Zehr Estate

News Clips 1880 thru 1889

1880 - 1882 Boyds' directory City of Elmira: REID & COOPER, (J. R. Reid and John N. Cooper), iron and brass founders and machinists, W Church cor Railroad av
Reid James R. (Reid & Cooper), h 243 Lake

1880 census: A home covering 3 and 5 Athens street - Minnie Quick 42 yo., school teacher along with Sarah Horton 53 yo. keeping house (sister), Peter S. Dunning 58 yo. carpenter (brother-in-law and a widow), Frank H. Dunning 23 yo. school teacher (nephew), Clayton H. Dunning 14 yo. printer (nephew), John E. Dunning 9 yo. (nephew), William 26 yo. printer and Ella P. L. Schoot 34 yo. keeping house with their daughter, Edna M. 1 yo.

on Athens street: Anna Westfall 50 yo. keeping house with daughters, Laura 21 yo. teacher, Sintah 21 yo. teacher, Mary 14 yo., and Anna 10 yo., and sons; Charles B. 18 yo. grain clerk and Levi 12 yo. and Cora Quick 17 yo. servant.

on Athens street: Charles Bray 25 yo. painter and Blanche E. Bray 22 yo. with daughter, Lena G. 10 months.

on Athens street: Edwin Hubbard 31 yo. dentist and Emma Hubbard 23 yo. wife keeping house with daughter, Florence M. 5 yo. and son, Ray W. 1 yo.

1880 census: Wick Slaughter 45 yo. druggist and Charlotte Slaughter 40 yo. keeping house. (Samuel Wickham Slaughter, it appears, used his middle name as a nickname.)

1880 Report of the Regents by University of the State of New York p. 395:
220 Waverly Union School, Acad. Dept., Waverly, Tioga county. Name of Principal and Institution at which was educated - H. H. Hutton, M. A., Genesee College - Officers of the Board of Trustees - President Leander Walker - Treasurer, J. B. Floyd - Secretary S. W. Slaughter number of trustees - 7, Quorum - 4, Academic year ends Aug. 31

January 16, 1880 The Waverly Advocate: Officers of the Waverly Mutual Loan Association for the year 1880 were elected the 14th inst., as follows: F. R. Warner, President, C. C. Brooks, Vice President, L. R. Manning, Treasurer, W. S. ?Hiff, Secretary. Directors; W. H. Spalding, H. Bogart, H. N. Gridley, H. G. Merriam, H. L. Stowell, J. B. Floyd, S. W. Slaughter, W. E. Kinney, A. Hildebrand.

June 25, 1880 The Waverly Advocate: Citizens Bank. 72, Broad Street. J. T. Sawyer, President. H. W. Owen, Vice Pres't. L. R. Manning, Cashier. Directors, H. W. Owen, H. C. Spaulding, S. W. Slaughter, T. Sawyer, Daniel Bensley

June 25, 1880 The Waverly Advocate: Supreme Court. - Orange County. Solomon G. Carpenter, Plaintiff, Against Sarah E. Richardson and Isaac L. Richardson, her Husband, Defendants. In pursuance of a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale made and entered in Orange County Clerk's Office, on or about the 29th day of March, 1880, a copy of which by order of the Court, was duly filed and entered in Tioga Co. Clerk's Office, I, the undersigned the Referee in said Judgment named, will sell at Public Auction, at the front door of the Post Office, in the Village of Waverly, Tioga County, NY, at ten o'clock in the forenoon on the 10th day of July, 1880, the following described premises, vix; All that tract or parcel of land situate in the Village of Waverly, Tioga County, New York, being a part of the land formerly sold by Isaac Shepard to Elder Jackson, and bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning in the centre of Chemung Street at a point known as the corner of land owned by Andrew Rice, running thence South thirty-seven degrees thirty minutes along said Rice's West line thirty rods and sixty-eight hundredths rods; thence South seventy degrees thirty minutes South nine rods and thirteen feet to East line of Churchills land; thence along the East line of land formerly owned by Wm. Price, and along the line of land formerly owned by Abram Day, eleven rods and fifteen feet to said Days North East corner; thence Westerly along North line of said Days lot eight rods and two feet to the centre of Waverly Street; thence Northerly along the centre of Waverly St. to the centre of Chemung Street; thence Northerly sixty four degrees East fourteen rods to the place of beginning, supposed to contain two acres of land be the same more or less. Excepting and reserving therefrom a piece of land sold Experience B. Clark, being a strip of the South end of previously described lot being forty-two feet in width on the East and West ends as described in deed of Lewis L. Richardson and wife to said Clark, August 8, 1872, and recorded in Tioga County Clerk's Office in Liber 90 of Deeds, Page 365. The first above described land being the same as described by Joseph Chambers and wife to D. Bruce Goodell, July 13, 1853, and recorded in Tioga County Clerk's Office in Liber 52 to Deeds, Page 341. Dated, May 20, 1880. A. G. Allen, Referee, R. C. Coleman, Plff's Att'y. {202 Chemung Street Waverly, NY.  - In 1876, Isaac L. Richardson was a ticket agent for the Great Western R. R., Grand Trunk R. R., Michigan Southern R. R. and Inman Line of Steamers. Broad Street, Waverly. He also owned Club House, I. L. Richardson, Propr. Broad St., Waverly. Warm meals at all hours. Oysters in every style. Warm and cold meats, everything first - class in all respects. All the finest Brands of Cigars, Ales, Lager, Porter, & C. on Draught. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Liquors at 66 Broad St. Waverly, N. Y. Basement of Sawyer Block, Entrance From the RailRoad. On an 1869 map, it shows 202 Chemung street property with L. S. Richardson and on the south corner of Waverly and Tioga street as I. Richardson. I. Richardson's home is no longer standing.}

June 25, 1880 The Waverly Advocate: Slaughter & Wells. Druggists and dealers in Stationery, Wall Paper, Picture Frames, Periodicals, etc., & c. No. 87 Broad St., Waverly, N. Y. Aug. 21, 1868. (old address for today's 337 Broad street)

July 16, 1880 The Waverly Advocate: The flag walk put down by Slaughter and Wells on the Waverly street side of their Drug Store, is the best walk in town. It is a splendid job.

North Barton Items. Thomas Keeler is painting a church at Straits Corners. Tommy is a good painter and has plenty to do. (Thomas Keeler did some work in our house in 1897.)

September 10, 1880 The Waverly Advocate: Many elaborate decorations will be made on the coming Annual Fire Parade. Among others, will be an arch between Campbell's Block, and 1st National Bank. One opposite Corporation Buildings. One opposite Dr. Snooks, on Penn. Ave. One at the entrance of Park Place. One at junction of Penn. Ave. and Chemung St. One opposite Mr. Slaughter's, and other elegant decorations. (part of the parade route was up Chemung street from Pennsylvania ave., to Fulton street,  it went right by the Slaughter residence at 208 Chemung street) - 24th - Annual Parade Waverly Fire Department, Wednesday, Sept. 15, 1880 At 2  P. M. Sharp - Line Of March. Line to form at the tap of the Bell, forming on Fulton St. the right of the column resting on Broad St., down Broad to Pennsylvania Avenue, up Pennsylvania Avenue to Maple (today's Park place), down Maple to Spalding, down Spalding to Howard, down Howard to Pennsylvania Avenue, down Pennsylvania Avenue to Broad, up Broad to Park Avenue, up Park Avenue to Pennsylvania, up Pennsylvania Avenue to Chemung St. up Chemung to Fulton, down Fulton to Broad, up Broad to Clark, up Clark to Moore, across Moore to Waverly, down Waverly to Broad, up Broad to Clark, and counter march to the Engine House.  - The Fire Department especially request that citizens along the line unite with the Department in Decorating their places of Business and Residences in honor of the day. Grand Fireman's Ball In The Evening, At The Opera House.

October 21, 1880 Addison Advertiser: The village of Waverly is to have water works.

School Books, Scholars, Blanks, Pens, Ink, Paper, Slates, and all kinds of School Material at Slaughter & Wells.

Citizens Bank. 72, Broad Street. - J. T. Sawyer, President. H. W. Owen, Vice Pres't. L. E. Manning, Cashier - Directors, H. W. Owen, H. C. Spaulding, S. W. Slaughter, T. Sawyer, Daniel Bensley

November 25, 1880 Corning Journal: The Waverly water works were completed last week. They cost $40,000.

December 1, 1880 The Syracuse Morning Standard: The Waverly water works, just completed, cost $40,000. (Azariah Vanatta was the contractor for this project and it was one of his last as a contractor, according to his obituary. He was the designer and builder of our estate, 208 Chemung street Waverly, NY.)

December 3, 1880 The Waverly Advocate: Pennsylvania mines 16,000,000 tons of coal annually, amid much trouble and vexation as to prices and profits.

The winter term of Mrs. Quick's school will commence on next Monday the 6th of December, 1880, No. 3 Athens street, Waverly, N.Y. (At this time, one home on today's lots of 3 and 5 Athens street.)

December 10, 1880 The Waverly Advocate: Which do you run now, a wagon or a sleigh?

This issue of the Advocate closes its 28th year.

Holidays At Slaughter & Wells. Holiday Books, Children's Books, Photograph Albums, Autograph Albums, Florence Mirrors, Fancy Box Paper, Pocket Books, Coin Purses, Perfumery, Diaries, 1881.

January 14, 1881 Waverly Advocate: Married. Van Atta - Campbell. - By Rev. Albert L. Smalley, January 12, 1881, Mr. John C. Van Atta and Miss Carrie A. Campbell. (John is the son of the designer and builder of our estate, 208 Chemung street Waverly, NY, and John is later to become partners in the Corner Drug Store with Samuel Slaughter.) - The wedding on Chemung street last Wednesday evening was a brilliant affair. It was the marriage of Mr. John Van Atta and Miss Carrie A. Campbell, both of our village. The attendance of invited guests was large, the presents beautiful and valuable, the happiness beyond measure, and all things lovely. We congratulate our young friends, and wish them all the happiness this world allows.

In Philadelphia, on Monday, Robert A. Packer of Sayre was elected President of the Pennsylvania and New York Canal and Rail Road Company in the place of Robert B. Sayre of Bethlehem. Howard Elmer of Waverly succeeds J. H. Sawyer of Wilkes barre in the boards of directors. 

March 22, 1881 Geneva Advertiser: New York Central Iron Works. ... Mr. William B. Dunning, present proprietor of the New York Central Iron Works, took charge of the Johnston works as foreman in 1846. ... Here he has pushed the manufacture of Dunning's Steam Engines and Boilers from 1854 till 1881. ... The base-burning, steam-heating boiler, was invented and patented in 1870. He had no idea of manufacturing it extensively, but arranged it for use in his own house. He once offered his entire interest in the patent to Wyllis H. Warner for one thousand dollars, little thinking at that time there was a golden egg behind it. All this time he was pursuing his business of manufacture and repairs to steam engines and boilers. When the manufacture of these self-regulating boilers commenced, he kept twenty boiler makers at constant work, and received a royalty from several other manufacturers besides. Today it is the best apparatus for heating dwellings, stores, churches, and great buildings, and is so regarded by eminent practical heating men and leading engineers, and has grown to be one of the industries of Geneva. So far not one of them has ever been returned on his hands. As our forests are being cut away, and farmers, too, are having recourse to coal for heating purposes, they will eventually put in a Dunning steam heating apparatus, by the use of which they are able to warm the whole house with the same amount of coal and like attention as would be required by one large base-burning coal stove. ... The Dunning Steam Heating Boiler. - At the close of this winter's test of steam heating apparatus, W. B. Dunning has received numerous letters as to the merits of his self-regulating boiler. The one below from a gentleman who had used those dusty, foul-air-producing furnaces, was received last Saturday, It is to the same effect as all other letters: Waverly, N.Y. March 18, 1881. We are well pleased with the operation of the Steam Heating Apparatus with Dunning's Boiler which was put in for us two years ago. We have no trouble from dust, gas or overheated air, and can maintain a pleasant and uniform temperature throughout our whole house. In fact we are rid of all the objectionable features of Hot Air Furnaces and stoves. Yours Truly, S. W. Slaughter.

April 12, 1881 Waverly Daily Review: Conference Directory. Official Visitors. Rev. E. G. Andrews, D. D. presiding Bishop, guest of Albert L. Smalley, Parsonage Chancellor C. N. Sims, D. D. L. L. D., Syracuse University, S. W. Slaughter, Chemung and Athens (street) ...
Rev. O. H. Warren, D. D. editor N. C. Advocate, Rev. G. H. Hubbard, Tioga (street)
Rev. J. M. Rend, D. D. Cor. Sec'y. Missionary society, S. W. Slaughter, Chemung and Athens (street)

May 13, 1881 The Waverly Advocate: Died, Monday, May 9, 1881, at the Residence of G. G. Manning Esq. on Clark St. Mr. Eugene F. Wells, aged 35 years. The quiet Sabbath was startled with the rumor through the streets that Mr. Wells was lying unconscious with an apoplectic fit, and no prospect of his recovery: He had retired the previous evening in his usual health, tho for several years past his health had been extremely delicate, Mr. Wells was a brother of Mrs. Samuel W. Slaughter, and a member of the prominent drug firm of Slaughter & Wells. A graduate of Princeton College, and having served a full term as a pharmacist, he became a member of the above firm some eight years ago, and by his quiet gentlemanly manner won to himself a large circle of friends and acquaintances. A gentleman of culture; of unobtrusive manners, but firm in his convictions, his death will be deeply felt among the younger business men and the community at large. The funeral took place at the residence of Mr. Slaughter (208 Chemung street Waverly, NY) Tuesday, at 1 P. M., and the services were conducted by the Rev. P. S. Hulbert, of the Presbyterian Church, of which Mr. Wells was a member. Mr. Wells had been identified with Tioga Hose Company since its organization quite prominently; and the company attended the funeral in body, supported by the entire Fire Department, and while all unnecessary display was avoided each company vied with the other in showing their respect to the deceased. The remains were taken on No. 8, to Goshen, where funeral services were held and buried at Phillipsburg, Orange County in the family burying ground. Tioga Hose Co. sent Wm. L. Watrous, J. K. Murdoch, L. R. Manning and F. E. Lyford with the remains to Goshen as a mark of respect and affection for the deceased.

May 13, 1881 Waverly Advocate: Water was last week placed in the Merriam Block, Chaffee Block, Knapp Block, and several residences. The extent to which water is taken by the residents of Waverly, surpasses our expectation, and speaks well for the success of the company.

May 20, 1881 The Waverly Advocate: To Builders. The Designs and Specifications of the School House Building, to be built in Factoryville, will be at the office of Geo. H. Grafft, on and after May 2nd for inspection, and bids by Sealed Proposals will be received for the same by E. G. Tracey, at Waldo & Tracy's Drug Store until May the 14th, 1881. Surities to be named in the proposals. The Board of Education reserves the right to reject any or all bids. T. J. Phillips, Geo. H. Grafft, S. W. Slaughter, H. G. Merriam, Building Committee Waverly, April 28, 1881.

May 20, 1881 Waverly Advocate: O. B. Corwin has this week, introduced water into his elegant residence, on Fulton street. The Waverly Water Company are meeting with unexpected success, in the introduction of water into residences so soon after erecting their works. (460 Fulton street)

June 3, 1881 The Waverly Advocate: To Builders. The Designs and Specifications of the School House Building, to be built in Factoryville, will be at the office of Geo H. Grafft, on and after May 2nd for inspection, and bids by Sealed Proposals will be received for the same by E. G. Tracey, at Waldo & Tracy's Drug Store, until May the 14th, 1881. Sureties to be named in the proposals. The Board of Education reserves the right to reject any or all bids. T. J. Phillips, Geo. H. Grafft, S. W. Slaughter, H. G. Merriam, Building Committee. Waverly, April 28, 1881.

Sept. 1, 1881 Middletown Daily Press - Orange County. Scotchtown. - Miss Hattie Slaughter, daughter of Mr. Samuel (M.) Slaughter, of this place, started Monday morning for Waverly, N. Y., where she expects to attend school during the coming year. (She most likely lived with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wickham Slaughter, her uncle and aunt, of 208 Chemung street, Waverly, NY, which was easy walking distance to the Waverly Institute.) Genealogy Page, scroll down to Miss Hattie Slaughter

September 30, 1881 Waverly Advocate: Plush for trimming, Black, and all staple colors at Stowells. - A Corning man had invented a match safe painted with luminous paint, so that in the night time they are plainly visible.

