly Free Press": Born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Knapp, Jr., a son, Tuesday, July 21.

Mrs. H. W. Knapp and children, who have been spending two weeks at Glenwood on Cayuga Lake, returned home Wednesday.

Mrs. S. W. Slaughter and daughter, Gertrude, Ronald VanAtta, Donald and Dorothy Atwater, returned today from a two weeks' vacation in the mountains near Port Jervis.

August 14, 1908 Waverly Free Press: The Sigma Delta Society added another to the list of good times they have enjoyed by inviting a number of their friends to a picnic at Wildwood, last Friday. The trip was made in carriages and the committee in charge consisted of Walter Thatcher, Bernard Nelson and Robert Johnson. The members and guests present included Dorothy Atwater, Alice Lang, Gertrude Slaughter (208 Chemung st. Waverly, NY), Dorothy Crandall, Jessie Smith, Nancy Woodworth, Laura Johnson, Florentine Knapp, Betty Moore, Lulu Crans, Edna Eisenhart, Julia Park, Bernard Nelson, Walter Thatcher, Thomas Appleget, Robert McGruffle, Lester Merrill, Wm. Adams, Harold Sawyer, George Knapp (to be the future husband of Gertrude Slaughter, in 1915), Joe Robinson, Harry Carey, Harry Delgota, Earl Albertson, Robert Fish, the Misses Kate Dudley, Brooklyn, N.Y.; Miss Hall, Rochester, N.Y.; Carmen Westcott, Catherine Byram, Brooklyn; and Walter Hall, of New York City.

August 28, 1908 Waverly Free Press: Miss Florence Mapes of Goshen, N. Y., is the guest of Miss Gertrude Slaughter, of (208) Chemung street.

Among the Waverly young people who are planning to attend out of town colleges are Blanche Robinson and Alice Westfall, Geneseo Normal School; Gertrude Slaughter (208 Chemung st. Waverly, NY) and Dorothy Atwater, "The Elms," Springfield, Mass.; Margaret Grafft, Albany Normal College, and Barbara Lawrence, Sweet Briar Seminary, Sweet Briar, Virginia.

I. Grant Dodge has workmen at work grading and opening streets through the plot of land which is to be sold for building lots the middle of September.

I. G. Dodge will sell at auction on easy terms September 16, 17 and 18th, 100 building lots on East Chemung street. These lots are high, dry and a very healthful location. They are located along the macadam state road ordered by the last legislature. Should the L. V. R. R. build their East Waverly yard, their value would be further enhanced.

COAL QUALITY. Is one of the points to consider in buying coal. You want coal that is free from dirt and dust, clear and bright, no waste and the kind that burns to ashes. Our Lackawanna coal is just the kind you want. It has all the requirements, you will know by trying it. John H. Murray, cor. Bradford St. & Penn Ave. Both Phones.

September 4, 1908 "Waverly Free Press": SOME STUDENTS AND SCHOOLS THEY ATTEND Special to The Binghamton Press; Waverly; Sept. 4- Among the graduates of the Waverly High School the following will go away to school this Fall; Miss Blanche Robinson and Miss Alice Westfall to Geneseo Normal School, Clarence Castimore to Colgate University; Raymond McGlenn to Holy Cross College in Worcester, Mass., Bernard Nelson to the School of Pharmacy, Union University of Albany, Howard Harris to the Univesity of Indiana, Raymond Beach and Malcom Raymond to Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., Miss Maud Barnes and Miss Mary Johnson to Elmira College, Miss Barbara Lawrence to Sweet Briar Seminary of Sweet Briar, Va., Miss Gertrude Slaughter and Miss Dorothy Atwater to Miss Porter's School, "The Elms," Spring- (This was a Home and Day School for Girls. Miss Porter was the Principal. Certificate admits to Vassar, Wellesley, and Smith. Quincy method for children.)

September 8, 1908 "Waverly Free Press": FOR SALE- $400 cash, one building lot 50x170 feet, on Cadwell avenue. Enquire of Miss E. L. Atwater, 9 Lincoln avenue.

Mrs. Charlotte Slaughter, daughter Gertrude and Dorothy Atwater left Wednesday for Springfield, Conn., where the young ladies will become students at Miss Porter's school, "The Elms." (later articles all said, Springfield, Mass.)

SEPTEMBER 18, 1908 THE WAVERLY FREE PRESS AND TIOGA COUNTY RECORD - Mrs. J. E. Johnson and son, Leon, of Waverly, are in town the guests of Mrs. Johnson's brother, J.B. Winters and attending the fair. (In later articles, a Mrs. Wilbur A. Spraker, is the friend of Mrs. Gertrude Slaughter Knapp and daughter Charlotte Knapp. Mrs. Wilbur A. Spraker is the daughter of Mrs. J. E. Johnson.)

Mrs. Charlotte Slaughter, daughter Gertrude and Dorothy Atwater left Wednesday for Springfield, Mass., students at Miss Porter's school, "The Elms."

October 2, 1908 Waverly Free Press: Joseph Knapp, formerly of the firm of J. W. Knapp & Sons, has entered into partnership with his father-in-law, E. D. Mixer, in the hardware business. The milk business that has been conducted by him for the past year will in the future be under the management of George Knapp.

October 9, 1908 Waverly Free Press: IN THE RAILROAD WORLD. Twenty Years Ago. An old document of more than passing interest to old Erie employees incidentlally came under the observation of the writer this week. It embraced the names of the employees at this station twenty years ago this October, a glance at which will cause old time railroad men, and citizens as well, to relapse into a reminiscent mood, for the history of the Erie Railroad, from its inception to the present day, is practically the history of Waverly. The list includes the names of J. S. Carroll, agent; George H. French and John M. Post, baggagemen; E. J. O'Farrell, W. H. Schutt, B. W. Bonnell, D. A. Kennedy, M. L. Kinney, E. Clair VanAtta, Henry M. Sawyer, Clifford Stark, B. K. Rowland and E. V. Alexander, clerks; Simon Kinney, police; W. H. Sliney and Thomas Ryan, yardmasters; C. S. Murdock, tallyman; George Sheeler, warehouseman; A. A. Brady, J. W. Bruster, Wm. Curran, James P. Falsey, W. B. Hayes, J. H. Murray, A. E. Pierce, laborers; John Keefe, H. G. Bruster, Lew Bruster, Simon Carmody, E. R. Gilbert, C. C. Hoyt, John Madden, Frank B. Powers, (Cap.), Horace W. Rood, Wm. Ryan and Fred Talliday, switchmen, and William Holland, crossing watchman. The list does not include the names of the engineers and firemen employees in the yard at that time, nor those of the car repair shops, over which Michael Cahill, of this place, then presided. Of the names given, fifteen have joined the silent majority, others are engaged in various pursuits in this village, and still others have gone elsewhere, while but two remain in the service of the company, B. W. Bonnell and A. E. Pierce. Ticket Agent J. W. Clark and ticket clerk Smith E. Lyons; car repairers Edward Gorman and John Hennesey, whose names do not appear on the list, were also in the employ of the company here at that time and have remained in continuous service. Those were halcyon days in railroad circles at this point. The Lehigh Valley was then running its trains over the Erie to Buffalo, its own line not having been extended until 1892. Wonderful strides in the science of railroad operation have been made since the days of "88.

October 16, 1908 Waverly Free Press And Tioga County Record: Twenty-Five Years Ago. {Extracts taken from Free Press of Oct. 20, 1883.} The first snow storm Oct. 15. Michael McCarthy was promoted by the Erie, from fireman to engineer. A. T. Andre, of Lockwood, purchased the old fire bell of the Waverly Fire Department. Iroquois Tribe, No. 42, Improved Order of Red Men, was organized in Waverly, October 16. The following chiefs were elected: Prophet, W. S. Nevins; Sachem, Lyman Buck; Senior Sagamore, Wm. T. Peters; Junior Sagamore, Richard W. Whitaker; Chief of Records, Albert E. Terry; Assistant Chief of Records, Chas. H. Turney; Keeper of Wampum, Clayton A. Smith; First Sanap, Sherman A. Genung; Second Sanap, Geo. Barnes; Warriors, Fred M. Lathrop, Adolph Unger, Gill S. Ellis, Warren Sliter; Braves, Morris Hanford, Chris Hay, Wm. e. Morgan, G. Fred Weller; Guard of Wigwam, Ira M. Terry; Guard of Forest, Eugene D. Compton; Trustees, Sherman A. Genung, Andrew Sproul, Dr. Edwin J. Stone.

November 20, 1908 Waverly Free Press - Mrs. S. W. Slaughter, of (208) Chemung street, will entertain a company of ladies tomorrow at cards.

November 21, 1908 Binghamton Press - Entertaining at Cards. Special to The Binghamton Press. Waverly, Nov. 21 - Mrs. Charlotte Slaughter of (208)Chemung street is entertaining a number of friends at cards this afternoon. 

November 27, 1908 "Waverly Free Press": On Monday afternoon Mrs. J. C. VanAtta (449 Park ave.) invited a few ladies to meet Mrs. Clark and spent the afternoon at cards. The guests on this occasion were Mrs. Howard VanDuzer, Mrs. W. H. H. Jones, Mrs. Alice Dodge, Mrs. E. H. VanAtta, Mrs. E. Campbell, Mrs. Charlotte Slaughter, Mrs. John Bailey. 

Mrs. Alice Dodge entertained last week for Mrs. James Clark, formerly of this place. Those present besides the hostess and her daughter, Mrs. F. A. Levis, were old friends and neighbors of the guests of honor, including Mrs. Charlotte Slaughter, Mrs. A. Bouton, Mrs. Howard VanDuzer, Mrs. George A. Scott, Mrs. C. Campbell and Mrs. J. C. VanAtta.