November 23, 1881 Broome Republican, Binghamton, NY: Weary Of Life. A Young Elmirian Suicides with Morphine at the Hotel Bennett. Michael Feeny, a young man, nineteen years of age, and a resident of Elmira, died at the Hotel Bennett, soon after twelve o'clock Wednesday, from the efforts of an enormous dose of morphine, evidently taken with the intent of producing death. He arrived in this city on Erie train 8, on Tuesday afternoon and registered at the Hotel, where he wandered about in an aimless manner which attracted the notice of the clerks, but to which no special attention was given. About nine o'clock in the evening he was engaged in writing a letter at the table in the sitting room where some guests of the house were having a little vocal and instrumental music. He suddenly left the table, and, pen in hand approached one of the officials of the House who was in the room, and proposed that they should dance. He was told to sit down and not interfere, a bit of advice which he accepted and quietly resumed his writing. His appearance and actions at that time indicated that he was slightly under the influence of drink. About seven o'clock in the morning one of the chambermaids called the attention of W. F. Perry, the night bartender and clerk of the hotel, to the heavy breathing and "snoring" of the occupant of room No. 7, which, on trying, was found to be locked. Knowing that this was the room assigned to Feeny, and suspecting that all was not right from the sounds which issued from the room, Perry went into an adjoining apartment and climbed through the transom of another door into No. 7. Here he found Feeny lying on his back on the bed, his pants, shirt and stockings on, and breathing in a manner which indicated that he was dying. He'd turned up the gas which was left burning low, and after a vain endeavor to arouse the sleeper by shaking, went down stairs and notified one of the proprietors. Dr. Ely was called by telephone, arriving in a few moments. He found the patient in a comatose condition and breathing heavily, the pupils of the eyes contracted, pulse feeble, and extremities cold. On the table was a nearly empty eighth ounce bottle of sulphate morphine, its wrapper bearing the name of Slaughter and Wells, Waverly, a tumbler containing the sediment of a mixture of the poison with water, and a letter addressed to Mrs. Jane DeVoe, 470 West Second street, Elmira, and the cork and its tinfoil cover. From appearances of evaporation of the liquid, and the sediment in the glass, it was thought that the mixture was prepared between eleven and twelve o'clock on the previous night. Dr. Ely endeavored to administer an emetic, but the power of swallowing was gone. A powerful battery was applied, and restored thoraxial action, which had ceased. The stomach pump was used but to no purpose, and at a few moments past noon life was extinct. Following is a copy of letter found: My Dear Mother: - I take this chance to leave you as I am going to a better land, etc. I wish to thank you for all you have done for me, etc., and I am very much obliged for your raising me. Please forgive my sin which I have committed. (Next page). Mother I was not born to play second fiddle to any person. Tell Buff not to drink for my sake. If it had not been for drink I would not have done this. To all my friends, good bye. Mother I thought of you last. It is better for me to die than to live, etc. Mother forgive me as I do my enemies, and you need not mind where you bury me, because I do not care whether it is consecrated ground or not. You need not go to much expenses, and oblige your dear son. Don't be ashamed of me for I won't play second fiddle to any person, etc. Please forgive me for this and your loving son, Michael Feeny. If you ever put up a headstone please put on it "died because he was poor" on the bottom of the headstone. I had better die by my own hand than to live the life that is marked out for me. Good bye dear mother and Johnny Pete and Captain. I hope I will meet you all in heaven. The letter was written with ink, in a coarse straggling school boy hand, and was badly blotted. The body was removed to Frear & Sullivan's undertaking rooms, and the mother of the unfortunate man telegraphed for. She arrived accompanied by her elder son Peter Feeny on train No. 8. The son testified that deceased was a shoemaker by trade, but of late had been "braking" on the Lehigh Valley road; that he last saw him alive in Elmira, when he stated that he was going to Waverly to try and get work in his brother-in-law's machine shop in the place. He had always been considered of sound mind, though subject at times to spells of drinking. Deceased was rather fine looking, dressed in black and wore under his shirt a sacred amulet. The remains will be taken to Elmira on No. 8 this morning. The verdict of the jury summoned by Coroner Johnson which met at the Court House in the evening, was that deceased committed his death by an overdose of morphine administered by himself for the purpose of producing death. The following were the jury: Cyrus Clapp, S. J. Frear, Samuel Hanford, James Lathrop, Dr. Charles McCall, J. W. Sullivan.

December 9, 1881 Prof Moray has brought out his view of Waverly, and now has it on sale. We mentioned the fact a few weeks ago that the work was in the hands of the engraver, and now that we have seen a proof of the picture we can speak more advisedly with regard to it. The view of our village is taken from the hill on the northwest near Mr. Hemstreet's and embraces the entire village. This constitutes the main picture, and is exceedingly accurate, everything, including streets, is brought out with such distinctness that any locality may be determined at a glance. The view as a whole is beautiful and picturesque. The artist could not have selected a better point of view to give effect to the grand landscape which includes Waverly, Factoryville, Milltown, Sayre, and a faint view of Athens. The engraver has done his work well, and made a beautiful and valuable picture. The margin of the large sheet is ornamented with isolated views in our village of more than ordinary interest. The view of Spanish Hill is the best we ever saw. Mr. Moray knew his business when he selected his point for that picture. The Lincoln St. school was a happy thought for the artist. The Park from Penn's avenue is the most beautiful part of our village. - View in East Waverly includes Cayuta creek, in the vicinity of the Fordham place. The view on Broad street is from the west, and covers the finest part of that street. The view on Chemung street is from the east and embraces that street from Mr. Slaughter's westward. Now these side pictures are not inferior affairs, but clear-cut, well defined, finely engraved views of great beauty and interest. - The picture, as a whole, is got up in the highest style of art, and is of value to every citizen of Waverly. They are on sale at the Drug Stores, and by Mr. Moray.

1882-1885? Waverly Free Press: Mrs. F. M. Perley and daughter, Miss Josie Perley, will return to this place the first of the year to reside, and will board with Mrs. D. C. Weed. Miss Frances Perley expects to go to Germany in January to continue her musical studies. - Franklinville Chronicle. 

1882 - 1888, at 337 Broad Street, Slaughter & VanAtta Corner Drug Store, John C. VanAtta purchased the interest of the late Mr. Wells in 1882. (from Don Merrill's private collection in 2010)

1882  Citizens Bank at 72 Broad Street. J. T. Sawyer, President, H. W. Owen, Vice Pres't. L. E. Manning, Cashier. Directors. H. W. Owen, H. C. Spaulding, S. W. Slaughter, T. Sawyer, Daniel Bensley.

March 24, 1882 Waverly Advocate: Editor Of The Advocate: I have long been thinking of the origin of the name of our town. "Barton." While reading this evening a work by that clever writer Thomas Hardy, I read these words, "his nearest direction lead him through the dairy barton." (the first time I had ever met the word in this sense) what does this mean? I thought, "barton"! Is not this a clue to the origin of the name of our town? I opened the Lexicon and found the word and definition as follows: "Barton" "The domain lands of a manor; the manor itself, and sometimes the out-houses." Of course here is the solution. Some large land owner like the Lorillard, who had extensive possession of land here in an early day (as early as 1784, he owned land from the state line to Spencer) had marked upon his map of the wild, unsettled territory, a possible future manor, the word "Barton." Hence the name. W. F. W. Waverly, March 22, 1882.

For Sale. The Farm known as the Durkee Farm, Situated in the Town of Barton, Tioga County, containing about 120 acres of Land: Also, the House and Lot in Factoryville, formerly owned by Charles A. Durkee, Also, the House and Lot Known as the O. P. Smith House, situated on Spalding Street, in the Village of Waverly. For particulars and terms, inquire of S. D. Halliday, Ithaca, or F. A. Lyford at the First National Bank, Waverly N. Y.

In looking over our town we notice a large number of residences undergoing thorough repair, and a few new ones going up. It is evident Waverly needs more houses to rent. We have an old one for which at least a dozen application have been made. The Dodge block when completed, will have good living rooms for three families. But the cry is for more, and earlier.

March 29, 1882 Jefferson County Journal. Adam, N. Y.:  Letter from Southern New York. Waverly, Tioga Co. N.Y. March 22, 1882. Editor Journal: Having a few leisure hours, I have concluded to spend the time in adopting a suggestion made to me by a few friends while at Adams, viz: To furnish the readers of the Journal a letter describing Waverly, and the surrounding country, which is picturesque. The village contains a population of about six thousand souls, including a large delegation from "Ould Ireland." It is situated on a fertile plain about eight miles square, surrounded on all sides by lofty mountains, which are densely covered with woods, dotted here and there by an open field or clearing made by the hard labors of the early settlers. Very little effort is made to clear the wood-lands at present, because of the great abundance of coal sold at nominal prices, thus destroying the market for the sale of wood as fuel, and the woods are left intact save the small amount cut for lumbering purposes. Down the northern valley thunder the railroad trains of the Geneva, Ithaca & Sayre railroad, parallel with Cayuta river, which possesses fine water-power. The southern valley is traversed by the Lehigh Valley and Pennsylvania and N. Y. canal and railroad companies. Through the eastern valley runs the New York, Lake Erie and Western, and New York, Lackawanna and Western, and Southern Central railroads; and the western valley serves as an outlet for the Erie, Lackawanna and Valley railroads, and an outlet for Chemung river. Two beautiful rivers, the Chemung and Susquehanna, perpetually flow on either side of the valuable plain between the converging ranges of mountains, and after mingling their waters at the entrance of the southern valley, roll down its extended expanse together; and the dwellers of this valley may say - "There is not in this wide world a valley more sweet. Than this vain in whose bosom the bright waters meet." The village of Waverly is divided by the boundary line of the states of New York and Pennsylvania, thus making the necessity of two separate governments. The borough of South Waverly contains nearly two thousand inhabitants, largely composed of the working men. To the southeast about one and one-half miles, lies the busy village of Sayre, which place contains a large number of railroad shops, car-wheel and axle foundries, and many other establishments employing many men. This spring one hundred wooden and one hundred brick houses will be erected by the Sayre company, which number of new edifices are in demand because of the large number of families constantly settling there. Athens, another village, of 2,600 inhabitants, is one mile southwest. Here are located Maurice & Kellogg's extensive bridge shops employing 500 men, besides several other manufactories of minor importance. One mile east of Waverly is located Factoryville, a small hamlet of 300 inhabitants. Two large tanneries are here located and employ a large number of men. To the east at an equal distance from the latter place is Ellistown. With these surrounding villages so near-and naturally the large amount of trading which centers at Waverly, coupled with the immense amount of railroad business-the village is a constant scene of activity, which reminds one of the scramble of boys after the rolling apples from an overturned apple-cart, or any other conveyance loaded with the aforesaid article. The water facilities are of the best, a large and never-failing reservoir being located on a hill to the north of the city, or cluster of villages, which contains power and quantity enough to meet the demands of the whole valley. The village contains eight churches, three banks, seven schools-employing eighteen teachers. Some estimate of the railroad business done in this village can be made when it is stated to your readers, truthfully, that eleven engines are constantly used, night and day, in switching at the various yards. There are enough conductors living at Waverly and vicinity to organize a Conductor's Brotherhood of nearly one hundred members.

The Historic Interest is unparalleled. It was here in the valley that the refugees from Wyoming found a comparative resting place. The protracted civil wars among the early settlers, the Indian massacre of Wyoming, and the military movements over these hills and through this valley, the soil of which has been made roily by the blood of our ancestors, will continue to furnish themes for historians. The views from the mountains are beautiful, and are always attractive to the artist.

Spanish Hill is among the ancient curiosities of the country. It stands completely isolated near the east bank of the Chemung river, the state line crossing near its northern point, leaving the principle portion of the hill within the bounds of Pennsylvania. It is about a mile in circumference and 200 feet high, easy of ascent, and from its summit is a charming view of beautiful landscape many miles in extent. It is surrounded by mountains, near the base of which flow the Chemung and Susquehanna rivers ...{can't read} ancient fortifications... of the hill have been.. of Spanish ... found there. These two facts have given rise to various conjectures. One has given it the name, the other the character of having once been warlike place-of defense. Some of the Indians called it Spanish hill, implying in that and their narratives concerning the hill that the Spaniards had been there, and the name had been perpetuated. The Indians, after a time seldom went on the hill. They had a tradition that a Cayuga chief once went to the top of the hill and the Manitou, or Great Spirit, took him by the hair of the head and whirled him away to regions unknown. Instead, the chief was murdered by the Spanish buccaneers. These Spanish refugees were met near this hill by the Indians, and after defending themselves they threw up for months and days, breastworks enclosing many acres, but finally perished by starvation at the hands of the savages. One end of the hill was used by the Indians for a burial ground, and there are some remains visible there still.There are several other places of equal interest in the surrounding country which I will leave for a future "leisure hour," and not thoroughly exhaust the patience of reader, editor and compositor by my first letter, I hope. Yours truly. H. G. Marbill

March 31, 1882 The Waverly Advocate: Prince Leopold, the brightest and best of Queen Vic's boys, is subject to epileptic fits, still he contemplates marriage. - Hiram Payne Esq. and old resident of our village, died Thursday morning. His age was 78. A more expanded notice this week. - An exchange of land on a small yet quite important scale, has been effected between Squire Whitaker and J. T. Sawyer, both residing on Chemung street. Mr. Whitaker gets four acres adjoining his own on the north and $500 cash, and Mr. Sawyer gets three acres adjoining his nearer his residence. The exchange is a very good one and accommodates both parties. - For Sale The Farm known as the Durkee Farm, Situated in the Town of Barton, Tioga County, containing about 120 acres of Land: Also, the House and Lot in Factoryville, formerly owned by Charles A. Durkee, Also, The House and Lot Known as the O.P. Smith House, situated on Spalding Street, in the Village of Waverly. For particulars and terms, enquire of S. D. Halliday, Ithaca, or F. A. Lyford at the First National Bank, Waverly, N.Y.

May 12, 1882 The Waverly Advocate: Mrs. P. A. Towner of Athens street, who has been failing for some weeks with consumption, died at Sheshequin, her former home, on Saturday last. Her age was 28 years.

Rev. H. D. Jenkins of Freeport, Ill, a former resident of our village, has been in town for the past two weeks, looking after the welfare of his uncle, Owen Spalding. He is Mr. Spalding's adopted son, and for some time past has had charge of his business. As he succeeds to the estate he will probably make Waverly his home for a portion of the time in the future.

Obituary. Last week we briefly announced the death of Owen Spalding, which occurred at his residence, corner of Pennsylvania avenue and Chemung street, on Wednesday, the 3d inst. He had been in failing health for the past two or three years, and a few days before his death he had a fall which, though apparently unimportant in itself, induced a general paralysis by which his flickering lamp of life was gradually and gently extinguished. The funeral, which occurred from the Presbyterian church on Friday afternoon, was largely attended by all classes of Waverly citizens. Spalding Hose No 3 appeared in uniform, and Tioga Hose in their regulation caps. Rev. J. B. Beaumont, a former pastor of the Presbyterian church of this village, officiated. The following named persons acted as pall-bearers: Messrs. Moses Sawyer, Joseph E. Hallet, Hugh J. Baldwin, Hon. J. Theodore Sawyer, G. F. Waldo, and Professor H. H. Hutton. We can do no better in the way of a biography of Mr. Spalding than to copy the following which appeared in the Elmira Sunday Telegram: Mr. Spalding was the son of a prominent Bradford county man, known as "Sheriff" John Spalding, and was born at Athens, in 1803. At the age of twenty-one he married and started life as a farmer, to which he was educated, by moving upon the wild lands, now mostly occupied by the village of Waverly. It was mainly forest, and with his own energy made it a pleasant and profitable home. At that early day there was little market for farm produce except in exchange for goods at the stores, yet by dint of industry and economy, which never forsook him through life, he became a well-to-do farmer. When the Erie railroad pushed its way through to Elmira, and stuck a stake for the Waverly depot alongside of his farm he became, prospectively, a wealthy man. His lands were wanted for village purposes, and however liberal he might be in disposing of them, a large increase of wealth was inevitable. Yet in his days of prosperity he forgot not his early life, nor did he cease to respect those who, like himself, were struggling with their own hands for a competence. While he contributed largely to the growth of the village by building liberally of business blocks, some of which yet belong to his estate, his best thought was to induce mechanics of all kinds to come and start business in the new village, and to that end he sold and leased them lands at a mere nominal price, with a long term of years to run. It is doubtful if a case is on record of his foreclosing or forcing sale on any who were unable to meet their obligation. To give them more time and another chance for payment was characteristic of Owen Spalding. His warmest friends are the poor men of Waverly, and no truer friend had they than Mr. Spalding. That he had enemies we cannot doubt. For a man of his wealth and position in society for have steered clear of neighborhood bickerings and contentions would be wonderful; yet in his very nature he eschewed quarreling and war as he would the fire that burns. He was deeply and earnestly interested in educational matters and gave with a liberal hand to establish the old Waverly Institute, and made it the educational success that it became. Although not an educated man himself, he saw and felt the importance of good schools, and what Waverly has achieved in that direction, is due largely to the enterprise and generosity of Mr. Spalding. During his early life he was an ardent Baptist, and contributed liberally to the support of that church, but later his associations brought him en raporte with the Presbyterians, and for many years he was equally liberal in the support of that church. During the last few years of his life he seemed to belong to no denomination, but took the good of all, and made-the-well being of humanity the leading work of his closing life. His broad, liberal views and love of his fellowmen reached out beyond the boundaries of church or creed, and embraced all kinds, classes and beliefs. Although for some two or three years past he had been upon the streets but little and ignored business almost entirely, his final absence will be noted with sorrow, and his death regretted by the entire village of Waverly. He left no children, but his nephews and nieces will fall heir to a fine property, and we hope they will inherit the noble qualities of the good man gone. (471 Pennsylvania Avenue)

May 19, 1882 The Waverly Advocate: The top of Spanish Hill has been plowed, and relic hunters have been busy picking up arrow heads, bits of pottery, pipes, and other articles of the early Indian days. Mr. E. G. Tracy has a fine specimen of an Indian pipe which he values quite highly. Undoubtedly the Carantouans made the plateau on Spanish Hill their chief headquarters for this portion of their domain. (Spanish Hill)

July 28, 1882 The Waverly Advocate: The corporation is putting in a public watering place at junction of Park avenue and Broad street, front of Engine House. It is a good point, and the fountain of very large size. A. J. Van Atta is doing the work.

August 18, 1882 Pic-Nic Published at Waverly, N.Y. 1882


The Excursion. Arrangements are complete for a union excursion and basket picnic given by the Baptist and Presbyterian Sunday schools of this village, to Newark Valley trout ponds, Friday, the 18th, by special train. The grounds around the ponds have been arranged with great care and are among the finest in the country for excursion parties. There is a hall with tables and scats sufficient to accommodate 400 people at once. Kitchen and cooking utensils, swings, croquet grounds, ten enclosed harbors and numerous open ones, and tree platforms, in fact everything needed for picnic parties, whether the day be rain of shine. No pains will be spared by the managers to make the excursion a safe and pleasant one. The extremely low price at which the tickets have been placed brings the excursion within the reach of nearly all. Tickets for adults $1, for children 75 cents. Be sure and buy early in order that cars may be provided for all. Trains will leave East Waverly at 8:30 reaching the grounds at 10:00, and will return at 6:30 p.m.

October 6, 1882 The Waverly Advocate: Mrs. N. M. Bennett - Dress Maker, Octagon House, Athens St. (At 7 Athens Street Waverly, NY, owned by Samuel Slaughter)

It is said that a good many still insist on paying the toll on crossing the Susquehanna free bridge at Athens. Probably they don't take the papers, and have not yet learned that the bridge is free.

October 13, 1882 The Waverly Advocate: Notice. It you are indebted to the late firm of Slaughter & Wells please call and settle or your account will be left for collection.

Mrs. N. M. Bennett - Dress Maker, Octagon House, Athens St.

H. H. Hayes, for many years connected with the Corner Drug Store, has fitted up the building adjoining the Peoples Market in very good style, and will commence the Drug business there, but remove to the Dodge block when completed.

Slaughter and VanAtta ad.

October 27, 1882 The Waverly Advocate: John Seacord is finishing off the second and third stories of the Dodge block into living rooms with all the modern improvements. - They are nicely arranged, and have gas, water and improved water-closets for every family that may occupy the several apartments. It is only necessary to mention the fact that Mr. Seacord is doing the work to assure the public that it will be well done. 

Mr. Dodge is putting down in front of his block a flag-stone walk of excellent material. It is after the style of walk around the Stone block. - A heavy wall is put between the gutter and the building on which the flag stones rest, the outer tier of flagging extending over the curbing, instead of against it.

October 27, 1882 The Waverly Advocate: Mrs. N. M. Bennett - Dress Maker, Octagon House, Athens St. (7 Athens street Waverly, NY)

November 24, 1882 The Waverly Advocate: The Corner Drug Store now bears the sign of the new firm, "Slaughter & Vanatta." (Samuel Slaughter took into partnership John C. Vanatta, the son of the designer and builder of Samuel's home at 208 Chemung street Waverly, NY.) 

Mrs. Packer, widow of the late Judge Asa Packer, and mother of Col. Packer of Sayre, died at her residence in Manch Chunk last week. She was well advanced in life. - The new locomotive built at the Baldwin locomotive works, Philadelphia, for the Lehigh Valley company, and named the "Howard Elmer," is a very handsome piece of mechanism, and one of the largest passenger engines ever built. It is destined to do good business on this end of the road. The name is a merited recognition of the services of Mr. Elmer in building up the village of Sayre. He is President of the Sayre Land and Building company, and has long been a director in the Pa. and N. Y. R. R. company. - For Rent. The former residence of the late Owen Spaulding at the corner of Chemung St. and Penn. Ave., for rent. Enquire of Wm. Fiske Warner Esq., on and after December 1, 1882.

December 22, 1882 Waverly Advocate: Dress maker at Octagon House on Athens Street. (Mrs. N. M. B. at 7 Athens street Waverly, NY)

February 1883 The Board of Education appointed Mrs. Levi Curtis, Mrs. S. W. Slaughter and Mrs. H. J. Baldwin a committee to conduct Regents examinations and Miss C. A. Barber, Miss Lucie P. Clark and Mrs. C. F. Spencer a committee to conduct the examination of the teacher's class.

May 11, 1883 The Waverly Advocate: A drive about town shows that many buildings are being repainted.

In no part of the village has there been greater improvement made during the past year than is noticeable on Orange street. Several handsome new houses have been erected, and others have been repaired and repainted, giving abundant evidence of thrift and enterprise, and making of this one of the most pleasant streets in the corporation.

William Knapp of west Chemung street, father of "Knapp brothers," had a slight shock of palsy, last Sunday morning.

Obituary. Fordham - At her residence, near Sayre, Pa., on Saturday, May 5th, Mary S. wife of Silas Fordham, aged 62 years.  Mrs. Mary Shepard Fordham was a daughter of the late John Shepard, the pioneer and early settler of this section of country. 

May 18, 1883 The Waverly Advocate: The handsome new cresting on S. W. Slaughter's elegant residence was cast at Francis and Hall's foundry. It is a great improvement to the house, and is a very creditable piece of workmanship. (208 Chemung street Waverly, NY)

Tremendous Boom in the wall-paper trade, at Slaughter & VanAtta's. (337 Broad street Waverly, NY)

An Elegant line of Picture Mouldings just opened, at Slaughter & VanAtta's.

New Designs in Window Shades Cheap, at Slaughter & VanAtta's.

May 26, 1883 The Daily Graphic: New York, N. Y.: FLAMES DEVASTATING WAVERLY, N. Y. - AID SUMMONED FROM ELMIRA. Elmira, N. Y., May 26 - At half-past ten this morning fire broke out in the Campbell Block, Waverly, at the corner of Fulton and Broad streets. A heavy wind was blowing, and although four steamers were quickly put on, the Campbell Block was soon in ruins. The fire is spreading rapidly, and it is feared that the Opera House block and Tioga Hotel will have to go. The buildings are the best in the town. A steamer with 500 feet of hose and a detail of men from the Elmira Department have just left for Waverly.

June 11, 1883 Waverly Advocate: A house on the corner of Chemung and Waverly streets, owned by J. DuBois and occupied by two colored families, took fire in the ceiling near the chimney at an early hour Saturday morning, but the flames were discovered and extinguished before much damage was done. (199 Chemung street)

H. J. Baldwin is preparing to erect a fine residence on the vacant lot South of Dr. R. S. Harnden. James Isley and Son have the contract for the cellar and foundations, and have commenced excavating for the same.

June 15, 1883 The Waverly Advocate: Undertakers are now called "funeral directors." They wear their faces a little shorter to comport with the new title.

Since June 1st, prices in Wall Paper are way down at the Corner Drug Store. - Come quick and secure bargains. (337 Broad street Waverly, NY)

S. W. Slaughter, is attending the state association of druggists at Ithaca, this week.

August 10, 1883 The Waverly Advocate: C. E. Merriam is putting a gothic roof on his house and making other marked improvements. When completed it will be a very handsome residence.(304 Chemung St., old numbering was 414 Chemung st.)

August 17, 1883 The Waverly Advocate: The new town clock will be here the last of next week. It was bought of the Ansonia clock company of Ansonia, Conn.

Gilbert H. Hallet, a brother of J. E. Hallet of this village, died on Monday, Aug. 6th at his residence in Rogers' Park, Chicago, in the seventy-seventh year of his age. He was formerly a resident of this village having moved here with his brother in 1833, where he resided until 1854 when he removed to Chicago.

Waverly Foundry And Machine Shop Francis & Hall, Successors to Jas. Lemon, Are now prepared to do all kinds of repairing to Steam Engines & Boilers, Horse Powers, Planers & Matchers, Threshing Machine, Cylinders Balanced and Spiked, All kinds of Boiler Making And Repairing. Lawn Mowers Repaired and Sharpened. Mowers and Reapers Repaired. All Kinds Of Saw Mill & Grist Mill Work Done On Short Notice. Morticed Wheels Cogged and Patterns of all kinds made. Plows, of all kinds, Scrapers, Land Rollers, Harrows, & c. We also have all of Mr. Lemon's Patterns. Also all kinds of Plow Points A Specialty. (They did the iron cresting that was on top or our roof at 208 Chemung street Waverly, NY. We had to take the iron cresting down for repair. We plan to put it back up.)

August 24, 1883 The Waverly Advocate: S. W. Slaughter and wife are sojourning at Ocean Grove.

1884, at 337 Broad Street, Dr. E. J. Stone, physician and surgeon in the building. (from Don Merrill's private collection in 2010)

January 4, 1884 Waverly Advocate: The post office at East Waverly is to be removed from C. A. Durkee's store to Barns and Wood's store. - Waverly Lodge No. 407 F. & A. M. meetings first, third and fifth Monday of each month at 7:30 in their Hall at Manners block. E. E. Rogers, W. M.; Nat. Ackerly, S. W.; A. T. Merrill, J. W.; W. H. Spaulding, Treas; J. M. Buley, Sec'y; Henry Bogart, S. D.; Chas. Tuttle, J. D.; I. M. Terry, S. M. of S.; Lewis Whitaker, J. M. of S.; R. R. Shaw, Tyler;  A. J. VanAtta, Henry Gridley and R. N. Manners, Trustees; M. H Mandeville, Chaplain; J. M. Slawson, organist; Wm. P. Stone Marshal.

January 18, 1884 The Waverly Advocate: Dr. W. E. Johnson had the good fortune to hold the lucky number, 63, which drew the $25 doll that has ornamented J. L. Tracy's show window for several weeks. - A scientist is advocating hot water as drink. It probably would better for a fellow to get hot water into him than to get into hot water.

April 1884 The Waverly Free Press: The first fire attended by old Neptune engine company after its organization, was that of Phillips & Murray's tannery, the fire occurring about two weeks after the arrival of the engine. The "machine" was stored in uncle Joe Hallet's carriage house on Chemung street (207 Chemung street), and when young Bert Whitaker, mounted on a horse came dashing up Chemung street yelling fire like a wild Indian, the "boys" were not long in responding to the call, and under any other circumstances their ludicrous appearance as they came rushing into Uncle Joe's yard, would have produced an applause, for not one in twenty were fully dressed, but each was trying to don his clothing while on a run. Bert afterward became a torch boy of the company, and served long and well, and should he desire his exemption certificate or to have his name placed on the roll of Neptune Exempts, he should address J. E. Hallet, who is still foreman of the company. (An exempt association of  "old veterans" from Old Neptune Engine Company No. 1, was organized In the company's headquarters on May 19, 1884,  "for active duty in case of an emergency." Joseph E. Hallet was chairman of the meeting, and Dr. Wm. E. Johnson, secretary. On motion of Howard Elmer, Dr. Johnson was elected president; Henry T. Laine, vice president; Hatfield Hallet, secretary and treasurer, and Joseph E. Hallet, foreman. Badges for members of the exempt association were presented to some fifty gentlemen who had comprised the pioneer fire company of Waverly, not all of them however being charter members. -taken from July 17, 1903 article)

April 17, 1884 Owego Evening Blade - Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Slaughter, of Waverly, are in town to-day.

1885, at 337 Broad Street, Dr. F. W. Severn was on second floor. (from Don Merrill's private collection I found in 2010)

January 28, 1885 The Waverly Advocate - The Waverly High School. This establishment of learning was organized as the Shepard Institute, so named in honor of the movement that perfected its formation. The gentleman to whose benevolence and generosity the early existence of the institute owes more than to any other is Owen Spalding, one of the pioneers of the place, who not only took one-half of the capital stock, but also donated the land on which the building stands. The first board of trustees was elected August 30th,1856, and consisted of Messrs. Owen Spalding, Arthur Yates, Benj. G. Rice, Alva Jarvis, William Manners, F. H. Baldwin, Isaac Shepard, R. A. Elmer, G. H. Fairchild and R. D. VanDuzer. The capital stock of the corporation was $4,000, which was afterward increased to not less than $5,000 nor more than $10,000. At a special meeting of the stockholders, Dec. 2nd 1857, the name of the association was changed to the Institute. The Institute was under the efficient care of Professor Andrew J. Lang, from its opening in 1857 until August 22nd 1870. During the thirteen years of his management, the establishment acquired an excellent reputation, Professor Lang being one of the finest educators of the country, and naturally advanced the institution to an elevated position among the best educational institutions of the state. Professor Lang died at the early age of thirty-nine leaving behind him a name honored among prominent educators. On the 15th day of April 1871, the Institute was merged into, and became the academic department of the Union school, under the visitation of the Regents of the University, and S. C. Hall M. A. became principal and continued in that position, giving excellent satisfaction until September 1878, he resigned and was succeeded by H. H. Hutton, M. A. Prof. Hutton's superintendency was efficient and satisfactory, and he retained the position until September 1884, when he was succeeded by P. M. Hull, M. A., whose management thus far has been very satisfactory to the patrons and friends of the schools, and who is doing much to raise the standard and increase the popularity of the institution. The number of scholars in the academic department is about eighty; value of buildings and sites, $26,000; value of library, $800; value of apparatus, $750. Some important changes have been made, both in the arrangements of the building, and in the plan of study. But through them all the school has maintained its excellent reputation, and will, we hope, long remain a monument to those who have labored to bring it to its present advanced position. (The above article was compiled by Sidney Rogers, a high school student, and was read at a public entertainment given by the pupils of that institution March 5, 1884. The only change made by us is in continuing the subject from Prof. Hutton's administration to the present time. - Ed.)

January 29, 1885 The Waverly Advocate: "Uncle Joe" Hallet has two complete sets of coin, proof sets, of the issue of '85, the first sent out from the mint. They were secured for him by Mr. S. W. Slaughter who chanced to be at the mint at Philadelphia when they were struck off. Mr. Hallet had the proof sets for the past twenty years.

The new furniture works at Athens have begun business in some departments, about twenty-four men being at work turning out designs in furniture, and the work of completing the setting of machinery is being pushed to the utmost. The firm is composed of N. C. Harris, Mr. Fitch and Wm. L. Simmons, while the books, etc., will be in charge of Mr. W. M. Nevins, who held for several years a similar position with the Novelty works.

Citizen's Bank. 72 Broad St. J. T. Sawyer, President. S. W. Slaughter, Vice Pres't. L R. Manning, Cashier.

Feb. 2. 1885 The Waverly Advocate: The Athens furniture works employ about fifty hands. This is about half the number employed at the Novelty Furniture work here.