Mrs. Charlotte Slaughter (208 Chemung st. Waverly, NY - widow of Samuel W. Slaughter, owned and operated "Corner Drug Store" at 337 Broad st.) gave an enjoyable bridge supper on Saturday to sixteen ladies. Following cards, the guests found their places at a beautifully appointed table and partook of a delicious repast. The following were present: Mrs. F. A. Levis (463 Pennsylvania ave. - Francis A. Levis, lieut. U. S. N.), Mrs. John Murray (398 Pennsylvania ave. S. Wav. - John H. Murray, coal and wood), Mrs. F. A. Sawyer (416 Chemung st. - Fred A. Sawyer, cashier at Citizens Bank), Mrs. E. Gamble (481 Fulton st. - Dr. Ellsworth Gamble, physician and surgeon), Miss Murray, Mrs. J. T. Sawyer (329 Chemung st. - J. Theodore Sawyer, president of Citizens Bank, president of Waverly Water Co.), Mrs. Lewis Atwater (112 Park place - Lewis D. Atwater, assistant cashier at First National Bank of Sayre), Mrs. Moses Lyman (Moses Lyman Jr. - in 1910, Moses Lyman jr. was a mechanical engineer living in Rochester, NY. His wife was Florence V. F. Lyman), Mrs. C. C. Strong (535 Clark st. - Charles C. Strong, druggist at 338 Broad st.), Mrs. Bell (305 Chemung st. - Frank A. Bell, attorney and counsellor at law at 336 Broad st.), Mrs. J. C. VanAtta (449 Park ave. - John C. VanAtta, drugs, stationery, wall paper and window shades at 337 Broad st. John VanAtta was renting the first floor of this building, 337 Broad st.,  from Mrs. Charlotte Slaughter.), Mrs. Ellis Crandall (484 Waverly st. - Mildred E. Crandall, teacher - widow of Ellis Crandall), Mrs. I. P. Shepard (105 Chemung st. - Isaac P. Shepard) and Mrs. J. G. Grant, of Akron, Ohio.

Mrs. Charlotte Slaughter (208 Chemung street Waverly, NY) left Tuesday to spend Thanksgiving with her daughter, Gertrude, who is a pupil at Miss Porter's school at Springfield, Mass.

Year Books Of The D. A. R. Out. A Very Interesting Lot of Subjects Have Been Assigned For The Year. The year books of Tioga Chapter, D. A. R. have been distributed and the subject for the year will be "The Early Colonial Settlement of America." The dates and topics are given below: January 20 - "New York Under the Dutch." Mrs. F. W. Merriam, Waverly. Hostess, Mrs. C. C. Strong, Waverly. February 17 - "Maryland; Lord Baltimore," Mrs. J. Thurston, Athens. Hostess, Miss Perkins, Athens. February 22, 1909 - Washington Day, in charge of entertainment committee. March 17 - "Plymouth, Salem, Boston," Mrs. C. C. Strong, Waverly. Hostess, Mrs. Richard Whitaker, Miss Whitaker, Waverly. April 21 - "Pennsylvania. Philadelphia," Mrs. J. W. Bishop, Sayre. Hostesses, Mrs. Stimson, Mrs. Holcomb, Athens. May 19 - Report of Delegates to Congress. Hostess, Mrs. H. C. Thatcher, Waverly. June 16 - "Flag Day," Entertainment Committee. July 21 - "Rhode Island; Roger Williams," Mrs. F. A. Bell, Waverly. Hostess, Mrs. Bert Hayden, Sayre. September 15 - "South Carolina," Mrs. Mary Sheldon, Brooklyn. Hostess, Mrs. George Miller, Athens. October 20 - Annual Meeting at Colonial Room Spaulding Library. Hostesses, Mrs. C. S. Maurice, Mrs. Chas. Kellogg, Athens. The membership of the Chapter has reached the one hundred mark and among the list of members those from here are: Mrs. Mertie Signor Bell, Miss Mary E. Blood, Mrs. Catherine Chapman Brooks, Mrs. Crissie Foote Blizard, Mrs. Mabel Gillan Baldwin, Mrs. Louise Lyford Daniell, Mrs. Euphemia Gray Dubois, Mrs. Lena Bouton Ellis, Mrs. Mary Ellen Fairchild, Miss Mary Elizabeth Finch, Mrs. Alice Bennett, Mrs. Estella Hanna Ellis, Mrs. Sarah Perkins Elmer, Miss Antoinette Elmer, Mrs. Mary Ellen Fairchild, Miss Mary Elizabeth Finch, Mrs. Alice Bennett Gore, Mrs. Lena Holbert Hanford, Mrs. Kate Hanna Holbert, Mrs. Florence Floyd Merriam, Mrs. Carolyn Barston Murray, Miss Eliza Murray, Miss Jane Sawyer, Mrs. Marian Ruthven Shepard, Mrs. Charlotte Wells Slaughter (208 Chemung st. Waverly, NY), Mrs. Ann Elizabeth Stewart (real daughter), Mrs. Anna Atwater Strong, Mrs. Lizzie Clapp Thatcher, Mrs. Anna Fairchild Tilton, Mrs. Sarah V. Whitaker, Miss Jessie Louise Whitaker.

December 11, 1908 Waverly Free Press And Tioga County Record: AD. Christmas Suggestions From The Chemung Street Greenhouses. An Elegant lot of Ferns, Boston and Ostrich Plume, in all sizes from 10c to $1.50 each- Special Bargains. A nice Plant for 50c. Asparagus Plumosus, from 10c to 50c each. Table Ferns, 10c each. Palms and other decorative plants at reasonable prices. Come And See- 414 Chemung St. Waverly, N. Y.

Two houses at 312 and 314 Chemung street, in the Will of Duncan McDonald of Waverly, dated October 17, 1901.(Also house and lot at 54 Pleasant street, South Waverly) He said to repair, maintain, pay taxes and insure and send the same the net avails of rentals to be paid to Duncan J. McDonald and Emma J. McDonald and their survivors. At their death to sell at advantageous sale and divide the avails of said sales between the rector, wardens and vestrymen of the Grace church of Waverly, and the American Baptist Home Mission Society of New York State in equal shares. The first codicil to the will was dated December 23, 1904, and in this he revokes the bequest to the Baptist Home Mission Society and bequeaths same to the Centenary Methodist church, of Elmira. He also revokes the appointment of W. H. Denslow as trustee, and nominates Percy L. Lang to succeed him.  The second codicil, dated March 27, 1906, revokes  In paragraph three, the houses, 312 and 314 Chemung street, the proceeds of rents, etc. to be paid during life to Duncan J. McDonald, and at his death to be divided between the rector, wardens and vestrymen of the Waverly Grace Episcopal church, and the Centenary church, of Elmira. He also revokes the appointment of Willard L. King as trustee, and nominates Fred A. Sawyer in his stead. In the petition the property is valued no to exceed $27,000 in personal and $17,000 in real estate.

December 18, 1908 "Waverly Free Press": Mrs. A. M. Bouton gave the first of two supper parties in honor of Mrs. William Bouton Wednesday evening. Covers were laid for thirty-nine who were seated at small tables. The place cards decorated with holly were appropriate for the approaching holiday season, and after a course supper "500" and bridge were played. Those who accepted Mrs. Bouton's hospitality were Mrs. Harry Ellis, Mrs. Thaddeus Ellis, Mrs. E. Kitchen, Miss Murray, Mrs. Ed. Neaves, Mrs. Weeks, Mrs. F. A. Sawyer, Mrs. Chas. Strong, Miss Atwater, Mrs. Harry Peck, Mrs. H. N. Daniell, Mrs. Edward Tracy, Mrs. Alice Dodge, Mrs. Francis Lewis, Miss Frances Lyons, Miss Janet Lyons, Miss Swain, Mrs. F. E. Lyford, Mrs. F. E. Hawkes, M? Barden, Mrs. J. B. Floyd, Mrs. Charlotte Slaughter (208 Chemung st. Waverly, NY), Miss Shear, Mrs. J. C. VanAtta, Mrs. Harry Baldwin, Mrs. Harold Watrous, Mrs. F. A. Bell, Miss Ross, Mrs. A. I. Decker, Miss Blizzard, Mrs. E. H. Barton Hall and Miss Gere, of Chemung.

Ad - J. W. Knapp & Son, Dry Goods, Carpets, Cloaks, Suits, Furniture. The Ideal Christmas Store. Every Christmas shopper will find this an ideal shopping store. ...

December 31, 1908 Binghamtom Press: Waverly, Dec. 31- A pleasant reception was given yesterday afternoon at the Hall residence on Park avenue by Mrs. S. C. Hall, Miss Hall, Miss Josephine Hall and Miss Ethel MacAlpin of Bradford, assisted by Mrs. H. G. Merriam, Mrs. Charlotte Slaughter, Mrs. C. F. Spencer and Mrs. J. B. Floyd. The serving was attended to by the Misses Gertrude Slaughter, Lucile Genung, Agnes Moore, Jessie Angell and Miss Mapes of Goshen and Miss Charie Hastings of Elmira. The guests numbered about one hundred and fifty. (In 1901, Stephen C. Hall of Hall & Lyon Furniture Co. was at 427 Park ave., also listed in 1908 directory.)

January 1, 1909 Waverly Free Press: A large number of friends attended the "At Home" given by Mrs. S. C. Hall and daughters, at their Pennsylvania avenue home, Wednesday afternoon. Delicious refreshments were served in the dining room, where the color scheme of red and green was used. The table was brightened with red carnations, while festoons of running pine and Christmas bells extended from the center of the room to the corners. Mrs. Hall was assisted in receiving by her daughters, the Misses Pauline and Josephine, and Miss Ethel McAlpin, of Bradford, Pa. Other assisting ladies were Mrs. Charlotte Slaughter, Mrs. Henry Merriam, Mrs. C. F. Spencer, Mrs. J. B. Floyd, Mrs. Rufus Harnden, Ruth Appleget, Agnes Moore, Elizabeth Angell, Jessie Angell, Lucile Genung, Gertrude Slaughter, Miss Mapes and Miss Hastings, of Elmira. In addition to the town ladies, a large number were present from Athens and Sayre. (The 1908 and 1914 directories list S. C. Hall at 427 Park ave., so Pennsylvania ave may be a mistake of newspaper?)

January 29, 1909 The Waverly Free Press And Tioga County Record: Obituary. David S. Morgan. David S. Morgan, formerly a resident of Waverly, a member of the old Tioga Hose Company Band, and a well known painter and decorator, died at his home in Washington, D. C., Sunday night, January 24, 1909, after suffering for some weeks from heart trouble. The deceased was born in Sylvania, Pa., March 4, 1847, and when but a young man his parents moved to (continued on page twelve.) (continued from first Page.) Waverly, where he received his early education and also learned his trade as a painter and decorator. For a number of years he was in partnership with Thomas Keeler, of this village, in the painting and decorating business. About twenty-two years ago he left Waverly and went West, later returning to Washington, D. C., where he has since made his home. He was one of the charter members of the old Tioga Hose Company Band and a man with many friends throughout this section. He is survived by his wife and one daughter, Ethel, and a sister, Mrs. M. McGuffie, of this village. The funeral was held in Washington, D. C., yesterday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock and interment was made in the Glenwood cemetery, that city. (Thomas Keeler's name was found in our basement, in the cistern room, at 208 Chemung st. Waverly, NY, and dated 1897.)

February 5, 1909 "Waverly Free Press": The Woman's Missionary Society of the Presbyterian church is in session at the church this afternoon. The topic for study is "The General Field," and Mrs. S. W. Slaughter and Mrs. Emory Campbell have charge of the meeting.

Mrs. Charlotte Slaughter is back from Rochester and Clifton Springs, N. Y.

PAYNE PROPERTY SOLD. The Minor Payne property on the corner of Chemung and Athens streets was sold last Saturday on a mortgage sale to Edgar Sebring for $2,250. (300 Chemung St.)

February 12, 1909 "Waverly Free Press": Woman Missionary Society Meeting- An Interesting Programme Given on the "General Field" and the Year Books were Distributed to Members. Mrs. J. W. Knapp, Sr., presided at the February meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Presbyterian church, which was held last Friday afternoon at the church parlors. The topic, "The General Field," was in charge of Mrs. Emory Campbell and Mrs. Charlotte Slaughter and the program was as follows: The First Year Out. Korea, Mrs. William Tew. Talk - Japan...Mrs. Howard Elmer. The Philippines...Mrs. W. B. Scofield. The New Birth in Turkey...Miss Alice Fish. Three Missionaries...Mrs. Walter Ware. Woman's Progress in Siam...Mrs. D. Stark. Current Events...Mrs. J. W. Knapp, Sr. The year books have been distributed and the subject for the year with the leaders are: March - The Indians. Mrs. A. M. Bouton, Miss Atwater. April - The Freedman. Mrs. Anna Knapp, Mrs. A. R. Bumn. May - Africa Mrs. R. D. Whitaker, Mrs. E. Taylor. Social Hour Miss Tayor, Miss Shear. June- Porto Rico, Cuba Mrs. P. R. Ross, Mrs. E. C. French. July - Hawaii and the Philippines Mrs. Harry Baldwin, Mrs. E. C. Tracy. August - Our Missionaries. Mrs. E. K. Kitchen, Mrs. W. Whitaker. September - Japan Mrs. J. B. Floyd, Mrs Harry Knapp. October - Mormons Mrs. Howard Elmer, Mrs. G. L. Mullock. November - Korea Mrs. C.C. Strong, Mrs. H. C. Thatcher. December - Foreigners in America Miss Finch, Mrs. I. G. Dodge. January - Annual Meeting. Social Hour. Miss Alice Fish, Miss Scofield. Collectors - Mrs. C. M. Crandall, Mrs. J. C. VanAtta, Mrs. L. S. Tilton, Mrs. H. A. Ross, Miss Louise Relgeluth, Mrs. Walter Ware, Miss Alice Fish, Mrs. P. R. Ross, Miss Ella Hart, Miss Antoinnette Elmer.

February 19, 1909 Waverly Free Press: Anniversary Of Birth Celebrated. The Many Friends and Neighbors of Mr. Henry Taylor Laine Gave Him An Agreeable Surprise Saturday. On last Saturday afternoon and evening, Henry Taylor Laine, of 407 Broad street, was most agreeably surprised, it being the occasion of his seventy-eighth birthday, to receive informal and delightful calls from relations, old schoolmates, old business friends, civil war veterans and some of the younger generations, who wished him many happy returns of the day and added their quota of interest in recalling old times and old scenes. Light refreshments were served by his daughter, Mrs. Louise Laine Blackmore assisted by Miss Georgia Blackmore. Mr. Laine looks younger than his years, his merry brown eyes, which do not often (Continued on eleventh page.)

Anniversary Of Birth Celebrated (Continued from First Page.) use glasses, shining with geniality and youthful quality, while the firm grasp of his hand shows no diminition of fervor. Mrs. Laine assisted in receiving the guests. The following brief sketch of the life of Mr. Laine, will be interesting to his many friends: Mr. Laine was born in the Town of Minisink, Orange county, N. Y., on February 13, 1831. His father, William A. Laine came to Waverly, then known as Factoryville, in 1837, driving all the way in a travelling wagon, built for that purpose. He was accompanied by his wife and three children, of whom Henry was the eldest. What is now Waverly was then a forest, with only a State road, which is now Chemung street, though a private road turned south from Chemung street, to a residence of Dea. Strong's. This private road afterwards became Pennsylvania avenue, because it was extended into the State of that name. Mr. Laine's father drove directly to his farm of over 100 acres on West Hill, where he lived until 1844, when he moved down to a house on Chemung street opposite what is now the West End school building. The first school house on that site was built by Mr. Shepard and was called Villemont Academy, as Mr. Shepard called that part of the settlement Villemont. Later. W. A. Laine built a house on the southwest corner of what is now Pine and Chemung streets, and this home, with additions and remodeling, is still standing. The well in the front corner was always celebrated for its clear and deliciously pure water. In 1856 Henry Taylor Laine was married to Miss Louise Marie Shaw, daughter of Eli Austin Shaw, also an old resident of this town, and in 1906 they celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage. Mr. Laine was one of the early firemen of the village and was ever at his post at the sounding of an alarm. In 1862 he enlisted in the Anthon Batallion, Light Artillery, afterwards known as the Twentieth Battery, and was made sergeant from the date of his enlistment. He was entrusted with much important business in undetached service, until his honorable discharge, on August 31, 1865. For nearly thirty-four years he has been in the employ of the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, the last twenty-six of which have been in connection with the general storehouse. His loyalty to duty, fidelity to the business, his purity of character and sterling worth have gained for him the respect and love of the hundreds of men who have come in contact with him. Young and old unite in hoping he may enjoy many more years of usefulness and geniality.

February 19, 1909 Waverly Free Press - Mrs. Charlotte Slaughter (208 Chemung st. Waverly, NY) entertained two tables at bridge, Wednesday evening, and after nine series of games, elaborate and tempting refreshments were served to the guests, who included Mrs. J. B. Floyd, Mrs. Alice Dodge, Mrs. Lydia Topping, Mrs. Meserve, Mrs. C. Crandall, Mrs. Charles Shipman and Miss Ella Atwater.

February 26, 1909 Waverly Free Press - Mrs. Charlotte Slaughter, Mrs. Alice Dodge, Mrs. Charles Shipman, Mrs. H. G. Merriam, Mrs. C. F. Spencer, Mrs. Meserve and Mrs. J. B. Floyd were entertained at bridge Wednesday night by Mrs. Lydia Topping of Waverly street.

As a result of the Colonial Tea, which was given on Washington's birthday at the home of Mrs. E. M. Thompson, Sayre, $35 has been added to the treasury of the Tioga Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution. This amount will be added to the prize birthday fund.

For the benefit of the Waverly members of Tioga Chapter, D. A. R., who are at work on the biographical sketches of their ancestors. Mrs. M. P. Murray, the historian, has had a copy of the form to be used placed in the school library, where it can be seen by all who are interested.

February 26, 1909 "Waverly Free Press": Quite the most brilliant social affair ever given by Tioga Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, was the Colonial Reception, held Monday, Feb. 22nd, at the home of Mrs. E. M. Thompson, of Spring street, Sayre, from 3 until 6 o'clock. No more suitable place could have been selected for an event of this sort, than the fine old homestead now occupied by Mrs. Thompson, known for half a century as the "old Cuyler place." Some of the older residents of the Valley, will remember it, in its former glory, when this old white pillored colonial home was the renezvous of the society folk of the Valley, many years ago, and could tell interesting tales of the romances, festivities and fine entertainment that once upon a time took place there. The same furniture throughout, and even the quaint and beautiful china, used at that time, it was the privilege of the Daughters to enjoy on Monday afternoon, and, amid candle light and flowers, and atmosphere of old time glory and past granduer ... (The D.A.R. Colonial Tea) ... From 3 until 4 o'clock Mrs. Slaughter, of Waverly, and Mrs. Weaver, of Sayre, presided at the table in the dining room. Mrs. Slaughter (208 Chemung st. Waverly, NY) in charge of the huge colonial blue teapot, was magnificent in heavy gray silk with a kerchief made of real lace from her mother's wedding veil and a duchess point lace cap with long white chiffon veil.