February 5, 1885 Waverly Advocate: The Advocate last week contained an article on the early history of this place, also one on the high school, and was a spicy sheet. - Cor. Telegram. The Waverly Advocate has commenced the publication of a series of interesting articles giving the history of Waverly and vicinity. - Elmira Advertiser. An interesting history of Waverly and vicinity, from the pen of Mr. G. D. Genung, has been commenced in the Waverly Advocate. - Towanda Daily Review.

February 19, 1885 The Waverly Advocate: It is probable that the Packer mansion at Sayre, will soon be converted into a hospital for disabled empolyees of the Lehigh Valley railroad company.

J. J. West is preparing to erect another fine house on Orange street. Judging from the plans and elevation it will be one of the most convenient and desirable residences in that locality, Mr. West is doing much to improve and build up that portion of the town.

J. B. Floyd's residence is soon to be remodeled and greatly improved in appearance. A gothic roof will be put on and other marked improvements made. When completed it will rank with the finest buildings in the village. (In 1887, Jacob B. Floyd was at 456 Waverly street.)

February 19, 1885 The Waverly Advocate: HISTORICAL. Waverly, its History, Growth, and Development, With a Brief Review of the Early History of Tioga County. A large tract of land extending from the Chemung river to Shepard's creek, and from the State line north, a much greater distance, was originally known as the Benedict Location, as indicated on a map published in the early part of this century. On the east of Shepard's creek was a large tract known as Lorillard's patent, and in this Peter Lorillard, after the manner of English noblemen, had reserved a manor of "barton" and from here came the name Barton as applied to this town.

Waverly is situated on the southern boundary of the Benedict Location and in the southwest corner of Tioga county, as now established.

The name "Waverly" was not "officially' applied to the place until the year 1854 prior to that time it having been known as Factoryville. In that year the village was incorporated and at a meeting held in Brigham's hotel, it was given the name "Waverly" at the suggestion of Mr. J. E. Hallet, who borrowed the name from Scott's immortal productions. Several other names which were "Shepardsville," "Davisville" and "Loder," the latter being in honor of Benjamin Loder, vice-president of the then recently completed Erie railway. Many favored this name and it lacked but a few votes of being chosen.

Among the early settlers and principal owners of the village plot was Isaac Shepard, whose father in 1796 as before stated, bought 1,000 acres at 5 per acre embracing Waverly and East Waverly, and much valuable land north of these villages. In the year 1810 says Mrs. Perkins' "Early Times," De...(can't read) from this tract, a strip 100 rods wide extending northward nearly through the center of the village. The first house in the village was built by Mr. Strong, and probably in that year, although one authority says it was built in 1810. It was located near the site of Dr. F. M. Snook's fine residence, and the large apple trees now standing upon Mr. Snook's lot were planted by the Deacon in those early days.

We can hardly believe that the site of the present business center of the place, thirty-five years ago was utilized for agricultural purposes, and that sixty years ago, where now stands the village, was an almost unbroken wilderness.

In 1821 the Chemung turnpike (Chemung street) was laid out, and in 1825 Isaac Shepard built the pioneer hotel of the place. It stood on the site of the present residence of his son Charles, on West Chemung street (105 Chemung street).

In the following decade the number of settlers was greatly augmented. Owen Spalding with his brother Amos came in 1831. The latter occupied a small log house near the site of the present residence of Mrs. Harriet Tannery (311 Chemung street) until 1833 when he built what now constitutes the rear part of J. Dubois' house, opposite C. E. Merriam's residence (304 Chemung street), and moved into it. Owen Spalding occupied a plank house on the present site of Dr. Snook's residence (425 Pennyslvania ave.). This was probably the house built by Deacon Strong. In 1833 Mr. Spalding built a house on the site (403 Chemung street) now occupied by R. A. Elmer's fine residence. This house was afterward removed to the southwest corner of Chemung street and Pennsylvania avenue, where it now stands (471 Pennsylvania ave.) and where Mr. Spalding died about three years ago, after a long and useful life.

In March 1833 Joseph Hallet Sr., came up from Orange county and purchased of Valentine Hill, 100 acres of land between the present residences of J. E. Hallet and W. Cadwell and extending northward from Chemung street, for which he paid $1,100. He was accompanied by his sons Gilbert H. and Joseph E. The latter settled upon the above mentioned farm, his house standing on what is now Fulton street, between the present residences of Mrs. Fritcher and E. G. Tracy. At that time says Mr. Hallet, there were but fifteen buildings in the place, namely: one hotel, one distillery, one blacksmith shop, one log dwelling, one plank dwelling, six small frame dwellings and four barns. These were Isaac Shepard's hotel, Jacob Newkirk's distillery and dwelling, Thomas Hill's house and another small house all near C. H. Shepard's present residence; the dwelling of Elder Jackson, a Baptist minister whose house stood just west of the present residence of W. F. Inman, and the Elder's blacksmith shop, which stood where now stands S.W. Slaughter's elegant residence (208 Chemung st.); the house into which Mr. Hallet moved, Amos Spalding's house, and Owen Spalding's plank house, and the log house into which Gilbert Hallet moved and O. Spalding's, Jackson's, Newkirk's and Shepard's barns, the latter the large red barn now standing on Pine street the only remaining land-mark of those early days.

Gilbert Hallet moved into the log house vacated by Amos Spalding, and the following year built and removed into a house that stood where now stands H. L. Stowell's brick house. In the next year, 1835, he purchased Elder Jackson's house above referred to, together with 45 acres of land paying therefor $1,000. This place and the 100 acres bought by Joseph Hallet were purchased by Jackson and Hill respectively of Isaac Shepard.

The former are the 45 acres referred to in Mr. Warner's historical articles as having been "sold within the past 35 years for $1,000." Three years prior to this time, or 53 years ago, Elder Jackson, who was very anxious to return to Orange county, had offered the place to Jesse Kirk, father of Mrs. A. H. Plummer, of this village, for $500. The land lay south of Chemung street, the east line passing near E. J. Campbell's residence, southward through Slaughter & VanAtta's and E. G. Tracy's drugstores to the 60th mile stone, thence west. Along the state line to the center of Dry Brook, thence north following the center of Dry Brook to Chemung street, and west along Chemung street to the place of beginning, comprising what is now the business portion of the village. (Our property was included in this sale.)

At this time Harris Murray, father of John H. Murray of this place, lived in a small wooden house where "Murray's stone house" now stands, in South Waverly, and Mr. Murray offered to sell to Mr. Hallet 100 acres there for $1,000. These sales illustrate how lightly the land in this valley was valued fifty years ago.

While these settlements were being made along the Chemung road, other pioneers were pushing on beyond and locating on the hill northwest of the village, now called "West Hill."

This portion of the Susquehanna valley had been the scene of many forest fires, lighted either intentionally or carelessly by the hunters, and had been so frequently burned over that but little save second growth pines remained, and this is said to have been the reason why many of the early pioneers refused to locate here, they thinking that land that would produce naught but "scrub pines" was of little value, and accordingly pushed on to the highlands beyond believing that the heavy growth of timber there indicated a fertile and productive soil.

Among those who settled there first, probably during the years 1830-5 were Piere Hyatt, Paris and Robert Sanders, David Carmichael, Johnathan Robins, G. W. Plummer, Jacob Swain, Nathan Slawson, and Steven VanDerlip; after these came Daniel Blizard, David Mandeville Sr., Peter and Lewis Quick, S. T. VanDerlip, W. A. Lane, Jesse Kirk and others. Of these we believe none are now living and but few of their descendants remain on the old homesteads.

Between the years 1837 and 1850 the number of settlers in the village increased rapidly among the new comers being Captain Benj. H. Davis, F. H. Baldwin, H. M. and W. F. Moore, Richard A. Elmer Sr., and his sons Howard and Richard A. Jr., Jacob Reel, E. J. Brooks, J. A. Corwin, Sylvester Gibbons, R. O. Crandall, the first physician, Peter Wentz, the first justice, George Beebe, the first lawyer and many others.

The street running from Charles Sawyer's residence on Chemung street to Barnes' Hotel, East Waverly, was laid out in 1835, and in 1843 Pennsylvania avenue was laid out south as far as the present residence of Levi Curtis, and in the same year Waverly street was opened down as far as the present residence of Mrs. Joseph Aplin. On the avenue Charles Howard built a house where Levi Curtis' residence now stands, Isaac Drake built one where Mrs. Buck in now resides, Milo Hulet built one where H. S. Butts' residence now stands and Frank Sutton one on the corner of Pennsylvania avenue and Park Place. The latter was torn down by Mr. Elmer, a year or two ago.

In 1842 G. H. Hallet and Andrew Price built a foundry on the northwest corner of Chemung and Waverly streets, where A. I. Decker's residence now stands. A short time afterwards Daniel Moore opened a cabinet shop in the second floor of this building. Later the foundry was changed into a hotel and bore the name of the Clarmont house. {The hotel was at current day 159a Chemung Street, northwest corner of Waverly and Chemung streets. It was a previous building on that lot that was destroyed by fire in 1856. The hotel was where the election took place in 1854 to incorporate Waverly. The hotel at that time was run by James Whitaker.}

In 1843 J. E. Hallet built a house on Waverly street, for one of the employees of the foundry. This was the first house on the street, and was situated on the site of Duncan McDonald's residence. (old numbering 40 Waverly st., 452 Waverly street)  In the same year Edward Brigham built a hotel on the present site of the M. E. church, and Robert Shackelton built a store and dwelling house combined where now stands the Methodist parsonage. The houses now owned by H. H. Hayes and Mrs. Smith respectively were also built in that year.

The first store was kept by Alva Jarvis, or "Squire Jarvis" as he was called, in the spring of 1841, in a wooden building between the sites of the present residences of Mrs. Fritcher (155 Chemung street) and A. I. Decker (313-315 Chemung street). In the following fall G. H. Hallet opened a store just west of H. L. Stowell's present residence (203 Chemung street). (To be continued.)

SLAUGHTER & VAN ATTA, Druggists and Dealers in Stationery, Wall Paper, Picture Frames, Periodicals, & c No. 87 Broad street, Waverly, N. Y. 

CITIZEN'S BANK. J. T. Sawyer President. S. W. Slaughter, Vice Pres't. L. R. Manning, Cashier

March 12, 1885 The Waverly Advocate: Historical. Waverly, Its History, Growth, and Development, With a Brief Review of the Early History of Tioga County. The necessarily hurried manner in which these articles are prepared and written - the compositors frequently taking the copy as fast as written, and sometimes waiting for it - has resulted in our passing over some interesting events without mention. Hasty proof reading and correcting also, has led to two or three blunders, which perhaps it were better to correct here than later: In the initial number the phrase connecting link between the Erie canal and Cayuga Lake, should have read with the Erie canal via Cayuga Lake. In the second number, in speaking of the first settlers on Ellis creek, the name Ebenezer Ellis, by some unaccountable means got changed to Ebenezer Miller, in another number the name, Mrs. James Aplin, was made to read Mrs. Joseph Aplin, and 1833 the date of Mr. Hallet's settlement here the types made read 1844. In the article on the fire department last week the reference to Merriam Bros. store should have read T. Jenning's store the mistake being inadvertently made in copying from the files. The location was right, however, the name only, being wrong. These mistakes, if annoying to our readers, are doubly so to us, but in view of the difficulties attending such an enterprise we are satisfied that they are not greater. In future numbers, however, we shall make still greater endeavor to avoid even trifling errors. Among the few interesting points omitted are the following: the first barn built in the town of Barton, in 1798 as before stated, is still standing and forms a part of the barn now in use by Sela Ellis. The first brick house in the village was erected in 1843 by Dr. Clute; it stands on the corner of Chemung and Lincoln streets and is a good building now. Isaac Shepard's store - the small white building near W. W. Shepard's farm house at the narrows, - after the building of the Erie railroad, was called Loder Summit and Station, and this name may still be seen in large letters, on the side of the building. The American house was built in about 1851, for a grist mill but soon was changed into a furniture factory; in 1865 Frank Sutton converted the building into a hotel. A bird's - eye view of Broad street as it looked in 1855 just as Waverly's first great fire was breaking out, the lurid flames leaping from the windows of the Spalding block, is now in the possession of Maurice Bennet; it is an oil painting and belongs to the fire department. Another interesting fact that we have learned since the publication of the earlier numbers, and that appears to have been forgotten by all, save one or two of the older residents, is that until about 1840, 45, the little settlement on Chemung street was called "Villemont," a name given it by Isaac Shepard. This name preceded that of Waverly, and was used to designate the settlement from Factoryville and was the first name given to the village. After this the place was called Villemont, Waverly, Loder, etc., until in 1854, as stated in a previous number, the village was incorporated and at a ballot taken at a meeting of citizens, the name Waverly was selected. The name was then, and for several years afterwards, spelled, Waverley.
The following article on Waverly and its location, we take from the initial number of the first paper ever published in the village, the Waverley Luminary, published by Thomas Messenger. The spirit of prophecy was evidently upon its editor, to a limited extent, at least, and the place seems to be realizing its destiny in becoming quite a large village, although Factoryville is not yet incorporated as a part and parcel of it. Mr. Messenger's appreciation of his town and the hopeful and enthusiastic manner in which he speaks of it commands our admiration. 
{The initial number of the Luminary bore the date Oct. 3, 1851.}
These facts should have been given in earlier numbers, but in view of the fact that none of the older inhabitants, upon whom we are obliged to rely for the greater part of the material of these articles, kept a record of passing events but depend solely upon their memory for data given, it would be strange if mistakes were not made and important events forgotten.
Our Location. Waverley is situated in the southwest corner of Tioga county, N. Y., on the line of the New York and Erie railroad; at which place there is a Station of said road, at which all the passenger trains, (the night express excepted) stop. It is located midway between the thriving Villages of Owego and Elmira, on a beautiful elevated plain, about four miles form the village of Athens, where the North Branch and Chemung rivers unite and form the Susquehanna. There is no place along the line of the Railroad whose growth has been so rapid as Waverley. One year since, and it was simply a station; now it is a neat village, containing over 1,000 inhabitants, with hotels, well-stocked Stores, Churches, and last, but not least, its Newspaper, - and is destined from its location, to become quite a large Village, if not a City. It is now pretty generally understood that the Williamsport Railroad will terminate at this place; which, when finished will have the effect of doubling our present population in a few months. A glance at our Business Cards and advertising columns will show the amount of business in the Village, better than we can do it, in an article like this, although not one-half our business men have as yet got their names in the paper, but they will probably do so in a few weeks.
Six miles East of us and in the same town, is the enterprising little Village of Barton, and four miles west is the village of Chemung - both of which have their Hotels, Stores, etc. The ancient Village of Factoryville, is right by our side - in fact, a part and parcel of this village will undoubtedly be incorporated as such, ere long. It also has a lot of splendid Stores, Shops, Mills, Factories, etc. As a whole we knew of no better location for a Village, in the state, than Waverly has - surrounded as it is, by neat and thriving Villages, Beautiful Scenery, Splendid Farms, and all the conveniences of Railroads, & c. A view from the top of the far-famed Spanish Hill, a few rods in front of the Village, would amply repay a person for a trip from New York City. As a desirable place of residence it is not surpassed by any other; for the Doctor's can scarcely exist here it is so miserably healthy, and they are thinking of turning their attention to the raising of grain - as they have no patients to raise.
A few months after the publication of the Luminary began M. M. Pomeroy became an employee of the office and soon began to develop those traits that have since brought him a great deal of notoriety. It was one of his early efforts in wild-oat sowing, that gave to him the sobriquet "Brick", a name by which he is known the world over, and one that has always seemed peculiarly adapted to him. 
The Luminary of April 2, 1852 contains the following article descriptive of Waverly and its business interests that we believe will be read with interest by all our readers: Waverly, Its Growth Prospects Etc. Since we first started the Luminary, some six months since, the population and building in this Village have increased nearly one-fourth, and ere long it will be one of the largest as well as one of the most beautiful Villages on the line of the Erie Railroad. - Among the numerous buildings erected within the past few months, we would mention the elegant mansions of Senator Bristol (411 Chemung st. no longer standing), and H. M. Moore, Esq. (300 Chemung st), on Chemung street, and especially that of Mr. Bristol, which is located on a rise of ground overlooking the country for miles around. But still the work of improvement is going on, and new buildings are being put up in every part of our Village, and stranger are daily enquiring for stores and dwellings. To give our readers at a distance, and idea of rapidity with which we are moving along we will give a list of the buildings now under contract, and to be erected as fast as they can be put up, viz: On Broad Street. - B. H. Davis, three brick stores, three stories high. P. B. Snyder, brick hotel, four stories high. G. Myers, machine shop and dwelling house. Wm. Manners, store and bakery. Mr. Johnson, Carriage shop. LaFayette Perkins, dwelling house. R. A. Elmer, marble shop. A. H. Rood, dwelling house. C. Hay, store. Fulton Street. - A. Jarvis, dwelling house. J. Barto, dwelling house. G. Simonson, two dwelling houses. D. W. C. Millspaugh, dwelling house. Peter Velie, dwelling house. Waverley Street. - J. E. Hallett, two dwelling houses. Hunt & Hanford, stores. R. Swain dwelling house. Tioga Street. - J. E. Hallett, dwelling house. A. Larnard, dwelling house. M. ? dwelling house. Pennsylvania Avenue. - G. W. Browning, dwelling house. D. Mills, dwelling house. Howard Street. - Owen Spalding, dwelling house. Loder Street. - Jacob Reel, large hotel. Providence Street. - N. J. Newell, academical building, 42x88 feet, and four stories high, to be built of brick. The above list of buildings, will be up and finished in a short time. Waverley - Its Business Men, & c.  T. J. Brooks, dealer in dry goods, groceries, & c. Spalding block. Joseph Chambers, dealer in cabinet furniture, chairs & c., corner of Chemung and Waverley st.  W. H. Lewis, cooper, - St.  William A. Lain, Cooper, Chemung st. J. Reel, Waverley hotel, cor. Chemung and Waverley sts. (To be continued.) {The Waverley hotel by Reel was on the current site of the Methodist church while Joseph Chamber's cabinet wareroom was at current day 202 Chemung street.}

March 26, 1885 The Waverly Advocate: Robert Packer Hospital. An Interesting Communication, with Reference to this Additional Monument to the Packer Generosity. The following article relative to the Robert Packer Hospital soon to be opened at Sayre, is worthy of careful perusal by all our readers, and we trust that our citizens will realize the benefit to be derived from such an institution and that they will assist generously in its support. - Ed. Mr. Editor: Doubtless many readers of the Advocate are already aware of the munificent gift about to be bestowed upon this community by Miss Mary H. Packer, of Mauch Chunk. The Packer mansion of Sayre, with its extensive grounds and gardens, after being put in readiness for the work, is to be conveyed to the trustees of a corporation to be called the Robert Packer Hospital, and will be devoted henceforth to the shelter and care of the sick and suffering. Robert Packer, whose heart was full of sympathy for the distressed and whose hand was ever ready to relieve the needy, would have been made happy by the knowledge that his costly residence would in time be appropriated to such a noble purpose by his sister. Dr. Estes of St. Luke's Hospital, of South Bethlehem, says of the house, "If it had been originally designed for a hospital its arrangements could hardly have been more complete." It is capable as it now stands of accommodating forty patients. The palatial dining-room forty feet long, is to be taken for the men's ward. Its elaborate mahogany wainscoting, and the splendid wall decoration will be removed for sanitary reasons, but the expensive inlaid floor and beautiful stained glass windows are to be retained, and will no doubt beguile many weary hours for the suffering inmates. Leading out of this room is a large conservatory, which is to be fitted up as a lounging room for the male convalescents. The elegant apartments over their great dining-room, are to be used for the women's ward, while some of the airy bed-chambers on the second and third floors will be occupied when required by private patients who can afford to pay for care and sumptuous surroundings. The drawing-room with its beautifully frescoed ceiling is to be converted into a chapel, the parlor back of it into an operating room, and the exquisite library into a dispensary. The breakfast-room alone, is to be reserved for the use at first intended. It is impossible in a limited article to give a full description of the luxurious appointments of this establishment - its extensive heating arrangements, its various bath-rooms, electric bells, speaking tubes etc., all adding to its extreme fitness for the proposed object. It is of course expected, after the plan is carried out in all its details, the public will sufficiently appreciate this gift of Miss Packer, to gladly contribute to its maintenance. Large sums will not be asked, but every adult in this village ought to be willing to make a small yearly offering to this institution, which includes in itself so many benevolences - giving shelter, food, nursing and medical attendance, and at the same time teaching grand lessons of practical Christianity. It is hoped that every town expecting to be benefited by this charity, will at least support one bed, the cost of which will be $300, per annum, and also will be willing to contribute something towards the expense of keeping certain departments in running order. It is understood the ladies of each of the surrounding towns, are to assume the furnishing of some one of these, and it is believed the women of Waverly will not be backward in the work. The Ladies' Hospital Aid Society of this place proposes to raise $500 this year for hospital purposes, which is a small sum considering the benefit that will accrue to our town. Although no sick will be turned away when the hospital is not full, yet the endowment of a bed will give the town a right to this accommodation at all times - $200 yearly, will cover the expense of a child's cot - an item to be remembered by lovers of children. If any of the readers of the Advocate have visited the children's wards of St. Luke's, the Presbyterian, or other Hospitals of New York city, their hearts must have been touched by the sight of the pale but happy little invalids clinging with waxen fingers to their treasured toys, and many of them no doubt learning for the first time the meaning of the word "home." And this recalls the fact, that in the minds of many good people, who have not kept informed of the great improvements in hospital management during the past fifteen years, there exists a strong prejudice against a hospital. These think the nurses are all "Fairey Gamps" and the physicians heartless experimenters. If they would take the trouble to visit, for instance, the one at Rochester, where it is the favorite object of benevolence, they would soon have these ideas dissipated. A lady of wealth and culture of that city said to the writer, "Oh, the comfort of the hospital! There one can have perfect quiet, and too, the soothing assurance that the best that training and science can give, is at one's command." A man of education and high standing in his profession, also remarked a short time since, "The hospital is a blessed place, I should have died during my illness if I had remained at my hotel, and had I not been constantly attended by nurses who were as skillful in many respects as the best physicians." This we trust, will be the experience of all the sick in the Robert Packer Hospital. It is in such institutions as these, the wealthy of our day so often use their accumulations, for the public good, and rear structures upon foundations no financial earthquaker can overthrow, and by the Robert Packer Hospital at Sayre, the Chapel at South Bethlehem, and the Orphanage at Mauch Chunk Mary Packer will inscribe her own name not far below that of her beneficent father.

April 2, 1885 Waverly Advocate: ... On motion the Clerk was directed to publish in connection with the proceedings of the Board, a list, so far as ascertained, of those who subscribed to the Town Clock Fund. No other business being presented on motion the Board adjourned. J. F. Shoemaker, Clerk. Subscribers To Town Clock And Bell$50, Howard Elmer. $40, A. Andre (old bell). $25; Merriam Bros., J. T. Sawyer, Moses Lyman, S. W. SlaughterWm. Sedgwick$20, Clark & Baker. $10; Wm. H. Plumb, Murray Fairchild, Wm. Manners, H. W. Thomas, S. Bowen, W. Sweet, W. S. Thacher, A. I. Decker, A. A. Slawson. $6 Knapp Bros. $10; Levi Curtis. $5; J. O. Ward, D. McDonald, A. B. Smitt, John S. Carroll, R. N. Manners, E. L. Green, Sol. Unger, Geo. W. Fish, C. F. Spencer, John C. Shear, J. R. Jones, W. F. Warner, G. W. Moffit, Frank J. Campbell, L. J. Powell, B. Gerould, D. C. Atwater, J. Shackelton, C. H. VanNostran, D. W. Cain, A. Hildebrand, J. K. Murdock, Dr. Hilton, Stowell & Co., J. Rezeau, R. S. Haronden, J. B. Floyd, Squire Whitaker, M. E. Sawyer, G. H. Grafft, Joseph Dubois, Moses Sawyer, Mrs. M. E. Cuyler, Durfey, H. C. Clapp, Bert Hayden, G. B. VanVelsor & Co., W. H. Spaulding ( C. C. B.), Dr. W. E. Johnson, C. Waford, S. A. Genung, C. A. Lent. $4; E. J. Campbell. $3; E. F. Goff, Hiram Sherry, S. O. Shoemaker, J. T. Buck, W. E. Turney, A. Unger, J. F. Shoemaker, William Miller, Dr. D. D. Harnden. $2; J. M. Slawson, G. D. Wilkenson, J. J. Kaulback, Charles Turney, L. Edgecomb & Col., H. Hallet, H. H. Hayes, James Lemon, S. Kinney, Morgan & Keeler. $1.50; Geog. Riggs. $1; I. G. Lemon, M. McGuffee, E. Corby, John Mahoney, Mrs. John R. Murray, Prof. H. H. Hutton, C. Harsh, H. Terry, M. Holloway, James Isley, A. Thompson, P. T. Barnum, John Reigeluth, Timothy Brewster, Fred Weller, J. J. West, C. K. Myers, Thatleus Sager, F. E. Munn, Geo. S. Blizard, B. McArdle, Jas. McArdle, W. H. Simpson, M. Mead, Geo. Decker. 50 cents; P. Hotalen, L. C. Moore, R. Falsom, Wm. Corey. 25 cents, A. B. VanAmburgh. Received of E. J. Campbell, on subscription, $17, $8, $6, $6.

April 9, 1885 The Waverly Advocate: For wall paper and border to match, plain ceiling decorations, window shades - all the latest styles with fringes and ornaments to match, call and see Slaughter & VanAtta, at the Corner drug store. Also a large line of room mouldings, etc.

Ladies interested in beautiful Lace Curtains, should see those now being offered by Watrous Bros.

Bargains in lace curtains, at Knapp's.

Many swarms of bees have been frozen during the winter.

Howard Buck, son of the late J. T. Buck went to Salamanca last week, where he has a fine position in a leading store, kept by an old friend of his father. He is a bright boy and will make his mark.

Miss Mary Packer, of Mauch Chunk, and Mr. Charles H. Cummings, of New York, a well-known official of the Pa. & N.Y., railway, were married on Tuesday last.

April 9, 1885 The Waverly Free Press - Miss Hattie Slaughter, of Crystal Run, Orange county, N. Y., is visiting at S. W. Slaughter’s (208 Chemung street, Waverly, NY) Genealogy Page, scroll down to Miss Hattie Slaughter

April 16, 1885 The Waverly Advocate: The great attraction on the street is Slaughter & VanAtta's show window, where a miniature train of cars drawn by a perfect working engine is evidently striving hard to find the end of a circular track. The perseverance of the engine is only equaled by the excellence of the "Lehigh Valley cigar," with numerous boxes of which the track is ballasted. Try them.

It is expected that work will be commenced at the toy factory in about ten days. Mr. Crandall is here and will be joined by his son to-morrow and both will give their personal attention to the work. The line shafting is up and the machinery is rapidly being put in position and in a few days it will be ready for business.

April 30, 1885 Waverly Advocate: C. W. Brooks and J. J. West are each erecting fine residences on Orange street. - The ladies of the Presbyterian church are preparing to publish a cook book. - House and lot for sale, south east corner Penna. avenue and Chemung street. House has twelve rooms. A very desirable property. Apply to H. Williston.

May 7, 1885 The Waverly Advocate: The members of Old Neptune No. 1, of Waverly, are preparing to take a place in line on Decoration Day. The foreman has sent to Philadelphia, by Mr. Slaughter, for badges for the boys and they expect to turn out about forty strong. We shall be glad to see the old veterans on the street again as they used to appear thirty years ago when they were the sole proprietors of our dwellings and property, and see them get up their old rolicking swing as of yore. Their ages range from fifty to seventy-five years and they are the boys who had the run to Athens when the Athenians called for help. The foreman has bid the commissary not to let the boys have over four drinks a piece and the president, Dr. Johnson, will see that they do not get more than one straight flush on.

Before buying wall paper look at the elegant patterns at Slaughter & VanAtta's. (337 Broad street Waverly, NY)

Mrs. A. J. Eastabrooks, of Towanda, is visiting her niece, Mrs. H. W. Gore, Athens street  (octagon home at 7 Athens street)

May 21, 1885 Waverly Advocate: The Presbyterian society will sell at public auction on Saturday, May 23, at 10 a.m., the house on corner of Park and Pennsylvania Avenues. Terms made known on day of sale.

June 2, 1885 New-York Daily Tribune: Sport On The Water. ... With a spanking breeze from the northwest, and a strong flood tide seventeen yachts started in the fifteenth annual regatta of the Williamsburg Yacht Club yesterday. ... The fleet was divided into classes, A, B, C and D. The Manioch (caf) crossed the line first, at 10-51 46. She was followed by the others in quick succession. With a fair tide and the wind abeam most of the way, the yachts made excellent time. The E. Preston turned the Lighthouse first at 12-59-10. The run home was and exciting and close contest for all. The winners in their respective classes were the Carrie, Van Voorhees, Lancer, E. Preston and Amelia J. Foster. Their actual time was 4-11-05; 4-49-05;4-09-20, and 4-34-41. (Amelia J. Foster and Henry Foster owned the former octagon house on Chemung street at one time.)

August 20, 1885 Waverly Advocate: The elegant residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Moore on (541) Park Avenue was the scene of a large and brilliant assemblage last evening the occasion being the marriage of their only daughter, Miss Mame S. Moore to Mr. Fred A. Sawyer, the well known teller of the Citizens Bank. Special care and taste had been exercised in adorning the spacious parlors, the products of green houses and gardens, artistically arranged with forest flowers and ferns, displaying every shade and tint in perfect harmony, combined to produce most charming effects. At 7:30 Rev. J. L. Taylor performed the brief but impressive marriage ceremony, the bride and groom standing beneath a large evergreen arch from the center of which were suspended a large floral horseshoe and the significant cornucopia. J. T. Stone, of Oswego, F. P. Hotchkiss, of Williamsport, L. R. Manning and P. L. Lang, of Waverly, did the honors as ushers; there were no bridesmaids. The bridal costume was of elegant white satin en train, garniture of duchess lace; the front was a rise of white brocaded satin and satin plush with natural flowers. It would be impossible to enumerate the many rare and beautiful presents, but it was undoubtedly the richest and rarest collection ever before received on a similar occasion in this village and spoke more eloquently than words of the high esteem in which the young people are held, and for this they will be valued more highly than for their intrinsic value. The nuptial feast did honor to the occasion and was enjoyed by all. There were nearly two hundred guests present representing New York, Brooklyn, Albany, Auburn, Boston, North Adams, Williamsport, Lockhaven, Troy, Philadelphia, Oakland, Cal., Stillwater, N. J., Elmira, Binghamton, Sayre, Athens, and the elite of our own fair village. After receiving the congratulations of the guests Mr. and Mrs. Sawyer left for New York and the sea shore. Mr. Sawyer is one of our most promising and popular young business men and his bride is one of Waverley's fairest and most interesting young ladies and we join with their hosts of friends, here and elsewhere, in wishing them a long, happy, and prosperous life.

August 27, 1885 The Waverly Advocate: All kinds of toilet waters ... New and second-hand school books ... Buy your school books and school supplies at Slaughter & VanAtta's.

September 17, 1885 Waverly Advocate: Local Happenings. Cider mills are now the mashers. The chestnut drop is going to be large.

New and second-hand school books at Slaughter & VanAtta's.

November 5, 1885 The Waverly Advocate: Excellent schools, numerous churches, good society, broad clean streets, beautiful shade trees, unexcelled water-works, a No. 1 fire department, a thorough system of sewerage, moderate rents, healthful location and excellent shipping facilities, are some of the inducements to people to locate in our thriving village.