March 5, 1909 Waverly Free Press And Tioga County Record: Venerable Resident, One of Waverly's Early Settlers, Passed Away at Hospital. James I. Reeve, a venerable resident of Waverly, died at the Packer hospital, in Sayre, Saturday evening, at 11:30 o'clock, after suffering from a shock which he received when he fell and broke his hip at his home on Broad street, Tuesday, February 16. Mr. Reeve was born in Goshen, Orange county, N. Y., in October, 1818. He came to Factoryville, in April, 1848, and in partnership with Charles H. Shepard, conducted a hardware business in a building long since destroyed, which stood near the bridge over Cayuta creek, East Waverly. The next year, 1849, the Erie came through this section and Broad street was laid out. The third building on the street was the one which is now occupied by the Tioga Steam Laundry, and it was erected by Isaac Shepard, in 1849. As soon as it was completed the owner opened a dry goods store in one side, while Shepard & Reeve moved their hardware store from Factoryville, into the other side. Shepard & Reeve remained in partnership for about four years, when Mr. Shepard retired from the firm, and Mr. Reeve conducted the business alone in the building on the south side of Broad street, now occupied by Walter Ware, the jeweler, until 1865. In that year (Continued on fifth page.) The Death Of James I. Reeve (Continued from First Page.) he formed a partnership with Henry G. Merriam, which was continued until 1870, when Mr. Reeve retired and Mr. Merriam continued the business. Mr. Reeve retired permanently from active business in 1882. He was one of the few surviving members of the Presbyterian church, who were members when the church was erected in 1849, and in the early days owned a large section of land in what is now the heart of the village, and which included the extensive Elmer property facing Pennsylvania avenue; the section that was lying south of Chemung street as far as Park Place, and east of Pennsylvania avenue to what is now included in the Angell property. Today this is one of the most valuable tracts of land in the village. Mr. Reeve was married twice, his first wife being Miss Charlotte Coroy, of Goshen, N. Y. There were three daughters by his first wife; Sarah, with whom he made his home on Broad street, and Addie and Emma, both of whom died a number of years ago. After the death of his first wife he was united in marriage with Miss Emma R. Kinney, of Waverly, and two them were born two sons, Frank, who died in infancy, and Henry ?, deceased, who was a very well known resident of Waverly. His second wife died in 1876. Mr. Reeve had practically been with the village of Waverly from its beginning. He was one of its progressive business men and during his life had assisted in every good movement for the betterment of the village. He was a kind hearted congenial man and enjoyed the friendship of a host throughout this section, and especially among the older residents. Of his immediate family he is survived by one daughter, Sarah, with whom he made his home, on Broad street, and a stepdaughter, Mrs. A. S. Gordon, of Towanda, Pa. The funeral was held Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the Presbyterian church, the Rev. Dr. Ross officiating, interment was made in the Forest Home cemetery.

March 12, 1909 Waverly Free Press And Tioga County Record: George Knapp and Joe Robinson attended the performance of "The Merry Widow" at Ithaca Wednesday evening.

Mrs. George Scott entertained a few friends at dinner Wednesday night at her pleasant Pennsylvania avenue home.

March 26, 1909 Waverly Free Press: Mr. and Mrs. Judd Buley, of Syracuse, N. Y., will soon move here and reside in the homestead at the corner of Chemung and Waverly street, which had been occupied by the late James Buley.

Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Sebring moved this week from Orchard street to the property which they recently purchased at the corner of (300) Chemung and Athens street. (E. D. Sebring was a pall bearer for Charlotte Slaughter's funeral in 1912)

April 9, 1909 Waverly Free Press - Mrs. Charlotte Slaughter has issued invitations today for a large reception to be held Wednesday evening, April 14, at her home on (208) Chemung street.

April 16, 1909 Waverly Free Press - Mrs. Haggerty of Goshen, N.Y. is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Charlotte Slaughter, (208) Chemung street.

Miss Beatrice Laine entertained a few of her young friends at an Easter party on Saturday evening. Among the amusements were zigzag puzzles, a contest in which each endeavored to make the most words from the letters spelling Easter and a chicken hunt, when the guests hunted for chickens hidden in the different rooms. Elaborate refreshments were served and those present were: Mildred Talmadge, Hazel Bell, Caribel Merrill, Virginia VanAtta, Frances Stevenson, Nina Lawrence and Margaret Tighe. Margaret Grafft, Carrie Baker, Elizabeth Moore, Agnes Moore, Alice Lang, Mary Blood, Gertrude Slaughter, Dorothy Crandall, Lulu Crans, Gladys Wood, Julia Park, Edna Elsenhart, Clay Thatcher, Harry Delgado, Edwin Grafft, Franklin Pierce, Joe Robinson, Harold Sawyer, Dana Hopkins, Geo. Tilton, Thomas Applegot, Will Adams, Earl Albertson, Lester Merrill, Robert Fish and Miss Holmes of Towanda; Miss Carpenter, of Sayre; Harrison Grant, of Akron, Ohio, and Fletcher Wynkoop, of Chemung were the guests of Robert Johnson Saturday evening at progressive bridge. After a series of games, light refreshments were served and music was enjoyed.

The reception given by Mrs. Charlotte Slaughter, Wednesday night at her home on (208) Chemung street, was one of the largest and most delightful social events held here for some time. The hostess received in the front parlor and was aided in greeting her guests by her sister, Mrs. Wells; her niece, Mrs. Haggerty, of Goshen, N.Y. and her cousin, Miss Milliard, of Elmira, N.Y. Others assisting were her daughter, Miss Gertrude, Mrs. F.A. Sawyer, Mrs. H.C. Thatcher, Mrs. J.C. VanAtta, Mrs. F.W. Merriam, Mrs. C.C. Strong, Mrs. L.D. Atwater, Ronald VanAtta, and Donald Atwater. The rooms were adorned most profusely with cut flowers, palms and ferns and in the dining room the decorations were particularly effective. Here the color scheme of pink and green prevailed and the table was centered with a large bouquet of pink roses, while many pink candles in crystalstick added to its attractiveness. Delicious refreshments were served and Easter favors of pink ribbon were presented the guests. Kramm's orchestra played and in addition to the Sayre and Athens guests, many were present from a distance.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knapp are expected home soon from their trip to Egypt, the Holy Land and other Eastern points. Dr. and Mrs. Walter Lockerby, who went on the same trip, will not return now, but will tour for a month on the continent. (Harry Knapp is Gertrude Slaughter's future brother-in-law, of 1915.)

Leo. E. Leipziger, representative of the famous Horse Shoe brand of clothing is spending a few days with his sister, Mrs. Julius Sayles, Chemung street.

April 23, 1909 Waverly Free Press - The Misses Gertrude Slaughter and Dorothy Atwater left Tuesday to resume their studies at "The Elms," Springfield, Mass.

The D. T. D. club, whose membership is limited to a few members initiated Agnes Moore, on Saturday evening at a meeting held with Miss Jessie Smith, of Chemung street. Following the business session there were cards and the members present were: Carrie Baker, Gertrude Slaughter, Dorothy Atwater, Elizabeth Moore, Gladys Wood, Dorothy Crandall, Julia Park. (Delta Theta Delta - a club/society of the Waverly High School. There was also the Sigma Delta fraternity at Waverly High School)

Miss Gertrude Slaughter entertained a company of young friends at a birthday party at her home on (208) Chemung street, Friday night. Zizzag and cards were the amusements and the guests present were: Carrie Baker, Jessie Smith, Julia Parks, Dorothy Atwater, Elizabeth and Agnes Moore, Gladys Wood, Dorothy Crandall, Clay Thatcher, Franklin Pierce, Edwin Grafft, Thomas Appleget, Lester Merrill, Joe Robinson, Earl Albertson, Robert Johnson and George Tilton.

A New Floor For The Auditorium. The Ladies of the Baptist Church Have Devised Novel Means for the Raising of Money. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Baptist church being anxious to place a hardwood floor in the auditorium, have decided upon a novel way to raise the money. Members of the congregation will pledge to pay for a certain number of square yards of the flooring and many are planning to earn the money thus given in a manner called the "Endless Tea Chair." The plan is for one lady to invite 10 ladies to visit her with her sewing, and pay the hostess an admission fee of 10 cents each. Mrs. S. W. Mitchell, president of the society, gave a thimble party Friday afternoon which was attended by fourteen members of the executive committee. Light refreshments were served and $1.50 was added to the fund. The following compose the executive committee: Mrs. G. A. Briggs, Mrs. Edgar Stewart, Mrs. Parry Manning, Mrs. Alida Young, Mrs. Juliea Squires, Mrs. Rose Morgan, Mrs. G. B. Evans (7 Athens st. Waverly, NY), Mrs. Garrison, Mrs. Geo. Hanna, Mrs. Benjamin Donne, Mrs. Ed. Kelsey, Mrs. M. L. Hanford, Mrs. C. E. Swartwood, Mrs. Chas. Roe, Mrs. Fred Terry. The second of the series of the endless chain thimble parties was held Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. G. Evans, of  (7) Athens street. Like the preceding party it was most enjoyable and light refresments were served by the hostess.