Mr. Howard Elmer's residence has, during the past few weeks been enlarged and remodeled, and made to conform more to the modern style of architecture, the effect being to transform the once plain building into one of the handsomest, most convenient and desirable residences in the village. A new, gothic, slate roof, with numerous gables and dormer windows, has been put on, extensions have been made, bay windows added, verandas and balconies built, and other marked changes made. The building is also being nicely painted in a pleasing combination of colors. At the first new foundations were built under it, and the cellar with its nicely cemented walls and bottom is one of the finest in town. The location is one of the most desirable in the village, and when the work is completed and the grounds fitted up, the place will be second to none, in price of value or of beauty. Mr. T. J. Lacey of Binghamton, was the architect, John Seacord had charge of the carpenter work and George and John Morgan of the masonry, and the workmanship in all its parts is alike creditable to each of these gentlemen. (458 Pennsylvania Avenue)

December 1885 The Waverly Advocate: Miss Hattie Slaughter, of Middletown, is visiting at S W Slaughter's. - Miss Hattie S Slaughter, who has been attending school in the northern part of the state will spend the holiday vacation at S. W. Slaughter's. Genealogy Page, scroll down to Miss Hattie Slaughter

Annual Report Of The Superintendent Of The Banking Department Of The State Of New York. Transmitted To The Legislature January 3, 1886. The Troy Press Company, Printers. 1888. The Citizen's Bank. 214 Broad street, Waverly. J. Theodore Sawyer, President. Samuel W. Slaughter, Vice-President. Frederick A. Sawyer, Cashier. Directors. J. Theodore Sawyer. Samuel W. Slaughter, Jacob B. Floyd, Levi Curtis, William E. Johnson, James R. Stone.

1886 -1888  Waverly Free Press: Mrs. Lathrop, Athens street, and her niece, Miss Allie Lathrop, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Lathrop, of Binghamton. (8 Athens street - On an 1888 Sanborn map the homes were labeled 6, 8, and 10 - being old numbers.  Today they are 4, 6, and 8. So the Lathrop's were at today's 6 Athens st.)

January 1886 The Waverly Free Press: Miss Hattie Slaughter, of Crystal Run, Orange county, N. Y., is visiting at S. W. Slaughter's.

January 1886 The Waverly Free Press: We have been shown a folding easel, the invention of Sela Ellis, a young man of this village, and after a careful examination, we are convinced it is a very fine article, and one that will meet the wants of all who engage in painting pictures, etc. It is adjustable to any desired angle, holds any size picture, round or square, from four inches to thirty or more inches wide, and can be furnished in any size. He has taken measure to secure a patent, and we learn already had an order for one hundred dozen. 

January 1886 Waverly Free Press: The Waverly Toy Works are now engaged in manufacturing twenty thousand kites. The kite is the invention of T. P. Yates, of East Waverly, and is said to surpass any kite now made. Some two or three years ago Mr. Yates made a kite some three by six feet, which he was able to fly with an ordinary sized twine. This fact being brought to the notice of Mr. Crandall, of the toy works, he had an interview with Mr. Yates, and a test being made of the kite, it was found so satisfactory that arrangements were at once entered into, to manufacture them on a large scale. By actual test, it is found that a number eight cotton thread is strong enough to hold a kite of their construction, 12x15 inches, the thread being let out a distance of 1,000 feet. There is no running to give it a start, as it will shoot upward from the hand with but a slight breeze blowing. This will be a great boon to the boys, (and older folks may also take a hand in) as every lad in the land can now get a kite that will fly and no need of running their legs off to give it a start upward. The invention is protected by patent.

January 1886 The Waverly Free Press: Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Keeler's friends to the number of thirty-five, made them a pleasant surprise at their home on Athens street (corner of Tioga street, 17 Tioga street), New Year's eve, and "watched the old year out and the new year in," and Thad. Sager, on behalf of the guests, presented Mrs. Keeler and elegant plush album.

January 9, 1886 The Waverly Free Press: T. Keeler and wife spent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ellison, and other friends at North Barton.

January 16, 1886 Owego: At about 2:30 o'clock Monday morning the fire alarm was sounded. The fire proved to be in the large house of Hon. R. A. Elmer, on Chemung st. The house was occupied by Sol. Martin, Mr. Elmer's people being in New York city. The boys responded promptly and the fire was soon subdued, but not till the inside of the house was nearly destroyed. The goods were badly damaged by the fire and water. About the time the boys got back to the engine house the alarm was sounded the second time, the fire having broken out anew. It was a terrible night but the boys did their work well. The fire was supposed to originate form a defective chimney. The loss is probably covered by insurance. - Mrs. G. Bixby, of Athens-st., died very suddenly Monday afternoon. She leaves a husband and two small children to mourn her loss. The remains will be taken to Alfred Centre today for burial. Jan.12 Argus.

January 1886 The Waverly Free Press: Mrs. Gilbert Bixby, Athens street, who has been sick for a month or more, died on Monday, aged twenty-eight years. - Her remains were taken to Granville Centre, Pa., her former home, where the funeral was held on Wednesday. She leaves a husband and nine-year old daughter to mourn her loss.

March 26, 1886 The Montrose Democrat, Montrose, Susquehanna County, PA.: Stained Glass In Houses. A New Craze Which Costs Money and Gives Artists Steady Employment. "Through the increased demand for stained glass windows in the city as well as in the suburbs," said the foreman of a large jewelry establishment on Broadway a few days ago, "this firm has been compelled to go into the business, and to-day there is scarcely one of our richest customers whose dwelling is not adorned with stained glass windows. For centuries past stained glass was used only in churches and cathedrals and bore the imprints of holy persons. This is no longer the case, and a country residence without its artistically stained windows is considered out of place. Within a year or two the number of artists engaged in this profession or business has increased at least about twenty-fold, and yet our ability to fill our orders is sometimes overtaxed. Do stores have stained glass windows? No. What you see in restaurant and saloon windows is nothing but colored paper glossed over with varnish, and a very poor imitation it is at best. The first of the leading merchants in this new departure was the late Horace B. Claflin. He got us to decorate his summer residence at Fordham. The vestibule doors and the rear hall entrance are brilliantly decorated. The dome surmounting this palatial residence is also artistically glazed with stained glass of many hues and colors." "What are the favorite colors?" "They differ and vary as much as do the fashions. Just at present the colors most sought after are old gold, ruby, and an infinite variety of shades of green. There is also a large and increasing demand for what is known as jewelled work. These jewels are composed of small pieces of glass, which are either round or oblong, are cut in the style or shape of diamonds, or are left plain." "Are these jewels manufactured in this country and how are they made?" "Most of them are. They are made by pouring molten glass into moulds, and when cold the diamond is cut on the glass." "Have the general public begun to understand this artistic business?" "No, for in the first instance they think the work is very expensive. It is true that certain designs are beyond the reach of the middle classes, but they could have handsome decorations for one-half the price they believe it would cost them. It is amusing to see many customers come in here and give their orders without having the faintest idea of what they require. Their neighbors have stained glass windows, and they must have the same. "How do you meet the difficulty?" "For the accommodation of such customers we always keep on hand a multitude of designs, many of which are marked in glass and others drawn on paper. Frequently a selection from these is made; but very often we have to make special drawings for them. Let me give you and instance. A prominent bank president, who recently built himself a mansion on Long Island Sound, called here, went through every design in the place, but said that none suited him. What he desired most of all was something new for a large star window that overlooked the Sound. There was good boating and fishing in the vicinity, he added, and he wanted something appropriate. We made a design on paper. It represented a sportsman on one knee, gun in hand, at the shore of a lake, aiming at a string of ducks just taking flight from the water, having been disturbed by a water spaniel. This suited the gentleman in every particular, and he paid handsomely for the window and was well satisfied. To cut figures, or rather put them together with pieces of different colored glass requires time and the greatest care. There is another class of customers who come here with prepared designs on paper, and there is still another who leave the whole matter to us. For this class of customers we send to their residences, and having studied the surroundings carefully, either in town or suburb, submit designs that are suitable. It is astonishing how much of this latter work is done without a single complaint or alteration in the artist's design."

April 17, 1886 Owego Local Record: Waverly. A man by the name of Johnson has purchased the vacant lot on Chemung st., opposite the M. E. church and will commence at once to build a fine residence. Hugh Baldwin has the contract to build the house.

May 8, 1886 Owego NY Tioga County Record: Waverly. Mrs. J. T. Buck is preparing to build a fine house on the south-east corner of her lot, on Fulton st. The cellar is already excavated and ready for the masons. (Mrs. Abbie B. Buck lived at 152 Chemung street.)

Mr. Johnson's house, on Chemung st., is progressing finely and when finished will be one of the finest homes in Waverly.

June 1886 The Waverly Free Press: The floor timbers for the Dodge block were placed this week, and the timber for the Personius block is on the ground.

An alarm of fire was sounded Wednesday forenoon, caused by the burning of shavings on Chemung street near the M. E. church.
The pipe to be used for the Fulton and Waverly street sewers, is to be furnished by a firm in Rochester, and is considered the best sewer pipe manufactured.
The Waverly high school commencement exercises, class of 1886, will be held at the Presbyterian church next Monday evening, June 21st. Four graduate this year, vix: Margaret J. Carroll, Etta Barnum, Anna L. Johnson and Louis J. Buley.
It will take three car loads of pipe for the new sewers.
S. W. Slaughter is having his fine residence repainted (208 Chemung street).

July 1886 Waverly Free Press: H. J. Baldwin has a new residence nearly completed, on Fulton street. - Wm. Simpson is building an upright part to his residence on (323) Chemung street, and when completed it will make a neat and comfortable home. - The Novelty Furniture Works never had a larger trade than at present, it being almost impossible for them to fill their orders. The new building which is soon to be erected, will be 75x100 feet, two stories and a basement high, and will be used for finishing, storage and packing. An iron bridge, will span the street, connecting the present building used for finishing and storage, with the new one. Mr. Hall is absent this week, purchasing lumber.

July 1886 Waverly Free Press: The painters are putting the finishing touches on S. W. Slaughter's magnificent residence, which, in its darker coat and trimmings, is an improvement, although it was very fine before. - Over thirty residences have been connected with the city water, thus far this season. - The addition to Dr. W. E. Johnson's fine residence (440 Park ave.) is nearly completed, and adds much to its appearance. - The plans for the new building of the Novelty Furniture Works, have just been completed, and work will begin on it in a few days. It will be built of brick. - We are told that if the Trustees would put the academy pagoda in proper shape the Citizens band would give our people open air concerts. The pagoda, as it now stands, is not safe. - The finest croquet ground in this village is that of B. B. Clark, on (440) Pennsylvania avenue. By the way Mr. Clark is no novice at the game, and entertains his friends, who delight in the pastime, in a royal manner, and many accept his hospitality.

July 17, 1886 The Waverly Free Press: A. F. Slaughter, of New York, was in town on Tuesday.

July 24, 1886 The Waverly Free Press: Miss Elisabeth French is just completing a new dwelling on her lot on Athens street. (Possibly 8 Athens street)

The Confectioner's Journal says that green cucumber peel scattered about a building will rid it of cockroaches. It appears that they are poisoned by the peel which they eat with great relish. It is sometimes necessary to follow up the experiment several nights, using fresh peel every time.

September 1886 Port Jervis Evening Gazette: Tuesday evening the large drug store of Slaughter & Van Atta of Waverly, was totally destroyed by fire, causing a heavy loss. The fire was caused by the burning of red light in front of the premises during the parade of the fire department.

September 1886 The Waverly Free Press: The work of repairing Slaughter & VanAtta's store is being done under the direction of A. J. VanAtta.

Sept. 13, 1886 Fire at Slaughter & VanAtta's Corner Drug Store. Corner of Broad and Waverly street (337 Broad street). They temporarily operated in the west side of G. C. Bruster store and began renovations immediately to reopen on December 8, 1886.

September 18, 1886 The Waverly Free Press: The thirty-first annual parade of the Waverly Fire Department, which took place on Wednesday, September 15th, 1886, will long be remembered as the grandest that ever occurred in the history of our beautiful and thriving village. Arrangements had been in course of perfection for two months, and everybody in all parts of the city took an active interest in the event, nor left nothing undone. ...From the moment the procession moved, to the finish of the parade, it was one grand and never ending display of rockets, Roman candles, colored fire, and the crack of fire-crackers, which, together with the thousands of Chinese lanterns and beautiful illuminations and decorations along the entire route, made it the grandest and most imposing evening parade ever witnessed in western New York, and we fail in descriptive power, to give it a "just painting." The pyrotechnic display along the route was so great and varied that it is impossible for us to give even a passing description, but without a question Spalding Hose company carried off the palm in that direction, of their headquarters, as it was but one continual flash of rockets, Roman candles and colored fire, and hundreds of rockets and candles were used there during the evening. The festivities of the evening were kept up until a late hour, but the ardor and enthusiasm kindled was not permitted to slumber only until early dawn on Wednesday morning, when they were again taken up. Wednesday forenoon was spent in giving the visiting firemen carriage rides through the valley, including the villages of Sayre and Athens and drives about our beautiful city. ... Decorations. In publishing the following list of deccorations along the line of march on Wednesday afternoon, .... Chinese lanterns having been used on Tuesday evening for illumination, many did not remove them. Broad Street.....Park Avenue....Maple Street... Spalding Street... Pennsylvania Avenue... Chemung Street.... S. W. Slaughter (208 Chemung street Waverly, NY) had colored windows, 64 flags and 82 lanterns... Johnson Street... Loder Street... Clark Street... Fulton Street...Waverly Street... Elizabeth Street... Tioga Street...(wreaths, arches, flags, trees, colored windows, drapery, welcome signs, and more were used)

September 25, 1886 The Waverly Free Press: The Dedication Services of Waverly's New Presbyterian Ediface. The large beautiful auditorium of the new Presbyterian church was filled to its limit on Monday afternoon, many extra chairs having been brought in. In front of the pulpit was a massive floral column and a mammoth basket of flowers from Mrs. R. Whitaker. The chancel railing from end to end was a bed of beautiful windows, rich with the artistic colorings and the many hues of the rainbow. The program was carried out completely. The Rev. Mr. Taylor's remarks, expressive of the happiness of his people, were echoed in the hearts of all. The dedicatory prayer by the Rev. Mr. Robertson, was a beautiful supplication, expressive of joy and gratitude to God and invoking his blessing on all. The Rev. Dr. Hodge selected as the subject of his discourse the first four verses of the eighty-fourth Psalm. The discourse was masterly, scholarly and gravely impressive. The vast congregation were highly pleased with the discourse by the eminent divine. Miss Dietrick sang sweetly and impressively "Come With Me." Her voice is peculiarly adapted to the perfect rendering of sacred song. The church complete has cost $26,000, on which there remains but $7,500 indebtednesss, and the debt, judging from the "spirit abroad," will soon be a thing of the past. To the pastor, the Rev. J. L. Taylor, who has labored incessantly for the completion of the grand edifice, the members must, and will always, feel most grateful. To the ladies and society the congregation owe a never-ending debt of gratitude, and to those who so generously contributed, regardless of sect or creed the people of Waverly are indebted for one of the finest churches in southern New York. The church officers are: The Rev. John L. Taylor, pastor. Session - George F. Waldo, Charles Sawyer, J. W. Knapp, C. E. Merriam, A. Hemstreet, Moses Lyman. Trustees - R. D. VanDuzer, Howard Elmer, S. W. Slaughter, M. Lyman, James Kenyon, James Clark, S. C. Hall. E. G. Tracy, secretary and treasurer. S. C. Hall, superintendent Sunday School. - Elmira Advertiser.

October 2, 1886 The Waverly Free Press: Harry Westfall, the architect, has charge of the improvements being made on the residence of Dr. W. E. Johnson (440 Park Avenue). - Moses Sawyer has put down a number of much needed cross-walks in town.

1886-1888 The Waverly Free Press: S. W. Slaughter is having his fine residence repainted. 208 Chemung street

From the signs exhibited on the roof of H. W. Kinney's residence on Athens street, one would think he was a wheelwright - but it was only the result of halloween. A carriage was placed on the peak of the house, and a wheelbarrow in one chimney. (In 1887 - H. Wallace Kinney, clerk LVRR, was boading at Tioga House.)

Miss Hattie Slaughter, of Crystal Run, Orange county, N. Y., is visiting at S. W. Slaughter's.

We have been shown a folding easel, the invention of Sela Ellis, a young man of this village, and after a careful examination, we are convinced it is a very fine article, and one that will meet the wants of all who engage in painting pictures, etc. It is adjustable to any desired angle, holds any size picture, round or square, from four inches to thirty or more inches wide, and can be furnished in any size. He has taken measures to secure a patent, and we learn already has an order for one hundred dozen.

October 8, 1886 The work of repairing Slaughter & VanAtta's store is being done under the direction of A. J. VanAtta.

Ocotber 15, 1886 Waverly Advocate: The exterior of the corner drug store is being repainted under the direction of D. S. Morgan.

Novemeber 1886 The Waverly Free Press: The repairs on the Corner Drug Store are being pushed rapidly forward, and when completed the store will be even more beautiful than before. Messrs. Slaughter & VanAtta expect to occupy the same about December 1st.