May 14, 1909 Waverly Free Press And Tioga County Record: DO WE LOSE HISTORIC SPANISH HILL? - Chances Are That the Famous Spot will Be Closed to the Public Unless Ruffians Behave. From present indications Waverly's greatest attraction and pleasure resort will be shut off from the public. Long before Waverly was founded it was a famous spot; since the village was built it has been its one great show spot. Every visitor remembers it as the crowning glory of a beautiful valley; it is an ideal place for picnics and summer rambles. Now it is likely that the public will be barred from visiting the spot and simply because the public, or a part of it, at least, has abused its privileges. Lately the place has been made the resort of a gang of young hoodlums, who tear down fences, disfigure trees, break down the shrubbery and inflict other damages on property. Worse than this, they behave in a most disorderly manner and insult ladies who happen to be passing on the streets below. It is probable that a repetition of the offense will result in arrests, and John W. Storms, the proprietor of Spanish Hill, says that if this does not break up the disorder he will be forced to absolutely forbid the use of the Hill by the public. He is reluctant to do this, but feels that he must protect his property and that the neighborhood can no longer endure the noise and insult of the roughs. It is to be hoped that the evil can be stopped without resorting to such severe measures, as the shutting off of Spanish Hill would be a sad loss for Waverly. Its owners have been generous to the public in allowing it to be so freely used, and it is a shame that their kindness is abused.

Rev. J. A. Brown of Pittson, Pa., has been visiting old friends in town for two or three days. Mr. Brown was rector of Grace Episcopal church here in 1878. This is his first visit here in some thirty years. - Ground was broken Monday for the house to be erected on the lot at 320 Chemung street, by William H. Scofield. (In 1936, Mrs. W. S. Hall lived here at 320 Chemung st.)

- Harry Case will soon take possession of the residence, 22 Lincoln street, which he recently purchased of contractor John Seacord.

- During the electrical storm Monday afternoon the transformer on the pole at the corner of Waverly and Chemung streets, was struck by lightning and burned out.

May 21, 1909 Waverly Free Press: Ground was broken Friday on the lot at 326 Chemung street, for a house to be erected by Mrs. Emily C. Lewis, who now resides on Loder street.

June 4, 1909 Waverly Free Press And Tioga County Record: IMPROVEMENTS IN WAVERLY - Hard Times Seems to Have But Little Effect on the Work of Building in Village. Builders Have Plenty Of Money - The Waverly Loan Association was Not Successful in Loaning Money This Spring. Scarcity of money, lack of business, no work and hundreds of families on the towns and counties seem to have been the ordinary run of talk throughout the country of late. The seriousness of the situation has perplexed the brains of the older warriors, who have braved financial panic after financial panic; has caused some of our older business men to count their coins carefully, make their expenditures conservatively and bow to many hardships in order to keep above tidewater. The one fact first noticed in Waverly, even during the past year, by persons coming here from other villages of this state was the amount of building here, in spite of the hard times, though it was less than usual for Waverly. While in most towns there was harldy a new building going up, at no time during the past year was there less than a score of new buildings in the process of erection in Waverly alone, to say nothing of the other boroughs of the Valley. Times, however, are brightning, and in no place is it much more noticeable than in the beautiful village of Waverly. Perhaps not wholly in the mercantile business, and decidedly not in the manufacturing end, but the improvement is most noteworthy in the enlargement of the village, in the erection of beautiful and costly homes, on street after street there being the clang of the masons' trowel and the bang of the carpenters' hammer, as the work of building is going on. The remarkable advance in Waverly has become so noticeable that it could not pass unmentioned longer. In our various walks in and upon our streets and thoroughfares we have been amazed, surprised and pleased with the aspect of what will eventually, at least, assist in proclaiming a bigger and busier Waverly. Not only has this increase in the work of building shown (Continued on Page Twelve.)

page 12. IMPROVEMENTS IN WAVERLY (Continued from First Page.) that there is still money left in the country after the financial depression we have just been through, but the fact that home after home is being remodeled and repainted at an expenditure of hundreds of dollars, proves conclusively that we are not only existing, but are living and living in moderate luxury, seemingly in the midst of the brightest of times, entirely void of the pang of financial depression. Another fact that has been brought to our notice and that is not only amazing, but remarkable, is that with all this building going on in Waverly, there is a sufficient sum of money in the hands of the builder and owner to proceed without the assistance of a loan. This one matter has been brought to our attention by a representative of the Waverly Building & Loan Association, which recently sent out its representatives in the village to loan money to builders. A thorough canvass was made and not one cent could be placed, every builder having sufficient of funds to do his work. This fact is indeed remarkable and almost leads one to believe that times had not been hard. Aside from a number of houses that are being practically reconstructed and others that are being enlarged and repaired, without making a thorough canvass, we give below a list of some of the buildings that have recently been completed or are now in course of construction. No. 429 Broad street - residence for Michael Clune. No. 543 Broad street - residence for William Pickley, proprietor of the Stewart Hotel. No. 454 Broad street - Wholesale grocery house for S. Mills Ely. No. 18 North Chemung street - residence for William Bangard. No. 462 Pennsylvania avenue - residence being built by Contractor F. E. Beekman. North Chemung street - residence being built by F. E. Beekman, contractor. Five new houses on Barker Place, East Waverly - built by Contractor L. F. Lord. Three unoccupied. No. 209 William street - residence for Corneby & Harris. No. 114 Center street - residence completed. Corner of Elm street and Sawyer Place - residence for Harry Thompson. No. 320 Chemung street - residence for W. H. Scofield. No. 326 Chemung street - residence for Mrs. Smith.

Young Men Were Royal Hosts - Picnic at the Johnson-Ferguson Cottage on Memorial Day was an Enjoyable Affair. Messrs. William Adams and Robert Johnson, assisted by the chaperons, Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Ferguson, arranged one of the most delightful picnics held Monday. About thirty-five young people left on the Erie train at 7:43 and were welcomed at the Johnson-Ferguson cottage on the Susquehanna, near Barton, by the evening to make preparations. Every committee, who went down Saturday everything was done to make the day a success. In the morning a game of ball was played and Barton was defeated by the Waverly boys. Charles Kennedy, Joseph MacNamara and Vivian Post went down to strengthen the Waverly forces. A notable and enjoyable dinner was served, having been prepared by the committee without help from the guests. This added much to the enjoyment of the menu, as paper bags and pasteboard boxed had no part in it. The supper was equally delicious and tempting, and the young people left for the moonlight straw ride to Waverly with regret that the day could not be longer. Among those who enjoyed the hospitality of the committee and chaperons were Misses Elizabeth and Agnes Moore, Jessie Smith, Pearl Stackhouse, Josephine O'Brien, Virginia VanAtta, Nina Lawrence, Dorothy Crandall, Mildred Talmadge, Marjorie Blood, Carrie Baker, Hazel Johnson and Edna Eisenhart, of Waverly; Miss Ingham, of Towanda, and Miss Walsh, of Boston; Messrs. Fred Waldo, Rob McGuffie, Harry Delgada, Earl Albertson, Thos. B. Appleget, George Byram, Joseph Robinson, George Tilton, Edwin Graft, Lester Merrill and George Knapp, of Waverly, and Chas. Masterson, of Barton.

Homing Pigeons Released Wednesday. One Hundred Birds Started From Waverly on Flight to New York City. Two large crates of homing pigeons from the Manhattan Homing Pigeon Club of New York City, were opened at the Erie station Wednesday a.m. at promptly 9:10 o'clock, before a large assemblage of Waverly people, who had learned that the birds would leave at this time on their homeward flight. There were close to one hundred birds in the two crates, and from the time of their arrival in Waverly, were in charge of R. W. Smith, who is in the employ of the Wells Fargo Express company. The crates were taken to the East side of Fulton street along side the tracks, so that when the birds ascended into the air, there were no wires to block their flight. The pigeons rose to an altitude of about 150 feet and made circle after circle at this height and then rose to an altitude of close to 300 feet, circling in the same manner. After ten minutes had elapsed they seemed to have found their bearings, and with two of the flock slightly in advance and flying closely together, they set out in a southeasterly direction. It is claimed that these birds will make a little over fifty miles an hour and at this rate the flock should have reached New York City shortly after noon that day but it is thought that they became confused and had to return to their starting place again at about 2 o'clock. Some people on the streets saw a large flock of pigeons at about this time and it is supposed that they were the same ones. No report has been sent in as yet from New York City.

June 18, 1909 Waverly Free Press: Mrs. S. W. Slaughter left Tuesday for Asbury Park, N. J.

Word has been received here to the effect that the Rev. John L. Taylor, D. D., of Asbury Park, N. J., who has been ill for some time, is much worse. Dr. Taylor was the pastor of the Presbyterian church for a number of years and has many friends here who will regret to hear of his serious Illness.

June 24, 1909 Elmira Star Gazette: Edwin H. Van Atta Dies In Waverly. Waverly, June 24 - Edwin H. Van Atta died at his late home, 457 Cayuta avenue, at 11:15 Monday morning. He was born in Waverly April 18, 1869, and had resided here all his life. When he was fourteen years old he entered the drug store conducted by his brother, John C. Van Atta, and until about one year ago, when ill health made it impossible, was associated with him at the same store. Nineteen years ago he married Miss Rose Grafft, daughter of George H. Grafft of Cayuta avenue. His aged father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Van Atta of Pennsylvania avenue, survive him; also his widow and one daughter, Miss Virginia Van Atta, a student in the Waverly High School, and two brothers, John C. and E. Clair Van Atta.

July 2, 1909 Waverly Free Press And Tioga County Record: Wanted - To contract for 12 tons of good new timothy or clover hay, clover preferred. Valley phone. Geo. B. Knapp.

Wanted - A competent girl or woman for general housework in a family of three. No washing or ironing. Good wages. Mrs. J. W. Knapp, Lyman Ave.

July 9, 1909 Waverly Free Press And Tioga County Record: Owego Local News... Mr. and Mrs. Henry Foster have returned from their wedding trip and are housekeeping on Main street. (On July 2, 1858, the octagon home on Chemung street was sold by Amelia J. Foster and Henry S. Foster, maybe this is a decendant, possible grandson?)

July 23, 1909 Waverly Free Press And Tioga County Record: Wanted - To buy three tested cows, fresh in Aug. or Sept. Geo. B. Knapp.

Three young men - Fred Waldo, Geo. B. Knapp and Joe Robinson have gone to camp for ten days or so on the banks of the Susquehanna river above the Swartwood farm.

A Valley Old Home Week. In the big cities "Old Home Week" has been rather a failure, often a farce. One might as well talk of a reunion of all the Smith family or an old home week for the State of Texas as for Boston or New York. The size of the cities makes the thing an absurdity and it degenerates into a game of graft and grab for the hotels and hackdrivers. In the smaller towns, however, the scheme seems to work out well and results in a good deal of genuine pleasure to the people and permanent good to the towns. Of course, the success of old home weeks depends on the spirit of the place, the interest of its people in each other and their fondness for their old friends and families, but there would be no question about that here. Waverly people, those who are here and those who have gone to other places, retain a more than ordinary amount of affection for old assoociations, traditions, friends. The success of Institute Day proves that; any reunion or celebration held here does that. Now, a step further. When old friends come back here they come back to "The Valley." They may have lived in Waverly, but they have as many friends in Sayre and Athens, perhaps, as they have this side of the state line. We should have an Old Home Week for the Valley-one day for Waverly, one for Sayre, one for Athens, one for all three and the rest as they maybe thought out later. Few towns have such an opportunity as this. The pleasures and gain of each would be divided by three. What do you think of it, gentlemen of the Board of Trade?

... The founding and history of the Waverly institute makes a bit of interesting local history and should be familiar to all, for from its doors went nearly 2,000 pupils, who scattered throughout various sections of our country, are meeting with success in different walks of life. While yet uncompleted, the building opened its doors in November, 1857, with Andrew Jackson Lang, A. B., a graduate of Union College, in charge, and these pupils enrolled: The First Roll Call, November 1857, - Hugh Baldwin, Thuie Baldwin, Lansing Bonnell, Myra Bonnell, Victoria Brink, Jasper Bosworth, Lucilla Bosworth, Fannie Coryell, Helen Coryell, Mary Coryell, Josephine Caldwell, Imogene Chase, Delphine Chase, Isabelle Davis, Sophia Delaney, Clara Delaney, Helen Dickson, Mary Drake, George Dudley, Julia Ellis, Allison Elmer, Ophelia Fitch, Amelia Goetchius, Wm. Galloway, Mary Gridley, Josephine Hallett, Hattie Hoyt, Lavinia Howell, Arthur Hubble, Emma Hett, Herman Jenkins, Ann Jenkins, Joseph Leggett, Isabelle Leggett, Nirum Lamphear, Sophia Lamphear, John Lyons, Lydia Matthewson, Lizzie McDuffie, James Millspaugh, Elizabeth Millspaugh, Anna Murray, Helen Payne, George N. Pierce, Mary Pierce, Martha Pennell, Emily Pembleton, Isabelle Putnam, Rebecca Raymong, Sarah Reeves, Frankie Rice, ____ Ross, Eliza Russell, Elizabeth Sawyer, Mary Sawyer, Fannie Sawyer, Lora Shepard, Charles Spaulding, Fred Spaulding, Charles Shipman, Helen Shipman, Rushton Smith, Nettie Slaughter (208 Chemung street Waverly, NY), Markham Slaughter, Madeline Thomas, Fred Thomas, Fannie Thomas, Carried Tyler, Martha Tozer, Estella Whitaker, Richard Whitaker, William Whitaker, Addie Waldo, William Yates. ... One of the earliest exhibits is the first circular of Shepard Institute, A. J. Lang, principal, when it was a "paid school." Arthur Yates was president; and G. H. Fairchild, secretary, and the trustees were Owne Spaulding, A. Jarvis, R. D. VanDuzer, F. H. Baldwin, B. G. Rice and R. A. Elmer, Wm. Manners and Isaac Shepard. The circular was issued in 1857. .. (Nettie is Antonette Slaughter,Dewitt and Caroline Slaughter's daughter,Samuel Slaughter's sister. Also, Markham Slaughter may be misprint of name for Samuel Slaughter went by the nickname Wickham, his middle name, or Wick, and he too went to the institute.).

August 20, 1909 Waverly Free Press: Waverly's Reliable Water Works. Twenty-Nine Years Since the Work on the Project was Commenced. One of Waverly's best friends was 29 years old Thursday of last week. It was the Waverly Water Works reservoir. Just twenty-nine years ago that date President Theodore J. Sawyer, of the Board of Directors, struck the first blow that began the clearing up of the glen for the reservoir and immediatley a large gang of men took up the work. In all this time the reservoir has never failed its patrons but three times, when, as last year, an extreme drought has necessitated using river water. At present, in spite of one of the worst droughts this section has ever known, the water in the lower reservoir is but three feet below the high-water mark, although probably 50,000 gallons are used each day for street sprinkling alone. The upper reservoir is nearly exhausted. President Sawyer said last week that it was very probable that this fall the upper dam would be enlarged so as to give the reservoir a greater holding capacity and that it would then be able to supply a population of 10,000 all through the year. Financially, this new work is not looked upon as a paying investment, but the Water Company wants to live up to its intention of supplying Waverly with pure water all the year around. In connection with the Water Works Co. it is pleasant to note that of the original seven stockholders all but two are still living. S. W. Slaughter and George W. Fish, being the only two to have died.

August 27, 1909 "Waverly Free Press": WAVERLY BOY HORRIBLY BURNED Playing Fireman and His Waist Set on Fire by Gasolene He Threw on a Fire. At about 10 a.m. Wednesday forenoon, Henry Evans, 13 years old, the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel W. Evans, of No. 7 Athens street (octagon house), this village, was so terribly burned that the physicians, as well as the attendants at the Packer Hospital, to which he was taken at once, have little, if any hopes of his recovery. The boy, with two younger boys, Theodore and Kenneth Hovey, sons of Eugene Hovey of Howard street, were playing "fire company" in the back yard at the Evans home, the fire engine consisting of a tub of water mounted on a little express wagon, to which a piece of hose was attached. To make the fire more real, some papers were placed in a pail and set on fire. This they said was a "hotel on fire." To make more of a blaze, young Evans procured, in a small open can, a small quantity of gasoline. In pouring this on the blaze, that in the can took fire. The boy then whirled around with the can and drops of the burning fluid flew out, one of them on his back. He had, on the upper part of his body, only a gauze undershirt and a thin cotton blouse. Instead of running into his own home, only a few feet away, the boy ran across the street, into the front door of the house of Charles C. Murray. The boys with him say that when he started there was only a little blaze on his blouse, but when he reached the Murray home, some six or eight rods away, the clothing was burned from almost his entire back, with the blaze reaching around under his left arm also. At the Murray home he ran through into the kitchen, with Mrs. Murray and her sister, Miss Charlotte Hosmer following. Mrs. Murray, as she ran, grabbed her son's coat from a rack, wrapping it around the boy and Miss Homer grabbed a towel which she used in the same way. Though the boy was jumping and running, in a frenzy of pain, they soon extinguished the flames. By this time the mother reached the boy and the father was summoned from Thompson & Price's mill, Sayre, where he is employed, and Drs. Carpenter and Betowski were called and before eleven o'clock the boy, attended by Dr. Betowski, was started in Geo. Miller's auto, for the hospital. The physicians say the skin (continued on page twelve.) {The octagon house was at 7 Athens St. at this time. This property was part of the Slaughter property (208 Chemung street) until 1945 when all the property was sold to Mrs. Mary Fralick, who in turn sold the then empty lot at 7 Athens street to Mary Alamo who had the current home at 7 Athens street built.} See article below under July 22, 1910 for follow up article on this boy. {The home across the street that Henry ran into was at 6 Athens street, the home of Charles C. Murray, a sign painter with Salisbury & Murray on the corner of Fulton and Elizabeth street.}

Boy Horribly Burned. (Continued from First Page.) was off and the flesh blackened and wrinkled over the entire surface of the boy's back, from his shoulders to his waist, and also extending around under the left arm. As the clothing was taken off large pieces of skin peeled off, where it had not already been burned to a crisp. It is not thought the boy inhaled any of the flames, but with the shock and such a terrible sore as this, his recovery is considered very doubtful. He has since been resting as comfortably as possible, but the area of the burn is so extensive that it is thought he has little chance of recovery.

September 10, 1909 "Waverly Free Press": It Costs Money to Paint. It costs more if you don't. Your house wears out if not painted. Then it costs money to repair it and money to paint it. It don't cost much money to paint with the L & M Paint, because 4 gallons of the L & M , and 3 gallons of Linseed Oil makes 7 gallons of ready-for-use paint at only $1.20 per gallon. Thirty-five years use in every part of the United States has proven it. Sold by E. G. Tracy, Waverly.

Mrs. Haggerty and Miss Florence Mapes, of Goshen, N.Y., have been spending a few days with Mrs. S. W. Slaughter, (208) Chemung street.