Rooms to rent, corner of Chemung and Orchard streets. Inquire of Joseph DuBois, Waverly street. (209 Chemung street)

November 1886 Waverly Free Press: Miss Carrie French, of Athens street (possibly 8 Athens street), spent several days last week with Mrs. Dwight Trembly, of Elmira. - The last finishing touches are now being put on the Corner Drug Store, and on Wednesday, the 8th inst. the proprietors expect to open it to the public.

December 1886 The Waverly Advocate: Next Wednesday, the 8th, Slaughter & VanAtta will resume business at their well known Corner, with a beautiful store and an elegant display of new goods.

Slaughter & VanAtta, at home, at the Corner Drug Store on and after Wednesday, 8th. No cards.

Slaughter & VanAtta opened their elegant new store Wednesday last. We doubt if there is another store in the southern tier with so rich and attractive and interior as has this.

A. B. Comstock is making some very fine pictures of many of Waverly's citizens of late. The holidays and holiday presents are coming you know.

1886 - 1889, at 337 Broad Street, Ida Tannery had her millinery and toiletries shop. (from Don Merrill's private collection in 2010) Corner Drug Store

March 26, 1887 The Waverly Free Press: Waverly Fifty-Four Years Ago. Wondrous are the changes wrought by time! Since that great and glorious day upon which our old, respected townsman, Joseph E. Hallet, (now familiarly and generally known as "Uncle Joe") first covered a goodly portion of the soil of our now fertile and densely populated valley with his foot, just fifty-four years have elapsed. Just fifty-four years ago yesterday, Friday, March 25th, in the year 1833, Mr. Hallet informs us he landed in Waverly from Orange county, N. Y., whence he came by overland route, together with his wife and penates, - it requiring him then eight full days to make the journey, - a journey that is now easily performed in about half as many hours with convenience and safety, without fatigue, and at a trifling cost./ At that season, March 25th, the tract of land now covered by our thriving village, together with our suburb, Factoryville, was nearly all under cultivation, and nearly the whole tract was already plowed and the portion now covered by the business part of Waverly had already been plowed and sown with oats. Mr. Hallet had been but three days in this locality, when he also, assumed the plow and overturned, or turned over, a large portion of Waverly therewith./ At that time there were but seventeen persons residing in this neighborhood, of whom the following are the names: Owen Spalding and wife; Isaac Shepard, wife and five children; A. P. Spalding, wife and child; Aaron Jacksonwife and daughter; J. E. Hallet and wife./ Each of the above five heads of families owned a tract of land, and lived somewhere upon it - the whole five tracts comprising what is now Waverly and Factoryville./ Isaac Shepard owned a large tract lying westward from Dry Brook to Chemung county line, and southward as far as the Pennsylvania line and some distance northward. In the spring of 1833 Mr. Shepard had a large field of wheat between Chemung road - Chemung street - and the state line. As Waverly is now situated this would include Johnson, Pine and West Broad streets./ Mr. Shepard lived in a wooden house near the site of the present residence of Chas. H. Shepard. A few years later Mr. Shepard took up his residence with his family in the house situated at the east end of the narrows, which at that time was a very handsome place, - and which has since been owned by his son, W. W. Shepard. The former house was burned shortly after it was vacated./ Mr. Hallet purchased, on reaching Waverly, one hundred acres for $1,100, or at $11.00 per acre. This land was situated on the north side of the Chemung road, or Chemung street, bounded on the east by west line of A. P. Spalding - Mr. Hallet's present west line, - north by lands of Geo. H. Walker, and west by lands of Isaac Shepard./ Mr. Hallet took up his residence in a one story house situated upon the land of which the present site would be Fulton street, directly between the handsome residences of E. G. Tracy and Mrs. Fritcher./ Aaron Jackson's tract was bounded on the north by the Chemung road, on the west by Dry Brook, or Isaac Shepard's tract, on the south by the state line, and on the east by Owen Spalding's line. In 1833 this was all one field of oats. This comprised the present business portion of Waverly. It was purchased of Mr. Jackson by G. H. Hallet, (brother of Uncle Joe) in 1834 for $1,000 or $20 per acre. Portions of this same land have since been sold at the rate of thousands of dollars for a few feet./ Mr. Jackson lived in a one story house situated upon the site now known as the Inman property at the corner of Chemung and Waverly streets, as Waverly now is. Mr. Jackson's barn was situated on the site of the present Methodist church./Amos P. Spalding owned one hundred acres of land bounded east by Owen Spalding's line; north by lands of George H. Walker; west by J. E. Hallet's line; and south by the Chemung road./ Mr. Spalding lived in a log house, situated just east of Lincoln street, on Chemung street, the site at present being occupied by Mrs. Tannery's house. Owen Spalding's tract consisted of one hundred and twenty-five acres, bounded east by Factoryville; it lay south of the Chemung road and south of it to the state line, and was bounded on the west by lands of Aaron Jackson and A. P. Spalding. Owen Spalding lived in a plank house in a lane - now Pennsylvania avenue - about where at present stands the elegant residence of Dr. F. M. Snook. This is Waverly, then owned by five men; then inhabited by seventeen persons, now inhabited by over three thousand persons; then worth a few hundred dollars, now worth a few hundred thousand dollars; then a farming land, now a thriving village. Of the seventeen persons then living, but four are still alive, Mr. and Mrs. Hallet, William W. and Charles H. Shepard. In fifty years, three-fourths of them have died, and reckoning on the same proportion, fifty years from now three-fourths of the present population will be moulding in their graves, to say nothing of those who, not yet born, will die within this period. Reckoning all things in the same proportion, what will Waverly be fifty years hence? Without attempting to answer this question, which each may answer for himself; without attempting to prophesy what it will be even twenty-five years from now, we leave off as we began, "Wondrous are the changes wrought by time." (The above Aaron Jackson's tract included our Zehr Estate. Jackson had a blacksmith shop on the site of our current main house, 208 Chemung street Waverly, NY)

April 14, 1887 Corning Journal: The Elmira Advertiser says that the restoration of the sight of "Squire" Whitaker, a well known resident of Waverly, is attracting much attention. "He is eighty-three years of age and for several years past his sight has been failing until of late he has been entirely blind. For the past few weeks he has been severely ill of a heart disease and a few days ago found, to his surprise, that his sight had been entirely restored, and he now sees as well as in his boyhood days."

Hon. William W. Shepard, of Waverly, died April 10, aged sixty-seven. He died at the neighboring village of Athens, where he went some weeks ago on business, and fell down the stairs in the hotel, being so injured that he could not be removed home. He was born near Waverly, resided for a time in California, where he was a member of the Legislature. He returned to Waverly and became one of its leading business men. He built and operated a paper mill on a large scale. He was Republican Member of Assembly in 1865, and has ever since been active in politics. He was at one time quite wealthy, his family having owned the site of what in now the village of Waverly. He had many personal friends.

April 22, 1887 The Independent, Hamburg, N. Y., Erie County: State News. Squire Whitaker, of Waverly, 83 years old, who for several years was blind, had recently had his sight restored by a severe illness.

William Shepard of Waverly, who was supposed to be a bachelor, died April 10. A wife and child have turned up and claim his property.

April 30, 1887 - John C. Van Atta purchased his partner's (S. W. Slaughter) interest in the Corner Drug Store. {Slaughter still owned the building. Samuel Slaughter's daughter, Mrs. Gertrude Slaughter Knapp sold the building in 1946, to Earl J. Payne who was already renting part of it.}

April 1887 The Waverly Free Press: A petition was presented to the board of trustees on Monday evening for the opening of Lincoln street through to Park avenue, and a remonstrance has been circulated this week against it. Both documents are numerously signed.

The firm of Slaughter & VanAtta ceased to exist on Friday morning, Mr. VanAttta having purchased the interest of Mr. Slaughter in the Corner Drug Store, and took possession that day. Mr. Slaughter retires from business on account ot his failing health.

Some of the property owners on Broad and other streets raise objections to having the electric light poles and wires placed in front of their property, and suggest that the wires be carried above the buildings, and then lead down with the wires to the rooms below. The idea strikes us as a good one, provided property owners along the routes would consent, as it would do away with obstructing the streets by wires and poles.

Rev. Mr. Bowen, Rector of Grace church, has moved into the Canning house, corner of Chemung street and Penn. avenue.

D. G. Carey has been filling up and grading the yard in front of his residence, corner of Chemung and Lincoln streets. (1887 directory - Daniel G. Carey, home at 309 Chemung street)

June 20, 1887 Golden Jubilee of Queen Victoria

1887 The Waverly Free Press: J. C. VanAtta, who purchased the interest of S. W. Slaughter in the Corner Drug Store last week Friday, is one of the best known young business men in this village, and his many friends are pleased to note his deserved prosperity. He has been connected with the store for many years, and is one of the most competent druggists in the county. We regret, however, that Mr. Slaughter finds it necessary on account of his continued failing health, to retire from business, but hope ere many months lapse he may be fully restored.

June 1887 The Waverly Free Press: The painters are putting the finishing touches on S. W. Slaughter's magnificent residence, which, in its darker coat and trimmings, is an improvement, although it was very fine before. (208 Chemung street Waverly, NY)

Mrs. Lathrop, Athens street, and her niece, Miss Allie Lathrop, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Lathrop, of Binghamton. (6 Athens street)

Charles L. Albertson, son of Mrs. Buck, of Howard street, who has been on the New York police force for several years, was promoted from patrolman to roundsman last week Friday.

Record it as a matter of history, that the first electric lights seen in Waverly for lighting stores was on Monday, June 27, 1887.

November 1887 Tioga County Record Owego, N. Y.: North Barton. Nov. 16. Thomas Keeler, a Waverly artisan, will put on some finishing touches to the interior of O. H. Stebbius' residence, at this place, the coming week.

1887 From Elmira newspaper: Mr. and Mrs. S.W. Slaughter, of Waverly, were in the city for a day or two the first of the past week.

January of 1888 Waverly Free Press: There were 143 marriages, 60 births and 34 deaths recorded by the register of vital statistics in this village, during the year 1887. - The D. L. & W. railroad ice house west of the village, was filled this week with ice from the reservoir. It holds 3,000 tons. The water works company will also store about the same amount in their large house. - One hundred and nineteen arrests were made by the police of this village last year, one hundred and nine being for intoxication. What a fearful story that tells of heart-aches and sufferings at homes the world at large will never know. - While D. S. Morgan, the painter, was preparing some wax finish over the stove on Monday, during his temporary absence from the room, his wife lifted the tea kettle from the stove, and before she could replace the cover, the fumes from the finish took fire. The flames leaped to the ceiling above, filling the sitting room and kitchen with a soot-like smoke, which settled upon everything in the rooms and spoiled the paper on the walls as well. In attempting to remove or extinguish the burning mass, Mr. Morgan had his right hand severely burned. The damages are fully covered by insurance in the Niagara Fall Insurance Company, through J. E. Hallett's agency.

January 28, 1888 The Waverly Free Press: Miss Clara Steele, of Owego, sister of E. J. Steele, the operator at this station, was married at the home of her parents, on Tuesday evening, to T. B. Keeler, of that village.

Hold on Mr. Eagle, for we can beat you eight years in the person of Uncle Joe Hallet, of this village, who is now over seventy-eight years of age and has been an active fireman since 1820, he having been a torch-boy for No. 23, of New York City that year, and is now an exempt member of that company. He sleeps yet, as for years past, with one foot out of bed and the other in the street, like New York's Mose leaning against a hydrant, waiting for an alarm of fire, and has often been seen donning his vest and coat while on the run. He has been fire marshal in this place for the past twenty-six years, and is now foreman of Neptune No. 1 Exempts, and is as spry on foot as a boy. We claim Uncle Joe is the oldest active fireman in the United States.

Senator Henry W. Blair, of New Hampshire, the champion of the famous Blair Educational Bill, has written a book which is attracting wide notice throughout the United States. "The Temperance Movement" is the comprehensive main title of the book, but the sub-title, "The Conflict between Man and Alcohol," is perhaps more striking and significant. It deals with the temperance movement in a larger way than any writer has previously attempted. The prominence of the author in public life and in politics, the present grandeur of the movement he describes and proclaims, and the enthusiastic welcome the work has received from influential elements in various parts of the country, have combined to make the appearance of this book and event of great interest and importance. It is a book of something more than six hundred handsome pages, and the fact that the index contains hardly less than four thousand references indicates the variety and extent of its contents. It is issued in three styles of binding, being ornamented with elaborate yet tasteful designs on side and back, and the effect is very pleasing. Mrs. T. S. Mitchell, (3 Athens st.) Athens street, this village, is the agent for its sale in Waverly and vicinity, and those interested in the temperance cause should purchase a copy, as it will furnish them more information than can be obtained from any other one source.

February 4, 1888 newspaper Board of Trustees Meeting Jan. 31, 1888 a petition was placed on file and action deferred until survey could be made to cause a street to be laid out and opened to public travel, commencing in the south line of Chemung street at a point opposite the intersection of Lincoln street with said Chemung street, and running thence southerly to a point in the north line of Tioga street between the Baptist church and the residence of John C. Shear, said street to be at least forty-five feet in width. The opening of said street will require strips of land to be taken from lots owned by Sarah Campbell, Josephine Curtis, Ella A. Shear and the First Baptist church of Waverly. We believe that the opening of such a street to be a public necessity. (Referring to Lincoln Avenue)

February 14, 1888 The Waverly Free Press: To show what care is taken in the delivery of mail, we give the following as an illustration: November 29, 1887, Uncle Joe Hallet sent an invitation to S. W. Slaughter, who was then in New York, to attend their fifty-fifth wedding anniversary. It was delivered at 46 East Eleventh street, but Mr. Slaughter and wife had left there. It was then advertised, and finally sent to 150 State street, Brooklyn, but not reaching him, it was then sent to the dead letter office at Washington, and forwarded from there to Mr. Hallet, who received it January 31, 1888, and it was then delivered to Mr. Slaughter.

June 7, 1888 Evening Gazette, Port Jervis NY: Death Near Scotchtown. Mrs. Catharine Slaughter, widow of Archibald Slaughter (Dewitt Slaughter's sister-in-law. Was Mrs. Caroline Mills Slaughter's sister and interesting that Archibald is DeWitt's brother. Mrs. Catharine Slaughter was Samuel Slaughter's Aunt.)

Death Near Scotchtown. Mrs. Catharine Slaughter, widow of Archibald Slaughter, of the town of Wallkill, died at the residence of her son, near Scotchtown, this morning, in the 81st year of her age. The deceased was the eldest child of the late Samuel Mills, and sister of the Rev. S. W. Mills of this village. The funeral will take place on Saturday at one p.m.

June 9, 1888 The Wavery Free Press: It is the almost daily practice for certain men to speed their horses on Chemung street, from Pennsylvania avenue to Athens street, and we have been requested to call attention to the matter.

We will soon publish our great article entitled "The growth and education of the American bedbug." Just here we will say that Tulip soap is excellent. Try it.

Circa August 1888 The Waverly Free Press: Howard Elmer is having an elegant library added to his fine residence. Swanson, of Elmira, is the architect. (458 Pennsylvania ave.)