Mrs. S. W. Slaughter and daughter, Gertrude, have returned from a summer's outing spent near Port Jervis, N. Y., and a trip to Chicago, Ill.

September 17, 1909 The Waverly Free Press: Little Henry Evans, who was so badly burned several weeks ago, is improving so rapidly at the Packer hospital, that the physicians will begin skin grafting this week, and there are now hopes of his recovery.

October 8, 1909 Waverly Free Press And Tioga County Record: Twenty-Five Years Ago. ... Oct. 6, 1884. Work was commenced on the Waverly street sewer. ... Oct. 7, 1884. The roller skating rink was opened at Sayre.

October 11, 1909 The Binghamton Press: Mr. McGlenn Leaves Waverly. Waverly, Oct. 11 - George S. McGlenn of G. S. McGlenn & Co., clothiers and furnishers, 307 Broad street has moved to Elmira, and Aden H. Roberts, formerly residing on Tioga street, has moved to the house, 209 Chemung street, vacated by Mr. McGlenn.

October 15, 1909 "Waverly Free Press": Still in Bad Shape. Henry Evans, the young lad who was so badly burned several weeks ago, was brought from the Packer hospital to his home on (7) Athens street, Sunday. His vitality has been so low that the skin grafting did not prove as successful as was hoped and he still suffers much pain. His father, who has been ill since sacrificing the skin for the operation, is somewhat better, but is still confined to his bed.

Carpenters are building a new porch by No. 426 Park avenue, owned by Mrs. Charles Kellogg, of Athens and occupied by Fred B. Appleget. The house will be repainted as soon as the repairs are completed.

Walter Hull Post is making decided improvements in the appearance of their plot at Glenwood cemetery. a committee consisting of Capt. S. D. Barnum, J. F. Shoemaker and Fred Morgan, have charge of the work, which thus far has consisted in remounting the cannon on an embrasure of masonry and the making of a large flower bed in the centre of the lot which will be filled with flowers early in the spring and re-filled as the season advances.

The F. E. Hawkes residence at the corner of Pennsylvania avenue and Park Place, is being repainted. (Frederick E. Hawkes, lawyer at 316 Broad st., home at 452 Pennsylvania ave.)

Played Ball Here. "Wild Bill" Donovan, the "hero" of the great game of Saturday in the world's championship series, who is conceded to have won the game for Detroit by his pitching, is well known to many an old Waverly "fan." Donovan played on the Waverly team about fourteen years ago, at a salary of $18 per week. He was Philadelphia boy and was secured from the Sunbury, Pa., team, by Manager Towner for a few weeks.

G. S. McGlenn, who has occupied the Mahoney house on (209) Chemung St., for several years, is moving to Elmira. He will still conduct his store here, but makes the change that he may devote more time to his Elmira business. 

October 22, 1909 The Waverly Free Press And Tioga County Record: Polyhymnia Club.The first meeting of the Polyhymnia Club was held at the home of Mrs. Edward Sebring, Chemung and Athens streets, last week Thursday. ... (300 Chemung St.)

November 26, 1909 The Waverly Free Press And Tioga County Record: Pierce-Baker. A pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver A. Baker, 427 Pennsylvania avenue, at seven Monday evening, when their daughter, Miss Carrie M. Baker, was united in marriage to Franklin A. Pierce. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Peter R. Ross, being his last marriage as pastor of the Waverly Presbyterian church, and was witnessed by immediate relatives of the contracting parties. At three o'clock this morning the young couple left on the Lehigh for a trip to Buffalo and Niagara Falls. Both the young people are well known here and have many friends in the Valley. The bride was a member of the class of 1908 of the Waverly High School, a member of the Delta Theta Delta and one of the editors of the school paper. Mr. Pierce is a son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Pierce, of No. 30 Orange street. He also is a graduate of the Waverly High School, and while there was editor of the "Owlet" and a member of the Sigma Delta fraternity. He was formerly an employe of the Lehigh Valley Railroad in the Sayre and Wilkes-Barre offices, and is now connected with the S. Mills Ely Company of this place. (Friends of Gertrude Slaughter.)

December 10, 1909 The Waverly Free Press and Tioga County Record: WANT TO ABANDON LINE - W. S. & A. Co. Makes Application to Commision to Abandon Chemung Street. The residents of Chemung street and, in fact, of all Waverly will be surprised to learn that the W. S. & A. again proposes to abandon the Chemung street line. ... locating General Manager J. P. E. Clark, of Binghamton. ... He said; "Our position in relation to the proposed abandonment of our franchise on Chemung street is that it is unnecessary and expensive operation, the territory being adequately served by the Clinton avenue and Broad street lines. The Chemung street track simply paralleling both, we believe it to the interest of the general public and the Street Railway Co. as well to devote the money expended in the operation of the Chemung street cars, to the improvement of the general service. Furthermore, we believe that Chemung street a fine residential thoroughfare, will be relieved of a burden in the removal of the Street Railway track therefrom. ... One straw, however, that may indicate slightly how the wind will blow is the fact that at a recent meeting of Chemung street residents in the paving matter, a vote was taken on this same question, and all but a few were heartily opposed to the removal of the trolley line from Chemung street.

The Waverly Merchants' Association has now completed its plans and advertising matter is being sent out informing the people for at least fifteen miles on all sides of Waverly that the opening celebration for Waverly's Holiday Carnival and Trade Month will be held on Thursday evening of next week, beginning promptly at eight o'clock. The great feature of the celebration will be the parade in which will be included all of Waverly's fire companies, in uniform, with their apparatus, including Tioga Hose Company's new cart; a procession of banners, mottoes and illuminated signs, in which it is hoped every store and business house in Waverly will be represented; and extensive parade of fantastics, to be arranged under the direction of the Waverly High School Athletic Association; a line of automobiles suitably decorated, and last, but by no means least, Santa Claus, in full dress, is to appear in his new automobile, and from it, along the line of the parade, he will distribute to the children hundreds of Christmas horns, with hundreds of bags of candy, bushels of confetti, etc. The parade is to be led by Kramm's Band of twenty pieces and it is to be given amid a blaze of fireworks and red fire that will eclipse any Fourth of July celebration this Valley has seen in years. The fireworks and red fire, in addition to the brilliant and beautiful electrical display on Broad street, will make a scene the equal of which this section never saw. At the meeting Monday advertising plans were enlarged upon somewhat, but the one important feature decided upon was to provide free stabling for the teams of those driving into Waverly during the time. At the Clark Street Livery barns fifty hitching stalls have been rented from Dec. 10 to 25 and, with men in attendance, these will be absolutely free during that time to any and all who may care to use them, either day or night. These stalls, with the free waiting room with its check room, free telephones to any part of the Valley, and every convenience for those desiring to rest or wait for teams, trains or trolley cars, leaves little to be added in the way of a municipal welcome to those living outside who desire to come here to trade or to view the displays of goods and the street decorations. The entertainment committee of the Association, of which Wm. Bouton is the chairman, his place now being taken by E. C. Tracey, have arranged a program for this entertainment such as is seldom seen in the evening, but one which, with the brilliant illumination on Broad street, can be carried out there in the evening as well as in the day time. In fact the illumination design will give the whole a stage effect not to be obtained in any like daylight celebration. The details of the plans as outlined above are being worked out by the committee in a way that will make it by far the biggest thing of the kind ever seen in this part of the country, with plenty of amusement for all and of great interest to the children. With the stores all open, the new waiting room to provide a place of rest, and free stabling provided for the horses, no doubt a great many people will drive in to see the parade, the fireworks and the fun, while the railway trains and the trolleys will bring a still larger number. Aside from all this work of the merchants and business men as an Association, each individual merchant is doing his best, not only to welcome those from outside Waverly, but to make it really worth their while to some here to trade. In all lines the stocks are complete, with prices fixed to meet any competition, and on all sides stores are being trimmed and windows decorated in a manner never before seen in Waverly.