November 10, 1888 The Waverly Free Press: For Rent. The Payne Property, Corner of Chemung and Athens streets. Furnished with stoves, hot and cold water, water closet. Suitable for a large family of boarding house. Enquire of I. G. Lemon. (300 Chemung street)

November 17, 1888 The Waverly Free Press: For Rent - The Payne Property, Corner of Chemung and Athens streets. Furnished with stoves, hot and cold water, water closet. Suitable for a large family or boarding house. Enquire of L. G. Lemon

Mortgage Sale. Supreme Court, County of Orange. Solomon G. Carpenter, against Willard F. Inman and Harriet A. Inman, his wife, James D. Buley, Walter Wood, Henry H. Sniffin, Robert H. Scott and Eliza J. Beach. In pursuance of a judgment of foreclosure and sale made in the above entitled action, and entered in the Orange County Clerk's office on the 1st day of September, 1888, and a copy of said judgment was duly recorded in Tioga County Clerk's office, pursuant to the order of the Court. The subscriber a referee for that purpose, duly appointed, will sell at the northerly front door of the postoffice, in the village of Waverly, Tioga County, New York, on the 20th day of October, 1888, at nine o'clock in the forenoon of said day, the real estate and mortgaged premises directed by said judgment, to be sold and therein described as follows, vis: All that tract or parcel of land situate in the Village of Waverly, Tioga County, New York, being a part of the land sold by Isaac Shepherd to Elder Jackson, and bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning in the centre of Chemung street at a point known as the corner of land owned by Andrew Rice, running thence south 27 degrees 30 minutes east along said Rice's west line twenty rods and sixty-eight-hundredths rods; thence south 70 degrees 30 minutes west nine rods and thirteen feet to the east line of lands formerly owned by William Price and along the line of lands formerly owned by Abraham Day eleven rods and fifteen feet to Day's north-east corner; thence westerly along the north line of said Day's lot eight rods and two feet to the centre of Waverly street to the centre of Chemung street; thence northerly 64 degrees east fourteen rods to the place of beginning; supposed to contain two acres of land, be the same more or less; excepting and reserving therefrom a piece of land sold Experience B. Clark, being a strip off the south and of previously described lot, being forty-two feet in width on the east and west ends as described in a deed of Lewis L. Richardson and wife to said Clark August 8, 1879, and recorded in Tioga County Clerk's office in Liber No. ?0 of deeds, page 365. The above described land being the same as deeded by Joseph Chambers and wife to D. Bruce Goodell, July 13, 1853, and recorded in Tioga County Clerk's office Liber 59 of deeds, page 341, etc. Dated Sept. 7, 1888. A. G. Allen, Referee. R. C. Coleman Plaintiff's Att'y. The above mortgage sale is adjourned until the 24th day of November, 1888, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, at the northerly front door of the post-office in the village of Waverly, Tioga County, N. Y., at the request of the defendant, Willard F. Inman. Dated October 20th, 1888. A. G. Allen, Referee R. C. Coleman, Plaintiff's Att'y. (This would be 202 Chemung street, Waverly, NY, plus more)

December 1888 Waverly Free Press: (202 Chemung Street, but not the current home.) The residence of W. F. Inman, corner of Chemung and Waverly streets, was sold on mortgage foreclosure on Saturday last, Wood & Co., of Philadelphia being the purchasers for $4,000.

In 1889 Slaughter's Corner Drug Store storefront was done in cast iron by Reid & Cooper of Elmira, NY. Mrs. Kinney had a millinery on second floor. (Samuel Slaughter owned the building and rented it out)

1889 - 1937, at 337 Broad Street, Van Atta's Corner Drug Store, the Rexall Store, wall paper, window shades, books, stationery. (from Don Merrill's private collection in 2010)

February 9, 1889 Waverly Free Press: For Rent. The Payne Property, Corner of Chemung and Athens streets. Furnished with stoves, hot and cold water, water closet. Suitable for a large family or boarding house. Enquire of I. G. Lemon. (300 Chemung Street)

When you drive to town do not leave your team unhitched and unguarded on the street while you run into some place of business "just for a minute." The minute is apt to stretch to a quarter hour or longer, the horse that seemed so quiet gets uneasy, or some unaccustomed noise or object frightens him, and away he goes on the run. You can not afford to take any such risk.

Small monthly payments will buy desirable houses and lots in town. Prices range from $600 to $2,000. Smith Bros, 207 Broad street, Waverly, N.Y.

Thompson & Keucher, machinist and foundrymen, of Athens, have thanks for a foot warmer. In order to keep up with their orders, they have to run their shop evenings.

February 1889 The Waverly Free Press: Corner Drug Store. We are Still on Deck. Having fully recovered from our recent fire, are now located at our old stand in our back room, formerly known as our Wall Paper Deparment, just around the corner from our old entrance. Having fitted it up in good style, will remain there until we can get our old store repaired, are now ready for business again, with a full line of new goods, pure and fresh, having lost most of them in our fire. Have the largest and most complete line of wall papers, borders, window shades and fixtures we have ever shown, also have some of the paper that went through the fire, damaged by smoke, that must be sold at some price regardless of cost; will be ready to show wall paper Monday morning. Those thinking of buying should call early and make their selection while the assortment is large, will be very much pleased to see all our old customers and as many new ones at our new place of buisness as may see fit to give us a call. Corner Drug Store, John C. VanAtta.

F. M. Perley has leased the Payne House, corner of Chemung and Athnes streets. (300 Chemung street)

The toy works are turning out eight thousand of "Pigs in Clover," a day, and are twenty days behind with their orders. - J. L. Tracy is prepared to furnish that "teaser toy," Pigs in Clover, at wholesale and retail. It is the best selling toy on the market, and is the delight of old and young.

March 1889 The Waverly Free Press: The Corner Drug Store is being rapidly repaired, and when completed, will be fully as beautiful as it was before the fire. The plated glass front was put in on Thursday.

Don't forget the old and reliable Corner Drug Store is still alive and doing business in their back room, (just around the corner from the old entrance), with a full line of drugs and medicines, school books and supplies, stationery, etc. Also a large line of wall papers, damaged by going through the fire, that we are selling at a great reduction in prices. John C. VanAtta.

March 30, 1889 The Waverly Free Press: S. H. Ellis is having the building he recently purchased of Mrs. L. Walker, on Broad street, repaired. We understand he will move his store there about the first of April, and that W. H. Ellis will occupy the rear portion of the building with his machine shop, and that the upper portion will be finished for living rooms.

March 30, 1889 The Waverly Free Press: D. S. Kennedy has rented the Inman property, corner of Chemung and Waverly streets, and will take possession April 1, and open an extensive boarding house. (site of 202 Chemung street)

Friday following the first day of May, will hereafter be observed as Arbor Day in the State of New York. 

The report going the rounds of the papers that Moses Lyman is "a farmer living near Waverly, has a large number of children, and keeps a great many pigs," and made the "Pigs in Clover" puzzle to amuse his children, causes many of his friends to laugh over the absurdity of the report.

May 1889 The Waverly Free Press: The high school is now located in the old chapel on Providence street, the grammar school at the Lincoln street school house, and the intermediates that were in the high school building, are at the East Waverly school.

May 1889 The Waverly Free Press: The DuBois estate has moved one of the houses from the lot corner of Chemung and Waverly streets, to Orchard street, and placed the other on a foundation facing Waverly street. - The Church street tennis club of Elmira, played the Waverly club at their grounds on Orchard street, on Thursday afternoon, which resulted as follows: Robeson and L. Budd, vs. Lang and Kirby, the former won, score 6-4 6-3; Ed. Budd and Wilcox, vs. Baldwin and VanAtta, the latter won, score 6-4 9-7. In the finals Robeson and L. Budd played against Baldwin and VanAtta, and the former won by a score of 6-2, 6-4, 6-4. The was the first of a series to be played this season, the next to be played at Elmira, July 4.

May 25, 1889 The Waverly Free Press: (Fire on Feb. 9, 1889 damaged the corner drug store for the second time.) The Corner Drug Store was re-opened to the public on Thursday evening, and the many friends of J. C. VanAtta, the popular proprietor, called to extend their best wishes. It is without doubt, the finest store in this county, and is excelled by none in the Southern Tier. It is simply magnificent in all its details. It is finished in cherry throughout, bordering on the Queen Ann style of architecture. As you enter the store, you see before you the prescription stand in which is mounted and elegant plate glass mirror 43 1/2x48 inches, which is flanked on both sides by borders of ornamented ground glass, giving it an elegant appearance. The west side of the store is devoted to stationary, books, patent medicines, toilet articles, etc., the shelving being enclosed with twenty plate glass doors, while on the east side is the drug department. Here we find seven tiers of drawers - 212 in all - mounted with elegant handles, and seven sections of shelving contain bottles, jars, etc., while at the left, near the front of the store stands elegant perfumery and toilet article cabinets. Eight counters, of fine design and workmanship adorn the store, on five of which, rest the finest show cases ever brought to this place, being made from the best French plate glass with bevel edges and rosewood frames. The ceiling shows exquisite taste in its decorations, and the handiwork throughout is faultless. Well may Mr. VanAtta, the propietor of the store, and S. W. Slaughter the owner of the building, feel a just pride as they are congratulated over the elegance of its finish, including the tile floor. Few indeed are the cities, not to say villages of the state that can boast of so finely a finished business place.

July 1889-1891 The Waverly Free Press: Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Benedict, nee Miss Fanny Payne, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Slaughter.

There is a village ordinance prohibiting the hitching of horses to shade trees. Sometimes a man forgets it, and then Justice Spaulding puts "a tariff tax" of $5.00 on him to refresh his memory in regard to the ordinance.

For Rent. Desirable rooms for office or business purposes, over Corner Drug store. S. W. Slaughter.

Never in the history of Waverly has the death rate been so large as it has been during the past few weeks. The sick list is also very large.

Nature and the painters combined are beginning to make Waverly sparkle and shine like a jewel in the pleasant valley of the Chemung.

Rev. H. D. Jenkins, of Sioux City, Iowa, formerly of Waverly, is in town looking after his business interests in this vicinity. -  Hammocks, croquet sets, lawn tennis supplies, etc, at J. L. Tracy's news room. - Charles Henry Vaughn has been appointed dog catcher. By the by-laws of this village it is required to muzzle all dogs until November 1st. Dog owners will please attend to it. By Order Of The President Of The Village. - New York Doctors in Waverly - The Sick to Receive Service Free. The Doctors of the New York Medical and Surgical Institute, consisting of several eminent physicians, will be at their offices in the Tioga House, Waverly, Saturday, July 25th. All who visit the doctors during their stay will receive services free, with only a fee in certain cases for medicine. They will visit Waverly every five weeks, and the only favor desired is the influence of those cured. These eminent physicians treat every variety of disease, but will in no instance accept and incurable case as curable. If your malady is beyond all hope, they will frankly tell you, also caution you against your spending more money for unnecessary treatment. - Try the Factoryville Imperial Flour.

August 17, 1889 The Waverly Free Press: Silas Fordham, and S. W. Slaughter and wife, visited Mt. Pisgah a few days since, but did not find the weather very propitious for long range observations from the mountain top, which is very fine when the atmosphere is clear.

A New Cemetery. Every day reveals to the public the need of a new cemetery, and the question has been discussed this week by many of our most prominent citizens. There is not a lot left for sale in Forest Home, and burial places are only secured now from those who own private lots. ... The majority of those we have conversed with favor the location northwest of C. B. Shepard's residence, which overlooks the valley, is easy of access, and can be made one of the finest cemeteries in the country. It is not advisable to extend the present limits of Forest Home, as it would only answer the needs for a few years, but if a new cemetery is located near Mr. Shepard's twenty or more acres can be had, ample for all needs for the next on hundred years. ... Editor of the Free Press: Probably there is no village in the great Empire state more beautiful for situation than Waverly. I tell myself so whenever I take a journey east, west, north or south, and again return to my quiet home on Providence street. Friends who visit me from distant places tell me so. The weather bureau confesses the assertion so far as salubrity of climate is concerned, by showing that the forty-second parellel of latitude that forms the southern line of out of town is the most favorable for health in the United States. Moreover, no town is better supplied with schools and churches, water, gas, and electric light. ...Waverly is growing and we all expect to see in the near future that our town is to become very large. ... W. F. W. 

August 17, 1889 The Waverly Free Press: S. H. Ellis has put a new front in his art store, and otherwise improved it, which adds much to its appearance. (later Mandeville leased it, first door east of Hayes & Sons Drug Store)

August 24, 1889 Waverly Free Press: J. W. Knapp has sold his house on West Chemung street to Alanson Tilden, of Enfield. Consideration of $1,250 cash. He takes possession September 1. (1895 directory, Arthur Tilden was t 122 Chemung street)

1889-1891 Waverly Free Press: Rev. Andrew TenBrook, of Brooklyn, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Alexander Brooks, on Athens street.

August 1889-1891 The Waverly Free Press: It costs but little to have feather beds steam renovated, and it makes them clean, taking out all dirt and vermin. Office on Elizabeth street.

Several families on Chemung street, had their refrigerators robbed of their contents last Saturday night, so they had to do without their "goodies" for their Sunday dinners.

August 1889 -1891 The Waverly Free Press: Mrs. S. W. Slaughter entertained a large number of friends at her home on (208) Chemung street Wednesday evening. A very pleasant time is reported.

There is more work, building, etc., in Waverly at present than at any time in the past twenty years. It is said to be impossible to secure men enough to do the work.

October 1889 Waverly Free Press: As we go to press we learn that Mrs. S. W. Slaughter is very low, with slight hopes for her recovery. (She was about 3 months pregnant at this time with Mary Gertrude Slaughter, and Mrs. S. W. Slaughter lived until 1912, and never had anymore children.)

The fact that Edison's new Phonograph, or as some call it "Talking Machine," is to be on exhibition at the Rock Band concert at the opera house on Saturday evening, October 12, should attract a full house. It is one of the most wonderful instruments of the age. It reproduces with exactness any sound, vocal or instrumental.

November 28, 1889 Owego New York Tioga County Record: Waverly Absorbs Factoryville. A resolution which was introduced by Mr. Tracy of Barton, allowing the village of Waverly to annex Factoryville, was passed Monday by an unanimous vote of the board of supervisors. A RECORD reporter, in conversation with Suprevisor Tracy Monday asked that gentleman about the population of the annexed district and the total population of the annexed district and the total population of the new Waverly. He replied that he did not know, but should judge about 800 and 4,000 to 4,500 respectively. This makes Waverly quite a bit larger and, the RECORD trusts, will enable her to get free postal delivery in the near future.

December 1889 The Waverly Free Press: Frances E. Perley, Teacher Of Piano And Harmony, 206 Chemung Street, Waverly, N. Y. (old numbering, today's 152 Chemung st.) "Miss Frances Perley had, for the past three years, been my assistant and pupil in Clinton Liberal Institute. Miss Perley is an accomplished teacher. As a performer she displays a refined taste in choice of music and a most graceful touch in execution. I, therefore, warmly recommend Miss Perley to all who wish an artistic instructor." - Carl Bodell, Professor of Music at Clinton Liberal Institute, Fort Plain, N. Y. 

The shock of an earthquake is reported to have been heard and felt in this vicinity, about 3 o'clock Sunday morning.

Rev. Andrew TenBrook, of Brooklyn is visiting his sister, Mrs. Alexander Brooks, on Athens street.

For Sale Cheap - Four hives of bees, Inquire of N. E. Decker, Waverly, N. Y.

Dec. 14, 1889 Waverly Free Press: Death of J. F. Bosworth. The sad intelligence was received here on Tuesday morning, of the sudden death from heart failure, of John Frank Bosworth, of LeRaysville, Pa., a gentleman well known in this village and for many years a prominent business man here. He came to Waverly in 1850, and with E. A. Shaw, who also moved here that year, formed a partnership and together started a harness shop in a building which stood where Dr. W. E. Johnson's office now stands. At the end of the year he purchased Mr. Shaw's interest, and continued the business alone for a time, then sold his stock to Mr. Shaw and engaged in the drug business with Dr. Everett and later with G. F. Waldo, continuing with him until some time during the late rebellion, when he withdrew from the firm, and with Nelson F. Penny as partner, started the Corner Drug Store. Mr. Penny sold his interest to Mr. Slaughter, father of our worthy townsman, S. W. Slaughter, and this partnership was continued for some time. Mr. Bosworth finally exchanged his interest in the store with H. H. Hayes, for his interest in a drug store in LeRaysville, in which his son Jasper P. Bosworth was a partner, and then removed to LeRaysville, where he has resided most of the time since. He also started a hardware store at that place, which he conducted successfully for some years, and then sold it, the same now being owned by Gorham & Coleman. He was an active, energetic business man, of strict integrity, and enjoyed the confidence and respect of every person who knew him. He was nearly eighty years of age, and leaves his wife, who is nearly his age, one son and four daughters, vix: Jasper P. Bosworth, of LeRaysville, Pa,; Mrs. R. S. Harnden, Mrs. S. C. Carpenter, and Mrs. C. F. Chaffee, of this village, and Mrs. R. J. McCready, of Pittsburgh, Pa. The funeral was held from his late residence at two o'clock this (Friday) afternoon. {Dewitt Slaughter purchased the building and his son, Samuel Samuel Slaughter, made payments to his father, Dewitt, until it was paid for.  Corner Drug Store - Slaughter & Bosworth to Slaughter & Hayes to Slaughter & Wells to Slaughter & VanAtta to Vanatta to Payne's}

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