December 17, 1909 The Waverly Free Press and Tioga County Record: RESIDENTS WILL FIGHT MOVE - To Abandon the Chemung Street Trolley Line. Practically Unanimous Against it. - PROBABLY THE LINE DOES NOT PAY - But Citizens will Put up the Strong Argument That the System as a Whole Should be Considered.
The Chemung street trolley and its possible abandonment has been the chief topic in Waverly for the past week and all sorts of predictions, theories, projects, statistics, statements and conjectures are in the air. As usual some of them are correct. Up to the present writing there seems to be no doubt that the removal of the line will be strenuously opposed by the village, especially by the residents of Chemung street. Already Capt. Chas. L. Albertson is out with a petition remonstrating against the proposition and he says he has so far met no Chemung street property owner who is not earnestly in favor of keeping the line in operation.
No one, however, contends that the line pays. That it does not is looked upon as self-evident from the fact that the W. S. & A. wants to discontinue it. Superintendent Case himself said last week that he would only be too glad to see the branch continued if it could be made to pay and if a proper guarantee could be given that it could be made profitable there would be no appeal to the Public Service Commission. The line, he admitted, was a great convenience to people when they wanted to use it and in a storm or when a big party was on it was well patronized. Generally, however, people walked and twenty-five passengers a day were not enough to enable a company to operate a line. Chemung street residents, however, argue that profits should be figured on the whole line of the W. S. & A., and not on any particular line, or part of it. They say, for instance, that probably the waiting room does not "pay," but that is no reason why the Company has a right to close it. They hold, moreover, that the franchise was granted on certain conditions and that it becomes void if these conditions are not fulfilled. That the Chemung's street line be operated was, they claim, one of these conditions and part of the payment made for the franchise as much as the laying of certain parts of the pavement in the streets. Whether or not the branch paid was not, they claim, taken into consideration, and they hope from former decisions of the Commission in regard to branch railroads, apparently upholding this view, that their contention will be sustained.
Few, even of those most interested, have a very clear idea of the actual wording of the franchise to which they refer and fewer still remember that the clauses to which they refer were not really in the franchise granted to the W. S. & A at all. The original franchise was granted to the Susquehanna Valley Electric Traction Co., and the first pertinent clause states that "upon the terms and conditions hereinafter stated, and which are hereby made a part of this consent, consent is hereby given to the Susquehanna Valley Electric Traction Company, to build, maintain and operate a street surface railroad along and upon the following streets and avenues: Beginning at the State line between the State of New York and Pennsylvania, on the old Milltown road, or Cayuta avenue to Broad street, thence along and through Broad street to Chemung street; thence along and through Chemung street to Ithaca street to the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad depot, or to a point near there and thence along and through Cayuta avenue to Broad street, and also to construct such switches and turnouts as may be necessary for the convenient and useful working of the street railroad for the term designated in the certificate of incorporation of said company, this consent is given upon the following terms and conditions." Then follow the conditions, the one under discussion being as follows: 6th. The said company shall every day at reasonable hours furnish the citizens of Waverly with safe transportation to and from the terminal points; on all week days service shall be supplied each hour not later than 6:15 a.m. and shall continue to an hour not earlier than 10 p.m." This franchise was granted Jan. 14th. In 1905, after the Susquehanna was merged with the W. S. & A. another franchise was granted to the matter, permitting it to lay track on certain new streets, the privileges and conditions of the Susquehanna franchise not being repeated, as they were held to go over to the new company. The two clauses, therefore, which are the main argument of the citizens govern the W., S. & A. - what the clauses amount to remains to be seen. Briefly stated, the W., S. & A. contends that it is absurd to ask a company to run a line that does not pay; the Chemung street residents say they are bound to operate the line as a part of the conditions under which the franchise was given. Each side has a very fair argument. The trolley people also claim that, even without the Chemung street line, Waverly would have a far better service than most towns of its size or even larger, all of which is very true. The citizens claim that the abandonment of the road is proposed to avoid the expense to the company if Chemung street is paved. The company replies that this is not true and urges as proof that the abandonment was proposed three years ago, when the paving was not thought of. The company looks to the Commission to relieve it of a financial loss; the citizens say that no outside power on earth can make old a contract. This seems to be about the status of the argument at present writing. But, if nothing else is settled, it is pretty certain that the Chemung street problem will create an interest that will make the Broad street connection scrap look like a peace contention. The Board of Trustees have put themselves on record as opposed to the abandonmnet of the Chemung street trolley line by the W., S. & A. and at the meeting here on Dec. 20th, will present the following resolution to the Public Service Commission: "Resolved, That the interests of the Village of Waverly require that the street car line from William street to Broad street on Chemung street be operated according to the terms of the franchise heretofore granted to the Susquehanna Valley Traction Co. and now controlled by the W., S. & A. Traction Company. "Resolved, That it is the sense of the Board that the abandonment of the Chemung street line as proposed would be a violation of the terms of the franchise heretofore granted under which the W., S. & A. Traction Company is now operating its line on Broad street and Cayuta avenue as well as upon Chemung street. "Resolved, That the President be authorized and directed to appear by attorney in opposition to the petitioning of the W., S. & A. Traction Co. for the abandonment of its Chemung street line in this village, and be it further Resolved, That a certified copy of this resolution be presented to the Public Service Commission for the Secretary's disposal at the hearing appointed to be held on the 20th day of December, 1909."

December 24, 1909 Waverly Free Press: Mrs. S. W. Slaughter of (208) Chemung street, has gone to New York City, where she will meet her daughter, Miss Gertrude, and later both will go to Goshen for Christmas.

Chemung St. Trolley Line. Hearing of the Public Service Commission Largely Attended by Interested Citizens. Proof Offered That Line Does Not Pay. Residents Oppose on Ground That the Figures Should be Given Based on Whole System Earnings. The opening of the hearing on the question of the abandonment of the Chemung street trolley line by the W. S. & A., before the Public Service Commission began in the Village Hall Monday morning. Public Service Commissioner Martin S. Decker presided, being the only member present. The W. S. & A. was represented by Attorney F. E. Hawkes in consultation with Attorney Keenan, of the firm of Curtis' Keenan and Tuttle of Binghamton. Other representatives of the W. S. & A. present were President G.Tracey Rogers, General and Manager J. P. E. Clark of Binghamton and Superintendent W. E. Case of Waveriy. Village Attorney F. A. Bell appears in opposition to the petition in behalf of the Board of Trustees and the Chemung Street Association of which he is also secretary. Attorney Hawkes opened the case by detailing the lines of the four branches of the W. S. & A.; the line to Sayre, the line to Athens and the Clinton avenue and Chemung street lines. He Stated that the company would prove that the Chemung street line does not pay and that it is substantially parallel with the Clinton avenue and Broad street lines which can be easily reached by a short walk by any resident of Chemung street. Attorney Bell raised the technical point that there had not been a substantial compliance with the statutes on the part of the W. S. & A. on account of the fact that no new declaration of abandonment had been made since the original one in September, 1906, Attorney Hawkes said that this was a point that could be raised only by the stockholders, and that Secretary Kennedy, of the Commission had advised them that no further action was necessary and that the Company could proceed under the old declaration of abandonment, even although the previous petition had been withdrawn. Proof of publication of notice of hearing was filed by Attorney Hawkes. Attorney Bell in stating his case announced that, he had not had time to prepare a formal answer to the petition, and was advised by Commissioner Decker that he could file it later. He then stated that the contention of his clients was that the franchise, originally granted to the Susquehanna Traction Co., and now held by the W. S. & A. permitted the laying of tracks on the principal business streets of the village on condition that cars be run also in certain residential sections. Now the company wants to abandon the latter line on the grounds that this line alone does not pay. Second, he would prove that the residents of Chemung street are opposed to the proposed abandonment. Third, he would prove that the line is not only a convenience but a necessity, especially to the churches, of which two are on the line and three more close to it. Also he proposed to prove that certain business interests would be seriously affected, that the line was valuable as effecting rental values, and that this movement of the company was not caused by the present expense but by the desire to escape the cost of contemplated paving. He stated that the proposition to abandon the line three years ago came just after the question of paving Chemung street had been discussed and preliminary action taken, just as at present. The first witness sworn by the W. S. & A. was Nathan F. Walker, civil engineer who identified the company's maps and gave various distances. He stated that the distance from Broad to William street is 5100 feet; from William to Pine, 4.350 feet; from William to the West End school, 4,800; and that there are 105 residences and two churches between William and Broad street. Warren S. Case, superintendent of the W. S. & A. was next sworn. He stated that he kept accurate accounts of the mileage, receipts operating expenses, etc. of the various lines. In 1906, the application for abandonment was dropped at the request of the residents, and the officials tried to (Continued on Last Page.)

The Trolley Hearing (Contiued from First Page.) ... the total receipts from the Chemung St. line in 1908 were $3,707.35 and the operating expenses were $6,258,75. In 1909 the receipts were $3,303.30 and the expenses were $5,762.65. This, he stated, does not include general expenses, such as officers salaries and office expenditures, but simply the maintenance and running the line. ... Superintendent Case testified ... He stated that the total trackage was a fraction over twelve miles and the total daily mileage was over 1,300; that from July, 1906, to November, 1909, the company had spent $74,350.53 in improvements and equipment on the entire system. ... A list kept on Sunday, December 12, showed a total of 14 passengers getting on and 13 getting off at the Catholic and Methodist churches. The total loss on the road for the year ending June 30th, 1909, was $2,459.35. ... All fish plates on the Chemung line had been replaced two years ago and last year 55 ties were laid there. ... If the State road were run through Chemung street, with the trolley tracks there, it would probably be necessary to cut down many trees and in some cases to change sidewalks. Improved roads, macadam or brick, were more expensive to maintain when there were trolley tracks. ... The Commissioners, however, will not build of vitified brick unless the street is 32 feet in width. This would be impossible almost anywhere on Chemung street. ... Captain C. L. Albertson, of 403 Chemung street, testified that at a meeting of Chemung residents about six weeks ago a vote was taken and the sentiment was almost unanimous against the abandonment of the line. ... H. G. Merriam, of Park avenue, testified that he had some 50 tenants in the village and found it much easier to rent property near the car line than away from it. He knew that the Chemung street cars were much used and patronized them almost daily himself. ... W. C. Buck, Chemung street, testified that he patronized the cars extensively and would not have moved to Chemung street had there been no car line there. ... J. T. Sawyer, banker, swore that he used the cars about three times a day and frequently at night. Capt. Mills, of Chemung street, testified that the line increased rental and real estate values. ... J. T. Tucker, President of the Village, testified to the general use of the line and its benefit to Chemung street property. He, however, had used the line very little. ...If further testimony is to be submitted it will be heard at Owego on Jan.10th. ...

December 24, 1909 Waverly Free Press: One of the handsomest electric signs in the Valley is the new one in front of the N. P. L. buildings. It is composed of red and white bulbs and displays a star and the figure "5" in a circle.

With good sleighing forty miles north of here, the streets of Waverly, which are frozen hard, have for some days been more dusty than at any time last summer. During the summer the streets in nearly all parts of the village were sprinkled, several times a day, while now what dust there is is allowed to fly, and on many streets the passage of a street car or wagon has this week raised a cloud of it.

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